1. The popular resort on the Campanian coast
1. Lyons.
1. The son of Helvidius Priscus. See Introduction, page 22.
1. His second wife, daughter of Pompeia Celerina.
1. Iliad, VIII: 102.
1. VI:10.
1. Cluvius Rufus, the historian of the early Empire and one of Tacitus’s sources.
1. Cicero, Tusculanae Disputationes, V: 103.
1. De Corona, 296, 299, and 301.
2. Philippic, 1:49.
3. De Falsa Legatione, 259.
4. De Corona, 136.
5. Olynthiac, 11:9.
6. In Aristogeitonem 1 :28, 84, 76, 7, 48, and 46.
7. In Ctesiphontem, 167.