Deploying and Scaling Your Application Using Kubernetes

This chapter aims to introduce you to Kubernetes, showing how to create YAML files to deploy, and scale your applications with the most popular and reliable container orchestration tool.


In this chapter, we will discuss the following topics:


After studying this unit, you should be able to:


Kubernetes is a container orchestration tool. In the previous chapters, we have been using Docker a lot for deploying applications, creating new images, etc. However, imagine if you have more than one hundred containers to manage. It is an impossible task for just one guy. The Docker, by itself, has the Docker Swarm, which helps you with that task. But, it is not commonly adopted by the market, since it misses some features and integrations that we have on Kubernetes. It was created by Google some years ago, based on a project, called Borg, which was also a container orchestration tool. With the release of Docker, that project was adapted to use it, and now it has become the official platform to manage your cluster.

Introduction to Kubernetes

Like the other chapters, our focus is always on how to implement it in the real-world. Let's have a short introduction of how we can setup our local environment to learn Kubernetes, and then, we can setup a real environment and deploy an application. You will see that the commands are same when we run it in our local environment and on the Cloud environment.

First of all, we will install minikube. It is a tool to set up a local Kubernetes environment on the top of a Virtual Box, like we have been doing along with the book:

wget -O minikube.exe

If you are using another OS, you can follow the official documentation:

Then, we can start the cluster:

PS C:\Users\1511 MXTI>.\minikube.exe start

* minikube v1.11.0 on Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 10.0.19041 Build 19041

* Automatically selected the virtualbox driver

* Downloading VM boot image …

* Starting control plane node minikube in cluster minikube

* Downloading Kubernetes v1.18.3 preload …

* Creating virtualbox VM (CPUs=2, Memory=6000MB, Disk=20000MB) …

* Preparing Kubernetes v1.18.3 on Docker 19.03.8 …

* Verifying Kubernetes components…

* Enabled addons: default-storageclass, storage-provisioner

* Done! kubectl is now configured to use "minikube"

We also need to install the kubectl, a command which we will use to manage your cluster, for dev, stg, and prd. If you are using another operating system, you can follow the official documentation:

PS C:\Users\1511 MXTI> wget -O kubectl.exe

To begin with, we can run a simple command to see how many clusters we have configured in our environment:

PS C:\Users\1511 MXTI>.\kubectl.exe config get-clusters



For now, it is just the minikube. But we will have more, one important thing to know is where the kubectl get this informationfrom:

PS C:\Users\1511 MXTI>cat 'C:\Users\1511 MXTI\.kube\config'

After the minikube installs the k8s cluster, it configures within the config file, inside of .kube folder which is located in your home directory. All the authenticate information is located within that file. If you want to know everything running inside your cluster, you can run the following command:

I used the parameter to get pods, and another parameter –all-namespaces. It shows us all the running containers in the cluster among all the namespaces. For now, we just have one, called kube-system. Before we move on with more commands, it is important to understand pod, namespace, and not just it.

The aforementioned items are called the Kubernetes objects. There are so many more objects that we can explore to understand more about Kubernetes, but we could write a whole book just explaining it. For now, I think it is enough to deploy some micro-services at last. If you are deploying stateful applications, you will probably have to extend your reading to VOLUMES.

So, now we can create the first NAMESPACE and start to play around some objects:

PS C:\Users\1511 MXTI>.\kubectl.exe create namespace chapter11

namespace/chapter11 created

PS C:\Users\1511 MXTI> .\kubectl.exe get ns

NAME              STATUS   AGE

chapter11         Active   11s

default           Active   38m

kube-node-lease   Active   38m

kube-public       Active   38m

kube-system       Active   38m

Notice that we can use the full form of the parameters, and also the short form, like, when I listed the namespaces, I used just the ns.

The INGRESS is a separate resource from Kubernetes. When you are using it on the Cloud, some give it to you already installed. But, in an on-premises environment, you usually have to install. For our local environment, we will have to install it using the following command:

PS C:\Users\1511 MXTI>.\minikube.exe addons enable ingress

* The 'ingress' addon is enabled

To run your first application in the cluster, run the following command:

PS C:\Users\1511 MXTI>.\minikube.exe addons enable ingress

PS C:\Users\1511 MXTI>.\kubectl.exe --namespace=chapter11 run python -dti --port=8080 --image=alissonmenezes/python:latest -l app=python

This command will download the python_app:v1 from my personal repository alissonmenezes and expose the port 8080. If you want to check if the pod is running, you can use the following command:

PS C:\Users\1511 MXTI>kubectl get pods --namespace=chapter11


python   1/1     Running   1          6m43s

Now we have one pod running with one container in it. However, we want to access the application, but at this moment it is available only inside the cluster. The other applications inside the cluster are already capable of accessing it, but for us, from the outside, we will have to create a service for it:

PS C:\Users\1511 MXTI>.\kubectl.exe --namespace=chapter11 create service clusterip python --tcp=80:8080

service/python created

We just created the SERVICE with clusterip type. It does not expose the NODE port, and we need the ingress to make the mapping from the outside to the inside of the cluster. Create a file called app.yaml with the following content:

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1

kind: Ingress


name: python

namespace: chapter11

annotations: /



serviceName: python

servicePort: 80

The INGRESS is composed of Nginx server, which we call the “Ingress Controller”. It is basically doing a proxy pass of the incoming connections from any addresses or names being forwarded to a service, called Python.

To apply the file, you must use the following command:

PS C:\Users\1511 MXTI>.\kubectl.exe apply -f .\app.yaml

ingress.extensions/python created

To get the minikube IP address, run the following command:

PS C:\Users\1511 MXTI>.\minikube ip

If you type this address on your web browser, you must see the following page:

Figure 11.1

The application is running!

We have successfully created everything using the commands and just the Ingress using a YAML file. However, it is possible to create everything just using the files that are the most used way to deploy everything on Kubernetes, because we can version the files and run it on the pipeline as we did in the previous chapter.

We can create everything in one file as follows:


apiVersion: apps/v1

kind: Deployment


name: python

namespace: chapter11


app: python


replicas: 1



app: python




app: python



- name: python

image: alissonmenezes/python:latest


- containerPort: 8080


apiVersion: v1

kind: Service



app: python

name: python

namespace: chapter11



- name: http

port: 80

protocol: TCP

targetPort: 8080


app: python

type: ClusterIP


apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1

kind: Ingress


name: python


app: python

namespace: chapter11

annotations: /



serviceName: python

servicePort: 80

To make sure that everything will run properly, you can delete everything:

PS C:\Users\1511 MXTI>.\kubectl.exe delete all -l app=python --all-namespaces

pod "python-779879dbb6-w57pr" deleted

Apply the file with the whole content:

PS C:\Users\1511 MXTI>.\kubectl.exe apply -f .\app.yaml

deployment.apps/python created

service/python created

ingress.extensions/python unchanged

Now, you already know the basics. Let's see it deploying in a real environment.

Deploying on Cloud

In order to deploy on the Cloud, we will use exactly the same app.yaml that we have been using until now. But firstly, we need to create the Kubernetes cluster. I will use the GCP for it.

I have created a project, called chapter11, where I will provision the cluster:

PS C:\Users\1511 MXTI>gcloud config set project chapter11-280417

Updated property [core/project].

Define where the compute nodes will be created:

PS C:\Users\1511 MXTI>gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-c

Updated property [compute/zone].

Define where the compute nodes will be created:

PS C:\Users\1511 MXTI>gcloud container clusters create chapter11 --num-nodes=1


chapter11  us-central1-c  1.14.10-gke.36  n1-standard-1  1.14.10-gke.36  1          RUNNING

Once the cluster is running, we need to login into the cluster using the following command:

PS C:\Users\1511 MXTI>gcloud container clusters get-credentials chapter11

Fetching cluster endpoint and auth data.

kubeconfig entry generated for chapter11.

And just like that, everything is perfect. Now, we can work exactly as we worked with minikube:

PS C:\Users\1511 MXTI>.\kubectl.exe config get-clusters




By running the same command, we can see that we have another cluster configured, called gke_chapter11. When we ran the command get-credentials, the gke was set by default, and now, we do not need to think about running the commands in one cluster or another.

We also can check what is running with the following command:

PS C:\Users\1511 MXTI>.\kubectl.exe get pods --all-namespaces

NAMESPACE     NAME                                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE

kube-system   event-exporter-v0.2.5-599d65f456-v2h9f                     2/2     Running   0          4m50s

kube-system   fluentd-gcp-scaler-bfd6cf8dd-c4b6c                         1/1     Running   0          4m42s

kube-system   fluentd-gcp-v3.1.1-pj6pp                                   2/2     Running   0          3m51s

kube-system   heapster-gke-7bff5f7474-9vgtb                              3/3     Running   0          3m42s

kube-system   kube-dns-5995c95f64-742kn                                  4/4     Running   0          4m53s

kube-system   kube-dns-autoscaler-8687c64fc-w7w2d                        1/1     Running   0          4m41s

kube-system   kube-proxy-gke-chapter11-default-pool-e3952147-h0gc        1/1     Running   0          4m41s

kube-system   l7-default-backend-8f479dd9-tpmk6                          1/1     Running   0          4m53s

kube-system   metrics-server-v0.3.1-5c6fbf777-4xmlf                      2/2     Running   0          4m5s

kube-system   prometheus-to-sd-692dh                                     2/2     Running   0          4m41s

kube-system   stackdriver-metadata-agent-cluster-level-79974b544-8n5gg   2/2     Running   0          3m58s

There are so many more pods running. If we compare with minikube, one example is the stackdriver, which is the Google tool to retrieve the logs from your cluster. Let's create the namespace:

PS C:\Users\1511 MXTI>.\kubectl.exe create namespace chapter11

namespace/chapter11 created

In the case of Google Kubernetes Engine, they have a Load Balancer as a service and it can be attached to our Kuberntes SERVICE. Thus, the service will have an external address, and we can point the DNS directly to it. In this case, we do not need the Ingress. Therefore, let's change this:

apiVersion: apps/v1

kind: Deployment


name: python

namespace: chapter11


app: python


replicas: 1



app: python




app: python



- name: python

image: alissonmenezes/python:latest


- containerPort: 8080

As you can see the last line from the service part. Deploy the application:

PS C:\Users\1511 MXTI>.\kubectl.exe apply -f .\app.yaml

deployment.apps/python created

service/python created

Check if the pods are running with the following command:

PS C:\Users\1511 MXTI>.\kubectl.exe get pods -n chapter11

NAME                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE

python-5bb87bbb45-6hwv7   1/1     Running   0          23s

Then, check if the service already has an external IP:

PS C:\Users\1511 MXTI>.\kubectl.exe get svc -n chapter11

NAME     TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)        AGE

python   LoadBalancer   80:31693/TCP   68s

You must see the following page:

Figure 11.2

In the end, if you do not want to spend more money running this, you can delete the cluster by running the following command:

PS C:\Users\1511 MXTI>gcloud container clusters delete chapter11

The following clusters will be deleted.

- [chapter11] in [us-central1-c]

Do you want to continue (Y/n)?  y

Deleting cluster chapter11…|


This chapter introduced to you the basic steps of Kubernetes. It was a very short introduction. As I mentioned earlier, it is possible to write an entire book about Kubernetes. The goal here is just to deploy an application as an example and see how it works in your local environment and on the cloud using GKE.

I recommend you to read more about Kubernetes and Istio. You will discover amazing things, like fine-grain routes, A/B tests, canary deployment, going deep into the deployment strategies, and so much more.

I have a post in my personal blog giving a short introduction to Istio. You can translate the page using Google Chrome and see what we are doing.


  1. What is the tool used to orchestrate a large number of containers?
  2. What is the name of the Kubernetes object to map a node port to a container port?
  3. What is the Kubernetes object that represents one or more containers?
  4. What is the Kubernetes command to apply a YAML file?
  5. What does Ingress do?