I did my best to think of the most effective, inclusive way of thanking all of the people who have been so helpful to me. It proved to be THE most difficult task. Even if I were to have devoted a chapter in the book for acknowledgments, I would think of someone, after the fact, whose name I forgot. That would hurt me more than the person not mentioned. So, please forgive me for not taking the risk.
Therefore, for each and every person who has played a meaningful role in shaping the person I am today—and you know who you are—I am DEEPLY grateful.
I think everyone would understand my singling out my family. My wife Dorothy, who means as much to me as the air I breathe, is a blessing beyond measure, and the catalyst for my spiritual growth. My brothers, John, Terence and Everett and my Uncle Cliff who not only have been ardent supporters, but friends who provide me with candid, helpful feedback. My sister, Alicia is not only the smartest one in the family, but the one to whom we owe a debt of gratitude. She shared a home with mom and was her principal caretaker thru Mom’s long battle with health challenges, all the while managing responsibilities as a big company vice president. There’s nothing like the love of a daughter, and Katrina is my pride and joy. She and my son-in-law John, have given me another reason to continue working hard and set the right example in my granddaughter, Kaela.
My two adopted family members include my high school coach, confident and trusted family friend Morgan Wootten; and the person who not only convinced me, but got me excited about writing this book, my attorney Jeff Fried.
I especially want to thank my friends at FaithWords who were as patient as anyone could expect, given the demands on my time during the NFL season, especially Rolf Zettersten, Harry Helm, and Gina Wynn. I’m sure working with me has given them a new appreciation for the words, long-suffering.
I’d like to thank my colleagues at CBS, both my studio co-hosts and particularly all of those great people behind-the-scenes. You never get to see them but without them, the shot itself would not be as good as it is. They are family and I love them.
Thanks to my Literary Agent Jake Elwell who helped me to find the right home for this book. And to my co-author Nathan Whitaker. He’s a bright, quick-witted, humble man with whom I’ve become good friends. My assistant Elizabeth Malia continues to amaze me with the many hats she wears so well.
To Tony Dungy, who encouraged me to be as open and as bold as possible in writing this book. That performing my role in this lifetime will continue to be a success by esteeming others above myself.
Finally, but most importantly, to My LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. To GOD be the glory. In all that I do, I seek to do excellently unto HIM.