Knife Defenses

STARTING POSITION: Modified passive stance facing the attacker.

1. As the attacker makes a forward slash, lean back and away (this may happen reflexively).

2. Immediately burst back into the fight. Block the attack with both forearms—one above and one below the attacking elbow. Keep your chin tucked and try to lean your head and body inward toward the attacker.

3–4. Pivot your forward arm (usually your left hand against a right-handed slash) down to catch close to the attacker’s wrist, then punch with your rear hand (usually your right). Note that this position is exactly like the control and counterattack position used in Defense against Straight Stab (page 478).

5. To disarm, bring his knife hand inward and cap it with your right hand.

6–7. Make a cavalier and strip the knife.


Note that the backward movement in Step 1 should NOT put your weight back in your heels. Once the forehand slash passes by your face, immediately burst forward and use both forearms to block the backhand slash as described above.