Page numbers in bold indicate a ripeness listing.


alpine strawberries, 91, 119

animals, 20. See also pests

apples, 16, 17, 108–109

apricots, 16, 110

artichokes, 112

asparagus, 16, 25, 71

avocados, 16, 17, 70, 142–143


bag ripening, 17

bananas, 16, 17, 70, 144

basil, 26–27, 71

purple, 118

beans, 28–29

enemy plants of, 14

Scarlet Runner, 118

beets, 18, 30–31, 37

bell peppers, 16, 74–75

berries. See blackberries; blueberries; gooseberries; raspberries; strawberries

birds, 20

blackberries, 16, 17, 70, 114–115

blueberries, 16, 17, 37, 70, 114–115

broccoli, 16, 32, 36

Romanesco, 119

Brussels sprouts, 18, 33, 36

bush beans, 28–29


cabbage, 14, 18, 34–35

cactus pears, 138

cantaloupes, 17, 38–39

carrots, 38, 40–41

cauliflower, 42–43

celery, 14, 44

cherries, 16, 17, 116–117

chives, 46

cilantro, 47

climacteric plants, 14, 16–17

coconuts, 135

collard greens, 18, 38, 48–49

enemy plants of, 14

companion planting, 14

cooking, nutrition and, 8

corn, 14, 50–51, 71

cranberries, 17

cucumbers, 14, 16, 52



enemy plants, 14

handling fruit with, 150–151

ripeness and, 19–20

dropped fruits, 150–151

drying produce, 153, 155

durian, 137


eggplant, 16, 54–55

enemy plants, 14

ethylene gas, 14, 16–17

exotic fruits, 135-139. See also individual fruits


figs, 16, 120–121


climacteric vs. non-climacteric, 14, 16–17

handling of, 150

iodine test and, 18

reasons for dropped, 151

short-term storage chart, 152–153


garlic, 14, 56

gooseberries, 17

gophers, 20

grapefruit, 16, 124

grapes, 16, 17, 122–123

greenhouses, 157

guava, 139


handling, of produce, 150

harvesting, 10

herb butter, 154

herb-infused oils, 154

herbed vinegars, 154

herbs, 154. See also individual herbs

honeydew melons, 16, 17

hoop houses, 156–157

hot peppers, 16, 74–75


iodine test, 18


jackfruit, 138

jicama, 145

juicing, 151, 153


kale, 16, 18, 36, 58–59

lacinato, 58

red/red Russian, 58

redbor, 58, 119

kiwi, 16, 146

kohlrabi, 126

kumquats, 137


leeks, 18, 62–63

lemon, 16, 17, 127–128

lettuce, 16, 60–61

lime, 16, 17, 129

longan, 139

loose-leaf lettuce, 60–61

lychees, 135


mangoes, 16, 17, 136

mint, 64


nectarines, 16, 17

non-climacteric plants, 14, 16–17


cooking and, 8

healthiest produce, 36–37


okra, 65

onions, 14, 66–67

oranges, 16, 17, 130

oregano, 68

ornamental produce plants, 118–119


papayas, 16, 17, 136

parsley, 69

parsnips, 18

passion fruit, 137

peaches, 16, 17, 131

pears, 17, 132

peas, 14, 72–73

peppers, 16, 74–75

persimmons, 17, 138


enemy plants, 14

ripeness and, 19–20

pineapple sage, 119

pineapples, 16, 147

plums, 16, 134

pole beans, 28–29

pomegranates, 16, 17, 36, 140

potatoes, 14

ripeness profile, 77–78

types per use, 78

preserving, 153

pumpkins, 16, 80, 82


raccoons, 20

radishes, 84–85

raspberries, 16, 17, 70, 114–115


challenges for, 149

climacteric vs. non-climacteric plants, 14, 16–17

definition of, 13

ethylene gas, 14, 16–17

importance of judging, 10

picking before, 13

seasonal factors, 18

speeding, 17

vegetable maturity, 18–19

watering and, 20

Romanesco broccoli, 119

root cellars, 155

root vegetables, picking immature, 13

row covers, 155–156

rutabagas, 18


sage, 14, 86

pineapple sage, 119

scallions, 87

season extension

greenhouses, 157

hoop houses, 156–157

row covers, 155–156

shallots, 14

soil, for square foot gardens, 10

spinach, 16, 18–19, 88


iodine test and, 18

produce most prone to, 70–71

square foot gardening

development of, 9–10

harvesting and, 10

soil for, 10

squash, 16, 37

star fruits, 136

storage methods

drying, 153, 155

juicing, 151, 153

preserving, 153

root cellars, 155

short-term by type, 152–153

strawberries, 14, 17, 90–91

alpine, 91, 119

strawberry, 16

succession planting, 157

summer squash, 37

sweet potatoes, 92, 150

Swiss chard, 18, 94

rainbow, 118


tangerines, 17

thyme, 95

silver, 119

tomatoes, 16, 37, 96–99

chocolate, 118

enemy plants of, 14

speeding ripeness of, 17

turnips, 18, 100–101



handling of diseased, 151

ripening of, 17–18

seasonal factors, 18

short-term storage chart, 152–153


watercress, 71

watering, ripeness and, 20

watermelons, 16, 17, 102–103

winter squash, 83


yams, 14, 150


zucchini, 16, 104, 106

zucchini flowers, 106