Chapter 10

Bree couldn’t escape Grayson at the office that week. Everywhere she went, he always seemed to materialize despite her attempts to avoid him. At least she was having success avoiding calls from her sisters, Jada and London. They had been wanting to know what happened with Duke, Hart Enterprises, and why she’d moved from the ranch. Bree wasn’t about to defend her decisions to anyone, however, so for now she wouldn’t be answering their calls.

Through all this, Bree couldn’t get Grayson off her mind. He wasn’t backing down from their attraction to each other. He had stopped by with coffee for her one morning before work. Their conversation had been brief, but it had been clear to Bree that he was merely giving her a reprieve.

The next week, he invited her team out to lunch. Bree had been sure it was a ploy to spend time with her, but Grayson barely said a few words and had sat on the opposite end of the table. Later, she’d found out that he periodically took departments of Wells Oil out for lunch. His employees loved it because it made him seem more approachable.

In the middle of that week, Bree needed to leave a message with Grayson’s assistant, Rosalie, about her thoughts on the alternative energy project. As Bree stood at the assistant’s desk, Rosalie was on the phone and looked alarmed when she placed the receiver back in the cradle. Bree had to ask, “Are you alright?”

“No, not really.” Rosalie bit her lip, and Bree could see her trembling.

“I-I can’t reach Mr. Wells, and it’s urgent.”

“What’s going on?” Bree hadn’t known he wasn’t in the office. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

“I doubt it,” Rosalie responded, wringing her hands. “It’s about his brother, but I can’t reach Mr. Wells and I have strict orders that any call in regards to Cameron should be dispatched to him immediately.”

“Who called?” On high alert, Bree stepped in.

“I really shouldn’t betray a confidence.”

“I’m aware of Cameron’s condition.”

Rosalie sighed. “He’s gone missing, and his caretaker is out of her mind with worry.”

Bree patted the woman’s hand. “It’s okay, Rosalie. I’ll go to the house and see if I can be of assistance.”

“You’d do that?” Rosalie seemed surprised by the offer.

“Of course.” She’d only met Cameron one time, but she felt a special friendship with him and perhaps she could help out Sonya. “If Mr. Wells should call, tell him what’s happened, but let him know I’m on my way.”

“Certainly, Ms. Hart.”

Bree quickly departed, rushing to her office to grab her purse. She wasted no time getting to her car and speeding down the expressway to get to the Wells mansion in Preston Hollow. It took her longer than she would have liked due to rush hour traffic, but at least she’d arrived and could try to help. But first she pulled out her cowboy boots from her trunk, replacing her heels.

As soon as she pressed the doorbell, the door immediately swung open. The disappointment on Sonya’s face was evident. “Oh, I was hoping you were Grayson.”

“I’m sorry I’m not,” Bree responded. “I tried to reach him as well, but his phone keeps going to voicemail. But when I heard about Cameron, I just knew I had to help.”

“Please come in.” Sonya motioned Bree into the foyer.

Bree glanced up and saw an older woman at the top of the stairs. “Who’s that?”

“Cameron’s mother, and she hasn’t been feeling well since her chemo treatments yesterday. She’s unable to help me search the grounds. I’m just so worried, Ms. Hart. It’s going to be dark soon, and Cameron hates the dark.”

Bree patted the woman’s hand to calm her frayed nerves. “Well, I’m here now, and two pairs of eyes are better than one, right?”

Sonya nodded.

“So why don’t you tell me where you’ve looked, and we’ll divide and conquer.”

“But you’re not dressed to go traipsing around.”

Bree glanced down at her wool skirt and sweater.

Sonya immediately told her that she had searched most of the house but hadn’t gotten to the stables, pool, and guesthouse.

“Alright, why don’t you do another sweep of the main house and I’ll search the rest of the grounds. Sound good?”

The two women separated and Bree headed for the door, but she couldn’t resist glancing at the top of the stairs. Grayson and Cameron’s mother had disappeared, but why hadn’t she come down to introduce herself? Bree shrugged. She didn’t have any time to wonder. As Sonya had stated, it would be getting dark soon, so she had to get started. It was critical they find Cameron.


Grayson sighed as he got in the back of the car and turned on his phone. It was late and he’d stayed at an off-site business meeting much longer than he would have liked, but he’d been in intense negotiations and didn’t want to step away for fear he wouldn’t get to sign on the dotted line.

He was basking in his latest victory when his phone began beeping as voicemail after voicemail and texts began coming in earnest. He scanned the texts. There were some from Rosalie, Sonya, and finally Bree. All of them said that Cameron had gone missing.

“Dammit!” Grayson swore. “Todd!” he called out to his driver. “I need you to put a move on it. I need to get home as soon as possible.”

Then he was dialing Sonya’s number. When she answered, he listened. She was a wreck over the fact that she’d let something like this happen. He knew that she prided herself on the care she took of his brother. He tried to reassure her. “Sonya, there’s nothing you could have done. Cam’s been a handful lately. I don’t know what’s going on with him, but we’ll figure it out. Don’t blame yourself. You’ve been nothing but a steady, constant presence in his life.”

“Thank you, Grayson. I appreciate you saying so. It’s just I’ve searched everywhere in the house and come up empty. I’m hoping Ms. Hart will find him outside.”

Grayson was shocked that Bree had involved herself. “Did Ms. Hart explain how she found out?” He listened and learned that Bree had heard about Cameron’s disappearance from his assistant. And instead of leaving it to Sonya or Grayson, she’d stepped in herself. He was not only grateful for the help, but he respected the hell out of her for helping when he couldn’t. She could easily have turned her back and said it wasn’t her problem.

He was quickly liking Bree Hart more and more each day.


It had been nearly an hour and the sun was starting to set. Bree had yet to find Cameron. She searched the pool and guesthouse and came up empty. Then she decided to hit the stables. They’d always been her favorite place. Perhaps it was the same for Cameron.

She got her answer when she found him curled up and sound asleep on the floor of a mare’s stall next to her baby foal.

Bree lowered herself into the hay, uncaring that she was wearing a skirt. “Cameron,” she said. She roused the young man by lightly touching his shoulder.

He woke with a start and looked at her warily. Blinking several times, he brought her into focus from the haze of sleep. “Bree?” he whispered.

“Yes, you remember me?”

He nodded enthusiastically. “You’re Grayson’s girlfriend.”

Bree considered correcting him, but thought better of it. She didn’t want to upset him. “Yes, I am.”

“He likes you,” Cameron said. “His eyes get big when he looks at you.”

Bree smiled. “Do they?” She hadn’t noticed. “What are you doing here all by yourself?”

Cameron frowned. “Miss Sonya wouldn’t let me see the new foal. Told me I’d be in the way, and I wanted to see.”

He leaned over and patted the soft skin of the foal, who’d curled up alongside him. “Do you like horses, Bree?”

“I love them, so I can understand wanting to see one being born. But you really should have told Miss Sonya where you were going. Maybe she would have liked to come with you.”

Cameron frowned. “I suppose.”

“She was really worried about you. And so was I.”

“You were?” Cameron’s voice rose when he spoke. “But you haven’t been back in weeks. I-I thought maybe you didn’t want to come back because I was here, because Gray has to take care of me.”

Bree patted his knee. She felt terrible that he felt it was because of his illness when that was far from the reason. “That’s not why, Cameron. I’ve just been really busy. I’m actually working with your brother at his company.”

“Do you like your job?”

“I do.”

“Does this mean that you’ll come visit us a lot more now?”

“I’d like to know the answer to that question as well.” Grayson’s voice interrupted their conversation.

Bree’s gaze tore from Cameron, and she glanced up to find Grayson looking down on them from the stall doorway. How long had he been standing there? And why did he have to look so handsome in a trench coat and two-piece suit?


“Bree.” He offered her his hand and Bree took it, allowing him to lift her to her feet. She brushed off the needles of hay from her skirt while Grayson helped Cameron up.

“Cameron, you know we’re going to have to talk about your behavior today,” Grayson said sternly.

Cameron was appropriately ashamed and lowered his head, but then he glanced at Bree and she gave him a tentative smile. So he looked up at Grayson. “Can we do it later? Bree’s here, and I want her to stay.” Cameron came over and linked his arms with Bree’s.

Bree noticed that Grayson couldn’t resist smiling at the action.

“We can talk later. It’s time for dinner anyway.” Grayson glanced at Bree. “Is it too much to ask you to stay for dinner?”

“Of course she’s going to stay. She’s your girlfriend,” Cameron answered for her, and before Bree could say another word, Cameron led her out of the stables.


Grayson wasn’t surprised to learn that Bree had found Cameron. His brother was as taken with the woman as he was. Not many women would insinuate themselves into a delicate family matter involving an autistic sibling, but Bree wasn’t just any woman.

She’d shown more depth and character than he’d ever seen in in any other woman, and it was a helluva turn-on. And this time, it had nothing to do with how beautiful she was or her curvy figure, though she did look scrumptious in that snug-fitting wool skirt and sweater. She made the outfit look sexy, whereas it might have looked ho-hum on another woman.

He watched her from across the table as she interacted animatedly with Cameron and Sonya. Bless her heart, he’d never seen the older woman so relieved as she’d been when the three of them walked through the door. Sonya had tried hugging Cameron, but he’d pulled away and told her he couldn’t breathe. When she began to scold him, Grayson had stopped her and told her there’d be time later to discuss his punishment. In the interim, for tonight, they were going to be thankful he was safe and sound.

Grayson removed his jacket and threw it over the back of his chair. His mother chose that moment to make her appearance. She was wearing a lounge set, and a scarf covered her head. Grayson hated to see her so ravaged by cancer, but he was determined to do all he could until she went into remission. He would accept no other alternative but a full recovery. “Mother,” Grayson said. He rose and walked toward her. “How are you feeling?” he asked as he helped her into a seat.

“Better, now that Cameron is here.” Julia offered a half-hearted smile. Then she gazed in Bree’s direction. “And you are?”

Bree smiled at her from across the table. “Bree Hart, ma’am. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She extended a hand, which Julia shook begrudgingly. Did Bree notice Mother’s reluctance? Grayson wondered. If she did, she was too polite to mention it.

“Bree is an employee of Wells Oil,” Grayson said.

“And Grayson’s girlfriend,” Cameron said quietly.

Grayson saw a blush creep up Bree’s light-brown cheeks. “Cameron,” Grayson said in a chastising tone.

“What?” Cameron said, looking back and forth between the two of them.

“It’s okay, Cameron,” Bree said, patting his arm affectionately. His brother hadn’t left her side since they’d come in. Grayson had never seen Cameron take to someone so quickly like he had Bree. “Grayson and I are friends as well as colleagues.”

Julia’s eyebrows rose as if she didn’t believe a word Bree had said, but she didn’t utter another thing. And so the evening continued with Cameron as lively as he’d ever been. When dessert ended, Sonya recommended that he retire, but Cameron wasn’t having it. “I want Bree.”

Bree’s eyes lit up with joy, and Grayson could swear he saw tears in them. “You go on up with Miss Sonya, and I promise we’ll spend some more time together when I’m here again. How does that sound?”

“Alright, Bree.” Cameron leaned over and gave her a quick hug and then rushed out of the room with Sonya right behind him.

Grayson and his mother were in shock. Cameron didn’t particularly like to be touched. It was a product of his condition, so for him to hug Bree was huge. Not to mention Bree had said she’d visit again. Grayson hoped she didn’t just mean to see his brother.

“I’m going to retire,” Julia said as she rose to her feet.

“Do you need my help?” Grayson asked, blotting his lips with his napkin as he stood.

“No, no.” She patted his shoulder, urging him to sit back down. “You have guests and important business. I’ll leave you to get on with it.”

After she left, Grayson leaned back in his chair and glanced at Bree. “What a night, huh?”

“You’re telling me.”

“Listen, Bree,” Grayson said, sitting upright again, “I don’t know how to thank you for stepping in and finding Cameron.”

She shrugged and reached for her coffee mug. “It was nothing really.”

Their eyes met, and he held her gaze. “You and I both know it’s not nothing. You were, I mean, are incredible.” He stood again, and this time he wasn’t going to be stopped. He walked straight toward Bree and pulled her to her feet and into his arms.

“Grayson—” She didn’t get out another word because his face was inches away, and then his mouth found her lips. He kissed her softly and gently, but as Bree’s body began melding into his, his kisses became desperate and hot. He parted her lips and took her mouth with his tongue.

Grayson was hungry for Bree, and he knew she was hungry for him. So why act like they didn’t want each other? He was tired of pretending.

He wanted her now.

He wanted to learn all the textures and tastes of her mouth. Explore the secret places on her body that would bring her the most pleasure. Feast on her until she cried out his name.

Bree wound her arms up around his neck, and that was all Grayson needed. He lifted her up and carried her out of the room and upstairs to his bedroom.


When Bree opened her eyes, she was aware that her surroundings had changed from the well-appointed dining room to a space with soaring ceilings and dark-colored walls—a masculine room.

Grayson’s room.

He laid her across the bed, covering her body with his as he kissed her again, hard and fierce. Bree had no choice but to hold on to him for dear life. Grayson was doing wicked things with his tongue in her mouth. She could feel her skin heating up at his kiss and his touch. His hands were roving down her body, awakening her and evoking a passion that had lain dormant for too long. But Grayson . . . she’d let him do anything, have anything, including her.

She was his for the taking, and he knew it.

Grayson lifted his head and upper body to look upon her. “Bree.” His eyes were dark with desire. “I want you. Say you want me too.”

She nodded.

“I need to hear you say it,” he urged.

“I want you, Grayson.” And to show him, she reached for his tie, loosened it, then slid it over his head and tossed it aside. Then she began unbuttoning the tailored shirt he’d been wearing underneath his suit. He helped her by shrugging out of the shirt.

When Bree saw his naked torso, she couldn’t resist touching him. Her hands reveled in the hard steel of his chest, and she wanted to taste him. She lowered her head and licked one of his nipples. He released a long sigh, and Bree took it to mean she was on the right track, so she skimmed and teased the nipple with gentle flicks of her tongue before gliding over to pay respect to his other nipple.

“Bree.” Grayson lifted her head to look at her. “I think it’s me who should be paying homage to you.”

“In time,” she countered. “I’m having too much fun.” She bent her head again and teased a trail from his nipples to his flat stomach and lower abdomen until she came to his pants. She unbuckled the belt first, then undid his zipper. In one final action, she lowered his pants and his briefs mid-thigh, and his erection sprang free.

He was big.

Bree couldn’t resist a smile and licked her lips even as she wondered how she was going to fit him inside her; but there would be time for doubt later. Right now, she wanted to taste him, so she pushed him backward and Grayson fell onto the bed. Bree sidled up next to him, and he lifted his hips so she could rid him of the pants and have unfettered access to all of him.

Grayson didn’t seem to mind that she was taking control. In fact, he seemed to relish it as he lay back against the pillows and watched her undress. He shouldn’t be the only one naked. He grinned as she stripteased in front of him, first lifting her sweater over her head and throwing it in the heap with his clothes, followed by her skirt, bra, and panties. When she was as naked as he, she crawled on top of him and straddled him.

“Bree, you’re killing me,” Grayson said when she took hold of his shaft.

“I know.” She smiled wickedly. “Lie back and enjoy it.” She lowered her head and devoured his crown.


Sweet Jesus, Grayson thought as he thrashed his head on the pillow. He hadn’t expected Bree to take over in the bedroom. He’d been intent on being the one to do anything and everything to her, but instead she was the one in control. He suspected that it was a turn-on for her to be leading their first sexual encounter. And he didn’t mind giving up control, for now.

But turnabout would be fair play. And real soon. The shoe . . . He couldn’t finish the thought because a low moan escaped his lips.

“Ah . . .”

Bree was on her knees pumping him with her fist and bobbing her head up and down on his shaft. Grayson held her head as she began sucking, licking, and stroking him with equal pressure. When Bree increased the tempo and cupped his balls, he twisted and writhed, pushing her away.

He wouldn’t let her get the better of him.

When he came, he would be inside her. “That’s enough,” he said, hauling her upward and onto the pillows. He stretched out over her and peered into her brown eyes. Soon she was underneath him, her lips looking soft and delicious, so he took them, thrusting his tongue into the sweetness she offered. When he finally lifted his head, he admired her lovely body.

Her breasts were beautiful, and he couldn’t help the litany of praise that poured from his lips as he kneaded one breast in his palm.

“God, you’re stunning,” he whispered. “So absolutely perfect.” He pinched her nipple, rolling it around between his thumb and forefinger. Then he captured the bud in his mouth. Bree writhed. Grayson knew exactly where to skim, lick, tantalize, and torment her; but by doing so, pressure was building inside his own loins. Grayson didn’t know how long he would be able to keep this up, but he was determined she would break first. He slid his hands down her body, past her abdomen until he came to her damp center.

“Spread your legs,” he ordered. As she did so, he gave her other breast equal attention with his fevered tongue. He needed to know if she was wet and ready.

Her legs were now open, and he stroked the lips of her sex with his fingertips. “I’ve been thinking about touching you, tasting you,” he murmured as he slid a finger between the velvet slickness of her folds and found her sensitive nub.

Bree moaned. Then her moans became cries and keens as his thumb circled her clitoris with expert pressure. His slid a second finger inside her slick wetness, and she arched off the bed. He could feel tension building as she struggled to hold on to control, but he was relentless in his pursuit of her pleasure.

His thumb whirled and swirled around her clitoris. When he stroked a particularly sensitive spot, Bree erupted, bucking against him and coming apart. “Grayson!” she screamed.

“That’s it, baby, come for me,” Grayson moaned as he left her lips and added his tongue to her moist center. When he licked her inside and out, he felt her rippling around his fingers and tongue.

“Grayson, please. I need you.”

“What do you need?” he asked lazily as he slid her closer to his mouth, her buttocks in his hand as he spread her shaking legs wider and gave her one long lick.

“I need you inside me.”

Finally, finally, Bree had surrendered to him, giving him all of herself.


Bree didn’t think it was possible to have two orgasms in a row, but she had and she and Grayson hadn’t even gone all the way yet. Grayson was worshipping and pleasuring her as no other man had. She dug her fingers into his shoulders, pulling him upward, and he climbed on top of her.

She opened her legs for him again, eager to have him inside her, but he wasn’t going to give her what she wanted just yet. Instead, Grayson kissed her deeply and she tasted herself on his lips. It was heady knowing how intimate she was being with him. Not only had it been a long time since she’d been with a man, it had been even longer since she’d had an orgasm without stimulation from a device.

Grayson was ringing every ounce of deep-seated pleasure out of her. He shifted long enough to reach for his nightstand drawer and pull out a condom. Bree was thankful that he was thinking about protection when all she’d wanted was to have him inside her, filling her.

Then he was back, suckling hard at her pulse point on her neck. It would leave a mark, letting everyone know she’d been taken, but Bree didn’t care.

“Grayson, stop tormenting me, tormenting us.”

He shifted, taking his weight on his elbows. His body still covered hers from shoulder to thigh. Using his knee, he pushed her thighs wider, stretching her for him before plunging inside. Bree arched off the bed to meet him, but then he withdrew, then plunged in again, this time deeper until he filled her to the hilt.

Bree brought his head down to hers and kissed him with passion and utter abandon; she shuddered at the heavenly sensation of having Grayson buried inside her. Her walls expanded to make room for him, and it felt as if Grayson were made for her and vice versa. It was just the two of them together in this moment in time.

He grabbed her buttocks, tilting her hips to the right angle as they moved together quietly, their sighs of pleasure audible. The sensations he was evoking were almost too much. Bree didn’t know she could feel so much at one time. Her feet pressed into the bed, and she dug her fingers into his shoulders as her orgasm stuck her with full force.

“Bree!” Grayson’s voice was tight as he ground out her name just as his body tensed and he emptied into his condom.

Bree was still shuddering as she lay in his arms. The need to be taken by him had been strong. She’d had no control over her desire. Grayson knew she’d had walls up, and he had toppled every one of them.

Bree had not known desire like this was possible, that she could literally ache to have him inside her. When Grayson turned on his side and looked tenderly down at her, Bree knew she was falling for this incredible man.