This novella started out as another chapter for The Rules of the Road. As time went on, more and more it felt like it deserved to stand on its own, with our pal Buck Hensley only serving as a cameo. Hopefully, readers who aren’t familiar with our favorite folksy cosmic DJ won’t feel too flummoxed by his inclusion. And also hopefully, those who are familiar with him welcome him back with warm smiles and open arms.
Where would I be without the small town I grew up in? For better or worse, I’d be another person and this book certainly wouldn’t have been written.
Thanks to all of those out there who believe in their small towns, who fight to lift up their communities into beacons of safety and acceptance. I know that small towns can be insular places, but their sense of community and solidarity can be beautiful things when pointed in the right direction.
Many fine folks were kind enough to beta read this novella in its early stages, offering feedback and suggestions. Those people are Christopher O’Halloran, Jessica Peter, Patrick Barb, T.J. Price, Caleb Stephens, and Jennifer L. Collins (who graciously lent her editorial expertise as well). Others read later, more complete versions: P.L. McMillan and Christi Nogle
Thanks to Schism/Leah for the beautiful cover and helping exceed my vision. If you loved this book’s cover as much as I did, check her work out at on Instagram
Thanks to M. Halstead for the Photoshop skills.
Thanks to the readers and horror lovers at r/nosleep. Your enthusiasm and encouragement helped get me back writing again.
Thanks to Alex Wolfgang for swooping in once again and helping with the formatting.
More thanks is in order for:
My older sister who read early versions of the story and for taking me on several of my own town cruises.
My parents, who picked me up from many a late night from my job at the movie theater downtown, back when I was too young to drive.
My wife—who has never cruised town—and who continues to support me in these little writing endeavors, holding the fort down as I make one more lap down those old brick streets.