Abbott, Scott
Abel, Elijah
Abiff, Hiram: allusions to murder in Book of Nephi; claimed by Masons to be Solomon’s architect; murder by fellow masons; represented by Abinadi; resemblance to Nephi
Abinadi Delivers His Message to Wicked King Noah
Abraham, Book of
Acacia tree
Aventures de Télémaque
African Americans: as Masons; see also Cain/Canaan/Canaanites; Racism of Mormonism
Africans and Native Americans; The Language of Race and the Evolution of Red-Black Peoples
Age of Reason
Akenson, Donald H.
Alexander, Thomas
Alma Baptizes in the Waters of Mormon
American Indians: descent from Lost Tribes; failure of Mormon mission to; foster children in Mormon homes; Masonic Improved Order of Red Men; Mormonism’s Hebraic spin on origins of; Mormonism’s plan for interracial polygamy; Mormon missionaries to marry; see also Racism of Mormonism
American Rite (Masonic)
Ancient (Royal Arch) Masons. See Royal Arch (Ancient) Masonry
Anderson, James
Anderson, Lynn Matthews
Andrus, Milo
Anthon, Charles
Anthon transcript
Antimasonic Party
Antiquity of the Jews
Apocalypse. See Eschatology, Second Coming, Apocalypse
The Appearance of Jesus to the Nephites
Apron of Master Mason
Ark and Dove honorary degree
Arrington, Leonard J.
“Assassins and Anseyreeh,”
Augsberg Confession
Ausfuhrung des Plans und Zweckes Jesu
Bahrdt, Carl Friedreich
Ballou, Hosea
Barlow, Philip
Barr, Oliver
Barrett, Francis
Barrett, Ivan J.
Bennett, John C.
Berkhofer, Robert F.
Berkin, Carol
Bible: Book of Isaiah; Book of Mormon recalling narrative of Moses and Aaron; Book of Revelation; as inventive reworking of Hebraic legend; millenarian predictions of; in Mormonism
Bilderback, James C.
Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith the Prophet and His Progenitors for Many Generations
Birth of a Nation
Blacks. See African Americans; Racism of Mormonism
Black Saints in a White Church
Bloch, Ruth
Blood oaths. See Oaths/blood oaths
Bloom, Harold
Blue Lodge
Boggs, Lilburn W.
Book of Abraham
Book of Ether
The Book of the Lodge
Book of Mormon: alleged similarities to Spaulding’s Manuscript Found; alleged translation or dictation; Alma on death, salvation, heaven, and hell; attacking religious elitism; attacking secret societies/combinations; on baptism; biblical subtext of; Book of Ether; Book of Helaman; Book of Alma; common theological ground for male and female; on companionship of Holy Ghost; continuing criticism of; critique of apostate Masonry; on death, salvation, heaven, and hell; endorsing Finneyite model of spiritual new birth; on faith, repentance, and baptism; as feminist statement; Gadiantons/Gadianton Robbers; horrors depicted in; inclusive tendencies and adoptive agenda; Jaredites; lauding virtues of the mischievous, hidden, and mysterious; Lehi’s vision, blessing, and admonishments; length; as literary means of disentanglement from female moral dominance; Masonic agenda of; Masonic baptisms; as Masonic fiction and locus of male worship and rite of passage; Masonic interpretation of “new birth”; as Masonic monitor; mistaken anti-Masonic interpretation; Nephites as protagonists; origin, circulation, and sales of; outdoor setting for; paucity of female role models in; plan for racial equality; references to hellfire and unprofitable servants; relegated to back shelf; reverence for Virgin Mary; on salvation of heathens; as summary of major current issues; Swedenborgian influence; taking issue with smear tactics; women in; Young contravening adoptive spirit of; see also First Vision; Mormonism; Mosiah, Book of; Nephi, books of; Revelations to Smith; Smith, Joseph Jr.; Nephi, Book of
Book of Mormon, illustrations from: Abinadi Delivers His Message to Wicked King Noah; Alma Baptizes in the Waters of Mormon; The Appearance of Jesus to the Nephites; Brother of Jared in the presence of the Deity; Captain Moroni Raises the Title of Liberty; facsimile of characters; Helaman Leads an Army of 2,000 Ammonite Youths; Joseph Smith Receives the Plates; Lehi Discovers the Liahona; Young Nephi Subdues His Rebellious Brothers; see also Mormonism, illustrations related to
Book of Moses
Book of Revelation
Brazen Serpent, Knight of the
Brenchley, Julius
Brethren (or Dunkers)
Brigham City Cooperative
Bringhurst, Newell G.
British Israelites
Brodie, Fawn M.: arguing for anti-Masonic interpretation of Mormonism; assessment of Smith’s writing skills; on Gadiantons/Gadianton Robbers; on origin of name “Mormon”; pro-American interpretation of Mormonism
Brooke, John L.
Brother Joseph Brant, The Mohawk Chief
Brother of Jared in the presence of the Deity
Brothers, Richard
Brother William McKinley, Knight Templar and Twice President of the United States
Brown, Benjamin
Browning, James Allen
Bruce, Eli
Building the City of God: Community and Cooperation among the Mormons
Bullock, Steven C.
Bush, Lester E.
Bushman, Richard L.
Bushnell, Horace
Cain/Canaan/Canaanites: African American men as offspring of; apostate priesthood; Book of Mormon on reclamation of native peoples; confusion with Tubal-Cain; curse of dark skin; Masons and Ham; see also Racism of Mormonism
Cain’s wife
Campbell, Alexander
Captain Kidd
Captain Moroni Raises the Title of Liberty
Carnes, Mark C.: on Adam’s fall and redemption; on discovery of long lost book of the Law; on fraternal initiation; on Improved Order of Red Men; on role of Bible in Masonry
Carpenter, William
Cassara, Ernest
“Chamber of Reflection” scenario
Chambers, Samuel
Channing, William Ellery
The Character, Claims, and Practical Workings of Freemasonry
Charles, Melodie Moench
Chase, Durfee
Chastanier, Benedict
Cherny, Robert
Christian (Chivalric) degrees
Christian Identity Movement
The Christian System
Church Security Plan or Welfare System
City of God
Clark, J. Reuben Jr.
Clawson, Mary Ann
Clegg, Robert I.: on forest-like outdoor setting of Forest Masonry; on lighting in Masonic lodges; on Name of God; on symbolism of tent
Clinton, De Witt
Color/race. See Cain/Canaan/Canaanites; Lamanites, curse and redemption of; Racism of Mormonism
Communism and communitarianism
Constitutions of the Free Masons’
Constructing Brotherhood: Class, Gender, and Fraternalism
Conversion. See First Vision (Smith’s conversion dream and its Masonic overtones)
Corrill, John
Cowdery, Oliver
Craft Masonry
Cross, Whitney R.
Cult of domesticity
Cutler, Alpheus
Dalcho, Frederick
Daraul, Akron
Darby, John Nelson
Death, salvation, heaven, and hell: Alma on; Augsberg Confession on; Masonic concepts of; Mormon concepts of; Protestant concepts of; Universalist concepts of; Westminster Confession of Faith on
De Benneville, George
Defoe, Daniel
Degrees: American Rite; Chivalric; Christian; honorary Ark and Dove; Knights of Malta; original three; Ramsay’s new Royal Arch system; of Scottish Rite; Seventeenth; Twenty-eighth; Twenty-fifth; Twenty-Sixth (Trinitarian)
De Molai, Jacques
DePillis, Mario S.
De Principiis
Devil, the (Satan/Lucifer)
De Voto, Bernard
Doctrine and Covenants
Dove Medallion
Dumenil, Lynn
Dunkers (Brethren)
Dwight, Timothy
Dyslexia of Smith
Eastern Star, Order of
Ecclesiastical History
Economic practices and theory in Mormonism: as antithesis of communism; as attempt to balance needs of individual and community; Brigham City Cooperative; Church Security Plan or Welfare System; communal holding of goods; consumers’ cooperative system; defense of communitarianism, Jacksonian theory; eradication of poverty; eschewing conspicuous consumption; fraternalism versus “Sociocracy”; as Jacksonian self-reliance, determination, and hard work; Law of Consecration and Stewardship; Law of Tithing; of Masonic rather than Marxist derivation; Mormons first, excepting African Americans; mutual Christian aid and care for needy; as neither communistic nor theocratic; poverty as unavoidable but curable
Edwards, Jonathan
Edwards, Paul
Egyptian Rite
Elwood, Douglas
Embry, Jessie
England, Eugene
Enochian alphabet
Entered Apprentice
Epperson, Stephen
Equality (in Masonry)
Eschatology, Second Coming, Apocalypse: Augustine on; conflict between pre-and postmillennialism; early adjustment of predictions; Jesus calling for; Protestant; see also Millennialism, pre- and post-
Esplin, Ronald K.
An Essay on the Causes of the Varieties of Complexion and Figure in the Human Species
Ether, Book of
Evangelicalism: attacking Masonic charitable relief; backing Victorian family arrangement and role models; baptism and; as early feminism; influencing Masonic ritual; locating Mormonism on lunatic fringe of Protestantism; Morgan affair aiding; Mormonism’s prejudice against; not free from economic racial bias; opposing religious/biblical fiction; opposition to Masonry; opposition to secret societies; as Smith target for militant propagandizing; as Trinitarians versus Universalists; triumph of, following Civil War; see also Protestantism
Faber, G. S.
Faludi, Susan
Fama Fraternitatus
Fels, Tony
Feminism: and Evangelicalism; Mormon
Fénelon, François de Salignac de La
Fessler, Ignatius Aurelius
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb
Fiction in Mormonism and Masonry
Fictions of Freemasonry
Fielding, Joseph
Finney, Charles Grandison
First Vision (Smith’s conversion dream and its Masonic overtones): apology for adolescent peccadilloes; darkness and blindfold; early visions recurring annually; James 1:5 and enquiry of Lord; Moroni’s nocturnal appearances; Smith’s initial inability to feel; sun, moon, and stars; targeting rancor of antiMasonry; as testimony of Royal Arch Mason; unearthing of golden plates; virtues of concord; withdrawal to bedroom as “Chamber of Reflection” scenario
Florine of Burgundy, Templar Knight and Faithful Companion of Sweno the Dane
Forbes, Jack D.
Forest Masonry
Foster, Lawrence
Fox, Feramorz, Y.
Franklin, Benjamin
Fraternal supper
The Freemason
The Freemason Examin’d
Freemasons. See Masonry/Freemasonry
The Freemason’s Monitor; or Illustrations of Freemasonry
Gadiantons/Gadianton Robbers
Gender issues. See Women
The German Peasants’ War and Anabaptist Community of Goods
God, concept of: in orthodox Christianity; in Scottish Rite
God, Mormon concept of: Christian Neoplatonism; consistent with patriarchical notions; development from modalistic unity to hierarchy of gods; divine love versus evil and suffering; evolution of; Father of God; as first and earliest Christianity; humans capable of resembling Diety; as intellectual quagmire; message to women in; as Mother; Mother in heaven; nature of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; by Origen; as outside pale of orthodox Judaism and Christianity; polytheism and pluralism; as preexistent Christ; as Sabellian Monophysite/Unitarian interpretation; separating Mormons and mainline Christians; as similar to and apology for Christian Masonry
Golden plates: discovery from “brown seer stone”; as possible Masonic mnemonic device; providing “proof” of assertions; as Smith family parchment (as Masonic tracing board); Smith’s claims of miraculous translation; unearthing of
Goodman, Paul
Goodwin, S. H.
Goose and Gridiron Tavern
Gormy, James
Gould, Robert Freke
Grant, Heber J.
Great Basin Kingdom
The Great Eclipse and Terrible War About to be Made in His Name
Greek in Smith family parchment (as Masonic tracing board)
Griffith, D. W.
Groesbeck, C. Jess
Hale, Sarah J.
Hale, Van
Hall, Prince
Hansen, Klaus J.
Hardy, B. Carmon
Harris, Martin
Hatch, Nathan O.
Heaven and hell. See Death, salvation, heaven, and hell
Heavenly flesh theory
Hebrew in Smith family parchment (as Masonic tracing board)
Helaman Leads an Army of 2,000 Ammonite Youths
Hexham, Irving
Hill, Marvin S.
The History of the Church
Hodge, Charles
Hogan, Mervin B.
Holy Ghost
Homer, Michael
Hopkins, Hiram
Howe, Eber D.
Hoyt, Herman A.
Hughes, Richard T.
Hullinger, Robert
Hundred Years
Hutchinson, William
Hyde, Orson
Illustrations of Freemasonry
Improved Order of Red Men
Indian Origins and the Book of Mormon
Indians. See American Indians
Ingraham, Joseph Holt
Inspired Version; The Holy Scriptures Containing the Old and New Testaments …
Iron rod
Iroquois: The League of the Iroquios; Order of the Iroquois
Irving, Edward and Irvingites
Israelites, British
James, Jane Manning
Jared, Brother of
Jared, Daughter of
Jefferds, Oren
Jefferson, Thomas
Jerusalem Lodge, London
Jesus: Appearance of Jesus to the Nephites; as best of Masonic sons; biblical account; calling for kingdom of God; Masonic account; Masonic belief in marriage of; Mormon account; as person/spirit of the Father; Phy on recreated; Schweitzer on; see also Eschatology, Second Coming, Apocalypse
Jewel of an Ark Mariner
Jewish Gnosticism
Jewish studies
Jews: anti-Semitism; British Israelite belief in failure to live up to covenant; conversion hoped for at Second Coming; Knights Templar attitude toward; Masonic attitude toward
Jews, Mormon attitude toward: as Christian anti-Semitism; concern with Holy Land rather than covenant people; having Masonic or British Israelite slant; House of Judah versus House of Israel; as neo-Hebraic countermovement in opposition to Primitive Christianity; resistance to proselytize among; return of Israel to Palestine, Zion in America; Smith on; Young on
Jonas, Abraham
Jordan, Winthrop D.
Joseph Smith Receives the Plates
Journey of the Freemason in the World
A Key to the Figurative Language Found in the Sacred Scriptures
Kimball, Heber C.
Kimball, Spencer W.
King Benjamin
King Follet Discourse
Kirkland, Boyd
Knight of the Brazen Serpent
Knight of the East and West
Knight of the Sun
Knights of Malta
Knights Templar, Masonic: alleged journey to America; belief in marriage of Jesus; as brainchild of Ramsay; De Molai, Jacques; “Exhortation” as pattern for Jesus’ ministry; Grand Encampment; as inspiration for Book of Mormon; jealousy of Scottish Rite; in New York; original purpose; origins; raising and lifting up in initiation ritual; role of decapitation; The Sign in Heaven of the Knights Templar; symbols on Smith family parchment (as Masonic tracing board); system of Egyptian characters used by
Labor Is Worship
Lamanites, curse and redemption of: as “colored”; end of; environmentalism (monogenesis); hatred of Nephi/Nephites; horrors depicted in; Lehi’s counsel to; lifting of color curse in offspring; as male depravity; metamorphosis from black to white; as mission of Kimball; by Nephi; objections to identification as; praised for endogamous monogamy; quest for brass plates; racial reclamation through miscegenation; rape of daughters of; Samuel as convert of Christianity; Smith on; see also Racism of Mormonism
Latter-day Saints and LDS Church: origin of name; versus Reorganized Latter Day Saints (RLDS); wealth and size
Law of Consecration and Stewardship
Law of Tithing
LDS Doctrine and Covenants
Leavitt, Sarah Sturdevant
Lectures on Revivals of Religion
Lectures on Faith
Lectures on Systematic Theology
Lee, George P.
Lee, William
Lehi Discovers the Liahona
A Lexicon of Freemasonry
Lipson, Dorothy Ann
Lost book of the Law
Lost Tribes
Love, Christopher
Lyon, Edgar T.
McCormick, John S.
McGavin, E. Cecil
Mackey, Albert G.
McKinley, William
McLellin, William E.
McLoughlin, William C.
McMurrin, Sterling B.
Magic, Smith family practice of
The Magus, or Celestial Intelligencer …
Making America
Male embrace
Manuscript Found
Marriage in Temple; see also Polygamy
Mary (mother of Jesus)
Masonic Model of the Temple of Solomon at Jerusalem.
Masonry Dissected
Masonry/Freemasonry: alleged origins and paucity of documentary evidence; apocalyptic; apron of Master Mason; as blend of history and fiction; British Israelites; claims of foundation in Judaism/Israelitism; concept of God; concepts of death, salvation, heaven, and hell; conversions to Mormonism in early years; corrections and departures from King James Version of Bible; defense of, by Thomas Paine; early American interest in; economic role of brotherly love, benevolence, and charity; Egyptian Rite; elitism and ostentation; exclusion of women; Forest Masonry; growth of; involvement in antebellum politics; as male bonding, boys’ night out; Masonic Alphabet; novelists; oldest lodge on record; opposing Evangelicalism; orthodox, as Jewish faith; as political liability; Red Cross Degree; similarity of God concept to that of Mormonism; stone worship/symbolism; Tower of Babel; traditions of oral transmission of secret knowledge; use of device similar to Urim and Thummin; women and separate-sphere doctrine; see also Morgan, Captain William, and Morgan affair; Royal Arch (Ancient) Masonry; Scottish Rite
Masonry/Freemasonry, illustrations related to: Ancient Lodge of Free-masonry; Anti-Anti-Masonic Polemic; Brother Benjamin Franklin; Brother George Washington; Brother Joseph Brant, The Mohawk Chief; Brother Thomas Smith Webb; Brother William McKinley, Knight Templar and Twice President of the United States; certificates of degrees; divining rod or pedum; English Templar Deacon Robert Crucifix; Florine of Burgundy, Templar Knight and Faithful Companion of Sweno the Dane; Goose and Gridiron Tavern; The Great Eclipse and Terrible War About to be Made in His Name; Jewel of an Ark Mariner; Journey of the Freemason in the World; Labor is Worship; Masonic Model of the Temple of Solomon at Jerusalem; Masonic Penalties on Candidates; Moses; The Raising of a Master Mason; The Religions of the World; Rose-Croix Apron with Password “pax Vobis” in Code; The Royal Arch Quest for the Golden Plates of Enoch; The Sign in Heaven of the Knights Templar; Sword of the Tiler; The Trials of Life
May, Dean
Meyer, Eduard
The Millenarian World of Early Mormonism
Millennialism, pre- and post-: Albert Schweitzer on; as “already” versus “not yet”; American post-Revolutionary politicization; definitions; forcing choice; merging of Republican, anti-Federalist, and premillennialist ideas; Mormon position on; orthodox Christian position on; overlap in America; radical premillennialists; resurgent pessimism; see also Eschatology, Second Coming, Apocalypse
Miller, Christopher
Miller, William
Mitchell, John
“Money diggers,”
Monitor, The (The Freemason’s Monitor; or Illustrations of Freemasonry)
Moore, R. Laurence
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
Morgan, Captain William, and Morgan affair: Abinadi martydom as commentary on; alleged origin of name “Mormonism”; as ammunition for anti-Masonic Evangelicalism; blow to respectability of Masonry; as blow to Smith’s hopes; description of incident; ruining chance of Masonic Republic; Smith’s jab at Masons
Morgan, Jedidiah
Morgan, Lewis Henry
Mormon Doctrine of Diety
Mormonism: The Story of a New Religious Tradition
Mormonism: as accommodating and appealing to women; accused of un-American activities; anti-Evangelical prejudice; apocalyptic lineage; as bastion of exclusivity; Bible in; Christianity and; as communitarian; contesting Evangelicalism; cricitism of “apostate priesthood order”; as defense and reworking of Masonry; demographic of followers; denied religious status by Congress; early Protestant sensibility; as European Masonry; failure of mission to reconstitute; female and male influences; as fraternity; as heterodox compared to mainstream America; Jesus in; missionary success in Great Britain; ordination of males only; outnumbered by latter-day Lamanite Evangelicals; position on millennialism; postmodernist repatriation; Protestantization of; quest for empire; religious pluralism; resembling Universalism; schism in Latter-day Saints versus Reorganized Latter Day Saints (RLDS); submitting to Evangelical, Unionist social vision; see also Book of Mormon; Economic practices and theory in Mormonism; God, Mormon concept of; Racism of Mormonism
Mormonism and Freemasonry: The Illinois Episode
Mormonism and Masonry
Mormonism, illustrations related to: Dove Medallion; Early Mormon Broadside; Enochian alphabet; “Holiness to the Lord” Smith Family Artifact; Joseph Smith Jr.’s cane; Lieutenant-General Joseph Smith Jr., Mormon Knight, Nauvoo Temple; Mark Hoffman Forgery of Anthon Transcript; Sample of Smith’s Handwriting; see also Book of Mormon, illustrations from
Mormon Neo-Othodoxy: A Crisis Theology
Mormons and Jews: Early Mormon Theologies of Israel
Morris, Rob
Moses: Book of; in Exodus; in Masonry
Mosiah, Book of
Mother as Mormon God concept
The Mythology of the Secret Societies
Native Americans. See American Indians
Nature and the Supernatural, As Together Constituting One System of God
Nauvoo, Illinois
Nead, Peter
Nephi, books of: biblical subtext from Isaiah; Campbellite notions of fall, original sin, etc.; curse on Lamanites; decapitation of Laban, removal of plates/Torah; economic condition; extrapolations unique to Webb; on God’s covenant with Israel; hidden Templar agenda; horrors depicted in; inclusion of Masonic emblems; Jacob on righteous acquisitiveness; Lehi, genealogy, Torah, and brass plates; male lust blamed for downfall of Nephites; paralleling Royal Arch quest for long lost book of the Law; paralleling story of Knights of Red Cross; as protagonists in Book of Mormon; on punishment of Jews; on sleep as ignorance; symbology of sword, Tiler, and compass/liahona; Tree of Life; Young Nephi Subdues His Rebellious Brothers
New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry
The New Jerusalem; or, the Fulfilment of Ancient Prophecy
New Jerusalem
Norman, Keith E.
Novels, religious
Oaths/blood oaths
Observations on Free Masonry
O’Dea, Thomas
Oliver, George
Opperman, Heinrich
Order of Eastern Star
Original sin
The Origin of Pagan Idolatry
Ostler, Blake T.
O’Sullivan, John L.
Paine, Thomas
Palestine, return of Israel to
Parchment of Smith family
Parker, N. H.
Paul, Robert
Pearce, Roy Harvey
Pearson, Carol Lynn
Pelikan, Jaroslav
Phelps, W. W.
Philip IV of France
Phy, Allene Stuart
Pike, Albert
Poewe, Karla
Pollock, Gordon D.
Polygamy: end of practice promised; excluding African American women; hierarchy of wives; interracial concubinage for racial harmony; Lamanites praised for endogamous monogamy; as social means to fraternal end
Polytheism and pluralism
Porter, Sanford
Postmillennialism. See Millennialism, pre- and post-
Post, Stephen
Practical Synopsis of Masonic Law and Usage
Pratt, Orson
Pratt, Parley P.
Premillennialism. See Millennialism, pre- and post-
Prichard, Samuel
Priesthood Meeting
Priesthood, Mormon
Priest, Josiah
Prince Hall Masonry
The Prince of the House of David
Protestantism: concepts of death, salvation, heaven, and hell; on Second Coming; support of Masonry; in upheaval and transformation; see also Evangelicalism
Quest of the Historical Jesus
Quinn, D. Michael
Racism of Mormonism: African American men as cursed offspring of Cain and apostate priesthood; African American men confined to own species, females to marry whites; American Indian foster children in Mormon homes; American Indians as Caucasians with “bear grease and war paint”; American Indians as noble and subhuman; ban on Temple marriage for African Americans; environmentalism (monogenesis); interracial polygamy, mixed marriage; involving African Americans and Indians; Mormonism’s plan for interracial polygamy with women of color; polygenesis; refusal of priesthood to African American men; reversal in principle; Smith’s ordination of African American men; theory of climatic causes of races/colors; see also Cain/Canaan/Canaanites; Lamanites, curse and redemption of
Ramsay, Andrew Michael
Red Cross Degree
Relief Society
Remy, Jules
Reorganized Latter Day Saints (RLDS) versus Latter-day Saints
The Restoration of All Things
Revelation, Book of
Revelation in Mormonism
Revelations to Smith: Book of Abraham; Book of Moses; Doctrine and Covenants; King Follet Discourse; LDS Doctrine and Covenants Lectures on Faith; see also Book of Mormon; First Vision
Revolutionary Brotherhood: Freemasonry and American Culture
Reynolds, David
Richardson, Samuel
Rigdon, Sidney
Riley, I. Woodbridge
Roberts, B. H.
Roberts, J. M.
Robinson Crusoe
Robinson, Joseph Lee
Rose-Croix Apron with Password “pax Vobis” in Code
Royal Arch (Ancient) Masonry: books of Nephi paralleling quest for long lost book of the Law; born of schism; color preferences; end of rivalry with Moderns; garb of Knights Templar, Masonic; growth and popularity; “Holiness to the Lord” as motto; as inspiration for Book of Mormon; journey to Jerusalem; on original sin; origins of appellation; role of decapitation; trial of life; vision of Enoch; see also Lamanites, curse and redemption of; Masonry/Freemasonry
The Royal Arch Companion
Saints, Slaves, and Blacks
Salvation. See Death, salvation, heaven, and hell
Samson and Delilah
Samuel the Lamanite
Sandeen, Ernest
Sargant, Thomas
Sariah, wife of Lehi
Satan (the devil/Lucifer)
Schweitzer, Albert
Scottish Rite: arrival in America; attraction to Book of Revelation; concept of God in; continental Masonry gravitating to; degrees in; divine love versus evil and suffering; doctrine of the Trinity; Jesus as mediator; Journey of the Freemason in the World; Knight of the Brazen Serpent; Knight of the East and West; as Royal Arch Masons; suggesting Trinitarianism; symbols on Smith family parchment (as Masonic tracing board); Word or Logos; see also Masonry/Freemasonry
Second Coming. See Eschatology, Second Coming, Apocalypse
Second Great Awakening
Secret Ritual and Manhood in Victorian America
Secret Societies
Secret societies/combinations
Segal, Alan
Sentiments Concerning the Coming and Kingdom of Christ
Separate-sphere doctrine
Servetus, Michael
Seventeenth degree
Shipps, Jan
Sillito, John R.
Sketches of the History of Literature
Slade, Alexander
Sleep as ignorance
Smith, Alvin
Smith, David
Smith, Douglas
Smith, Emma
Smith, Ethan
Smith family parchment (as Masonic tracing board)
Smith, Joseph Jr.: assassination by orthodox Masons/vigilantes; as aural-oral learner, possibly dyslexic or visually dysfunctional; biblical-literalist defense of slavery; on Cain and Lamanite curse; cane of; on economic policy; eschatological views; family practice of magic; gravitating to arcane and heretical; growing ego; hopes and purpose in design of Mormonism; as “imposter”; on Jews and God’s covenant; in juvenile debating society; lament over being misinterpreted; limp; as Mason; Masonry, attempting revitalization of; Masonry, hidden Templar agenda; Masonry, power from on high; Masonry, timing of borrowing from; as Mormon Knight; as natural leader; presidential campaign; promoted three degrees; psychotherapists’ and reductionists’ analysis; as “robber”; use of secrecy; venting frustration; writing skills; see also Book of Mormon; Economic practices and theory in Mormonism; First Vision; Revelations to Smith
Smith, Joseph Sr.
Smith, Lucy Mack
Smith, Timothy
Smithy, Samuel Stanhope
Solomon’s Temple
Spaulding, Joshua
Spaulding, Solomon
Spirit of Freemasonry
Stayer, James M.
Steed, Thomas
Stenhouse, Fanny
Stenhouse, T. B. H.
Sterry, Peter
Stiffed: The Betrayal of the American Man
Stone worship/symbolism
Stowell, Josiah
Studies of the Book of Mormon
Sturlaugson, Mary Frances
Sun, moon, and stars
Supper, fraternal
Surpassing Wonder: The Invention of the Bible and the Talmuds
Symbolic Plate of Adoptive Masonry.
Sword, symbolism of
Tannehill, Wilkins
Taylor, John
Taylor, Nathaniel W.
Tell It All: The Tyranny of Mormonism
Temple marriage
Ten lost tribes. See Lost Tribes
Tent, symbolism of
Terrasson, Jean
Thomas, Mark
Thompson, Charles B.
3 Nephi, Book of: as apology for Christian Masonry; appearance of resurrected Christ; intending to mend rift among groups of Masons; Knights of Malta reflected in; supporting Christian Masonry; turning from Masonry toward Christianity
Towards a Christian Republic
Tower of Babel
Town, Salem
Tracing board, Masonic
Tree of Life
Trials of Life
Trinity, The (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), nature of
The True Christian Religion
Tucker, Pomeroy
Turner, Orasmus
Tuveson, Ernest Lee
Twenty-eighth degree
Twenty-fifth degree
Twenty-sixth (Trinitarian) degree
Understanding Cults and New Religions
Underwood, Grant
Universalism in America
Universalism/Universalists: attraction of Mormonism; concepts of death, salvation, heaven, and hell; influence on Campbell; Masonry and; Nephi and mystical predilections of De Benneville; resembling Mormonism; Swedenborgian influence; versus Trinitarians
Urim and Thummin
Van Der Donckt, C.
Vogel, Dan
Voros Jr., J. Frederick
Les Voyages de Cyrus
Waite, Arthur Edward
Walker, D. P.
Walters, Wesley P.
Ward, Lester
Ware, William
Washington, George
Webb, Thomas Smith; on construction of walls of Jerusalem; on Darius; on role of Bible in Masonry; selling apocalyptic works; on symbolism of beehive and ark in Masonry
Wesley, John
Westminster Confession of Faith
Whiskey Rebellion
Whiston, William
White, Jeremiah
White, O. Kendall
White stone worship/symbolism
Whitmer, John
Wight, Lyman
Wilcox, Linda P.
Wilhelm Meister’s Travels
Willers, Diedrich
Wilson, Colin
Winn, Kenneth
Women: appeal of early Mormonism to; blood oaths; Book of Mormon as literary means of disentanglement from female moral dominance; Book of Mormon as subversive radical feminist statement; exclusion from Masonry; facing patriarchal absolutism; feminism and Evangelicalism; inclusion in continental Masonry; inclusion in Masonic ceremonies; as Lucifer’s angels; mention in Book of Mormon; message to, in Mormon concept of God; in moral coalition with fathers; ordination of; ordination of males only; paucity of female role models in Book of Mormon; presumed equal to symbolic carnage of temple and polygamous cohabitation; roles in emerging industrial nation-state; separate-sphere doctrine; see also Polygamy
Wood, Gordon
Working the Rough Stone: Freemasonry and Society in Eighteenth-Century Russia
Young, Brigham: on compatibility of Book of Mormon and Bible; contravening adoptive spirit of Book of Mormon; God and non-Virgin Mary; on Jesus; racist policies of; reinstatement of Law of Consecration and Stewardship; on salvation of Jews; value of estate at death
Young Nephi Subdues His Rebellious Brothers.
Zion in America
Zion’s Camp