Practice the defense against Choke from the Front with a Push (page 102).
STARTING POSITION: Passive stance, back to a wall, with an attacker choking you from the front, pinning you to the wall.
1. Stab your left hand straight up to the sky. Your left bicep/shoulder should be as close to your left ear as possible.
2. Turn sharply to the right, dropping your right shoulder down so that your body and neck stay against the wall.
3. Clear the attacker’s hands: bend slightly at the knees, delivering a downward vertical elbow strike (#7) with your left arm, while bringing your right hand up in a trapping motion.
4. Deliver an upward angled elbow strike (#2) to your opponent’s face. Be sure there is weight behind the attack! Continue with further counters.
Dropping your shoulder is vital. If you keep your shoulder up as you turn, you will increase the pressure on your throat, which is not good. Drop your shoulder as you rotate and the hands will come off your throat smoothly.