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10,000-hour rule 29–30, 31–2, 33–4, 35, 46


and reassurance 43

as a springboard 36–7, 43

see also competence; skills

action 117–29

benefits of 125

confidence in 123, 129

dependency 120–1, 121–2

developing confidence through 118–19

encounters with others/world 119–20, 126

entrepreneurs and adventurers 120–2

essentialist perspective 127

existence and essence 128–9

existentialist perspective 127

fear of failure 124

new opportunities 119

and one’s will 126

stage fright of actors 123–4

and thought 125

virginal young men 117–18

admiration 131–45

idiosyncrasies 140, 142

inimitability 140

of mediocre talent 143–4

adventurers 120–2

aesthetic experience 73, 74

aesthetic sense 73–4

Alain 117, 125

Alexander the Great 141

alienation 103

Allende, Isabel 123

anxiety 24–5, 112–13

Archimedes 27, 36

Aristotle 7

friends 17–18

good occupations 111–12

use of hands 113

art 76–7

art instinct 43

artisans 105, 110

business graduates and corporate executives 115

Ashe, Arthur 15–16

attachment, lack of 11

Aurelius, Marcus 7

authority, speaking with 73

Bachelard, Gaston 101

bad faith 67, 85

bakers 107–8, 109

Baldwin, James 23–4, 107–8, 177–8

Baudelaire, Charles 73

Beatles 32–3

Hamburg club 33

beauty 71–84

and aesthetic pleasure 73–4

courage 78–9

exposure to 77

a force at work 80

and harmony 81–2

inhibitions 78

listening to yourself 71–2, 73

and nature 79, 80–1, 83

of the seasons 79

being see self

being and becoming 127–8

Bergson, Henri 67–8, 114, 165–6, 184

Black Boy (Wright) 142

blacksmithing 46

Bobin, Christian 159, 164

bonds 12–13

breaking of 23

Bowlby, John 12

Bridges, Ruby 178

burnout 110, 111

business schools 97

cabinetmakers 109

Cézanne 167

chance 162, 163

charisma 14

Charles de Gaulle (airplane carrier) 172–4

childhood 38

choosing 88–9, 90, 90–1, 97, 97–8

Christians 163–4, 168

Civilisation and Its Discontents (Freud) 139

comfort zone 45, 46, 99


with celebrities 147

and desire 153–4

diminished lives 151

distinctness of individuals 150

in French schools 149–50

fulfilling lives 151–2

invalidity of 150

with peers 147–8

self-awareness 153–4

on social networks 148–9

competence 39

and confidence 48

and creativity 44

development of 42

pleasure in developing 39–40

Serena Williams 44

see also ability; skills


acquisition of 34

compartmentalisation of 39

and competence 48

in life 159–62, 166

Christians 163–4

Epicureans 162–3

Henri Bergson 165–6

Stoics 161–2

in others, lack of 24–5

in own judgements 56

and reassurance 48

in relationships 24–5

in the world 166–8

see also self-confidence

‘Conscientious One’ 42, 58, 70

consciousness 37

conventional truths 59–60

cosmic energy 161

cosmos 161–2

Coué Method 170

The Countess of Rudolstadt (Sand) 145

craftsmanship 102–3, 103–4

Crawford, Matthew B. 101–3

alienation of office work 103

intelligent use of hands 113–14

job satisfaction 102–3, 103–4

culture 8

Cyrulnik, Boris 9, 12

d’Alembert, Jean le Rond 187

Daring to Trust (Delessert) 48

Decamp, Érik 19–20, 21–2

deciding 89, 90–1, 97–8

and confidence 96

and God 94–5

teaching of 96–7

decision making 85–100

academic courses 97

choosing 88–9, 90, 90–1, 97, 97–8

commitment without clarity 87

competing courses of action 88

and confidence 98

deciding 89, 90–1, 94–5, 96, 96–7, 97–8

engaging with uncertainty 86–7, 90, 93

making mistakes 98–9

risk 87

and trust 95

Delessert, Emmanuel 48

dependency 120–1, 121–2

depression 110, 155–6

Descartes, René 186–7

desire 147–57

faithfulness 154, 155

giving up on 154–5

knowing oneself 153–4

loss of 155–6

Ulysses 156–7

see also comparisons

Destivelle, Catherine 19

The Diary of a Seducer (Kierkegaard) 93

digital crutches 106–7

discontent 139

divine force 80–1

Djian, Philippe 142

Dorval, Marie 136–7

Douglass, Frederick 49–52

Dudevant, Baron 132

Dufourmantelle, Anne 24–5

Dupin, Aurore see Sand, George

Dupin, Louise 136, 140, 141

Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 (Marx) 112

Edison, Thomas 34

Edlinger, Patrick 2, 82–4

confidence 83

ego 129

Ellison, Ralph 142

emergencies 61–2

emergency doctors 53–4, 61–2

Emerson, Ralph Waldo 53, 62–3, 69, 70, 77, 80

divine force 80–1

individuals 151

passing through of immense intelligence 164–5

ship analogy 98–9

work 103, 106

emotions 75

Enlightenment 67

enterprise 121

entrepreneurs 120–2

Epicureans 162–3, 168

Epicurus 162

Ericsson, Anders 29–30, 31–2, 33

essential self 128

essentialist perspective of action 127

The Ethics of Psychoanalysis (Lacan) 154

exemplarity 131–45

existence 128–9

existentialism 128

existentialist perspective of action 127

experiences 49

expertise 110

Facebook 148

failure, fear of 124

faith 93–4, 174–6

fear instinct 43

feral children 11

The Fire Next Time (Baldwin) 23–4, 177–8

Flaubert, Gustave 137, 140

Flynn, Christopher 13

foetal development 7–8

free association, theory of 64

freedom 51–2, 67–8

in decision-making 93

Freud, Sigmund 9, 64, 139

friends 17–18

friendships 25–6

fulcrum 27, 36

Gall, France 185

getting one’s hands dirty see manual work

Gladwell, Malcolm 29, 32, 33, 33–4, 35

God 164

belief in 94

good faith 67

good work 110

hands, intelligent use of 113–15

harmony 81–2

He Played the Piano Standing Up (Gall) 185–6

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 57

Hephaestus 46

Heraclitus 41

Hillesum, Etty 179–82, 183, 184

Homo faber 114

Homo sapiens 114

humanism 137

Husserl, Edmund 37, 166–7

Il jouait du piano debout’ (Gall) 185–6


matters of 60–1

and urgency 60–1

indecision 85–6, 89–90, 97–8

infantile anxiety 9

infants 7–8

inner insecurity 25

insecurity 21

Instagram 148

intelligence, use of hands 113–15

intuition 53–70

‘feeling’ it 54

successes and failures 54

Invisible Man (Ellison) 142

Jesus 163, 164

joy 153, 166

Kant, Immanuel 67

aesthetic experience 74

Kierkegaard, Søren 93–4

self-confidence 95

La Cause du peuple (The People’s Cause) 133–4

labour see manual work

Lacan, Jacques 9–10, 144, 147, 154–5

Leiris, Antoine 174–6

Lennon, John 32–3

Leroux, Pierre 137–8

Levitin, Daniel 34


Bergson’s view of 165–6

Christian view of 163–4

confidence in 159–62

Epicurean view of 162–3

mystery in 168–9

Stoic view of 161–2

listening to yourself 53–70

aesthetic experience 74

balancing of faculties 55

and beauty 71–2, 73

capacity 55

challenges of 59

knowing how to 59–60

rituals 63–6

simple and complicated 55

tyranny of urgency 60–1

urgency and importance 60–1

The Little Prince (Saint-Exupéry) 65–6

luck 122

Lucretius 162

Madonna 2, 13–15

admiration of others 142

charisma 14

confidence 13–14

dancing talent 27

family background 13

self-belief 13–14

management consultants 104–5

manual work 101–15

boost to self-confidence 112

confirmation of self-value 112–13

disconnection from making things 106

job satisfaction 102–3, 103–4, 105, 109

mental element 102

rural life 108–9

see also work

Marx, Karl 112

mastery 32, 35, 39, 40–1, 44

reassurance 45

and students 46

McCartney, Paul 33

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 167, 168

midlife depression 155

mirror stage 9–10

mistakes 98–9

Montessori, Maria 20

Mozart 32, 34

musicians 29–31

mystery of life 159–84

Napoleon 141

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (Douglass) 49–52

nature 79, 80–1, 83, 114, 167

Neruda, Pablo 123

Nietzsche, Friedrich 42, 43–4, 52, 69, 131, 187

admiration of others 142

‘Conscientious One’ 42, 58


diminished lives 151

fulfilling lives 151–2

‘instinct of art’ 43

‘instinct of fear’ 43

role models 141

superman 152–3

Noah, Yannick 15–16

admiration of others 142

office work 101–2

intermediate goals 110

unseen finished product 109–10

vagueness of profession 110

oppressed minorities 23

Oser faire confiance (Delessert) 48

Outliers (Gladwell) 29

paranoiacs 25

On the Parts of Animals (Aristotle) 113

Pascal, Blaise 187

personal identity 127

Phenomenology of Mind (Hegel) 57

Picasso 142

Pioneer, spirit of 70

Platonism 125

pleasure 73–4

poetry 164

practice 27–52

Anders Eriksson 29–30

Beatles 32–3

Hephaestus 46

Mozart 32

Serena Williams 36

Sonny Rollins 30–1

see also training

pre-Revolutionary world 66–7

precocious interactions 9

Programme for International Student Assessment 56

Queuille, Henri 96

racism 23

reassurance 43–4

and confidence 48

relational confidence 23

relationships 7–26

value of friendships 17–18

reliance 80

religious socialism 137

Revue indépendante (Independent Review) 133

rhesus monkeys 10

risk 87

rituals 63–6

role models 141

Rollins, Sonny 30–1

Rothko, Mark 78

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 136

rural life 108–9

Sagan, Françoise 76

Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de 65

Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin 131

Salammbô (Flaubert) 137

salary 110–11

Sand, George 131–5

admiration of others 135, 139

drawing inspiration from 141, 141–2

following example of 138–9

Gustave Flaubert 137, 140

Louise Dupin (great-grandmother) 135–6, 140, 141

Marie Dorval 136–7

Pierre Leroux 137–8

confidence 134

divorce 132

early life 134

La Cause du peuple (The People’s Cause) 133–4

living with grandmother 134–5

loss of father 134

lovers 132–3

motherhood 134

pioneer of feminist movement 133

political views and writings 133

Revue indépendante (Independent Review) 133

taken from mother 134

women’s rights 131–2

writing style 140

Sandeau, Jules 132

Sartre, Jean-Paul 67, 134

ego 129

existentialism 128

Schubert, Franz 75

security 21

deprived of 24

sense of, increasing 25

self 68–9

essentialist perspective of 127, 128

in state of flux 127

self-assurance 12, 22

self-awareness 153–4


acceptance of uncertainty 92

becoming 5–6

comparison with others 147–8

complications of 5

definition 3

development of 8

drivers of 2–3

inner transformation 92

Kierkegaard 95

lack of 24–5

leap in 38, 45

as a modern concept 67

pleasure in work 111

reinforcement 21–2

sources of 1–2

specific actions 37

struggle to achieve 9

through friendships 17–18

through others 7, 22, 25–6

instilling and showing 20–1

words from the heart 13, 15, 16

whole of oneself 68–9

in young children 25–6

self-discovery 40

‘Self-Reliance’ (Emerson) 62, 77, 80

Seneca 85

sensibilities 73–4

sensuality 107–8

Serres, Michel 108–9

Shop Class as Soulcraft (Crawford) 101

skills 28, 29

compartmentalisation of 40

dealing with unforeseen circumstances 41–2

development of 40–1

see also competence

slavery 49–52

snobbism 77

social networks, comparisons 148–9

Socrates 186

sorrow 153

speaking simply 58

Spier, Julius 179

Spinoza, Baruch 153

Stoic wisdom 120

Stoics 161–2, 168

stress, work-related 110

strong ties 7–26

students 46

and competence 46–7

and fear 47

lack of self-confidence 47

listening to oneself 56–7

responsive to challenge 47–8

superman (Nietzsche) 152–3

teachers 19, 22

instilling competence 47

teaching students to listen to themselves 56–7

tennis 27–8

Thoreau, Henry David 71, 79

Thus Spake Zarathustra (Nietzsche) 42

traditional occupations 110

training 27–52

lack of 34

see also practice

The Transcendence of the Ego (Sartre) 129

Truffaut, François 11

trust 19–20

and decision making 95

in oneself 48–9, 70


of religion 59

of tradition 59

The Twilight of the Idols (Nietzsche) 69

Ulysses 156–7

uncertainty 86–7, 90

acceptance of 91–2, 93

management of 91

uncontrol, zone of 99

unhappy childhoods 24

United States of America (USA) 69–70


and importance 60

tyranny of 60–1

Valentine (Sand) 131

vital impetus 165–6, 168, 184

Walden (Thoreau) 79

Weber, Max 69–70

Westerbork transit camp 180–2

Western rationalism 125

The Wild Child (Truffaut) 11

Williams, Richard 27–8

Williams, Serena 27–9, 32

competence 44

confidence 35–6

letter denouncing sexism 35–6

practice 36

saving match points 29, 41–2

self-discovery 40

Williams, Venus 27–8

Wittgenstein, Ludwig 90

wonder 71–84


Aristotle’s view 111–12

good work 110

Marx’s view 112

see also manual work; office work

work-related stress 110

workplace crises 111

Wright, Richard 142