1 Lit. “after these events”; but is hard to conjecture to what events the author refers. For the order of events and the connection between the closing chapter of Thuc. viii. 109, and the opening words of the “Hellenica,” see introductory remarks above. The scene of this sea-fight is, I think, the Hellespont.
1 Lit. “as he opened” {os enoige}. This is still a mariner’s phrase in modern Greek, if I am rightly informed.
2 The original has a somewhat more poetical ring. The author uses the old Attic or Ionic word {eona}. This is a mark of style, of which we shall have many instances. One might perhaps produce something of the effect here by translating: “the battle hugged the strand.”
3 Or, “came to their aid along the shore.”
1 This is the common spelling, but the coins of Calchedon have the letters {KALKH}, and so the name is written in the best MSS. of Herodotus, Xenophon, and other writers, by whom the place is named. See “Dict. of Greek and Roman Geog.” “Chalcedon.”
2 “Epistoleus,” i.e. secretary or despatch writer, is the Spartan title of the officer second in command to the admiral.
3 Reading {“Errei ta kala} (Bergk’s conjecture for {kala}) = “timbers,” i.e. “ships” (a Doric word). Cf. Aristoph., “Lys.” 1253, {potta kala}. The despatch continues: {Mindaros apessoua} (al. {apessua}), which is much more racy than the simple word “dead.” “M. is gone off.” I cannot find the right English or “broad Scotch” equivalent. See Thirlwall, “Hist. Gr.” IV. xxix. 88 note.
1 Hermocrates, the son of Hermon. We first hear of him in Thuc. iv. 58 foll. as the chief agent in bringing the Sicilian States together in conference at Gela 424 BC, with a view to healing their differences and combining to frustrate the dangerous designs of Athens. In 415 BC, when the attack came, he was again the master spirit in rendering it abortive (Thuc. vi. 72 foll.) In 412 BC it was he who urged the Sicilians to assist in completing the overthrow of Athens, by sending a squadron to co-operate with the Peloponnesian navy—for the relief of Miletus, etc. (Thuc. viii. 26, 27 foll.) At a later date, in 411 BC, when the Peloponnesian sailors were ready to mutiny, and “laid all their grievances to the charge of Astyochus (the Spartan admiral), who humoured Tissaphernes for his own gain” (Thuc. viii. 83), Hermocrates took the men’s part, and so incurred the hatred of Tissaphernes.
1 The matter referred to is fully explained Thuc. viii. 85.
2 The reader will recollect that we are giving in “the Deceleian” period of the war, 413–404 BC The Spartan king was in command of the fortress of Deceleia, only fourteen miles distant from Athens, and erected on a spot within sight of the city. See Thuc. vii. 19, 27, 28.
1 Of Clearchus we shall hear more in the sequel, and in the “Anabasis.”
2 The Proxenus answered pretty nearly to our “Consul,” “Agent,” “Resident”; but he differed in this respect, that he was always a member of the foreign State. An Athenian represented Sparta at Athens; a Laconian represented Athens at Sparta, and so forth. See Liddell and Scott.
3 The MSS. here give a suspected passage, which may be rendered thus: “The first of Olympiad 93, celebrated as the year in which the newly added two-horse race was won by Evagorias the Eleian, and the stadion (200 yards foot-race) by the Cyrenaean Eubotas, when Evarchippus was ephor at Sparta and Euctemon archon at Athens.” But Ol. 93, to which these officers, and the addition of the new race at Olympia belong, is the year 408. We must therefore suppose either that this passage has been accidentally inserted in the wrong place by some editor or copyist, or that the author was confused in his dates. The “stadium” is the famous foot-race at Olympia, 606 3/4 English feet in length, run on a course also called the “Stadion,” which was exactly a stade long.
4 Peltasts, i.e. light infantry armed with the “pelta” or light shield, instead of the heavy {aspis} of the hoplite or heavy infantry soldiers.
1 The MSS. here give the words, “in the ephorate of Pantacles and the archonship of Antigenes, two-and-twenty years from the beginning of the war,” but the twenty-second year of the war = 410 BC; Antigenes archon, 407 BC = Ol. 93, 2; the passage must be regarded as a note mis-inserted by some editor or copyist (vide supra, I. 11.)
2 I.e. sacred place or temple of Heracles.
3 Twenty talents = 4800 pounds; or, more exactly, 4875 pounds.
1 According to the constitution of Lacedaemon the whole government was in Dorian hands. The subject population was divided into (1) Helots, who were State serfs. The children of Helots were at times brought up by Spartans and called “Mothakes”; Helots who had received their liberty were called “Neodamodes” ({neodamodeis}). After the conquest of Messenia this class was very numerous. (2) Perioeci. These were the ancient Achaean inhabitants, living in towns and villages, and managing their own affairs, paying tribute, and serving in the army as heavy-armed soldiers. In 458 BC they were said to number thirty thousand. The Spartans themselves were divided, like all Dorians, into three tribes, Hylleis, Dymanes, and Pamphyli, each of which tribes was divided into ten “obes,” which were again divided into {oikoi} or families possessed of landed properties. In 458 BC there were said to be nine thousand such families; but in course of time, through alienation of lands, deaths in war, and other causes, their numbers were much diminished; and in many cases there was a loss of status, so that in the time of Agis III., 244 BC, we hear of two orders of Spartans, the {omoioi} and the {upomeiones} (inferiors); seven hundred Spartans (families) proper and one hundred landed proprietors. See Mullers “Dorians,” vol. ii. bk. iii. ch. x. S. 3 (Eng. trans.); Arist. “Pol.” ii. 9, 15; Plut. (“Agis”).
1 The greek word is {epibates}, which some think was the title of an inferior naval officer in the Spartan service, but there is no proof of this. Cf. Thuc. viii. 61, and Prof. Jowett’s note; also Grote, “Hist. of Greece,” viii. 27 (2d ed.)
1 {Karanos.} Is this a Greek word, a Doric form, {karanos}, akin to {kara} (cf. {karenon}) = chief? or is it not more likely a Persian or native word, Karanos? and might not the title be akin conceivably to the word {korano}, which occurs on many Indo-Bactrian coins (see A. von Sallet, “Die Nachfolger Alexanders des Grossen,” p. 57, etc.)? or is {koiranos} the connecting link? The words translated “that is to say, supreme lord,” {to de karanon esti kurion}, look very like a commentator’s gloss.
1 Gytheum, the port and arsenal of Sparta, situated near the head of the Laconian Gulf (now Marathonisi).
2 {ta Plunteria}, or feast of washings, held on the 25th of the month Thargelion, when the image of the goddess Athena was stripped in order that her clothes might be washed by the Praxiergidae; neither assembly nor court was held on that day, and the Temple was closed.
3 Or, “collected to meet the vessels from curiosity and a desire to see Alcibiades.”
1 Or, “he looked to see if his friends were there.”
2 Technically the “Boule” ({Boule}) or Senate, and “Ecclesia” or Popular Assembly.
1 About 120,000 pounds. One Euboic or Attic talent = sixty minae = six thousand drachmae = 243 pounds 15 shillings of our money.
2 Cf. the language of Tissaphernes, Thuc. viii. 81.
3 About 9 3/4 pence; a drachma (= six obols) would be very high pay for a sailor—indeed, just double the usual amount. See Thuc. vi. 8 and viii. 29, and Prof. Jowett ad loc. Tissaphernes had, in the winter of 412 BC, distributed one month’s pay among the Peloponnesian ships at this high rate of a drachma a day, “as his envoy had promised at Lacedaemon”; but this he proposed to reduce to half a drachma, “until he had asked the king’s leave, promising that if he obtained it, he would pay the entire drachma. On the remonstrance, however, of Hermocrates, the Syracusan general, he promised to each man a payment of somewhat more than three obols.”
1 Nearly 122 pounds; and thirty minae a month to each ship (the crew of each ship being taken at two hundred) = three obols a day to each man. The terms of agreement to which Cyrus refers may have been specified in the convention mentioned above in chap. iv, which Boeotius and the rest were so proud to have obtained. But see Grote, “Hist. of Greece,” vol. viii. p. 192 note (2d ed.)
2 An obol = one-sixth of a drachma; the Attic obol = rather more than 1 1/2 pence.
3 {os ekastos enoixen}, for this nautical term see above.
1 This should probably be Teos, in Ionia, in spite of the MSS. {“Eiona}. The place referred to cannot at any rate be the well-known Eion at the mouth of the Strymon in Thrace.
1 I.e. as some think, the Erechtheion, which was built partly on the site of the old temple of Athena Polias, destroyed by the Persians. According to Dr. Dorpfeld, a quite separate building of the Doric order, the site of which (S. of the Erechtheion) has lately been discovered.
2 The MSS. here add “in the ephorate of Pityas and the archonship of Callias at Athens”; but though the date is probably correct (cf. Leake, “Topography of Athens,” vol. i. p. 576 foll.), the words are almost certainly a gloss.
3 Here the MSS. add “with the twenty-fourth year of the war,” probably an annotator’s gloss; the correct date should be twenty-fifth. Pel. war 26 = 406 BC. Pel. war 25 ended 407 BC.
4 Lit. on the left (or east) of Samos, looking south from Ephesus.
1 About 4d.
2 Grote, “Hist. of Greece,” vol. viii. p. 224 (2d ed.), thinks that Callicratidas did not even sell the Athenian garrison, as if the sense of the passage were: “The next day he set at liberty the free-born captives with the Athenian garrison, contenting himself with selling the captive slaves.” But I am afraid that no ingenuity of stopping will extract that meaning from the Greek words, which are, {te d’ usteraia tous men eleutherous apheke tous de ton ‘Athenaion phrourous kai ta andrapoda ta doula panta apedoto}. To spare the Athenian garrison would have been too extraordinary a proceeding even for Callicratidas. The idea probably never entered his head. It was sufficiently noble for him to refuse to sell the Methymnaeans. See the remarks of Mr. W. L. Newman, “The Pol. of Aristotle,” vol. i. p. 142.
3 I.e. the sea was Sparta’s bride.
1 Or, “Euripus.”
2 I.e. from eighteen to sixty years.
3 See Boeckh. “P. E. A.” Bk. II. chap. xxi. p. 263 (Eng. trans.)
1 Lit. “by the diekplous.” Cf. Thuc. i. 49, and Arnold’s note, who says: “The “diecplus” was a breaking through the enemy’s line in order by a rapid turning of the vessel to strike the enemy’s ship on the side or stern, where it was most defenseless, and so to sink it.” So, it seems, “the superiority of nautical skill has passed,” as Grote (viii. p. 234) says, “to the Peloponnesians and their allies.” Well may the historian add, “How astonished would the Athenian Admiral Phormion have been, if he could have witnessed the fleets and the order of battle at Arginusae!” See Thuc. iv. 11.
1 For the common reading, {oikeitai}, which is ungrammatical, various conjectures have been made, e.g.
{oikieitai} = “would be none the worse off for citizens,”
{oikesetai} = “would be just as well administered without him,” but as the readings and their renderings are alike doubtful, I have preferred to leave the matter vague. Cf. Cicero, “De Offic.” i. 24; Plutarch, “Lac. Apophth.” p. 832.
1 Or, “had changed to a finer quarter.”
2 Reading {tes diobelais}, a happy conjecture for the MSS. {tes diokelias}, which is inexplicable. See Grote, “Hist. of Greece,” vol. viii. p. 244 note (2d ed.)
3 I.e. a legal tribunal or court of law. At Athens the free citizens constitutionally sworn and impannelled sat as “dicasts” (“jurymen,” or rather as a bench of judges) to hear cases ({dikai}). Any particular board of dicasts formed a “dicastery.”
4 This is the Senate or Council of Five Hundred. One of its chief duties was to prepare measures for discussion in the assembly. It had also a certain amount of judicial power, hearing complaints and inflicting fines up to fifty drachmas. It sat daily, a “prytany” of fifty members of each of the ten tribes in rotation holding office for a month in turn.
5 This is the great Public Assembly (the Ecclesia), consisting of all genuine Athenian citizens of more than twenty years of age.
1 An important festival held in October at Athens, and in nearly all Ionic cities. Its objects were (1) the recognition of a common descent from Ion, the son of Apollo Patrous; and (2) the maintenance of the ties of clanship. See Grote, “Hist. of Greece,” vol. viii. p. 260 foll. (2d ed.); Jebb, “Theophr.” xviii. 5.
2 I.e. in sign of mourning.
1 Prytanes—the technical term for the senators of the presiding tribe, who acted as presidents of the assembly. Their chairman for the day was called Epistates.
2 For the part played by Socrates see further Xenophon’s “Memorabilia,” I. i. 18; IV. iv. 2.
1 “There was a rule in Attic judicial procedure, called the psephism of Kannonus (originally adopted, we do not know when, on the proposition of a citizen of that name, as a psephism or decree for some particular case, but since generalised into common practice, and grown into great prescriptive reverence), which peremptorily forbade any such collective trial or sentence, and directed that a separate judicial vote should in all cases be taken for or against each accused party.” Grote, “Hist. of Greece,” vol. viii. p. 266 (2d ed.)
1 Reading {adikos apolountai}.
2 See below, II. iii; also cf. Thuc. viii. 90, 98.
1 For this matter cf. Schomann, “De Comitiis Athen.” p. 161 foll.; also Grote, “Hist. of Grece,” vol. viii. p. 276 note (2d ed.)
2 Cleophon, the well-known demagogue. For the occasion of his death see Grote, “Hist. of Greece,” vol. viii. pp. 166, 310 (2d ed.); Prof. Jebb, “Attic Orators,” i. 266, ii. 288. For his character, as popularly conceived, cf. Aristoph. “Frogs,” 677.
3 403 BC.
1 Epistoleus. See above.
2 “At this date the war had lasted five-and-twenty years.” So the MSS. read. The words are probably an interpolation.
3 406 BC.
4 Dariaeus, i.e. Darius, but the spelling of the name is correct, and occurs in Ctesias, though in the “Anabasis” we have the spelling Darius.
5 These words look like the note of a foolish and ignorant scribe. He ought to have written, “The daughter of Artaxerxes and own sister of Darius, commonly so called.”
1 For Hieramenes cf. Thuc. viii. 95, and Prof. Jowett ad loc.
2 The MSS. add “during the ephorate of Archytas and the archonship at Athens of Alexias,” which, though correct enough, is probably an interpolation.
1 Lit. fifteen stades.
1 The Paralus—the Athenian sacred vessel; cf. Thuc. iii. 33 et passim.
1 Reading {os… katekremnise}.
1 With regard to these painful recollections, see (1) for the siege and surrender of Melos (in 416 BC), Thuc. v. 114, 116; and cf. Aristoph. “Birds,” 186; Plut. (“Lysander,” 14); (2) for the ejection of the Histiaeans, an incident of the recovery of Euboea in 445 BC, see Thuc. i. 14; Plut. (“Pericles,” 23); (3) for the matter of Scione, which revolted in 423 BC, and was for a long time a source of disagreement between the Athenians and Lacedaemonians, until finally captured by the former in 421 BC, when the citizens were slain and the city given to the Plataeans, see Thuc. iv. 120-122, 129-133; v. 18, 32; (4) for Torone see Thuc. ib., and also v. 3; (5) for the expulsion of the Aeginetans in 431 BC see Thuc. ii. 27.
2 Lit. “the Thraceward districts.” See above, p. 16.
3 Or, “since they had slain their notables, held the state under popular control.” See Grote, “Hist. of Greece,” vol. viii. p. 303 note 3 (2d ed.), who thinks that the incident referred to is the violent democratic revolution in Samos described in Thuc. viii. 21, 412 BC.
1 For this most illustrious of Athenian gymnasia, which still retains its name, see Leake, “Topography of Athens,” i. 195 foll.
2 Or, “they refused to treat for peace.”
3 Sellasia, the bulwark of Sparta in the valley of the Oenus.
4 The MSS. have “in the neighborhood of,” which words are inappropriate at this date, though they may well have been added by some annotator after the Cleomenic war and the battle of Sellasia, 222 BC, when Antigonus of Macedon destroyed the place in the interests of the Achaean League.
1 For the puzzling chronology of this paragraph see Grote, “Hist. of Greece,” vol. x. p 619 (2d ed.) If genuine, the words may perhaps have slipt out of their natural place in chapter i. above, in front of the words “in the following year Lysander arrived,” etc. L. Dindorf brackets them as spurious. Xen., “Hist. Gr.” ed. tertia, Lipsiae, MDCCCLXXII. For the incidents referred to see above; Grote, “Hist. of Greece,” vol. x. pp. 582, 598 (2d ed.)
2 The MSS. here add “it was that year of the Olympiad cycle in which Crocinas, a Thessalian, won the Stadium; when Endius was ephor at Sparta, and Pythodorus archon at Athens, though the Athenians indeed do not call the year by that archon’s name, since he was elected during the oligarchy, but prefer to speak of the year of ‘anarchy’; the aforesaid oligarchy originated thus,”—which, though correct, probably was not written by Xenophon. The year of anarchy might perhaps be better rendered “the year without archons.”
1 This took place on 2d September 404 BC.
2 A council of ten, or “decarchy.” See Grote, “H. G.” viii. 323 (1st ed.)
3 About 112,800 pounds.
4 The MSS. add “a summer, the close of which coincided with the termination of a war which had lasted twenty-eight and a half years, as the list of annual ephors, appended in order, serves to show. Aenesias is the first name. The war began during his ephorate, in the fifteenth year of the thirty years’ truce after the capture of Euboea. His successors were Brasidas, Isanor, Sostratidas, Exarchus, Agesistratus, Angenidas, Onomacles, Zeuxippus, Pityas, Pleistolas, Cleinomachus, Harchus, Leon, Chaerilas, Patesiadas, Cleosthenes, Lycarius, Eperatus, Onomantius, Alexippidas, Misgolaidas, Isias, Aracus, Euarchippus, Pantacles, Pityas, Archytas, and lastly, Endius, during whose year of office Lysander sailed home in triumph, after performing the exploits above recorded,”—the interpolation, probably, of some editor or copyist, the words “twenty-eight and a half” being probably a mistake on his part for “twenty-seven and a half.” Cf. Thuc. v. 26; also Buchsenschutz, Einleitung, p. 8 of his school edition of the “Hellenica.”
1 Lit. “by sycophancy,” i.e. calumnious accusation—the sycophant’s trade. For a description of this pest of Athenian life cf. “Dem.” in Arist. 1, S. 52; quoted in Jebb, “Attic Orators,” chap. xxix. 14; cf. Aristoph. “Ach.” 904; Xen. “Mem.” II. ix. 1.
1 Or, “a summons to the “place d’armes” was given; but.” Or, “the order to seize the arms was given, and.” It is clear from Aristoph. “Acharn.” 1050, that the citizens kept their weapons at home. On the other hand, it was a custom not to come to any meeting in arms. See Thuc. vi. 58. It seems probable that while the men were being reviewed in the marketplace and elsewhere, the ruling party gave orders to seize their weapons (which they had left at home), and this was done except in the case of the Three Thousand. Cf. Arnold, “Thuc.” II. 2. 5; and IV. 91.
1 See above.
1 An annotator seems to have added here the words, occurring in the MSS., “the buskin which seems to fit both legs equally, but is constant to neither,” unless, indeed, they are an original “marginal note” of the author. For the character of Theramenes, as popularly conceived, cf. Aristoph. “Frogs,” 538, 968 foll., and Thuc. viii. 92; and Prof. Jowett, “Thuc.” vol. ii. pp. 523, 524.
1 Reading with Cobet {paranenomikenai}.
2 I.e. serfs—Penestae being the local name in Thessaly for the villein class. Like the {Eilotes} in Laconia, they were originally a conquered tribe, afterward increased by prisoners of war, and formed a link between the freemen and born slaves.
3 Cf. “Mem.” IV. iv. 3; Plat. “Apol.” 8. 32.
4 Cf. Lysias, “Or.” 18. 6.
1 Probably the son of Lysidonides. See Thirlwall, “Hist. of Greece,” vol. iv. p. 179 (ed. 1847); also Lysias, “Or.” 12. contra Eratosth. According to Lysias, Theramenes, when a member of the first Oligarchy, betrayed his own closest friends, Antiphon and Archeptolemus. See Prof. Jebb, “Attic Orators,” I. x. p. 266.
2 The resident aliens, or {metoikoi}, “metics,” so technically called.
3 Isocr. “De Bigis,” 355; and Prof. Jebb’s “Attic Orators,” ii. 230. In the defense of his father’s career, which the younger Alcibiades, the defendant in this case (397 BC probably) has occasion to make, he reminds the court, that under the Thirty, others were banished from Athens, but his father was driven out of the civilised world of Hellas itself, and finally murdered. See Plutarch, “Alcibiades,” ad fin.
4 Or, “the peacemaker, the healer of differences, the cementer of new alliances, cannot,” etc.
1 Cf. Thuc. viii. 90-92, for the behavior of the Lacedaemonian party at Athens and the fortification of Eetioneia in 411 BC.
2 I.e. of the political clubs.
3 I.e. may enjoy the senatorial stipend of a drachma a day = 9 3/4 pence.
1 See Thuc. viii. 97, for a momentary realisation of that “duly attempered compound of Oligarchy and Democracy” which Thucydides praises, and which Theramenes here refers to. It threw the power into the hands of the wealthier upper classes to the exclusion of the {nautikos okhlos}. See Prof. Jowett, vol. ii. note, ad loc. cit.
1 “A Sicilian game much in vogue at the drinking parties of young men at Athens. The simplest mode was when each threw the wine left in his cup so as to strike smartly in a metal basin, at the same time invoking his mistress’s name; if all fell into the basin and the sound was clear, it was a sign he stood well with her.”—Liddell and Scott, sub. v. For the origin of the game compare curiously enough the first line of the first Elegy of Critias himself, who was a poet and political philosopher, as well as a politician:—
“{Kottabos ek Sikeles esti khthonos, euprepes ergon on skopon es latagon toxa kathistametha.}” Bergk. “Poetae Lyr. Graec.” Pars II. xxx.
2 Or, “these are sayings too slight, perhaps, to deserve record; yet,” etc. By an “apophthegm” was meant originally a terse (sententious) remark, but the word has somewhat altered in meaning.
1 “A strong fortress (the remains of which still exist) commanding the narrow pass across Mount Parnes, through which runs the direct road from Thebes to Athens, past Acharnae. The precipitous rock on which it stands can only be approached by a ridge on the eastern side. The height commands a magnificent view of the whole Athenian plain, of the city itself, of Mount Hymettus, and the Saronic Gulf,”—“Dict. of Geog., The demi of the Diacria and Mount Parnes.”
2 Cf. Boeckh, “P. E. A.” p. 63, Eng. ed.
3 Lit. tribes, each of the ten tribes furnishing about one hundred horse.
1 Or, “in the cavalry quarters,” cf. {en tois ikhthusin} = in the fish market. Or, “at the review of the horse.”
2 For the various Odeums at Athens vide Prof. Jebb, “Theophr.” xviii. 235, 236. The one here named was near the fountain Callirhoe by the Ilissus.
1 The citadel quarter of Piraeus.
2 Named after the famous architect Hippodamus, who built the town. It was situated near where the two long walls joined the wall of Piraeus; a broad street led from it up to the citadel of Munychia.
3 I.e. the temple of Bendis (the Thracian Artemis). Cf. Plat. “Rep.” 327, 354; and Prof. Jowett, “Plato,” vol. iii. pp. 193, 226.
1 Lit. “Enyalius,” in Homer an epithet of Ares; at another date (cf. Aristoph. “Peace,” 456) looked upon as a distinct divinity.
1 He was cousin to Critias, and uncle by the mother’s side to Plato, who introduces him in the dialogue, which bears his name (and treats of Temperance), as a very young man at the beginning of the Peloponnesian War. We hear more of him also from Xenophon himself in the “Memorabilia,” iii. 6. 7; and as one of the interlocutors in the “Symposium.”
2 I.e. of the Eleusinian mysteries. He had not only a loud voice, but a big body. Cf. Aristoph. “Frogs,” 1237.
1 On the coast south of Phalerum, celebrated for its fisheries. Cf. “Athen.” vii. 325.
1 24,375 pounds, reckoning one tal. = 243 pounds 15 shillings.
2 The Halipedon is the long stretch of flat sandy land between Piraeus Phalerum and the city.
1 Perhaps the landlocked creek just round the promontory of Eetioneia, as Leake conjectures, “Topog. of Athens,” p. 389. See also Prof. Jowett’s note, “Thuc.” v. 2; vol. ii. p. 286.
2 I.e. who had already seen ten years of service, i.e. over twenty-eight, as the Spartan was eligible to serve at eighteen. Cf. Xen. “Hell.” III. iv. 23; VI. iv. 176.
3 The outer Ceramicus, “the most beautiful spot outside the walls.” Cf. Thuc. ii. 34; through it passes the street of the tombs on the sacred road; and here was the place of burial for all persons honored with a public funeral. Cf. Arist. “Birds,” 395.
4 Halae, the salt marshy ground immediately behind the great harbor of Piraeus, but outside the fortification lines.
1 Cf. “Hell.” VI. iii. 3, {oi ekkletoi}.
2 Cf. Prof. Jebb, “Orators,” i. 262, note 2.
3 I.e. the Public Assembly, see above; and reading with Sauppe after Cobet {ekklesian epoiesan}, which words are supposed to have dropt out of the MSS. Or, keeping to the MSS., translate “When the generals were come down, Thrasybulus,” etc. See next note.
1 The Greek words are {antestese ten ekklesian} (an odd phrase for the more technical {eluse} or {dieluse ten ekklesian}). Or, accepting the MSS. reading above (see last note), translate “he set up (i.e. restored) the Assembly.” So Mr. J. G. Philpotts, Mr. Herbert Hailstone, and others.
1 It would be interesting to know the date at which the author penned these words. Was this portion of the “Hellenica” written before the expedition of Cyrus? i.e. in the interval between the formal restoration of the Democracy, September 403 BC, and March 401 BC. The remaining books of the “Hellenica” were clearly written after that expedition, since reference is made to it quite early in Bk. III. i. 2. Practically, then, the first volume of Xenophon’s “History of Hellenic Affairs” ends here. This history is resumed in Bk. III. i. 3. after the Cyreian expedition (of which episode we have a detailed account in the “Anabasis” from March 401 BC down to March 399 BC, when the remnant of the Ten Thousand was handed over to the Spartan general Thibron in Asia). Some incidents belonging to 402 BC are referred to in the opening paragraphs of “Hellenica,” III. i. 1, 2, but only as an introduction to the new matter; and with regard to the historian himself, it is clear that “a change has come o’er the spirit of his dream.” This change of view is marked by a change of style in writing. I have thought it legitimate, under the circumstances, to follow the chronological order of events, and instead of continuing the “Hellenica,” at this point to insert the “Anabasis.” My next volume will contain the remaining books of the “Hellenica” and the rest of Xenophon’s “historical” writings.
2 Lit. “what Cyrus himself had been to the Lacedaemonians let the Lacedaemonians in their turn be to Cyrus.”
3 Samius (Diod. Sic. xiv. 19). But see “Anab.” I. iv. 2, where Pythagoras is named as admiral. Possibly the one officer succeeded the other.
4 Lit. “as to how then Cyrus collected an army and with it went up against his brother, and how the battle was fought and how he died, and how in the sequel the Hellenes escaped to the sea (all this), is written by (or ‘for,’ or ‘in honor of’) Themistogenes the Syracusan.” My impression is that Xenophon’s “Anabasis,” or a portion of the work so named, was edited originally by Themistogenes. See “Philol. Museum,” vol. i. p. 489; L. Dindorf, {Xen. Ell.}, Ox. MDCCCLIII., node ad loc. {Themistogenei}. Cf. Diod. Sic. xiv. 19–31, 37, after Ephorus and Theopompus probably.
1 At Trapezus, March 10, 400 BC.
2 {Prostatai}, “patrons and protectors.”
3 “As harmost.” See “Anab.” ad fin.
4 See “Hell.” I. iii. 15; Thuc. vii. 58.
5 See “Hell.” II. iv. 2.
6 See “Anab.” VI. vi. 12.
7 March 399 BC. See the final sentence of the “Anabasis.”
1 See “Anab.” VII. viii. 8-16.
2 Seventy stades S.E. of Cyme in the Aeolid. See Strabo, xiii. 621. For the origin of the name cf. “Cyrop.” VII. i. 45.
3 Technically “navarchy,” in 408-407 BC. “Hell.” I. v. 1.
1 See Plut. “Aristid.” 23 (Clough, ii. p. 309).
2 I.e. as suzerain.
1 Grote, “H. G.” ix. 292; cf. Herod. viii. 69.
2 Or, “his brains whimsied with insinuations.”
1 Grote (“H. G.” ix. 294) says: “The reader will remark how Xenophon shapes the narrative in such a manner as to inculcate the pious duty in a general of obeying the warnings furnished by the sacrifice—either for action or for inaction…. Such an inference is never (I believe) to be found suggested in Thucydides.” See Brietenbach, “Xen. Hell.” I et II, praef. in alteram ed. p. xvii.
1 I.e. take up a position, or “to order arms,” whilst he addressed them; not probably “to ground arms,” as if likely to be mutinous.
1 Lit. “of the taxiarchs and lochagoi.”
2 {Pheson kai agon}, i.e. “there was plenty of live stock to lift and chattels to make away with.”
3 For Seuthes see “Anab.” VII. i. 5; and below, IV. viii. 26.
1 Lit. “twenty stades.”
2 Or, “slipping through the enemy’s fingers, who took no heed of them, they,” etc.
1 See Grote, “H. G.” ix. 301.
2 Or, reading after Cobet, {tas peri ekeina poleis}—“the cities of that neighborhood.”
3 See “Anab.” VII. vii. 51.
4 Lit. “eleven or twelve cities.” For the natural productivity, see “Anab.” V. vi. 25.
1 Lit. “thirty-seven stades.” Mod. Gallipoli. See Herod. vi. 36; Plut. “Pericl.” xix.
2 Cf. Isocr. “Panegyr.” 70; Jebb. “Att. Or.” ii. p. 161. Of Pellene (or Pellana) in Laconia, not Pellene in Achaia? though that is the opinion of Grote and Thirlwall.
1 I.e. according to custom on the eve of battle. See “Pol. Lac.” xiii. 8.
2 Lit. “they were splendid fellows to look at.” See “Anab.” II. iii. 3.
1 Lately unearthed. See “Class. Rev.” v. 8, p. 391.
2 In 421 BC (see Thuc. v. 31); for the second charge, see Thuc. v. 49 foll.
3 See “Mem.” I. ii. 61; Thuc. v. 50; and Jowett, note ad loc. vol. ii. p. 314.
1 See Grote, “H. G.” ix. 311 note.
2 Lit. “perioecid.”
3 From the north. The Larisus is the frontier stream between Achaia and Elis. See Strabo, viii. 387.
4 Al. “on the coming round of the next year.” See Jowett (note to Thuc. i. 31), vol. ii. p. 33.
5 On the south. For the history, see Busolt, “Die Laked.” pp. 146-200. “The river” is the Alpheus.
6 See below, VI. v. 11; Paus. IV. xv. 8.
7 I.e. Elis, of which Cyllene is the port town. For the wealth of the district, see Polyb. iv. 73; and below, VII. iv. 33.
1 See Paus. III. viii. 4. He was a friend of Lysias (“Vit. X. Orat. 835”).
2 The house was filled to overflowing by the clustering close-packed crowd.
3 Grote (“H. G.” ix. 316) discusses the date of this war between Elis and Sparta, which he thinks, reaches over three different years, 402–400 BC But Curtius (vol. iv. Eng. tr. p. 196) disagrees: “The Eleian war must have occurred in 401–400 BC, and Grote rightly conjectures that the Eleians were anxious to bring it to a close before the celebration of the festival. But he errs in extending its duration over three years.” See Diod. xiv. 17. 24; Paus. III. viii. 2 foll.
4 Grote remarks: “There is something perplexing in Xenophon’s description of the Triphylian townships which the Eleians surrendered” (“H. G.” ix. 315). I adopt Grote’s emend. {kai Phrixan}. See Busolt, op. cit. p. 176.
1 = 7,312 pounds: 10 shillings.
2 I.e. the men of the Pisatid. See below, VII. iv. 28; Busolt, op. cit. p 156.
3 See “Ages.” xi. 16; “Pol. Lac.” xv. 9.
1 I have followed Sauppe as usual, but see Hartman (“Anal. Xen.” p. 327) for a discussion of the whole passage. He thinks Xenophon wrote {ex ou gar toi ephugen} ({o sos pater}, i.e. adulterer) {ek to thalamo dekato meni tu ephus}. The Doric {ek to thalamo} was corrupted into {en to thalamo} and {kai ephane} inserted. This corrupt reading Plutarch had before him, and hence his distorted version of the story.
2 See Plut. “Ages.” ii. 4; “Lys.” xxii. (Clough, iv. 3; iii. 129); Paus. III. viii. 5.
3 “Pol. Lac.” xv. 2.
4 For the {omoioi}, see Muller, “Dorians,” iii. 5, 7 (vol. ii. p. 84); Grote, “H. G.” ix. 345, note 2.
1 For the neodamodes, hypomeiones, perioeci, see Arnold, “Thuc.” v. 34; Muller, “Dorians,” ii. 43, 84, 18; Busolt, op. cit. p 16.
2 See “Anab.” IV. viii. 14; and Hom. “Il.” iv. 34.
3 “And pointed to a well-concerted plan.”
4 See Grote, “H. G.” ix. 348.
5 See Thuc. i. 131; Plut. “Lys.” 19 (Clough, iii. p. 125).
1 “The Hippagretes (or commander of the three hundred guards called horsemen, though they were not really mounted).” Grote, “H. G.” vol. ix. p. 349; see “Pol. Lac.” iv. 3.
2 Or, “to those on the way to Aulon.”
3 See for Cinadon’s case, Arist. “Pol.” v. 7, 3.
4 See Grote, “H. G.” ix. 353, for chronology, etc.
1 Technically, “neodamodes.”
2 “Pol. Lac.” xiii. 2 foll.
3 Or, “To the several cities he had already despatched messengers with directions,” etc.; see Paus. III. ix. 1-3.
1 See Freeman, “Hist. of Federal Government,” ch. iv. “Constitution of the Boeotian League,” pp. 162, 163. The Boeotarchs, as representatives of the several Boeotian cities, were the supreme military commanders of the League, and, as it would appear, the general administrators of Federal affairs. “The Boeotarchs of course command at Delion, but they also act as administrative magistrates of the League by hindering Agesilaus from sacrificing at Aulis.”
2 Plut. “Ages.” vi.; “Pelop.” xxi. See Breitenb. op. cit. Praef. p. xvi.; and below, III. v. 5; VI. iv. 23.
3 For this corrupt passage, see Hartman, “Anal. Xen.” p. 332; also Otto Keller’s critical edition of the “Hellenica” (Lips, MDCCCLXXX.)
1 See “Ages.” iii. 3; “Anab.” VI. v. 7.
1 I.e. at Ephesus.
2 Lit. “four plethra.”
1 See Xenophon’s treatise “On Horsemanship,” xii. 12.
2 Lit. “lobeless,” i.e. with a lobe of the liver wanting—a bad sign.
1 See Plut. “Marc.” (Clough, ii. 262); Polyb. “Hist.” x. 20.
2 The neodamodes.
3 I.e. Lydia. See Plut. “Ages.” x. (Clough, iv. 11).
1 See note to “Hell.” II. iv. 32.
2 = 17,062 pounds: 10 shillings.
3 See Diod. xiv. 80.
4 = 7,312 pounds: 10 shillings.
1 See “Cyrop.” VII. i. 45.
2 See Grote, “H. G.” ix. 327, note 3; Arist. “Pol.” ii. 9, 33.
3 = 12,187 pounds: 10 shillings.
4 See Paus. III. ix. 8; Plut. “Ages.” xv.
5 Reading {nomizontes auton to arkhein} with Sauppe; or if, as Breitinbach suggests, {enomizon de oukh outon to arkhesthai}, translate “but thought it was not for them to take the initiative.”
1 For an alliance between Athens and the Locrians, 395 BC, see Hicks, 67; and below, IV. ii. 17.
2 Lit. “the.” See Paus. III. ix. 9.
3 See Grote, “H. G.” ix. 309, 403; viii. 355.
4 “Hell.” II. iv. 30, 403 BC.
5 See above, III. iv. 3; and below, VII. i. 34.
6 See Paus. III. ix. 1-3.
1 See Freeman, op. cit. p. 167, “Ill feeling between Thebes and other towns.”—“Against Thebes, backed by Sparta, resistance was hopeless. It was not till long after that, at last (in 395 BC), on a favorable opportunity during the Corinthian war, Orchomenos openly seceded.” And for the prior “state of disaffection toward Thebes on the part of the smaller cities,” see “Mem.” III. v. 2, in reference to 407 BC.
2 Lit. “perioecid.”
3 See “Hell.” II. ii. 19; and below, VI. v. 35.
4 Plut. “Lys.” xv. “Erianthus the Theban gave his vote to pull down the city, and turn the country into sheep-pasture.”—Clough, iii. 121.
5 See “Hell.” II. iv. 30.
6 See “Hell.” II. iv. 38, 40, 41.
1 Lit. “shield to shield.”
2 Lit. “today,” “nowadays.”
3 {mala liparoumenoi}. See Thuc. i. 66 foll.; vi. 88.
4 See “Pol. Lac.” xiv.
5 Grote (“H. G.” ix. 323), referring to this passage, and to “Hell.” VI. iii. 8–11, notes the change in Spartan habits between 405 and 394 BC (i.e. between the victory of Aegospotami and the defeat of Cnidos), when Sparta possessed a large public revenue derived from the tribute of the dependent cities. For her earlier condition, 432 BC, cf. Thuc. i. 80. For her subsequent condition, 334 BC, cf. Arist. “Pol.” ii. 6, 23.
1 For the alliance between Boeotia and Athens, 395 BC, see Kohler, “C. I. A.” ii. 6; Hicks, op. cit. 65; Lys. “pro Man.” S. 13; Jebb, “Att. Or.” i. p. 247; and the two speeches of the same orator Lysias against Alcibiades (son of the famous Alcibiades), on a Charge of Desertion (“Or.” xiv.), and on a Charge of Failure to Serve (“Or.” xv.)—Jebb, op. cit. i. p. 256 foll.
1 See Plut. “Lys.” xxviii. (Clough, iii. 137).
2 See Dem. “On the Crown,” 258.
3 Lit. “polemarchs and penteconters”—“colonels and lieutenants.” See “Pol. Lac.” xi.
1 Or, add, “as a further gravamen.”
1 See Hartman (“An. Xen.” p. 339), who suggests {Otun auto} for {sun auto}.
2 See “Ages.” iii. 4, where he is called Cotys.
3 I.e. “Spartan counsellors.”
1 Or, “and may the wedding be blessed!”
2 Lit. “paradises.” See “Anab.” I. ii. 7; “Cyrop.” I. iv. 11.
1 Lit. “one hundred and sixty stades.”
2 Or, “captains posted to intercept them, who relieved…” See “Anab.” IV. i. 14.
3 See “Pol. Lac.” xiii. 11, for these officers.
1 “Ages.” v. 4; Plut. “Ages.” xi. (Clough, iv. p. 14).
2 See “Hell.” I. i. 6.
3 Lit. “paradises.”
4 Theopompus of Chios, the historian (b. 378 BC, fl. 333 BC), “in the eleventh book (of his {Suntazis Ellenikon}) borrowed Xenophon’s lively account of the interview between Agesilaus and Pharnabazus (Apollonius apud Euseb. B, “Praep. Evang.” p. 465).” See “Hist. Lit. of Anc. Gr.,” Muller and Donaldson, ii. p. 380.
1 Or, add, “we call them guest friends.”
2 Or, “so subtle a force, it seems, is the love of honor that.” Grote, “H. G.” ix. 386; cf. Herod. iii. 57 for “ambition,” {philotimia}.
1 {phalara}, bosses of gold, silver, or other metals, cast or chased, with some appropriate device in relief, which were worn as an ornamental trapping for horses, affixed to the head-stall or to a throat-collar, or to a martingale over the chest.—Rich’s “Companion to Lat. Dict. and Greek Lex.,” s.v.
2 See Grote, ix. 387; Plut. “Ages.” xiv. (Clough, iv. 15); “Ages.” iii. 5. The incident is idealised in the “Cyrop.” I. iv. 26 foll. See “Lyra Heroica”: CXXV. A Ballad of East and West—the incident of the “turquoise-studded rein.”
3 “Anab.” VII. viii. 7.
4 Vide Strab. xiii. 606, 613. Seventy stades from Thebe.
1 Or, “that the perfection of equipment was regarded as anticipative of actual service in the field.” Cobet suggests for {eukrinein} {dieukrinein}; cf. “Oecon.” viii. 6.
2 Lit. “at least four talents” = 975 pounds.
3 Or, “beyond which, the arms and material to equip the expedition were no doubt highly costly.”
1 At Corinth. See above, III. iv. 11; below, V. iv. 61, where the victory of Nixos is described but not localised.
2 Or, “if not actually at Lacedaemon, then at least as near as possible to the hornet’s nest.”
3 I.e. “the shores of the Corinthian Gulf.” Or, “upon the strand or coast road or coast land of Achaia” (aliter {ten aigialon}(?) the Strand of the Corinthian Gulf, the old name of this part of Achaia).
4 Or, “the district of Nemea.”
1 {epelthontes}, but see Grote (“H. G.” ix. 425 note), who prefers {apelthontes} = retreated and encamped.
2 Lit. “ten stades.” For the numbers below, see Grote, “H. G.” ix. 422, note 1.
3 Halieis, a seafaring people (Strabo, viii. 373) and town on the coast of Hermionis; Herod. vii. 137; Thuc. i. 105, ii. 56, iv. 45; Diod. xi. 78; “Hell.” VI. ii. 3.
4 For a treaty between Athens and Eretria, 395 BC, see Hicks, 66; and below, “Hell.” IV. iii. 15; Hicks, 68, 69; Diod. xiv. 82.
5 See above, “Hell.” III. v. 3.
6 See below, “Hell.” IV. vi. 1; ib. vii. 1; VI. v. 23.
7 Or, “then they lost no time in discovering that the victims proved favorable.”
1 See Grote, “H. G.” ix. 428; cf. Lys. “pro Mant.” 20.
2 Lit. “a stade.”
3 Lit. “our Lady of the Chase.” See “Pol. Lac.” xiii. 8.
4 Lit. “men on either side kept dropping at their post.”
5 Lit. “tribes.”
1 I.e. “right.”
2 See “Pol. Lac.” xiv. 4.
3 See below, “Hell.” IV. viii. 3.
4 See “Ages.” ii. 2; Grote, “H. G.” ix. 420, note 2.
5 See Rustow and Kochly, S. 187 foll.
1 See Thuc. v. 72; Herod. vi. 56, viii. 124.
2 Lit. “and bids them pass the order to the others and themselves to charge,” etc.
3 See “Horsemanship,” vii. 16; Polyb. iv. 8.
4 394 BC, August 14.
1 “Splendide mendax.” For the ethics of the matter, see “Mem.” IV. ii. 17; “Cyrop.” I. vi. 31.
2 Lit. “a mora”; for the numbers, see “Ages.” ii. 6; Plut. “Ages.” 17; Grote, “H. G.” ix. 433.
3 I.e. “enfranchised helots.
4 See “Ages.” ii. 10, 11; and above, “Hell.” III. iv. 20.
5 See Hicks, op. cit. 68.
1 Lit. “a stade.”
2 Lit. “Alalah.”
3 Like a tornado.
4 Lit. “about three plethra.”
5 Or, “All these made up the attacking columns…and coming within…routed…”
6 Or, “they slew, they were slain.” In illustration of this famous passage, twice again worked up in “Ages.” ii. 12, and “Cyrop.” VII. i. 38, commented on by Longinus, {peri upsous}, 19, and copied by Dio Cassius, 47, 45, I venture to quote a passage from Mr. Rudyard Kipling, “With the Main Guard,” p. 57, Mulvaney loquitur: “The Tyrone was pushin’ an’ pushin’ in, an’ our men was sweerin’ at thim, an’ Crook was workin’ away in front av us all, his sword-arm swingin’ like a pump-handle an’ his revolver spittin’ like a cat. But the strange thing av ut was the quiet that lay upon. ’Twas like a fight in a dhrame—excipt for thim that wus dead.”
1 = 25,000 pounds nearly.
2 Or, “not to speak of provisions.”
1 393 BC. See Grote, ix. p. 455, note 2 foll.; “Hell.” IV. viii. 7.
2 Others assign the incidents of this whole chapter iv. to 393 BC.
3 The festival of Artemis Eucleia.
4 See Diod. xiv. 86.
1 See Paus. II. ii. 4.
2 {eunomia}. See “Pol. Ath.” i. 8; Arist. “Pol.” iv. 8, 6; iii. 9, 8; v. 7, 4.
1 Or, “showed him the place in so straightforward a manner.”
2 See Grote, ix. p. 333 foll.
1 Or, “plunged from its summit into perdition.” See Thuc. ii. 4.
2 Or, “Heaven assigned to them a work…” Lit. “The God…”
3 I.e. “of Lechaeum.”
4 So Grote and Curtius; al. 393 BC.
1 Lit. “laconism.”
2 See Thuc. ii. 4.
3 See Grote, ix. 472 note. Lechaeum was not taken by the Lacedaemonians until the Corinthian long walls had been rebuilt by the Athenians. Possibly the incidents in this section (S. 17) occurred after the capture of Lechaeum. The historian introduces them parenthetically, as it were, in illustration of his main topic—the success of the peltasts.
1 Or, adopting Schneider’s conjecture, {estratopedeuonto}, add “and encamping.”
2 See Thuc. vi. 98.
3 Reading {Tenean}, Koppen’s emendation for {tegean}. In the parallel passage (“Ages.” ii. 17) the text has {kata ta stena}. See Grote, “H. G.” ix. 471.
4 See below, IV. viii. 11.
5 Al. 392 BC. The historian omits the overtures for peace, 391 BC (or 391–390) referred to in Andoc. “De Pace.” See Jebb, “Att. Or.” i. 83, 108; Grote, “H. G.” ix. 474; Curtius, “H. G.” Eng. tr. iv. 261.
6 Grote and Curtius believe these to be the Isthmian games of 390 BC, not of 392 BC, as Sauppe and others suppose. See Peter, “Chron. Table,” p. 89, note 183; Jowett, “Thuc.” ii. 468, note on VIII. 9, 1.
1 Lit. “road to Cenchreae.”
2 Near mod. Lutraki.
1 Or, “Heraeum,” i.e. sanctuary of Hera, on a promontory so called. See Leake, “Morea,” iii. 317.
2 See “Hell.” III. ii. 12, if the same.
3 Or, “on the round pavilion by the lake” (mod. Vuliasmeni).
4 Technically “mora.”
5 Lit. the polemarchs, penteconters, and xenagoi.
6 See “Pol. Lac.” xiii. 1.
1 See Grote, “H. G.” ix. 480, in reference to “Ages.” vii. 6.
2 See Grote, “H. G.” ix. 488.
3 Observed on three days of the month Hecatombaeus (= July). See Muller’s “Dorians,” ii. 360. For Amyclae, see Leake, “Morea,” i. ch. iv. p. 145 foll.; Baedeker’s “Greece,” p. 279.
4 See below, “Hell.” VI. iv. 12; and “Pol. Lac.” xi. 4, xiii. 4.
5 Lit. “twenty or thirty stades.”
1 See Cobet, “Prosop. Xen.” p. 67 foll.
2 See Grote, “H. G.” ix. 467, note on the improvements of Iphicrates.
3 Grote, “H. G.” ix. 484; cf. “Hell.” IV. viii. 39; “Anab.” IV. ii. 20; Herod. ix. 10-29.
4 Youngest rank and file, between eighteen and twenty-eight years of age, who formed the first line. The Spartan was liable to service at the age of eighteen. From twenty-eight to thirty-three he would belong to the fifteen-years-service division (the second line); and so on. See below, IV. vi. 10.
1 See Thuc. iv. 125.
2 Lit. “two stades.”
3 Lit. “sixteen or seventeen stades.”
4 See Grote, “H. G.” ix. 486.
1 Lit. “owing to.”
2 The illustrative incidents narrated in chapter iv. 17 may belong to this period.
3 According to others (who suppose that the Isthmia and the events recorded in chapter v. 1–19 above belong to 392 BC), we have now reached 391 BC.
4 Or, “having conferred a city organization on the Calydonians.”
5 See Thuc. ii. 68.
1 “The Akarnanians had, in early times, occupied the hill of Olpai as a place for judicial proceedings common to the whole nation” (see Thuc. iii. 105). “But in Thucydides” own time Stratos had attained its position as the greatest city of Akarnania, and probably the Federal Assemblies were already held there” (Thuc. ii. 80). “In the days of Agesilaos we find Stratos still more distinctly marked as the place of Federal meeting.”—Freeman, “Hist. Fed. Gov.” ch. iv. p. 148 foll., “On the constitution of the League.”
2 Lit. “one hundred and sixty stades.”
3 See Thuc. ii. 80; vi. 106.
1 I.e. “the first two ranks.” See above, IV. v. 14.
2 See “Ages.” ii. 20, for an extraordinary discrepancy.
3 Or lit. “burning and felling.”
1 Or Antirrhium (as more commonly called).
2 According to others, 390 BC.
3 Or, “It was agreed by the Lacedaemonians.”
4 I.e. “the season of the Carneia.”
5 Or, “wrongfully put forward.” See below, V. i. 29; iii. 28; Paus. III. v. 8; Jebb. “Att. Or.” i. p. 131; Grote, “H. G.” ix. 494 foll.;Jowett, “Thuc.” ii. 315; note to Thuc. V. liv. 3.
1 Grote; cf. Aristot. “Rhet.” ii. 33.
2 Or, “interpret the signal as a summons to advance.”
3 See above, “Hell.” IV. iv. 19.
4 The pentathlon of Olympia and the other great games consisted of five contests, in the following order—(1) leaping, (2) discus-throwing, (3) javelin-throwing, (4) running, (5) wrestling. Cf. Simonides, {alma podokeien diskon akonta palen}, where, “metri gratia,” the order is inverted. The competitors were drawn in pairs. The odd man who drew a bye in any particular round or heat was called the “ephedros.” The successful athletes of the pairs, that is, those who had won any three events out of five, would then again be drawn against each other, and so on until only two were left, between whom the final heat took place. See, for an exhaustive discussion of the subject, Prof. Percy Gardner, “The Pentathlon of the Greeks” (“Journal of Hellenic Studies,” vol. i. 9, p. 210 foll. pl. viii.), from whom this note is taken.
1 See Thuc. vii. 57.
2 {peri tas eirktas}—what these were no one knows, possibly a stone quarry used as a prison. Cf. “Cyrop.” III. i. 19; “Mem.” II. i. 5; see Grote, “H. G.” ix. 497; Paus. III. v. 8.
3 Or Celossa. See Strabo, viii. 382.
4 I.e. “hopeless.” See above, III. iv. 15.
5 Lit. “the Laconian harmosts.”
6 See Hicks, 70, “Honors to Konon,” Inscript. found at Erythrae in Ionia. Cf. Diod. xiv. 84.
1 See Diod. xiv. 83.
2 See above, “Hell.” II. i. 27 foll.
3 See above, “Hell.” IV. iii. 3.
4 Lit. “harmosts.”
5 Or, “we are beaten, ergo, it is all over with us.”
1 Lit. “eight stades.”
2 Lit. “harmosts.”
3 See Demos. “de Cor.” 96.
4 See Lys. xix. “de bon. Arist.” 19 foll.; and Hicks, 71, “Honors to Dionysios I. and his court”; Grote, “H. G.” ix. 453.
5 Mod. Kalamata.
1 See “Hell.” I. i. 23.
1 According to Grote (“H. G.” ix. 471, note 2), this section summarises the Lacedaemonian maritime operations in the Corinthian Gulf from the late autumn of 393 BC till the appointment of Teleutias in the spring or early summer of 391 BC, the year of the expedition of Agesilaus recounted above, “Hell.” IV. iv. 19.
2 See Plut. “Ages.” xxiii. (Clough, iv. p. 27); and for the date 392 BC (al. 393 BC) see Grote, “H. G.” ix. 498.
1 See Andoc. “de Pace”; Jebb, “Attic Or.” i. 83, 128 foll. Prof. Jebb assigns this speech to 390 BC rather than 391 BC. See also Grote, “H. G.” ix. 499; Diod. xiv. 110.
2 See Diod. xiv. 85; and Corn. Nep. 5.
3 Al. 392 BC, al. 390 BC.
4 See “Hell.” VII. i. 40; “Cyrop.” I. iv. 17; III. iii. 23; “Anab.” VI. iii. 3.
1 Grote, “H. G.” ix. 504; al. 391 BC.
2 Or, “the Lacedaemonians were not slow to perceive that the whole island of Rhodes was destined to fall either into the hands of Athens or of themselves, according as the democracy or the wealthier classes respectively dominated.”
3 See “Anab.” VII. viii. 9 for a similar exploit.
1 See above, IV. viii. 11.
2 See Diod. xiv. 98; Hicks, 72; Kohler, “C. I. A.” ii. p. 397; Isoc. “Evag.” 54–57; Paus. I. iii. 1; Lys. “de bon. Ar.” 20; Dem. p. 161.
3 Grote, “H. G.” ix. 507.
1 Al. Amedocus.
2 For Seuthes, see above, “Hell.” III. ii. 2, if the same.
3 For the varying fortunes of the democrats at Byzantium in 408 BC and 405 BC, see above, (“Hell.” I. iii. 18; II. ii. 2); for the present moment, 390–389 BC, see Demosth. “c. Lept.” 475; for the admission of Byzantium into the new naval confederacy in 378 BC, see Hicks, 68; Kohler, “C. I. A.” ii. 19; and for 363 BC, Isocr. “Phil.” 53; Diod. xv. 79; and for its commercial prosperity, Polyb. iv. 38-47.
1 According to some critics, 389 BC is only now reached.
2 See Diod. xiv. 94.
3 “Thus perished the citizen to whom, more than anyone else, Athens owed not only her renovated democracy, but its wise, generous, and harmonious working, after renovation.”—Grote, “H. G.” ix. 509.
4 For this statesman, see Demosth. “c. Timocr.” 742; Andoc. “de Myst.” 133; Aristot. “Ath. Pol.” 41, and Mr. Kenyon’s notes ad loc.; Aristoph. “Eccles.” 102, and the Schol. ad loc.; Diod. xiv. 99; Curtius, “H. G.” Eng tr. iv. 280.
1 Or, “The mass of them.”
2 See Grote, “H. G.” ix. p. 491 note. The “Argolising” or philo-Argeian party, as opposed to the philo-Laconian party. See above, “Hell.” IV. iv. 6.
1 Or, “sauve qui peut.”
2 See Hicks, 76; and below, “Hell.” V. i. 31.
3 Or, “determined to let slip the hounds of war”; or, more prosaically, “issued letters of marque.” See Grote, “H. G.” ix. 517.
4 I.e. in Aegina as an {epiteikhisma}.
1 See Grote, “H. G.” ix. 518: “The ideal of government as it presented itself to Xenophon was the paternal despotism or something like it,” {to ethelonton arkhein}. Cf. “Cyrop.” passim, “Heiro,” and his various other compositions.
1 And among the rest Iphicrates and Diotimus. See below, S. 25; above, IV. viii. 39.
2 Lit. “the boatswains employing a clink of stones and a sliding motion of the oars.”
3 I.e. “Cape Girdle,” mod. Cape Karvura. See Tozer, “Geog. of Greece,” pp. 78, 372.
4 According to Diod. xiv. 92, Chabrias had been for some time in Corinth. See also above, IV. viii. 24.
1 Lit. “about sixteen stades.”
2 Or, reading {oi anabebekotes}, “who had scaled the height.” See Hartman, “Anal. Xen.” p. 364.
1 Lit. “five or six stades.”
2 See Hartman, “Anal. Xen.” pp. 365, 366.
1 See Grote (“H. G.” ix. 523): cf. Thuc. ii. 94, the attempt of Brasidas on the port of Megara. For the wealth of Piraeus, Grote “H. G.” ix. 351. See below, “Pol. Ath.” i. 17; “Rev.” iii. 13.
2 See above; Lysias, “de bon. Arist.” (Jebb, “Att. Or.” i. p. 327).
1 See below, VI. ii. 4 foll; Hicks, 71, 84, 88.
2 His name occurs on the famous stele of the new Athenian confederacy, 378 BC. See Hicks, 81; Kohler, “C. I. A.” ii. 17; Demos. “de. Cor.” p. 301; Arist. “Rhet.” ii. 23; Demos. “c. Timocr.” 742.
1 See, at this point, Grote on the financial condition of Athens and the “Theorikon,” “H. G.” ix. 525.
2 Or, “that give-and-take of hard knocks.”
3 See Hicks, 76.
4 At Sardis, doubtless.
5 At Sparta, doubtless.
1 See Freeman, op. cit. pp. 168, 169.
2 See “Ages.” ii. 21; Grote, “H. G.” ix. 537.
3 {oi sphageis}, a party catchword (in reference to the incidents narrated above, “Hell.” IV. iv. 2). See below, {ton bareon demagogon}, “Hell.” V. ii. 7; {oi kedomenoi tes Peloponnesou}, “Hell.” VII. v. 1; above, {oi sphageis}, “Hell.” III. ii. 27, of the philo-Laconian oligarchs in Elis. See Dem. “c. Lept.” 473.
4 Or, more correctly, the peace “under,” or “at the date of,” {ep “Antalkidou}. See Grote, “H. G.” x. 1, note 1.
1 Or, “they had made the states of Boeotia independent of Thebes.” See Grote, “H. G.” x. 44.
2 See Hartman, “An. Xen.” p. 367 foll.; Busolt, “Die Lak.” p. 129 foll.
3 Or, “they determined to chastise… and reduce to such order that disloyalty should be impossible.”
4 See above, “Hell.” IV. ii. 16.
5 Ib. IV. v. 18.
6 As to this point, see Curtius, “H. G.” V. v. (iv. 305 note, Eng. trans.) There appears to be some confusion. According to Thuc. v. 81, “When the Argives deserted the alliance (with Mantinea, Athens, and Elis, making a new treaty of alliance with Lacedaemon for fifty years) the Mantineans held out for a time, but without the Argives they were helpless, and so they came to terms with the Lacedaemonians, and gave up their claims to supremacy over the cities in Arcadia, which had been subject to them…. These changes were effected at the close of winter (418 BC) toward the approach of spring (417 BC), and so ended the fourteenth year of the war.” Jowett. According to Diod. xv. 5, the Lacedaemonians attacked Mantinea within two years after the Peace of Antalcidas, apparently in 386 BC According to Thuc. v. 82, and “C. I. A. 50, in 417 BC Argos had reverted to her alliance with Athens, and an attempt to connect the city with the sea by long walls was made, certain other states in Peloponnese being privy to the project” (Thuc. v. 83)—an attempt frustrated by Lacedaemon early in 416 BC. Is it possible that a treaty of alliance between Mantinea and Lacedaemon for thirty years was formally signed in 416 BC?
1 I.e. Archidamus.
2 See above, “Hell.” III. v. 25.
3 I.e. the Ophis. See Leake, “Morea,” III. xxiv. p. 71; Pausan. “Arcad.” 8; Grote, “H. G.” x. 48, note 2.
4 Or, “in the circuit of the wall.”
1 See Diod. xv. 5; Strab. viii. 337; Ephor. fr. 138, ed. Did.; and Grote, “H. G.” x. 51.
2 Or, “holders of properties.” The historian is referring not to the population at large, I think, but to the rich landowners, i.e. the {Beltistoi}, and is not so partial as Grote supposes (“H. G.” x. 51 foll.)
3 Technically {zenagoi}, Lacedaemonian officers who commanded the contingents of the several allies. See above, “Hell.” III. v. 7; Thuc. ii. 76; and Arnold’s note ad loc.; also C. R. Kennedy, “ap. Dict. of Greek and Roman Antiquities,” s.v.; Muller, “Dorians,” ii. 250, Eng. tr.; Busolt, “Die Lak.” p. 125.
1 Al. 382 BC.
2 Or, “are you aware of a new power growing up in Hellas?”
3 For Amyntas’s reign, see Diod. xiv. 89, 92; xv. 19; Isocr. “Panegyr.” 126, “Archid.” 46.
1 See Grote, “H. G.” x. 72; Thirlwall, “H. G.” v. 12 (ch. xxxvii).
2 See Hicks, 74, for a treaty between Amyntas and the Chalcidians, 390–389 BC: “The article of the treaty between Amyntas III., father of Philip, and the Chalcidians, about timber, etc., reminds us that South Macedonia, the Chalcidic peninsula, and Amphipolis were the chief sources whence Athens derived timber for her dockyards.” Thuc. iv. 108; Diod. xx. 46; Boeckh, “P. E. A.” p. 250; and for a treaty between Athens and Amyntas, 382 BC, see Hicks, 77; Kohler, “C. I. A.” ii. 397, 423.
1 For the point of the comparison, see Freeman, “Hist. Fed. Gov.” ch. iv. “Real nature of the Olynthian scheme,” pp. 190 foll., and note 2, p. 197; also Grote, “H. G.” x. 67 foll., 278 foll.
2 I.e. “rather more than sixpence a day for a hoplite, and two shillings for a horseman.” “The Aeginetan stater weighed about 196 grains, rather more than two of our shillings, and was divided into two drachms of 98 grains, each of which contained six obols of about 16 grains each.” See Percy Gardner, “Types of Greek Coins,” “Hist. Int.” p. 8; Jowett, note to Thuc. III. lxx. 4, vol. i. pp. 201, 202.
1 Or, “new citizens, provincials, and Sciritae.”
2 See Grote, “H. G.” vol. x. p. 80: “We have little or no information respecting the government of Thebes,” etc. The “locus classicus” seems to be Plut. “de Genio Socratis.” See Freeman, op. cit. ch. iv. S. 2, “Of the Boeotian League,” pp. 154–184; and, in reference to the seizure of the Kadmeia, p. 170.
1 Or, “Renown was his mistress.” See Grote, “H. G.” x. 84.
2 An ancient festival held by women in honor of Demeter and Persephone ({to Thesmophoro}), who gave the first impulse to civil society, lawful marriage, etc. See Herod. ii. 171; Diod. v. 5.
1 See “Ages.” vii.
2 “Select Committee.” See “Hell.” II. iv. 38; and below, VI. iii. 3.
3 See above, “Hell.” III. v. 4.
4 Lit. “scytale.”
5 See Grote, “H. G.” vol. x. p. 85; Diod. xv. 20; Plut. “Pelop.” vi.; ib. “de Genio Socratis,” V. vii. 6 A; Cor. Nep. “Pelop.” 1.
6 Lit. “Dicasts.”
1 Or, “that he was a magnificent malefactor.” See Grote, “H. G.” vol. ix. p. 420, “the great wicked man” (Clarendon’s epithets for Cromwell); Plato, “Meno.” 90 B; “Republic,” 336 A, “a rich and mighty man.” See also Plut. “Ages.” xxxii. 2, Agesilaus’s exclamation at sight of Epaminondas, {o tou megalopragmonos anthropou}.
2 Lit. “sent out along with him the combined force of ten thousand men,” in ref to S. 20 above.
3 Lit. “ten stades.”
1 Lit. “ninety stades.”
2 I.e. fruit-trees.
1 See, for the same sentiment, “Horsemanship,” vi. 13. See also Plut. “Pel.” and “Marc.” (Clough, ii. p. 278).
2 See above, “Hell.” III. iv. 2.
3 Lit. “Spartiates.” The new army was sent out 380 BC, according to Grote.
4 Lit. “beautiful and brave of the Perioeci.”
5 Xenophon’s own sons educated at Sparta would belong to this class. See Grote, “H. G.” x. 91.
1 See above, IV. iv. 15.
1 See Grote, “H. G.” x. 45, note 4; and below, V. iv. 13.
2 See “Pol. Lac.” v.
3 Lit. “shady tabernacles.”
4 See “Ages.” viii. 2.
1 See below, “Hell.” VII. i. 19.
1 {to politokon}, the citizen army. See above, IV. iv. 19; “Pol. Lac.” xi.
2 Or, “it is of my own subject that I must now speak.” For the “peripety,” or sudden reversal of circumstances, on which the plot of the “Hellenica” hinges, see Grote, “H. G.” x. 100–108. Cf. Soph. “Oed. Tyr.” 450; “Antig.” 1066; Thuc. v. 116; “Hellenica Essays,” “Xenophon,” p. 382 foll. This passage is perhaps the key to the historian’s position.
1 Lit. “to Archias and his (polemarchs)”; but the Greek phrase does not, as the English would, imply that there were actually more than two polemarchs, viz. Archias and Philippus. Hypates and Leontiades belonged to the faction, but were neither of them polemarchs.
2 Lit. “Polemarcheion.”
1 Or, “and so, according to the prevalent version of the matter, the polemarchs were slain. But some say that…”
2 See plan of Thebes, “Dict. Geog.”; Arrian, “Anab.” i. 8; Aesch. “Sept. c. Theb.” 528.
3 Supply {epeboethoun}. There is a lacuna in the MSS. at this point.
4 This city had been refounded in 386 BC (Isocr. “Plat.” 20, 21). See Freeman, op. cit. ch. iv. p. 170: “Its restoration implied not only a loss of Theban supremacy, but the actual loss of that portion of the existing Theban territory which had formerly formed the Plataian district.”
1 And was therefore more than fifty-eight years old at this date. See “Ages.” i. 6.
1 I.e. “Cithaeron.”
2 See Plut. “Pel.” xiv. (Clough, ii. p. 214).
1 See “Cyrop.” I. iv. 12.
2 Lit. “the Philition.” See “Pol. Lac.” iii. 6.
1 Lit. “who, whether as child, boy, or young man”; and for the three stages of growth, see “Pol. Lac.” ii. iii. iv.
2 I.e. both in life and in death.
3 For the new Athenian confederacy of Delos of this year, 378 BC, see “Pol. Lac.” xiv. 6; “Rev.” v. 6; Diod. xv. 28–30; Plut. “Pelop.” xv.; Hicks, 78, 81; and for an alliance between Athens and Chalcis in Euboea, see Hicks, 79; and for a treaty with Chios, Hicks, 80.
4 See “Ages.” ii. 22.
5 In Arcadia. See Busolt, “Die Lak.” 120 foll.
1 By Cynoscephalae. See “Ages.” ii. 22.
2 Read, after Courier, {arti} for the vulg. {eti}; or, better still, adopt Hartman’s emendation (op. cit. p. 379), {ton men ede katabebekoton ton de katabainonton}, and translate “some—already dismounted, and others dismounting.”
3 Lit. “one of the perioeci.”
4 Reading {Thebaion} after Dind. for {‘Athenaion}.
1 Lit. “their other perioecid cities.” For the significance of this title as applied by the Thebans (and perhaps commonly) to the other cities of Boeotia, see Freeman, op. cit. ch. iv. pp. 157, 173 foll.
2 See Grote, “H. G.” x. 174; Freeman, op. cit. iv. 171, 172.
3 See for affairs of Delos, never actually named by Xenophon, between 377 and 374 BC, the Sandwich Marble in Trinity College, Cambridge; Boeckh, “C. I. G” 158, and “P. E. A.” ii. p. 78 foll.; Hicks, 82.
4 Erythrae (Redlands) stands between Hysiae and Scolus, east of Katzula.—Leake, “N. Gr.” ii. 329. See Herod. ix. 15, 25; Thuc. iii. 24; Paus. IX. ii. 1; Strab. IX. ii.
5 Lit. “Graos Stethos.
1 Or, “and this move of Agesilaus was regarded as a very pretty one.”
2 For the exploits of Chabrias, who commanded a division of mixed Athenians and mercenaries (see above, S. 14), see Dem. “c. Lept.” 479; Polyaen. ii. 1, 2; Diod. xv. 32, 33, who gives interesting details; Grote, “H. G.” x. 172 foll.
3 See above, “Hell.” V. iii. 26.
1 Or, “under the pretext of furthering Laconian interests there was a desire to put political opponents to death.” For “Menon,” Diod. conj. “Melon.”
2 = 2,437 pounds: 10 shillings.
3 Oreus, formerly called Histiaea, in the north of Euboea. See Thuc. vii. 57, viii. 95; Diod. xv. 30; Grote, “H. G.” ix. 263. For Pagasae at the north extremity of the Pagasaean Gulf, “the cradle of Greek navigation,” see Tozer, “Geog. Gr.” vi. p. 124; Strab. IX. v. 15.
4 Or, “beautiful and brave if ever youth was.”
5 Pausanius (I. xi. 6) mentions a temple of Aphrodite {‘Epistrophoa} (Verticordia), on the way up to the Carian Acropolis of Megara.
1 The promontory at the southern extremity of Euboea.
2 Battle of Naxos, 376 BC. For interesting details, see Diod. xv. 35, 35.
1 Lit. “nor at the date of Timotherus’s periplus.” To the historian writing of the events of this period several years later, the coasting voyage of Timotheus is a single incident ({periepleuse}), and as Grote (“H. G.” x. 185, note 3) observes, the words may “include not simply the time which Timotheus took in actually circumnavigating Peloponnesos, but the year which he spent afterward in the Ionian sea, and the time which he occupied in performing his exploits near Korkyra, Leukas, and the neighborhood generally.” For the character and exploits of Timotheus, son of Conon, see Isocr. “Or.” xv. “On the Antidosis,” SS. 101–139; Jebb, “Att. Or.” ii. p. 140 foll.; Rehdantz, “Vit. Iphicr. Chabr. Timoth. Atheniensium.”
2 Or, “the cities round about their territory,” lit. “the perioecid cities.” For the import of the epithet, see V. iv. 46; Freeman, op. cit. iv. 173, note 1, in reference to Grote, “H. G.” x. 183, note 4. For the battle of Tegyra see Grote, ib. 182; Plut. “Pelop.” 17; Diod. xv. 57 (“evidently this battle,” Grote); Callisthenes, fr. 3, ed. Did. Cf. Steph. Byz., {Tegura}.
3 The Corcyraeans, Acarnanians, and Cephallenians join the alliance 375 BC; see Hicks, 83. “This decree dates from the autumn of 375 BC, immediately after Timotheos’s visit to Korkyra (Xen. “Hell.” V. iv. 64). The result was that the names of Korkyra, Kephallenia, and Akarnania were inscribed upon the list (No. 81), and an alliance was made with them.” (See “C. I. A.” ii. p. 399 foll.; Hicks, loc. cit.; “Hell.” VI. v. 23); “C. I. A.” ii. 14. The tablet is in the Asclepeian collection at the entrance of the Acropolis at Athens. See Milchofer, “Die Museum Athens,” 1881, p. 45.
1 {pros to koinon}, “h.e. vel ad ad senatum vel ad ephoros vel ad concionem.”—Sturz, “Lex. Xen.” s.v.
1 Or, “a life satisfying at once to soul and body.”
2 Or, “his underlord in Epirus.” By hyparch, I suppose, is implied that Alcetas regarded Jason as his suzerain. Diodorus (xv. 13, 36) speaks of him as “king” of the Molossians.
1 Or, “Prince,” and below, “Thessaly so converted into a Principality.” “The Tagos of Thessaly was not a King, because his office was not hereditary or even permanent; neither was he exactly a Tyrant, because his office had some sort of legal sanction. But he came much nearer to the character either of a King or of a Tyrant than to that of a Federal President like the General of the Achaians…. Jason of Pherai acts throughout like a King, and his will seems at least as uncontrolled as that of his brother sovereign beyond the Kambunian hills. Even Jason seems to have been looked upon as a Tyrant (see below, “Hell.” VI. iv. 32); possibly, like the Athenian Demos, he himself did not refuse the name” (cf. Arist. “Pol.” iii. 4, 9).—Freeman, “Hist. Fed. Gov.” “No True Federation in Thessaly,” iv. pp. 152 foll.
2 See above, and Hicks, 74.
3 Or, “peasantry.”
1 Or, reading {theoi}, after Cobet; translate “if providentially they should send you.”
2 Reading {kai e su pratteis}, after Cobet. The chief MSS. give {ouk ede anegkletos an dikaios eies en te patridi e se tima kai su prattois ta kratista}, which might be rendered either, “and how be doing best for yourself?” (lit. “and you would not be doing best for yourself,” {ouk an} carried on from previous clause), or (taking {prattois} as pure optative), “may you be guided to adopt the course best for yourself!” “may the best fortune attend you! Farewell.” See Otto Keller, op. cit. ad loc. for various emendations.
1 See “Cyrop.” III. i. 19.
2 For this sentiment, see “Mem.” II. i. 20 et passim.
3 Lit. “morai.”
1 See “Cyrop.” I. i. 5.
2 Lit. perioeci.
3 It is conjectured that the Scopadae ruled at Pherae and Cranusa in the earlier half of the fifth century BC; see, for the change of dynasty, what is said of Lycophron of Pherae in “Hell.” II. iii. 4. There was a famous Scopas, son of Creon, to whom Simonides addressed his poem—
{Andr’ agathon men alatheos genesthai khalepon khersin te kai posi kai noo tetragonon, aneu psogou tetugmenon.}
a sentiment criticised by Plato, “Protag.” 359 A. “Now Simonides says to Scopas, the son of Creon, the Thessalian:
‘Hardly on the one hand can a man become truly good; built four-square in hands and feet and mind, a work without a flaw.’
Do you know the poem?”—Jowett, “Plat.” i. 153. But whether this Scopas is the Scopas of our text and a hero of Jason’s is not clear.
4 See Curtius, “H. G.” vol. iv. p. 376 (Eng. trans.)
5 See Hicks, 81, p. 142.
1 Ibid. 81, 86.
2 Lit. “five stades.”
3 See Thuc. i. 36.
1 The name of the general was Ctesicles, according to Diod. xv. 47. Read {strategon} for {tagon}, with Breitenbach, Cobet, etc. For Alcetas, see above, “Hell.” VI. i. 7.
2 I.e. by show of hands, {ekheirotonoun}.
3 See Jowett, note to Thuc. VIII. xcv. 2, ii. p. 525.
4 The two sacred galleys. See Thuc. iii. 33; Aristoph. “Birds,” 147 foll.
5 Or, “he would knock them all down to the hammer.”
6 Or, “cut off from their pay.”
1 Lit. “lochagoi and taxiarchs.”
2 Or, “to retaliate”; or, “to complete the movement.”
3 Reading, after Dindorf, {oi politai}, or, if with the MSS., {oi oplitai}; translate “the heavy-armed among the assailants saw their advantage and pressed on.”
1 Cape Fish, mod. Cape Katakolon, protecting harbor of Pyrgos in Elis.
2 Lit. “the voyage.”
1 Thyreum (or Thyrium), in Acarnania, a chief city at the time of the Roman wars in Greece; and according to Polybius (xxxviii. 5), a meeting-place of the League on one occasion. See “Dict. Anct. Geog.” s.v.; Freeman, op. cit. iv. 148; cf. Paus. IV. xxvi. 3, in reference to the Messenians and Naupactus; Grote, “H. G.” x. 212.
1 Reading with the MSS. {ou mala epitedeion onta}. See Grote, “H. G.” x. 206. Boeckh (“P. E. A.,” trans. Cornewall Lewis, p. 419) wished to read {eu mala} for {ou mala k.t.l.}, in which case translate “the former a popular orator, and a man of singular capacity”; and for {epitedeion} in that sense, see “Hipparch.” i. 8; for {eu mala}, see “Hipparch.” i. 25. For details concerning Callistratus, see Dindorf, op. cit. note ad. loc.; Curtius, “H. G.” iv. 367, 381 foll., v. 90. For Chabrias, Rehdantz, op. cit. In the next sentence I have again adhered to the reading of the MSS., but the passage is commonly regarded as corrupt; see Otto Keller, op. cit. p. 215 for various emendations.
2 Plataea destroyed in 373 BC. See Jowett, “Thuc.” ii. 397.
3 See below, “Hell.” VII. i. 12; Hicks, 87.
4 The bracketed words read like an annotator’s comment, or possibly they are a note by the author.
1 See above, “Hell.” II. iv. 38.
2 See above, “Hell.” IV. v. 13; Cobet, “Prosop. Xen.” p. 67 foll.; Xen. “Symp.”; Plat. “Protag.”; Andoc. “de Myst.” If this is one and the same person he must have been an elderly man at this date, 371 BC
3 387 BC and 374; see Curtius, “H. G.” vol. iv. p. 376 (Eng. ed.)
1 For the political views of Autocles, see Curtius, “H. G.” iv. 387, v. 94 (Eng. tr.); see also Grote, “H. G.” x. 225.
2 Or, “what consistency is there between these precepts of yours and political independence?”
3 Sixteen years before—387 BC. See “Pol. Lac.” xiv. 5.
1 Reading, with Breitenbach and Hartman, {as} instead of {os espoudasate k.t.l.}
2 Or, more lit. “to avert the peace” as an ill-omened thing.
3 Without inserting {tis}, as Hartman proposes (“An. Xen.” p. 387), that, I think, is the sense. Antalcidas is the arch-diplomat—a name to conjure with, like that of Bismarck in modern European politics. But see Grote, “H. G.” x. 213, note 2.
4 See, for this corrupt passage, Otto Keller, op. cit. p. 219; Hartman, op. cit. p. 387; and Breitenbach, n. ad loc. In the next sentence I should like to adopt Hartman’s emendation (ib.) {on orthos egnote} for the MSS. {a orthos egnomen}, and translate “we may like to prove to you the soundness of your policy at the time.” For the “preservation” referred to, see below, VI. v. 35, and above, II. ii. 20.
1 Grote (“H. G.” x. 236) thinks that Diod. xv. 38 ({exagogeis}) belongs to this time, not to the peace between Athens and Sparta in 374 BC
2 See, for a clear explanation of the matter, Freeman, “Hist. Red. Gov.” iv. p. 175, note 3, in reference to Grote, ib. x. 231 note, and Paus. IX. xiii. 2; Plut. “Ages.” 28; Thirlwall, “H. G.” v. p 69 note.
1 Or, “as the saying is, taken and tithed.” See below, VI. v. 35, and for the origin of the saying, Herod. vii. 132.
2 See Grote, “H. G.” x. 237: “The miso-Theban impulse now drove them on with a fury which overcame all other thoughts… a misguiding inspiration sent by the gods—like that of the Homeric Ate.”
3 This passage reads like an earlier version for which the above was substituted by the author.
1 Or, “was provoked.”
2 Lit. “perioecid.” See Thuc. iv. 76, Arnold’s note, and “Hell.” V. iv. 46, 63.
3 See Diod. xv. 54; Paus. IX. xiii. 3; Plut. “Pelop.” xx.
1 Or, “it is true that some people made out these marvels.”
2 Or, “they were somewhat excited by it.”
3 Or, “surrounded them.”
4 See Rustow and Kochly, op. cit. p. 173.
5 See “Hipparch.” ix. 4; also “Cyrop.” VIII. viii.
6 It would appear that the “enomoty” (section) numbered thirty-six files. See “Pol. Lac.” xi. 4; xiii. 4. For further details as to the tactical order of the Thebans, see Diod. xv. 55; Plut. “Pelop.” xxiii.
1 See above, V. iv. 33.
2 {sumphoreis}. For the readings of this corrupt passage see Otto Keller.
3 Or, “in orderly way.” See Curt. “H. G.” iv. 400.
4 See “Ages.” ii. 24.
5 {tous epikairiotatous}. See above, III. iii. 10; “Cyrop.” VII. iv. 4; VIII. iv. 32, vi. 2.
1 The festival was celebrated annually about midsummer. See Herod. vi. 67; Thuc. v. 82, and Arnold’s note; Pollux. iv. 105; Athen. xiv. 30, xv. 22; Muller, “Dorians,” ii. 389.
2 I.e. everyone up to fifty-eight years of age.
3 See below, VI. v. 9.
1 Or, “though the Phocians maintained a war ‘a outrance’ with him.”
2 Cf. “Anab.”III. ii. 10.
1 Or, “the invincibles.”
2 Lit. “your proxenos.”
3 An ancient town in Phocis (see Hom. “Il.” ii. 521) on the road leading from Orchomenus to Opus, and commanding a pass from Locris into Phocis and Boeotia. See Herod. viii. 28; Paus. ix. 35, S. 5; Strab. ix. 424; “Dict. of Geog.” s.v.
4 Or, “Heracleia Trachinia,” a fortress city founded (as a colony) by the Lacedaemonians in 426 BC, to command the approach to Thermopylae from Thessaly, and to protect the Trachinians and the neighboring Dorians from the Oetean mountaineers. See “Dict. of Geog.” “Trachis”; Thuc. iii. 92, 93, v. 51, 52; Diod. xii. 59.
1 370 BC. The following sections 28–37 form an episode concerning Thessalian affairs between 370 BC and 359 BC.
2 Lit. “Tagos.”
3 For a similar verbal climax see below, VI. v. 47.
1 Lit. “Tagoi.”
2 See above, VI. i. 2 foll.
3 See Dem. “c. Aristocr.” 120; Diod. xv. 60 foll.
4 359 or 358 BC.
5 The woman’s name was Thebe. See Diod. xvi. 14; Cicero, “de Inven.” II. xlix. 144; “de Div.” I. xxv. 52; “de Off.” II. vii. 25; Ovid, “Ibis,” iii. 21 foll.
1 Or, “portion of my work”; lit. “argument,” {logos}. See {Kuprianos, Peri ton “Ell}: p. 111.
2 I.e. in 387 BC, the peace “of” Antalcidas. See Grote, “H. G.” x. 274.
3 See Busolt, op. cit. p. 186.
1 For the restoration of Mantinea, see Freeman, “Fed. Gov.” iv. p. 198; Grote, “H. G.” x. 283 foll.
2 See above, V. ii. 1, sub anno 386 BC.
3 = 731 pounds: 5 shillings. See Busolt, op. cit. p. 199.
4 Although the historian does not recount the foundation of Megalopolis (see Pausanias and Diodorus), the mention of the common assembly of the League {en to koino} in this passage and, still more, of the Ten Thousand (below, “Hell.” VII. i. 38), implies it. See Freeman, op. cit. iv. 197 foll.; Grote, “H. G.” x. 306 foll., ii. 599; “Dict. of Geog.” “Megalopolis.” As to the date of its foundation Pausanias (VIII. xxvii. 8) says “a few months after the battle of Leuctra,” before midsummer 370 BC; Diodorus (xv. 72) says 368 BC. The great city was not built in a day. Messene, according to Paus. IV. xxvii. 5, was founded between the midsummers of 370 BC and 369 BC.
5 Lit. “in the Thearoi.” For the Theari, see Thuc. v. 47, Arnold’s note; and “C. I. G.” 1756 foll.; and for the revolution at Tegea here recounted, see Grote, “H. G.” x. 285 foll.
1 Or, “they mustered under arms.”
2 Or, “opposed to a wholesale slaughter of the citizens.”
3 Pallantium, one of the most ancient towns of Arcadia, in the Maenalia (Paus. VIII. xliv. 5; Livy, i. 5), situated somewhat south of the modern Tripolitza (see “Dict. of Anc. Geog.”); like Asea and Eutaea it helped to found Megalopolis (Paus. VIII. xxvii. 3, where for {“Iasaia} read {“Asea}); below, VII. v. 5; Busolt, op. cit. p. 125.
4 For the sequel of the matter, see above, “Hell.” VI. iv. 18; Busolt, op. cit. p. 134.
1 Asea is placed by Leake (“Travels in Morea,” i. 84; iii. 34) near Frangovrysi, a little south of Pallantium.
Heraea, the most important town of Arcadia in the Cynuria, near Elis, on the high road to Olympia, and commanding other main roads. See Leake, “Peloponnesiaca,” p. 1 foll.; “Morea,” ii. 91.
Lepreum, chief town of the Triphylia (Herod. iv. 148, ix. 28; Thuc. v. 31; above, III. ii. 25; Paus. V. v. 3; Polyb. iv. 77 foll.; Strab. viii. 345), near modern Strovitzi; Leake, “Morea,” i. 56; Dodwell, “Tour,” ii. 347.
Eutaea is placed by Leake between Asea and Pallantium at Barbitza (“Morea,” iii. 31); but see Grote, “H. G.” x. 288.
2 Elymia, mentioned only by Xenophon, must have been on the confines of the Mantinice and Orchomenus, probably at Levidhi.—Leake, “Morea,” iii. 75; “Peloponn.” p. 229.
3 See “Cyrop.” VII. i. 36.
1 See “Ages.” ii. 23.
2 See Leake, “Morea,” iii. 73.
3 Lit. “twenty stades.”
4 Lit. “within the hindmost bosom of the Mantinice.” In reference to the position, Leake (“Morea,” iii. 75) says: “The northern bay (of the Mantinic plain between Mantinea and the Argon) corresponds better by its proximity to Mantinea; by Mount Alesium it was equally hidden from the city, while its small dimensions, and the nearness of the incumbent mountains, rendered it a more hazardous position to an army under the circumstances of that of Agesilaus” (than had he encamped in the Argon itself). For the Argon (or Inert Plain), see Leake, ib. 54 foll.
1 See “Anab.” IV. iii. 29; “Pol. Lac.” xi. 10.
2 2,437 pounds: 10 shillings. See Busult, op. cit. p. 199.
3 Lit. “perioeci”; and below, SS. 25, 32.
1 Or, “effect a junction with.”
2 Or, “in practicing gymnastics about the place of arms.” See “Pol. Lac.” xii. 5.
3 See “Hell.” IV. vii. 1; “Ages.” ii. 20. For a sketch of the relations of Acarnania to Athens and Sparta, see Hicks, No. 83, p. 150; and above, “Hell.” V. iv. 64.
4 Leuctrum, a fortress of the district Aegytis on the confines of Arcadia and Laconia (“in the direction of Mount Lycaeum,” Thuc. v. 54). See Leake, “Morea,” ii. 322; also “Peloponn.” p. 248, in which place he corrects his former view as to the situation of Leuctrum and the Maleatid.
Oeum or Ium, the chief town of the Sciritis, probably stood in the Klisura or series of narrow passes through the watershed of the mountains forming the natural boundary between Laconia and Arcadia (in the direct line north from Sparta to Tegea), “Dict. of Anc. Geog.” s.v. Leake says (“Morea,” iii. 19, 30 foll.) near the modern village of Kolina; Baedeker (“Greece,” p. 269) says perhaps at Palaeogoulas.
Caryae. This frontier town was apparently (near Arachova) on the road from Thyrea (in the direction of the Argolid) to Sparta (Thuc. v. 55; Paus. III. x. 7; Livy, xxxiv. 26, but see Leake, “Morea,” iii. 30; “Peloponn.” p. 342).
Sellasia, probably rightly placed “half an hour above Vourlia” (Baedeker, “Greece,” p. 269). The famous battle of Sellasia, in the spring of 221 BC, in which the united Macedonians under Antigonus and the Achaeans finally broke the power of Sparta, was fought in the little valley where the stream Gorgylus joins the river Oenus and the Khan of Krevatas now stands. For a plan, see “Dict. of Anc. Geog.” s.v.
1 “Perioeci.”
2 Diodorus (xv. 64) gives more details; he makes the invaders converge upon Sellasia by four separate routes. See Leake, “Morea,” iii. 29 foll.
3 See Pausanias, III. xix. 7.
1 See Plutarch, “Ages.” xxxi. 3 (Clough, vol. iv. p. 38); Aristot. “Pol.” ii. 9–10.
2 See below, VII. ii. 2.
3 For this ancient (Achaean) town, see Paus. III. ii. 6; Polyb. v. 19. It lay only twenty stades (a little more than two miles) from the city of Sparta.
4 Or, “hippodrome.” See Paus. III. ii. 6.
5 Paus. III. xvi. 2.
1 See Baedeker’s “Greece,” p. 279. Was Gytheum taken? See Grote, “H. G.” x. 305; Curt. “H. G.” Eng. trans. iv. 431.
2 “Perioeci.” See above, III. iii. 6; VI. v. 25; below, VII. ii. 2; Grote, “H. G.” x. 301. It is a pity that the historian should hurry us off to Athens just at this point. The style here is suggestive of notes ({upomnemata}) unexpanded.
3 In reference (1) to the expulsion of the Peisistratidae (Herod. v. 64); (2) the “third” Messenian war (Thuc. i. 102).
4 See “Revenues,” v. 6.
5 Or, “the Thebans be decimated”; for the phrase see above, “Hell.” VI. iii. 20.
1 See “Hell.” II. ii. 19; and “Hell.” III. v. 8.
2 Lit. “because,” {oti}.
1 Lit. “to acquire some good.”
2 Or, “for what,” etc.
1 See “Hell.” II. ii. 19; III. v. 8, in reference to 405 BC.
2 In reference to the Seven against Thebes, see Herod. IX. xxvii. 4; Isoc. “Paneg.” 55.
3 Herod. IX. xxvii. 3; see Isoc. “Paneg.” 56. “The greatness of Sparta was founded by the succour which Athens lent to the Heraklid invaders of the Peloponnese—a recollection which ought to restrain Sparta from injuring or claiming to rule Athens. Argos, Thebes, Sparta were in early times, as they are now, the foremost cities of Hellas; but Athens was the greatest of them all—the avenger of Argos, the chastiser of Thebes, the patron of those who founded Sparta.”—Jebb, “Att. Or.” ii. 154.
4 Plut. “Lyc.” vi.
1 As to the anti-Laconian or Boeotian party at Athens, see Curtius, “H. G.” vol. v. ch. ii. (Eng. tr.)
2 See Baedeker, “Greece,” p. 103.
3 See “Hipparch.” viii. 10 foll.
1 See Diod. xv. 63; Plut. “Pelop.” 24.
2 I.e. the official year from spring to spring. See Peter, “Chron. Table” 95, note 215; see Grote, “H. G.” x. 346, note 1.
3 See Hicks, 89.
4 For the phrase {epi toi isois kai omoiois}, implying “share and share alike,” see Thuc. i. 145, etc.
1 See “Pol. Ath.” i. 19 foll.
2 See “Hell.” II. i.
3 Or, “the spirit of discipline.” See “Mem.” III. v. 16; IV. iv. 15; Thuc. ii. 39; “Pol. Lac.” viii.
1 Or, “with unlimited confidence.”
2 See above, “Hell.” VI. i. 13, {kai su prattois ta kratista}, “and so may the best fortune attend you!”—if that reading and rendering be adopted.
3 See above, “Hell.” VI. iii. 2; Hicks, 87.
1 See “Revenues,” v. 7.
2 See Grote, “H. G.” x. 349 foll.; al. 368 BC
3 “During the wars of Epameinondas Pellene adhered firmly to her Spartan policy, at a time when other cities were, to say the least, less strenuous in the Spartan cause.”—Freeman, “Hist. Fed. Gov.” p. 241. Afterward Pellene is found temporarily on the Theban side (“Hell.” VII. ii. 11).
4 Lit. “thirty stades.”
5 Or, “intent on their personal concerns.” See “Hell.” II. iv. 6; “Hipparch.” vii. 12.
1 And took (apparently); see below; Diod. xv. 69.
2 See “Anab.” III. iv. 43; and above, “Hell.” V. iii. 23.
3 Lit. “four plethra.”
4 Lit. “three or four stades.”
1 “East of Sicyon was Epieiceia (see above, “Hell.” IV. ii. 14, iv. 13) on the river Nemea. In the same direction was the fortress Derae.” (“Dict. Anct. Geog.” “Topography of Sicyonia”), al. Gerae. So Leake (“Morea,” iii. 376), who conjectures that this fortress was in the maritime plain.
2 For the plan of an Arcadian Federation and the part played by Lycomedes, its true author, “who certainly merits thereby a high place among the statesmen of Greece,” see Freeman, “Hist. Fed. Gov.” ch. iv. p. 199 foll.
3 For this claim on the part of the Arcadians, see “Anab.” VI. ii. 10 foll.
4 Or, “Lacedaemonians under another name.”
1 {arkhontas}, see below, “Hell.” VII. iv. 33. The formal title of these Federal magistrates may or may not have been {arkhontes}; Freeman, “H. F. G.” 203, note 6.
2 See Grote, “H. G.” x. 356.
3 Or, “regarded themselves as the very perfection of soldiery.”
4 In reference to “Hell.” III. ii. 25 foll., see Freeman, op. cit. p. 201, and below, “Hell.” VII. iv. 12 (365 BC); Busolt, op. cit. p. 186 foll., in reference to Lasion.
5 Busolt, p. 150.
6 See Hicks, 84, p. 152; Kohler, “C. I. A.” ii. 51; Grote, “H. G.” x. 357; Curtius, “H. G.” (Eng. tr.) iv. 458; Diod. xv. 90.
7 See above, V. i. 28; “Ages.” ii. 26.
1 See Hicks, 86.
2 See above, SS. 20, 22, p. 191 foll. The date is 368 BC according to Grote, “H. G.” x. 362 foll.; al. 367 BC.
3 Or, “Melea,” or “Malea.” E. Curtius conjectures {Meleas} for {Medeas} of the MSS., and probably the place referred to is the township of Malea in the Aegytis (Pausan. VIII. xxvii. 4); see above, “Hell.” VI. v. 24, “the Maleatid.” See Dind. “Hist. Gr.,” Ox. MDCCCLIII., note ad loc.; Curtius, “H. G.” iv. 459; Grote, “H. G.” x. 362.
4 Or, “the resting-place”; cf. mod. “Khan.” L. and S. cf. Arist. “Frogs,” 113. “Medea,” below, is probably “Malea,” (see last note).
1 See Plut. “Ages.” 53 (Clough, vol. iv. p. 41).
2 See Xen. “Apolog.” 12; Homer, “Il.” ii. 353; “Od.” xx. 113 foll.
3 According to Diod. xv. 72, ten thousand of the enemy fell.
4 See Plut. “Pelop.” 30 (Clough, vol. ii. p. 230). For the date see Grote, “H. G.” x. 365, 379; Curtius, “H. G.” iv. 460.
1 See Thuc. iii. 58, 59, 60.
2 See above, “Hell.” III. iv. 3; Lincke, “Zur. Xen. Krit.” p. 315.
3 See Grote, “H. G.” x. 402; and “Ages.” viii. 3.
1 See above, VI. v. 6; Freeman, “Hist. Fed. Gov.” 202; Demosth. “F. L.” 220, etc.
2 Or, “the golden plane-tree they romance about would not suffice to,” etc.
3 367 BC, according to Grote, “H. G.” x. 365, note 1; al. 366 BC.
1 See Freeman, “Hist. Fed. Gov.” p. 241: “We read of local oligarchies (in the several cities of Achaia) which Epameinondas found and left in possession, but which the home government of Thebes thought good to expel, and to substitute democracies under the protection of Theban harmosts. This policy did not answer, as the large bodies of exiles thus formed contrived to recover the cities, and to bring them to a far more decided Spartan partisanship than before.”
2 Lit. “harmosts.”
3 See Grote, “H. G.” x. 379.
1 Lit. “the Argives and the Arcadians.”
2 Lit. “on fair and equal terms.” See Thuc. v. 79.
3 “Thyamia is placed by Ross on the lofty hill of Spiria, the northern prolongation of Tricaranum, between the villages Stimanga and Skrapani.”—“Dict. Anct. Geog.” “Phlius.”
1 See above, “VI.” v. 29.
2 See “Hell.” VII. i. 18.
3 369 BC? al. 368 BC. See above, “Hell.” VII. i. 15; Grote, “H. G.” x. 346.
1 See above, “Hell.” VII. i. 18, and below, S. 8.
2 Or, “one member of both the squads of five was left behind”—i.e. two out of the ten could not keep up with the rest in their flight, and were taken and killed; one indeed had not started, but was killed in sleep.
3 Or, “downwards” (L. and S.); or, “in front,” “von vorn” (Buchs).
4 Reading, {tous eti toi teikhous}. See Otto Keller for various emendations of the passage.
1 In true Homeric fashion, as Pollux (ii. 64) observes. See Homer, “Il.” vi. 484. See above, VII. i. 32; “Cyrop.” VII. v. 32; “Hiero,” iii. 5; “Sym.” ii. 24; “Antony and Cleopatra,” III. ii. 43.
2 368 BC (or 367 BC).
3 The Asopus.
4 367 BC (or 366 BC).
1 Lit. “above the Heraion” (where his main body lay).
1 What is the date of this incident? See above, “Hell.” VII. ii. 3; below VII. iv. 17.
1 See “Anab.” VII. iii. 46.
2 Is this man the famous writer {o taktikos}, a portion of whose works, the “Treatise on Siege Operations,” has been preserved (recently re-edited by Arnold Hug—“Commentarius Poliorceticus,” Lips. Trubner, 1884)? So Casaubon supposed. Cf. “Com. Pol.” 27, where the writer mentions {paneia} as the Arcadian term for “panics.” Readers of the “Anabasis” will recollect the tragic end of another Aeneas, also of Stymphalus, an Arcadian officer. On the official title {strategos} (general), Freeman (“Hist. Fed. Gov.” 204) notes that “at the head of the whole League there seems to have been, as in so many other cases, a single Federal general.” Cf. Diod. xv. 62.
3 See above, VII. i. 46.
1 Or, “on an opposition journey.”
2 Lit. “the sound of soul.”
1 Or, “they have been judge and jury both, and executioners to boot.”
2 See above, V. iv. 2.
1 Or, as we should say, “in violation of conscience.”
2 Or, “he was wrongfully slain.”
3 For this right of extradition see Plut. “Lys.” xxvii.
1 See above, VII. ii. 23; iii. 3; Diod. xv. 76.
2 See Thuc. viii. 60.
3 See above, VII. i. 23.
4 This proves that “the Ten Thousand made war and peace in the name of all Arkadia”; cf. “Hell.” VII. i. 38; Diod. xv. 59. “They received and listened to the ambassadors of other Greek states”; Demosth. “F. L.” 220. “They regulated and paid the standing army of the Federation”; “Hell.” VII. iv. 22, 23; Diod. xv. 62. “They sat in judgment on political offenders against the collective majority of the Arkadian League”; “Hell.” VII. iv. 33; Freeman, “Hist. Fed. Gov.” 203, note 1.
1 Of Demotion nothing more, I think, is known. Grote (“H. G.” x. 397) says: “The public debates of the Athenian assembly were not favorable to the success of a scheme like that proposed by Demotion, to which secrecy was indispensable. Compare another scheme” (the attempted surprise of Mitylene, 428 BC), “divulged in like manner, in Thuc. iii. 3.”
1 See Isocr. “Or.” vi. “Archidamos,” S. 70; Jebb, “Att. Or.” ii. 193.
2 Or, “as a post held by them within the territory of the state.” The passage is perhaps corrupt.
1 Concerning Dionysius the first, see above, VII. i. 20 foll. 28.
2 See above, VII. i. 26; Freeman, “Hist. Fed. Gov.” p. 201.
3 From the sequel it would appear that the former were a picked corps of infantry and the latter of cavalry. See Thuc. ii. 25; Busolt, op. cit. p. 175 foll.
4 The mountainous district of Elis on the borders of Arcadia, in which the rivers Peneius and Ladon take their rise; see “Dict. of Anct. Geog.” s.v.; above, III. ii. 30, IV. ii. 16. Thraustus was one of the four chief townships of the district. For Margana, see above, III. ii. 25, 30, IV. ii. 16, VI. v. 2.
5 I.e. Elis.
1 See below, VII. iv. 31; Busolt, op. cit. p. 175.
2 Pylus, a town in “hollow” Elis, upon the mountain road from Elis to Olympia, at the place where the Ladon flows into the Peneius (Paus. VI. xxii. 5), near the modern village of Agrapidokhori.—Baedeker, “Greece,” p. 320. See Busolt, p. 179.
3 This fortress (placed by Leake at modern Xylokastro) lay at the entrance of the gorge of the Sys, leading from the Aigialos or coast-land into the territory of Pellene, which itself lay about sixty stades from the sea at modern Zougra. For the part played by Pellene as one of the twelve Achaean states at this period, see above.
4 See Grote, “H. G.” x. 429 foll.; al. 364 BC.
5 The port town of Elis.
1 Cromnus, a township near Megalopolis. See Callisthenes, ap. Athen. 10, p. 452 A. See Schneider’s note ad loc.
2 Lit. “lochi.” See Arnold’s note to Thuc. v. 68; below, VII. v. 10.
3 So the troops of the Arcadian Federation were named. Diodorus (xv. 62) calls them “the select troops,” {tous kaloumenous epilektous}.
1 See above, III. i. 22.
2 A strong fortress in an unfrequented situation, defended by narrow passes (Leake, “Morea,” ii. 204); it lay probably in the rocky recesses of Mount Scollis (modern Santameri), on the frontier of Achaea, near the modern village of Santameri. See Polyb. iv. 75. See Busolt, op. cit. p. 179.
1 “The Thebans must have been soldiers in garrison at Tegea, Megalopolis, or Messene.”—Grote, “H. G.” x. 433.
2 I.e. “Ol. 104. 1” (July 364 BC).
3 For this claim on the part of the Pisatans (as the old inhabitants), see above, III. ii. 31; Paus. VI. xxii. 2; Diod. xv. 78; Busolt, op. cit. p. 154.
4 As to the pentathlon, see above, IV. vii. 5. Whether the preceding {ippodromia} was, at this date, a horse or chariot race, or both, I am unable to say.
5 “The {temenos} must here be distinguished from the Altis, as meaning the entire breadth of consecrated ground at Olympia, of which the Altis formed a smaller interior portion enclosed with a wall. The Eleians entered into a {temenos} before they crossed the river Kladeus, which flowed through the {temenos}, but alongside the Altis. The tomb of Oenomaus, which was doubtless included in the {temenos}, was on the right bank of the Kladeus (Paus. VI. xxi. 3); while the Altis was on the left bank of the river.”—Grote, “H. G.” x. 438, note 1. For the position of the Altis (Paus. V. x. 1) and several of the buildings here mentioned, and the topography of Olympia in general, see Baedeker’s “Greece,” p. 322 foll.; and Dorpfeld’s Plan (“Olympia und Umgegend,” Berlin, 1882), there reproduced.
1 Or, “from the porticoes of the senate-house and the great temple.”
2 See above, VII. i. 24. “Were these magistrates, or merely popular leaders?”—Freeman, “Hist. Fed. Gov.” p. 203, note 3.
3 Or, “Select Troop.” See above.
1 “The common formula for a Greek confederation, {to koinon ton “Arkadon}, is used as an equivalent of {oi mupioi}” (here and below, SS. 35, 38)—Freeman, op. cit. 202, note 4.
2 See below, VII. v. 1, {oi kedouenoi tes Peloponnesou}. I regard these phrases as self-laudatory political catchwords.
1 For a treaty of alliance between Athens, the Arkadians, Achaeans, Eleians, and Phliasians, immediately before Mantinea, 362 BC, {epi Molonos arkhontos}, see Hicks, 94; Kohler, “C. I. A.” ii. p. 405. It is preserved on a stele (“broken at bottom; but the top is surmounted by a relief representing Zeus enthroned, with a thunderbolt; a female figure (= the {Summakhia}?) approaches lifting her veil, while Athena stands by”) now standing among the sculptures from the Asklepieion on the Acropolis at Athens. See Milchhofer, p. 47, no. 7, “Die Museum,” Athens, 1881. For the date, see Demosth. “c. Polycl.” 1207.
1 For Alexander of Pherae, see above, VI. iv. 34. In 363 BC the Thebans had sent an army under Pelopidas into Thessaly to assist their allies among the Thessalians with the Phthiot Achaeans and the Magnetes against Alexander. At Kynos Kephelae Alexander was defeated, but Pelopidas was slain (see Grote, “H. G.” x. 420 foll.). “His death, as it brought grief, so likewise it produced advantage to the allies; for the Thebans, as soon as they heard of his fall, delayed not their revenge, but presently sent seven thousand foot and seven hundred horse, under the command of Malcitas and Diogiton. And they, finding Alexander weak and without forces, compelled him to restore the cities he had taken, to withdraw his garrisons from the Magnesians and Achaeans of Phthiotos and swear to assist the Thebans against whatsoever enemies they should require.”—Plut. “Pelop.” 35 (Clough, ii. 236).
1 Or, “dull obscurity in place of renown.”
2 Pellene (or Pellana), a town of Laconia on the Eurotas, and on the road from Sparta to Arcadia; in fact the frontier fortress on the Eurotas, as Sellasia on the Oenus; “Dict. of Anct. Geog.” s.v.; see Paus. iii. 20, S. 2; Strab. viii. 386; Polyb. iv. 81, xvi. 37; Plut. “Agis,” 8; Leake, “Morea,” iii. 14 foll.
3 Cf. “Hipparch.” iv. 9.
4 Lit. “lochi.” See above, VII. iv. 20; “Pol. Lac.” xi. 4.
5 Grote (“H. G.” x. 455) says: “Though he crossed the Eurotas and actually entered into the city of Sparta,” as the words {epei de egeneto en te polei ton Spartiaton} certainly seem to me to imply. Others interpret “in the close neighborhood of.”
6 Or, “to serve as his defense”; or, “the one obstacle to his progress,” i.e. Archidamus’s. It was a miraculous thing that the Thebans did not stop him.
1 See Mahaffy, “Hist. Gk. Lit.” vol. ii. p. 268, 1st ed. See above, “Hell.” VI. iv. 24; Diod. xv. 39, 56.
2 Or, “and in Corinth an untoward incident had been experienced by the cavalry.” See Grote, “H. G.” x. 458, note 2. Possibly in reference to “Hell.” VI. v. 51, 52.
1 Probably Xenophon’s own son Gryllus was among them.
2 Grote (“H. G.” x. 463) has another interpretation.
1 Or, “the wedge-like attack of his own division”; see Grote, “H. G.” x. 469 foll. I do not, however, think that the attacking column was actually wedge-shaped like the “acies cuneata” of the Romans. It was the unusual depth of the column which gave it the force of an ironclad’s ram. Cf. “Cyrop.” II. iv. for {eis metopon}.
2 See Rustow and Kochly, p. 176; and for the {amippoi} Harpocration, s.v.; Pollus, i. 131; “Hipparch.” v. 13; Thuc. v. 58; Herod. vii. 158; Caes. “B. G.” i. 48; “B. Civ.” iii. 84.
1 Or, “they timorously slipped back.”
2 Or, “win the attention of some other writer.”