The editors would like to thank all of the people and organizations that made this book possible. First, we would like to acknowledge the hard work of all of the contributors to this volume. Special thanks go to Bill Vaughn for his careful attention to detail in his design and composition work, and to Michael McCurdy for the beautiful woodblock prints. We would also like to recognize John Baden and his staff at Gallatin Writers, Inc., and the Liberty Fund for bringing the editors together for lively discussions that precipitated the formation of this book. We are also grateful for the many supporters of the Chronicle of Community, especially the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Henry P. Kendall Foundation, and the Liz Claiborne and Art Ortenberg Foundation. We also owe much to Bill Clarke and Lynanne Hawthorne of NLI, and to Dorothy O’Brien, who volunteered dozens of hours of typography to the Chronicle of Community. Special thanks go to Shirley Muse and Cora Heid at Whitman College for helping us with all of the real work of putting together a project like this one.