
This book was inspired by many Italians I know and love, i.e., my university buddies that have become family. I have lived with them for over six years during the most formative part of my life and they are all forever imprinted in my heart: Antonella, Arianna, Rolando, Liz, Simona!

Two more amazing Italian/ English talents had my back during this entire process, i.e., my editor Martina Arzu and my agent Lorella Belli. You both rock!

Many thanks to everyone at Aria/ Head of Zeus and LBLA for all their hard work in making sure my book got the best of everything.

And finally, to my friends and family who make it all worth while.

But did you think I’d forgotten about you, my Dear Reader? Never! Thank you so much for reading and reviewing this book! I hope you enjoyed it enough to continue Erica’s journey!

Much love,

Nancy Barone