This list presents the dates of emperors referred to in this volume from the early third to the early seventh century. The frequent overlapping of dates is due to the common late Roman practice of having co-emperors.

Septimius Severus 193–211

Caracalla 198–217

Elagabalus 218–22

Severus Alexander 222–35

Gordian III 238–44

Decius 249–51

Valerian 253–60

Gallienus 253–68

Aurelian 270–75

Diocletian 284–305

Maximian 286–305

Constantius I 305–06

Galerius 305–11

Maxentius 306–12

Constantine 306–37

Maximinus Daia 308–13

Licinius 308–24

Constans 337–50

Constantius II 337–61

Julian 361–63

Jovian 363–64

Valentinian I 364–75

Valens 364–78

Gratian 375–83

Valentinian II 375–92

Theodosius I 379–95

Arcadius 395–408

Honorius 395–423

Constantius III 421

Theodosius II 408–50

Valentinian III 425–55

Leo 457–74

Zeno 474–91

Anastasius 491–518

Justin I 518–27

Justinian 527–65

Justin II 565–78

Tiberius II 578–82

Maurice 582–602

Heraclius 610–41