

Nudging her gelding into a sprint, aptly named Latte because of the cream color of his coat, Angel Martinez raced across her father's Triple T Ranch and headed for her favorite overlook, a bluff with awe inspiring views of McElmo Creek. She always rode there when she needed to ponder life's dilemmas.

Twenty minutes later she had crossed a meadow, slowed Latte to a walk through cottonwood trees whose leaves shimmered and rustled in a spring breeze, and finally arrived at the bluff. Dismounting, she tied her horse to a nearby boulder and finally rested on her favorite rock. She inhaled the pristine air and scanned the meandering creek west of her until it dropped and became the raging current directly below. East of her, it once again became serene.

Angel tossed a stick into the rapids and watched it disappear into the froth, pop up again, and bob away. She picked up a rock and slung it into the raging torrent that mimicked her own turmoil. Glancing at the azure sky, she thought about the previous winter when she had confided to her best friend Hannah Tanner, now Lady Hannah Wyndham, her feelings for Harris Brightman. Likewise, Hannah had confided in Angel about her love for Dr. Alexavier Wyndham. It was then that the women made a pact to go after the men they wanted, regardless of the consequences. Hannah had gone first and returned with a broken heart, but fortunately circumstances had later righted themselves.

Angel tossed another stick into the water and watched it float away until it disappeared from sight. As for her part in the pact, it had definitely gone awry.