Side mount is an excellent position from the top. It’s often more stable than a full mount because the attacker (on bottom) is less able to use his hips to buck you off.
THE HOLD: With the attacker on the ground, sprawl your upper body over his torso. Put your weight through your chest onto his body, keeping your elbows pressed in against his body and head to keep him tight.
Pull your bottom knee (the one closest to his hip) up so it presses tightly against his body and hip, and extend your top leg (the one closest to his head) out so that your hip touches the floor.
Your goal is to remove any space between you and the attacker (remember, space equals escape!).
VARIATION: It is also acceptable to do a side mount by having both knees up and under you. This position allows for better striking, but removes some of the pressure from the attacker’s chest, allowing him more freedom of movement. If you adopt this position, be sure that the top knee is pressed close to his upper body, and that your hands and arms are positioned to stop him from shifting his hips away to create space.