Copyright © 2018 Canterbury Classics
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Canterbury Classics
An imprint of Printers Row Publishing Group
10350 Barnes Canyon Road, Suite 100, San Diego, CA 92121
Printers Row Publishing Group is a division of Readerlink Distribution Services, LLC.
The Canterbury Classics name and logo are trademarks of Readerlink Distribution Services, LLC.
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Canterbury Classics, Editorial Department, at the above address.
Publisher: Peter Norton
Associate Publisher: Ana Parker
Publishing/Editorial Team: April Farr, Kelly Larsen, Kathryn C. Dalby, Carrie Davis
Editorial Team: JoAnn Padgett, Melinda Allman, Dan Mansfield, Traci Douglas
Production Team: Jonathan Lopes, Rusty von Dyl
Cover design by Rusty von Dyl
Endpaper image courtesy of Dreamer Company/
Original photo that inspired cover art licensed from The British Museum
eBook ISBN: 978-1-68412-561-6
eBook Edition: July 2018