His All Night was a lesson in humility for me, an outlet to put down on paper very real emotions. I feel so grateful for this journey. I’m blessed to have love and support from so many people.

I’d like to thank God, first. Without His Grace, I would not be here.

To my husband, Jason, you are my rock! Thank you for riding with me for 16+ years. I love you.

To my children, Asante, Kaia, and Masai; I love you with all my heart. It seems like yesterday I was changing diapers. Now, I’m getting ready for baseball games, driver’s education, prom, and high school graduation. You are amazing, inquisitive, and hilarious. Thanks for keeping me on my toes.

To my father and my brother, thank you inspiring me through your lives. I wouldn’t be me without you. I love you.

To my sisters, LaDonna and Kim, thanks for your unwavering support. Love you.

To my friend, Crystal, thanks for making yourself available and just being you. You loved the book before I did, and I’m ever grateful. I’m glad to call you my friend.

I don’t want to forget all of my friends, my critique partners, my beta readers. Thanks for everything, for dropping what you were doing to read a chapter, for calming my nerves, for being #TeamElle: Christine, Danielle, Kimberley, Sheree, Andrea, Shannon, Stacey, Nana, Danette, Lisa, Tasha, Autwan, Kristina, LaKeeta (you sure did let me vent multiple times), and Marleta. His All Night would not have happened without you all.

To all of my friends and family, I can’t name you all. There are so many wonderful people in my life, people who’ve encouraged me to keep writing and keep dreaming. Love you all.

To my agent, Sara, thank you for your calming presence. I definitely had some moments with this book.

To my editor, Megha, thank you for EVERYTHING! You’ve inspired me to dig deeper and I can’t thank you enough.

Thanks to all the many author friends that have been such a support to me; authors that have supported me, given good advice, written a blurb; you’ve all inspired me to keep going. I’m ever grateful.

I also want to thank the book clubs that have shown me love, especially Sharon Blount and BRAB (Building Relationships Around Books).

I hope you enjoy Calisa and Red’s story! It’s definitely a ride.

Thank you!

