Gun Defenses
For demonstration purposes, these instructions assume that the gun is in the attacker’s right hand. Except for the initial redirection, this technique is essentially like Gun from the Front (page 382).
STARTING POSITION: Neutral or passive stance, with the gunman on your left side.
1–2. As the attacker presents the gun with his right hand, lift your left hand up along your body, keeping your elbow back. As your hand nears the gun, begin to make a body defense by tilting your head backward. The timing of this head movement is early, similar to that of Gun from the Front (To the Head). With your fingers up, redirect the gun forward and grab it.
3. Immediately turn the gun sharply so that it points approximately 90° away from you and “punch” the weapon down with your weight on top of it.
4–6. Turn your body and burst toward the attacker, completing the technique exactly as in Gun from the Front.