The module pattern

As you build large applications, you will soon realize that it becomes increasingly difficult to keep the code base organized and modular. The module patterns help in keeping the code cleanly separated and organized.

Module separates bigger programs into smaller pieces and gives them a namespace. This is very important because once you separate code into modules, these modules can be reused in several places. Carefully designing interfaces for the modules will make your code very easy to reuse and extend.

JavaScript offers flexible functions and objects that make it easy to create robust module systems. Function scopes help create namespaces that are internal for the module, and objects can be used to store sets of exported values.

Before we start exploring the pattern itself, let's quickly brush up on a few concepts that we discussed earlier.

We discussed object literals in detail. Object literals allow you to create name-value pairs as follows:

var basicServerConfig = {
  environment: "production",
  startupParams: {
    cacheTimeout: 30,
    locale: "en_US"
  init: function () {
    console.log( "Initializing the server" );
  updateStartup: function( params ) {
      this.startupParams = params;
      console.log( this.startupParams.cacheTimeout );
      console.log( this.startupParams.locale );
basicServerConfig.init(); //"Initializing the server"
basicServerConfig.updateStartup({cacheTimeout:60, locale:"en_UK"}); //60, en_UK

In this example, we are creating an object literal and defining key-value pairs to create properties and functions.

In JavaScript, the module pattern is used very heavily. Modules help in mimicking the concept of classes. Modules allow us to include both public/private methods and variables of an object, but most importantly, modules restrict these parts from the global scope. As the variables and functions are contained in the module scope, we automatically prevent naming conflict with other scripts using the same names.

Another beautiful aspect of the module pattern is that we expose only a public API. Everything else related to the internal implementation is held private within the module's closure.

Unlike other OO languages, JavaScript has no explicit access modifiers and, hence, there is no concept of privacy. You can't have public or private variables. As we discussed earlier, in JavaScript, the function scope can be used to enforce this concept. The module pattern uses closures to restrict variable and function access only within the module; however, variables and functions are defined in the object being returned, which is available to the public.

Let's consider the earlier example and turn this into a module. We are essentially using an IIFE and returning the interface of the module, namely, the init and updateStartup functions:

var basicServerConfig = (function () {
  var environment= "production";
  startupParams= {
    cacheTimeout: 30,
    locale: "en_US"
  return {
    init: function () {
      console.log( "Initializing the server" );
    updateStartup: function( params ) {
      this.startupParams = params;
      console.log( this.startupParams.cacheTimeout );
      console.log( this.startupParams.locale );
basicServerConfig.init(); //"Initializing the server"
basicServerConfig.updateStartup({cacheTimeout:60, locale:"en_UK"}); //60, en_UK

In this example, basicServerConfig is created as a module in the global context. To make sure that we are not polluting the global context with modules, it is important to create namespaces for the modules. Moreover, as modules are inherently reused, it is important to make sure that we avoid naming conflicts using namespaces. For the basicServerConfig module, the following snippet shows you the way to create a namespace:

// Single global object
var SERVER = SERVER||{};
SERVER.basicServerConfig = (function () {
  Var environment= "production";
  startupParams= {
    cacheTimeout: 30,
    locale: "en_US"
  return {
    init: function () {
      console.log( "Initializing the server" );
    updateStartup: function( params ) {
      this.startupParams = params;
      console.log( this.startupParams.cacheTimeout );
      console.log( this.startupParams.locale );
SERVER.basicServerConfig.init(); //"Initializing the server"
SERVER.basicServerConfig.updateStartup({cacheTimeout:60, locale:"en_UK"}); //60, en_UK

Using namespace with modules is generally a good idea; however, it is not required that a module must have a namespace associated.

A variation of the module pattern tries to overcome a few problems of the original module pattern. This improved variation of the module pattern is also known as the revealing module pattern (RMP). RMP was first popularized by Christian Heilmann. He disliked that it was necessary to use the module name while calling a public function from another function or accessing a public variable. Another small problem is that you have to use an object literal notation while returning the public interface. Consider the following example:

var modulePattern = function(){
  var privateOne = 1;
  function privateFn(){
    console.log('privateFn called');
  return {
    publicTwo: 2,
modulePattern.publicFn(); "privateFn called"

You can see that we need to call publicFnTwo() via modulePattern in publicFn(). Additionally, the public interface is returned in an object literal. The improvement on the classic module pattern is what is known as the RMP. The primary idea behind this pattern is to define all of the members in the private scope and return an anonymous object with pointers to the private functionality that needs to be revealed as public.

Let's see how we can convert our previous example to an RMP. This example is heavily inspired from Christian's blog:

var revealingExample = function(){
  var privateOne = 1;
  function privateFn(){
    console.log('privateFn called');
  var publicTwo = 2;
  function publicFn(){
  function publicFnTwo(){
  function getCurrentState(){
    return 2;
  // reveal private variables by assigning public pointers
  return {
console.log(revealingExample.current); // 2
revealingExample.setup(); //privateFn called

An important distinction here is that you define functions and variables in the private scope and return an anonymous object with pointers to the private variables and functions that you want to reveal as public. This is a much cleaner variation and should be preferred over the classic module pattern.

In production code, however, you would want to use more a standardized approach to create modules. Currently, there are two main approaches to create modules. The first is known as CommonJS modules. CommonJS modules are usually more suited for server-side JavaScript environments such as Node.js. A CommonJS module contains a require() function that receives the name of the module and returns the module's interface. The format was proposed by the volunteer group of CommonJS; their aim was to design, prototype, and standardize JavaScript APIs. CommonJS modules consist of two parts. Firstly, list of variables and functions the module needs to expose; when you assign a variable or function to the module.exports variable, it is exposed from the module. Secondly, a require function that modules can use to import the exports of other modules:

//Add a dependency module 
var crypto = require('crypto');
function randomString(length, chars) {
  var randomBytes = crypto.randomBytes(length);
//Export this module to be available for other modules

CommonJS modules are supported by Node.js on the server and curl.js in the browser.

The other flavor of JavaScript modules is called Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD). They are browser-first modules and opt for asynchronous behavior. AMD uses a define function to define the modules. This function takes an array of module names and a function. Once the modules are loaded, the define function executes the function with their interface as an argument. The AMD proposal is aimed at the asynchronous loading of both the module and dependencies. The define function is used to define named or unnamed modules based on the following signature:

  module_id /*optional*/,
  [dependencies] /*optional*/,
  definition function /*function for instantiating the module or object*/

You can add a module without dependencies as follows:

  add: function(x, y){ 
    return x + y; 

The following snippet shows you a module that depends on two other modules:

define( "math",
  //dependency on these two modules 
  ["sum", "multiply"],
  // module definition function
  // dependencies (foo and bar) are mapped to function parameters
  function ( sum, multiply ) {
    // return a value that defines the module export
    // (that is, the functionality we want to expose for consumption)
    // create your module here
    var math = {
      demo : function () {
  return math;

The require module is used as follows:

require(["math","draw"], function ( math,draw ) {

RequireJS ( is one of the module loaders that implements AMD.

Two separate module systems and different module loaders can be a bit intimidating. ES6 tries to solve this. ES6 has a proposed module specification that tries to keep the good aspects of both the CommonJS and AMD module patterns. The syntax of ES6 modules is similar to CommonJS and the ES6 modules support asynchronous loading and configurable module loading:

ES6 export lets you export a function or variable in a way similar to CommonJS. In the code where you want to use this imported function, you use the import keyword to specify from where you want the dependency to be imported. Once the dependency is imported, it can be used as a member of the program. We will discuss in later chapters how you can use ES6 in environments where ES6 is not supported.