‘Late for dinner, late for work, late late late. Thanks so much, Paula Weston. I picked up Shimmer and forgot everything else…A gripping tale of half-angels, demons, love, sacrifice and very cool violence, wrapped up in one nicely written package.’ ADELAIDE ADVERTISER

‘Fast-paced and action-packed, this book doesn’t stop from page one.’ LAUNCESTON EXAMINER

‘Beautiful writing, witty dialogue, badass characters and an intense and richly crafted tale, what else can you ask for? If you want an angel series that will blow your mind away, this is the one. Now, I only have one question: where’s book four?’ YA MIDNIGHT READS

‘Paula Weston has done it again. Shimmer is another stellar instalment in this, the best angel-themed paranormal series I’ve ever read, and it’s so much heart-palpitating fun that I don’t even mind being led back to that cliffhanger rockface again for the ending. 5/5.’ ALPHA READER

‘Paula Weston is the queen of cliffhanger endings, and this one’s going to blow your mind! I have absolutely loved reading Shimmer, and can’t praise the Rephaim series highly enough.’ SPECULATING ON SPECFIC


‘Aussie author Paula Weston’s hip urban fantasy debut Shadows was a triumph—but could she back it up in its sequel? Hell yeah. Weston’s well-defined, personality-packed characters don’t miss a beat.’ ADELAIDE ADVERTISER

‘Has everything I love about Aussie YA: there is something in the water and Weston has so tapped into it. Her characters are three dimensional. The prose is eloquent without being flowery. Weston writes with so much vitality, life springs from the pages. The dialogue is snappy and authentic…Emotions run high and ring true. The action is swift and tense and believable. There’s a lot of arse-kicking, on both sides. The danger is real, the stakes are high and the Rephaim deliver. I’m still reeling…I cannot recommend this series enough.’ INKCRUSH BLOG

Haze is the most perfect angel book I’ve ever read and I truly deem that if you have not read this series, you are missing out on too much. Read it and never regret it, you’ll be addicted.’ YA MIDNIGHT READS

Haze is a great example of a sequel—the perfect amount of back story, plenty of action, romantic tension, mystery and a heart-stopping ending. I have no idea what Paula has in store for us, but I can’t wait to find out.’ VEGANYANERDS BLOG

‘What an amazing sequel…Kick-butt action-scenes, perfect characterisations and a mesmerising storyline that gets better and better.’ OBSESSION WITH BOOKS ‘If you like feisty characters, heart-pumping action and sexy romance then this book is for you…Haze is a must-read.’ INSIDE MY WORLDS: R. L. SHARPE

‘What makes it a standout read in this genre is the clever writing, with witty dialogue and a believable cast of characters…Packs a punch.’ READPLUS BLOG

‘Some books you crave. You keep returning to the cover art and re-reading the blurb, you stalk the authors’ Twitter, Tumblr, Goodreads profiles in the hopes of gleaning morsels of information…you count down to release day. Paula Weston’s Haze was just such a craving…Weston is something special indeed, and The Rephaim is one of the most original and intriguing new young adult series available.’ ALPHA READER

‘Paula Weston hasn’t let the ball drop in the sequel to the hugely successful Shadows. Everything I loved from the first book—the cleverness, the mythology, and of course the romance, are still there.’ FIRST IMPRESSIONS BLOG

‘Paula Weston brings the amazing to the table once again, with the brilliant and exhilarating Haze… I love this series. It’s one of the best angel-themed series available now, and it’s Australian to boot!’ SPECULATING ON SPECFIC


‘One of the best YA novels I have ever read.’ DARK READERS

‘One of the best angel books I’ve read, if not the best, with brilliant characters and its own take on the genre which I had previously sworn myself off.’ THE OVERFLOWING LIBRARY

Shadows’ fast-paced narrative, risqué romance and snappy dialogue kept me absolutely hooked and I stayed up late into the night to finish this book…The smart-mouthed character of Rafa kicked the Edwards, Peters and Jacobs of the YA world to the kerb. If only he were real…’ SUN BOOKSHOP

‘Forget everything you think you know about angels and demons…Shadows is, by far, THE book to read…[it is] beyond explosive with a kickass heroine, an amazing storyline with incredible mythology, and a romance sure to heat up even the coldest of hearts.’ WINTER HAVEN BOOKS

‘Fans in need of another angel series after finishing Lauren Kate’s Fallen will devour Shadows…there’s a heroine—Gaby—to get behind, a boy—Rafa—to fall in love with, as well as the many sides fighting to win you over.’ BOOK PROBE BLOG

‘I have to say that this is in my top of 2012 reads and I’m so glad I picked it up. I can’t wait for the next in his series. If you’re looking for the next incredible paranormal, fallen angel type story…look no further because this is it.’ FIC FARE

‘Oh my God (almost literally)! If this doesn’t drag young adult readers away from their computer screens, nothing will. It will entrance many oldies too. Aussie author Paula Weston’s debut is a fast-paced, sensational ride, which screams “read me” and “turn me into a movie”…it’s a wild start to what should be an even wilder series.’ ADELAIDE ADVERTISER

‘A breath of fresh air in an over-saturated market… I urge any paranormal fiction fans to pick up a copy immediately.’ WONDROUS READS

‘O-M-freakin-G…This book was AWESOME! So, so, good. Quite possibly my fave Aussie release this year.’ BOOKSWOONING

‘If you told me last week that I’d be fan-girling over a YA urban fantasy series I would’ve stared at you blankly then hurled a copy of Friday Brown at your face. *Quietly eats hat* I loved this book. Loved.’ TRIN IN THE WIND

‘Tough, smart and refreshing…not to mention it’s the best angel-themed book I have read.’ ALPHA READER

‘This book should be right at the top of your wishlists.’ INKCRUSH

‘It’s got angels, it’s got demons, it’s got hot guys, it’s got sword fighting and it’s got a strong female lead. What else could you ask for?’ SHARPEWORDS