Bulk tank: A large container for storing raw milk.
Choring: Doing the various daily tasks required on a farm, including milking and cleaning stalls.
Commodity shed: An open-sided building with a high roof and, often, multiple sections for storing bulk livestock feed.
Conservo: Steam-cooker patented in 1907 by Charles Swartzbaugh. A rectangular metal box with an oval top and base of copper. It had two front doors and four metal grill-type shelves.
Cultimulch: To use an agricultural tiller and seed bed preparer.
Dunk eggs: Eggs over easy.
Foliar feeding: Spraying a water-based fertilizer on the foliage of plants.
Forecart: A two-wheeled cart for farm work that can be modified so various pieces of equipment can be mounted to it, such as a sprayer or hay rake.
Fresh heifer: A young cow that just had a calf. The mother and calf are separated: the cow becomes part of the dairy herd and the calf is bottle-fed.
Haflinger: A breed of horse that can be traced back to 1874 to stallion “249 Folie,” out of a Tyrolean mare and half-Arab stallion. Also known as Avelignese.
Haybine: A hay mower that requires a cart mounted with a diesel engine to run the horizontal set of blades. Haybines also have rollers to crush the grass to aid in curing (drying).
Haylage: Forage that is essentially a grass silage wilted to 35 to 50 percent moisture.
Head gate: A metal gate that loosely closes around a cow’s neck to hold the cow in place.
Jones Fruit: A family-owned brand of specialty packages of fruits and nuts available at our biannual consignment auction.
Long Johns pastry: Long, rectangular doughnuts with fruit filling.
Milk house: A structure for keeping fresh milk cold and isolating it from the smells, dust, and microbes of a barn environment.
Motor room: The room that houses petroleum-powered motors for running milking machines and other equipment.
Nothinz: A shoe brand, “unique and comfortable footwear made from a blend of light and durable polymer materials” (www.nothinz.com, accessed 2/17/15).
Parlor/milking parlor: The barn area on a dairy farm where milking is done.
Precious Moments Chapel, Carthage, MO, and Sam Butcher: The creator of Precious Moments figurines, Sam Butcher built a small park and chapel for visitors to enjoy. He painted the inside of the chapel with biblical scenes featuring Precious Moments characters.
TMR/mixer wagon: An agricultural machine used for weighing, mixing, and distributing feed for cows and other cud-chewing animals.
Unker’s: Multipurpose therapeutic personal care salve, often with pain-relief properties.