Later in the day, Cali waited in the examination room with Syd, who was yapping on the phone with Morgan. She was happy for her friend. Really. But there were only so many sweet declarations of love she could take. How many times could a person say “I miss you” before it got to be too much?
Syd hung up and turned to her. “What’s going on?”
“What?” Cali asked. “What are you talking about?”
“Something’s… off,” Syd observed, eyeing her. “Everything okay?”
She smiled at the way Syd always seemed to know when there was something wrong. And she also knew when to ask and when not to ask. It was a gift.
“I got an e-mail from Uncle Cal,” Cali said. “He’s coming to town.”
Syd’s eyes widened. “Really? Is he okay?”
She tapped a foot against the floor softly. “I don’t know.” Biting her lip, her mind raced with possible reasons for her uncle’s impromptu visit. “The only thing he said was that. And he attached his itinerary. I can’t help it; I’m concerned.”
“Me too,” Syd said, pinching the skin at her throat. “He hates flying.”
Cali nodded. Uncle Cal was old school. He felt that if he couldn’t get there by car, he didn’t need to go. “I wanted to ask Red if he knew anything, but…” Red had done some legal work for her uncle at her recommendation. She hesitated to ask him about it because he took the term “attorney-client privilege” seriously, which was one of the things she… liked about him.
“Well, we all know that Red won’t tell you what they talk about.” Syd rubbed her legs. “Try not to think about the visit in a negative way. It could be that he misses you and wants to spend time with you. You’re the only child he’s ever had.”
“True. I won’t worry about it.” Cali chewed on her thumbnail. “I’m going to focus on seeing him and getting the chance to take care of him for a change.”
Syd squeezed her hand and pulled her in for a hug. Cali allowed herself to be soothed by her for a few minutes, before she pulled back.
“What about you and Red?” Syd asked. “Things seem different on that front, too.”
“He’s mad at me,” Cali confessed. “He says he’s not, but he is. We got into a discussion about pregnancy because he saw a pregnancy test on my bathroom sink. Long story, short… I told him that I wouldn’t tell him if I was pregnant with his baby.” When Syd gasped, she rushed on to explain, “But I let him know that I would tell you because I know you wouldn’t keep that type of thing from him. He blew up, accused me of not respecting him. But then I thought we’d gotten past it. I think he’s still upset.”
Cali didn’t want to get into the other part of their discussion—about her mother. It was too much, especially with her worries about Uncle Cal’s visit.
“Can you blame him?” Syd asked.
Cali shook her head. “Not really. Anyway, I can tell it’s still bothering him, but I don’t know how to fix it. I mean, he didn’t even bite when I practically begged him to do—”
Syd scrunched her nose. “Ew, please don’t talk about your sex life with my brother. I get it.”
“Then, like I told you, he wants me to spend the night. Or he wants to be able to spend the night with me. I’m not at that place. I didn’t think he’d be so upset. I keep thinking it’s time to end it before one of us gets hurt, but I can’t. I want him. I don’t want to, but I do.”
“Have you ever considered telling him that?” Syd asked.
“No,” Cali replied. “We all know what happened the last time I did the whole relationship thing.”
If Cali were to tell Red that she had strong feelings that went outside of the no-strings agreement, there would be no turning back. Red would probably ask her to be his girlfriend, want to move in. Then they’d get engaged and eventually find themselves back in the same predicament they did the day before, when he brought up kids again.
“How can you ever move forward when you’re so stuck in the past, Cali?” Syd asked. “Red is not married with two kids and making promises that he knows he can’t keep.”
“I just can’t, Syd.” Cali rubbed her wrist. “I’m not like you. I’m a mess.”
Syd laughed. “And I’m not? Hey, I slept with my ex-fiancé’s brother.”
It was a running joke between them. Who was the biggest mess? Syd’s affair with Morgan had put her on top for a while, but the novelty was wearing out. Syd and Morgan were together and deliriously happy. That wasn’t messy.
“After he cheated on you multiple times,” Cali said.
“Still.” Syd opened her purse and pulled out a candy bar. “That was a hot-ass mess.”
“But you’re happy now.” Cali broke off a chunk of Syd’s candy bar and popped it into her mouth.
“You could be, too,” her friend said softly.
Cali wasn’t so sure. “Syd, it’s not like we’re actually a couple.”
“Do you want to be a couple?”
Cali opened her mouth to respond, but a soft knock on the door made her pause. When the doctor stepped in, she figured it was a sign to keep her mouth shut on that subject. Judging by the discreet, sideways glance Syd shot her way, though, she knew her friend would not make it that easy for her.
“Hi!” Syd beamed at the doctor. Cali didn’t recognize her, but it was obvious Syd knew her well. “I’m so glad I got you.”
The perky doctor smiled at Syd. “Hi! I guess it worked out, huh? I wasn’t supposed to be assigned here today. I’m filling in for a colleague. I saw your name and figured I’d come in and start the appointment. It’s been a while. Tell me what’s going on.” After the professional assembled the traveling laptop, she turned to Cali. “Hi. I’m Dr. Lovely Washington,” she said, extending her hand to Cali’s.
“I’m Cali,” she said, shaking the doctor’s hand. “Sydney’s best friend.”
“Oh, you’re Cali. Syd’s talked about you. Good to meet you.” Dr. Washington said, pulling out her pen.
Syd explained that she had met Dr. Love before she moved to Baltimore. She had been a resident physician at the time, working under Syd’s regular obstetrician. The two had hit it off, and kept in touch while Syd was away.
Cali sized the doctor up while she set up her computer. Dr. Washington was one of those women who was beautiful without really trying. Her dark brown skin was flawless and her natural hair was styled into a twisted up-do.
Syd and Dr. Washington chatted a bit about the baby and moving back to Michigan, while Cali checked her voicemail. Red hadn’t called and she wondered when he’d actually show up.
“Dr. Washington, can I ask you a question?” Cali asked, butting into the conversation.
“Sure.” The petite doctor smiled at her. “And please call me Love.”
Love? Who the hell calls someone Love? “Okay, I’ve noticed that Syd’s ankles are swollen. Is this something we should be worried about?”
“It’s normal in the later months of pregnancy,” Dr. Love explained. “But we’ll certainly keep an eye on the swelling. For now, we’re going to send you out for some lab work. Your doctor in Baltimore sent over your records and I’ve gone over her notes. She did mention that you’ve gained a few more pounds than they wanted. I want to repeat the glucose test to be sure you’re not developing gestational diabetes.”
Syd nodded. “Okay. But I think I’ve gained weight because I’ve been eating. A lot. My cravings have been all over the place, but I do manage to get workouts in three to four times a week.” Syd elbowed Cali. Hard. “My friend is overly concerned because she’s not used to seeing me like this.”
Cali rubbed her sore arm. “No, I’m concerned because your ankles are swollen. And, I can’t be sure, but I think that’s a bad thing.”
“It’s not necessarily a bad thing,” Dr. Love said. “But it can be a sign of preeclampsia, which can be very dangerous. Or it can simply be a sign of water retention, to which I’d say Sydney needs to make sure she’s off of her feet as much as possible. Is Morgan coming soon?”
“Yes,” Syd answered, patting her belly. “He’ll be here in a few weeks.”
“Good.” The doctor grabbed one of those oversized hospital gowns from a drawer and handed it to Syd. “I’m going to have you change into this so we can examine you. I’ll step out.”
When Dr. Love excused herself, Syd turned around to face Cali. Judging by the sour expression on her friend’s face, she was in trouble.
“What?” Cali said, crossing her legs. “I wanted to be sure you’re okay. I mean, it’s not like I’d be able to deal if something happened to you, Syd. I thought we already established I’m a mess.”
“You didn’t have to point out my cankles to my doctor.” Syd gingerly stood up and quickly undressed. She tugged on the flimsy gown. “Ugh. Way to make me feel like Ms. Piggy.”
“Far from it, babe,” Cali assured her friend. “But Morgan would kill me if I didn’t take very good care of you. And so would your brother.”
“Are you decent?” Red asked, poking his head in the door.
“If I wasn’t, you would’ve seen all my goods.” Syd pulled her gown closed. “Can you knock next time? Sure, we were in the womb together, but this is pretty awkward.”
Red stepped into the room. “I’m sorry. I thought I missed something. Roc has already called me twice to ask what happened at the doctor. Maybe you should give him a call.”
“Roc” was Morgan’s nickname. His brothers and Red couldn’t let the childhood name go.
Red helped Syd onto the examination table and sat down in the empty seat next to Cali. “Is there going to be an ultrasound or something?” he asked. “Why did you have to change? I thought you were here to discuss care going forward.”
“Because we’re at the doctor’s office and I’m pregnant and your boo told her she was worried about my fat ankles,” Syd told her brother. “Did you leave your brain in the office?”
Cali closed her eyes when a whiff of Red’s cologne reached her nose and she instinctively leaned forward. The hint of lavender and orange, mixed with a refreshing lemony flavor, made her heart shift. When she opened them, Syd was looking at her. Cali straightened her back and cleared her throat, cursing inwardly that she had been caught by her all-too-observant friend.
A short, soft knock sounded and Dr. Love called from the other side of the door. Syd announced she was ready and the doctor entered, pushing an ultrasound cart.
“Okay, Sydney, I want to take some pictures of the baby.” Love sat down on a stool and turned on the monitor. As she prepared the ultrasound wand, she said, “I read that you wanted to keep the sex a secret. Is that still the case?”
“I think so… yes,” Syd replied. “I can change my mind at any time, right? Do you know what it is?”
“Not yet. But I will soon. And I’ll hold on to the information.” The doctor looked up for the first time and her eyes widened. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know there was someone else here.” She reached out with her free hand and shook Red’s hand. “I’m Dr. Lovely Washington. And you are?”
Red stood up, practically knocking his chair over. “I’m Jared, Syd’s brother.”
Love smiled widely. “Oh, I see the resemblance. Good to finally put a face to the name.”
The room was silent for a few seconds and Calisa narrowed her eyes on Red, who seemed to be smitten with the love doctor.
“Um, Jared?” Love said.
“Yes,” he said. “Everyone pretty much calls me Red.”
“Oh. Red? Can I have my hand back?” Dr. Love asked.
Red snatched his hand away and scratched the back of his neck. “Sorry,” he said. “Are you from the area? You look familiar.”
“No, I’m from Las Vegas,” Love said. “But I’ve been here for a few years. Maybe I’ve seen you around.”
Cali uncrossed her legs and muttered a curse.
“It’s possible,” Red said in the low, sexy voice that she thought was reserved for her. Well, maybe not reserved entirely and exclusively for her, but still… Even so, he wasn’t supposed to use it with other women while she was in the room. She made a mental note to tell him about himself when they were alone again.
Dr. Love washed her hands and pulled a paper towel from the dispenser on the wall to dry them off, before tossing it in the trashcan. “Well, Red, I have to do a pelvic exam and—”
“Whoa,” Red bellowed. With hands up, he backed toward the door. “No need to explain. I’m going to step out while you do that.”
“Great,” the doctor chirped. “Once I’m done, you can come back in and observe the ultrasound.”
Cali watched as Red walked out without another word and wished she could kick him in his shin. Rolling her eyes, she observed the doctor position herself to do the exam.
More than a few minutes later, Red was allowed back in the room and the lights were dimmed. Dr. Love warned Syd about the cold gel before she touched the wand to her belly. Syd gasped when the monitor lit up and Baby Smith was wiggling around on the monitor.
“Aw, she’s getting so big.” Syd cooed. “I can’t believe it.”
“How do you know it’s a girl?” Red said, his eyes glued to the monitor.
“I have a feeling,” Syd said. “Love, you can tell me if I’m hot or cold.”
“Are you sure you want to know the answer?” Dr. Love asked.
“No,” Cali answered for her friend. “I’m here to be her conscience. She can’t know unless Morgan is here.” She squinted at the small screen and tried to make out the image. Unable to help herself, she smiled at her future godchild as the doctor pointed out little details and took measurements.
They all laughed when the doctor tried to take face measurements and the baby covered its face.
“This baby might be a little ornery,” Dr. Love mused.
“I wonder where it got that from,” Red grumbled.
“Shut up,” Syd ordered.
Once the doctor completed her task, she wiped the gel off Syd’s stomach with a white washcloth. Red helped his sister sit up before he stepped out of the room—with the doctor—so that Syd could get dressed.
The rest of the appointment flew by after that. Syd was told to go get some labs drawn and head home to prop her feet up until her swelling subsided. Between baby talk and Red flirting with Love, Cali was too through with the day. She was ready to down a couple of glasses of wine and eat a big bowl of ice cream.
After Red left them to go get the car, Syd hooked her arm into Cali’s as they walked toward the door. “I think someone’s jealous,” Syd sang in that annoying tone she got when she thought she was right about something.
“Oh, be quiet.” Cali refused to give Red the satisfaction of even admitting out loud that she was anything close to being jealous. Of course, she was probably a bite-sized amount of jealous, but that information would go with her to her grave. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“You don’t have to,” her friend teased. “I see it all in your face. And it’s okay. We’ve all been there.”
“If you weren’t pregnant, I’d push you down.”
Syd laughed. “My poor friend. You really have it bad.”
“Shush,” Cali said. “Or you will not be getting a home-cooked meal.”
The threat seemed to serve its purpose because Syd quickly changed the subject to baby showers. As they approached Red’s car, Cali wondered why seeing Red flirt with the sweet doctor had made her blood boil. When did the very thought of him seeing another woman make her flip out?