
STARTING POSITION: Attacker has you in a reverse headlock, also known as a guillotine choke.

1. Turn your head toward the attacker’s hands (the weakest part of the choke); make a plucking motion with your outside hand to relieve the pressure, while striking to the groin with your free hand. You can also throw up an elbow to strike the face, but the groin is the easiest target.

2–3. Once you pluck, drive your right shoulder into the space you have created to ensure you can no longer be choked. Drive your shoulder and head forward and upward as though trying to go through his hold; emphasize driving upward, which puts pressure on his shoulder. Your free hand may help hold his hands in place.

4. Once his hold is broken, spin toward him and deliver counterattacks with knees, punches, and elbows.


If the attacker is very strong and determined, you may not be able to break his hold. However, if you can succeed in plucking to create space and then inserting your shoulder, he will have difficulty choking you. If you find yourself stuck here, continue with strikes and knees to the groin. Your goal is to keep his hips back so that it is harder for him to finish the choke.