When they piece together the story of my life, these worthless parasites who cling to fame of any kind to make up for their own inadequacy, I expect them to swill around in the dismal minutiae of my day to day in the hope of finding signs of weakness, pathology, the ironic. They will find what they want to find. They are not brave enough to see beyond their own ideological flaws, a fact that means they will die as timidly and credulously as they lived: atheist and liberal and insignificant. They fear (and sneer at) anything strong and fundamental. During their lifetime, they will be famous only to their vapid and credulous children.
I write this piece today because there are other free minds who will want to follow me once I have struck out on my own. Only a minority at any given time will be able to see through the lies of modern society, look into themselves for the true meaning of existence, and a smaller number still will act upon that truth, because it requires them to kill the society which has nursed them since their first moment of life.
These words I set down today are for the brave souls that have liberated themselves or are preparing to liberate themselves and do not yet know how they will change the world. I am humble when I consider the great people who are yet to come. They are usually no more than 0.00001% of the population, but they are the chosen ones.
If I am true to my beliefs, these words will be made flesh, blood and bone in a matter of days. I have compiled a list of those who would make this country weak and vulnerable to attack and I intend to eliminate my main targets over a period of 3 days. They include prominent liberal figures including journalists, politicians and celebrities, and three key Muslim leaders. I have been tracking their movements for over a year and at least one of them professes to be my friend.
Maybe I will kill them all or maybe I will be stopped. Maybe I will die. It does not matter. The statement must be made and no-one else is willing to make it.
I am not a madman. I have studied over many years the history of western civilization, in particular the growth of capitalism and the recent increase in Islamic influence in our communities, and I have come to reasonable conclusions about what the future looks like. My methods for countering these trends are disputable, but to deny that they exist requires wilful blindness.
Look first at the pretence of democracy. We are ruled by a Conservative government that one in six Brits voted for. Two of those six Brits didn’t even bother turning up at the polls at all. That’s the first layer of disconnection between rulers and ruled. The second layer is Europe itself, which legislates for this country despite not having any popular mandate from the UK at all. The third and most pernicious layer is intrinsic to democracy itself, which is that once a party takes power, they do not have any significant checks to that power until the next election comes along other than crass populism and are in the pockets of the rich the entire time. Even when they are caught in some act of spectacular corruption or stupidity, they use spin to wheedle and cheat their way out of taking responsibility.
These are simple facts and yet there something incredible about them if you stop to consider the situation without prejudice.
Why do we accept that politicians are corrupt?
Why do we accept that we have no part in the play in the running of our country?
Why do we accept that a foreign power makes laws for us?
Why do we accept that foreigners take our resources as if they were our own?
Why do we not fight back?
We live in a time of almost unprecedented population movement and yet why do we not accept that this must have untoward consequences?
We are unwilling volunteers in a feat of social engineering no less startling in its scope than the Russian Revolution or Mao’s Cultural Revolution and yet we accept being guinea pigs because we enjoy comparative plenty in terms of food, entertainment, health-care and other blandishments. This modified version of Capitalism under which we are ruled, in which various messages are sent to us as absolute values [“multiculturalism is good”, “being a European is good”, “being nationalistic is bad”, “most Muslims are moderate”], has turned us into sheep. If occasionally we bolt and take offence at being asked to believe something which is obviously, fiercely untrue, it is a temporary blip in the message and we return back to our placid state soon enough. There is not enough reason for us to fight if we are individually content. It is only those people who have the intelligence and foresight to realise how our future will look [and I include our current rulers in this equation, who are happy to sell our future away in order to fortify their power base] who can turn the wheel backwards or forwards on which we turn. People on the left and the right despair of apathy because they suffer the most: those who believe require the mandate and the force of those who do not in order to change things.
The two strongest cultural voices in this country at the current time are the free market Capitalists and the Muslims. Both groups are allowed to say and do outrageous things in the name of their culture, but [and it is an important BUT] Capitalists rarely express moral views where it interferes with a free market. This leaves a vacuum at the top of our society where politicians mouth platitudes about things that we can all agree are bad, like crime, or failing schools, or anti social behaviour, but to concentrate almost entirely on the economy as a barometer of success. Indeed, free market proselytizers would have you believe that there is no such thing as society and riots are in fact just blips in the economy. Is it any wonder that Western blacks and Asians are seduced by extreme forms of Islam in such a climate? And that when we express our moral outrage at those forms we sound stilted and compromised? It is because we believe only in Capitalism and Capitalism has no moral component. It sedates and satisfies at a sensual level, but it actively destroys conflict [but not materialistic competition, which is constant] at the individual level. The result is somewhere between decadence and anxiety.
The reason Islam is so seductive at the moment is because Muslims would appear to have moral codes and follow them and do not just speak about them in the abstract. They are fully integrated human beings. I find their religion repugnant for so many different reasons but they are becoming increasingly singular and powerful in our society because they follow a code which has some moral meaning. The rest of us are adrift and we need to reclaim our society.
So how best should we respond to the theft of our country? And what can be justified in the name of protecting the UK?
The skinhead yobs that march into city centres, filled up with booze and shouting racist slogans, are a joke. Instinctively we know that they are wrong and the public hates them. The public hates them even more when they realise that there is a glimmer of truth in their message, because it reminds them of how disempowered they are in comparison. I am not a racist, but organisations like the BNP and the EDL have it right on one level: they understand that their message must exist on the public level or it does not exist at all.
The key three weapons in the fight to regain our country are intelligent mobilization, the dissemination of objectively provable political messages and public acts of defiance, including murder.
In terms of intelligent mobilization, I would suggest small cells of no more than five well trained individuals. Communication within the cell and with other cells must be kept to a minimum to minimise the risk of infiltration or surveillance. Weaponry must be stored in secure locations separate from the cell meeting places.
All of the individuals must have established positions in society and be able to maintain normal relationships. Use the tools that capitalism offers you: develop your credit so that you can fund your group. If you have someone within your group who has a natural flair for business, consider whether it is worthwhile setting up a limited company to act as cover and also create a steady source of funding.
There is no room for twitchy loners, who are usually the weakest link in such operations. Meeting places should be switched regularly and code should be used to describe sensitive operations, again to minimise the risk of infiltration or surveillance.
Mobilisation itself leads naturally to the two further weapons, propaganda and public action. Propaganda needs an element of truth to prosper. So for example there is no point in demonising individual Muslims that fallen out of the faith altogether, but it is important to highlight the Islamic attitude towards women, children and succession and how it leads to atrocities. Avoid the misuse of facts and figures where the bias is so clear that the whole becomes nonsensical. There should be a strong leader at the top of every cell who vets all of the documents created by the cell, who should also technically proficient in design, technology and distribution to ensure that entire areas can be saturated. I worry sometimes that by using such techniques, we are in fact indulging in fascism, but if the end result is that people question their assumptions, even if they do not come to the same conclusions as us, we have forced them to question the world as it currently stands. Any kind of instability is in our favour.
We turn next to public action. This is the most contentious weapon but it is a fact that in this era the only way in which you can bring the divisions latent in society to the fore is by attacking prominent people / locations. I have thought long and hard about my commitment to my country and whether it is justifiable to take someone’s life to protect my country but by analogy the answer is clear: I would have fought and killed in a war to protect my country from external aggressors and I will fight and kill to protect it from internal aggressors. I believe in the values that made my country great and I am certain that the twin evils of amoral free market values and the influx of foreign influences are capable of bringing down this country by the end of the century. The things we take for granted, a pension, a job, a home, support if you are ill, the NHS, are buckling under the weight of so many different populations forcing themselves upon our charity. The rest of Europe laughs at how charitable we are to people who take advantage of our kindness and spit it back in our faces when they are done. The Muslims mock us for being too scared to even assert our own religious or moral beliefs. They laugh at us for being subservient to our women and in the thrall of feminist delusion. They grow stronger because they understand that creating a home and children is the primary duty of a human being. Their birth rates vastly exceed ours. And we are paying for their children and their religious schools in our taxes, along with the guilt money that we send abroad to former colonies.
We are WEAK. We are weak even in our own houses, where our children wonder why we go through the motions of leaving every day to a job that makes us miserable and provides scraps to put on the dinner table, where our women cuckold us for not being better capitalists while at the same time undermining us as men. As a Western man, it is clear to me that Western women have brought this state of affairs upon themselves, this acceptance of failure at the nuclear family level. They have been waging an ideological, psychological and economic war against Western men for several generations now, believing foolishly that this would make them “free.” The actual result is that they have less freedom of movement and security than ever, as a direct result of free market amorality and mass immigration. Measured against previous generations, the Western woman has more respect than ever from a cowed male population but it is Capital than they have gained, because in this society the only true measure is money. Not only has feminism weakened the bonds between white Western men and white Western woman, the prize for this is cold hard cash. Feminism has actively campaigned against the respect that men hold for women, believing it to be a cover for all number of patriarchal backward ideas, and as a result they have formulated a society in which there is no respect anywhere. Feminism in the modern era is totalitarian. It demands that you stick to your role, in sickness and in health, until death. The irony of women bleating that they are victims in a society they have created is almost too horrifying to examine.
Alongside more controversial strikes against society then, we must target a return to traditional values through propaganda. Let homosexuals act as they want, but outside the nuclear family structure. Traditional marriage is where children are best bought up, protected and allowed to prosper. Parents who seek to involve their children in their own sexual politics are no better than the Christians who indoctrinate their own children that homosexuals deserve hellfire. Let those people who believe that marriage and family is a tragic end be spared the ignominy of being involved in those structures! We have a duty to fight for the traditional home because it is actively being attacked. Marriage is not a “conspiracy to oppress women”, nor is childbirth a manacle that we place around the female race, it’s the reason we as a species exist. You do not need to be religious to know this instinctively. The liberal elite who preach differently from their expensive London townhouses know it too, in their heart of hearts, but their existence does not allow them to consciously accept it. They believe that we should all be equal because they do not believe themselves to be equal by virtue of superior intelligence. They are telling us what is best for us, but they will never understand poverty, or limited resources, or fighting for your life, or fighting for your country. They will never experience any of these things, but they are more than happy to tell you that multiculturalism is worth it!
I cannot watch the news any longer. Once you have seen the truth behind the curtain, it is impossible to take the shadow play of minor characters in the drama seriously. Behind the curtain, there isn’t a villain or a small man pretending to be a God. There is no cabal of powerful men. There is no-one behind the curtain. The most pernicious trends in our society exist because we are complicit in them and we are afraid to take power ourselves. I was heartened when I saw the various anti-globalization movements pop up around the world but they were doomed to failure because they remained relatively civilized protests. Occasionally there would be a clash with the police or the army, but there would be limited casualties. It was a missed opportunity. If many had died, it would have given the movement a weight it lacks. If a European or World leader had been executed, or assassinated, people would have taken it seriously as a movement. Instead it simply retreated back into its authoritarian-liberal foundations, the talking shops and blogs of the world that rant and rave but do nothing of consequence. It could never be a popular movement because that particular brand of lifeless liberalism, the “do whatever you want unless it offends certain key liberal shibboleths” has never attracted more than a niche following.
The point of killing my targets should now be clear to anyone that has read my words carefully. It is not personal and I will gain no enjoyment from the killings. I seek to bring about a movement in which every white European, starting with the white British, is asked to consider his own identity and what he most values in the world. After the initial nausea has passed, they will be forced to ask the simple question “do I want to reclaim my country for my loved ones? And how far am I willing to go?” I have considered the possibility that revulsion towards my acts might lead to the opposite reaction, but at the moment the theories that I put forward are not even part of the discussion. They will be in a week’s time. I have arranged for further writings to be published at a later date which will go into more detail about how I chose my targets, my surveillance tactics, how I planned the attacks, false information given to the police and other black op methods, etc, etc.
I understand that not everyone has the will to kill another person for their beliefs. Very few people will have the insight, the ideological and moral confidence and strength to act selflessly on behalf of their own countrymen on their own initiative without a solid hierarchical organization or country supporting and encouraging them. If you are reading my words and feel inspired and want to be part of the fight, but you are appalled by what you have read about me in the papers, be aware that you are at a crossroads. If I am dead, then I cannot guide you any further, but you will find that there are like-minded people everywhere. Among them the bravest will be willing to die for their country. It is your duty to support them. It is your duty to protect your family and your country. History will remember you as a hero. History, I believe, will remember me as a hero. I know it in my heart of hearts.