Abandonment stories, 125–126

Abington Hospital (Philadelphia), 98

Abortion, xii, 75–89

    in India, 84–85

    miscarriage and infection and, 82–84

    moment of conception and, 75–77

    number per year throughout the world, 77–78

    rape, incest, endangerment of mother’s life and, 86–87

    in religious texts, 75–76

    at St. Joseph’s Medical Center (Phoenix), xii, 78–82

    uterine cancer and, 80, 81

    See also Catholic Church and abortion

Abraham (father of Jewish people), 66

    sacrifice of Isaac and, 34, 35, 122

ACLU. See American Civil Liberties Union

Acts 4:10, 47

Acts 5:15–16, 131

Acts 8:6–7, 131

Acts 9:32–35, 131

Acts 9:36–41, 132

Acts 15:29, 60–61

Acts 20:9–12, 132

Acts 28:3–9, 131

Adam and Eve, 34, 35

Affordable Care Act, 160, 192–193

Ahearn, June, 12–15, 16, 19, 20

Akron Children’s Hospital, 173–174, 175

Albert Einstein Hospital (Philadelphia), 95

American Academy of Pediatrics, 20, 67, 195

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 108–109

American Journal of Roentgenology, 166

American Lawyer, 149

Amish, 150, 173–174

Anderson, Willimina, 158–159

Anemia, x

Animal sacrifice, 151–154

Anti-Semitism, 109

Antibiotics, 113, 175

Apocalypse, 25–26, 27

Apostles (Christian), faith healing by, 116, 131–132

Appendix, ruptured, 95

Appleby, Scott, 65

Applewhite, Marshall, 26–27, 41

Arendt, Hannah, 39–40

Aristotle, 123

Asatru (polytheistic Viking religion), 150–151

Assemblies of God, 141

Asser, Seth, 180

ATF. See Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms

Atkinson, William, 101, 108

Autism, x, 61–63

Ave Maria School of Law (Naples, Florida), 78

Back pain, 3

Bacterial meningitis, xiv, 16, 72–73, 95, 174, 178

Bacterial pneumonia, ix, 169–170, 191

Baker, Abigail, 2

Baker, Mark, 2

Bakker, Jim, 140–141

Bakker, Tammy Faye, 140

Balter, Jerome, 110–111

Baltimore, Maryland, x, 64–65

Banyard, John, 145

Barstow Community Hospital (Barstow, California), 44

Battered child syndrome, 167. See also Child abuse

“The Battered Child Syndrome” (Kempe), 167

Baylor College of Medicine, 143

Beach, Wanda, 138

Beagley, Jeff and Marci, 22–23, 35

Beagley, Neil (son), 22–23, 35

The Believers (film), 152

Benedetti, Fabrizio, 142

Benedict XIV, 138

Benkowski, Mark, 47

Bergh, Henry, 164–165

Bernadette of Lourdes, 135–137

Bible, 75–76

    literal interpretation of, 59–61

    See also New Testament; Old Testament; specific books of the Bible

Bilbo, Garland, 141

Black, Galen, 156–157

Blackwell, Kamilya, 96

Bladder obstruction, 22–23

Blair, Linda, 64

Blatty, William Peter, 64

Blind Faith: The Unholy Alliance of Religion and Medicine (Sloan), 132

Bliss, Edward, 119–120

Block, Robert W., 195

Blood transfusions, x, 60–61, 158–160

Bloodletting, 60

Bloodstream infections, 182

Bloomberg, Michael, 69

The Body, 32

Born in Zion Ministry, 32

Boston College, 85

Brackenridge High School (San Antonio, Texas), 106

Branch Davidians (Mount Carmel, Texas), 25–26, 27–28, 41

Brazil, abortion in, 86–87

Brockton, Massachusetts, 154–155

Brown, Jerry, 23

Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, 175

Bryan, William Jennings, 148

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), 26

Burstyn, Ellen, 64

Bush, George H. W., 88

Bush, George W., 150

Caffey, John, 166

Calhoun, Jim, 188

Callagy, Grace, 84

Campolo, Tony, 142

Canada, 119, 184

Cannon, George Q., 156

CAPTA. See Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act

Carle, Sister Judith, 80

Carpena, Bianca, 102

Carpenter, Leroy, Jr., 95

Carpenter, Lisa, 95

Carter, Rosalyn, 23

Castille, Ronald, 98

Catholic Church

    exorcism in, 64–66

    faith healing history of, 132–134

    support of faith healing by, 138

Catholic Church and abortion, xii, 75–89

    in Brazil, 86–87

    equal right to life of mother and unborn child issue, 81, 85

    excommunication and, 79, 86–87

    in Ireland, 82–85, 87–89

    moment of conception and, 75–77

    Philomena (film) and, 87–89

    rape, incest, endangerment of mother’s life and, 86–87

    at St. Joseph’s Medical Center, 78–82

    See also Abortion

Catholic Healthcare West (parent organization of St. Joseph’s Medical Center), 80

Catholic hospitals, xii. See also Hospitals; specific hospitals

CDC. See Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), xi, 69, 93, 112, 182

Chaput, Charles (archbishop), 77

Charles II (king of England), 134

Chicago, 148

CHILD. See Children’s Healthcare Is a Legal Duty

Child abuse

    battered child syndrome and, 167

    court’s failure to protect against, 171, 172–173

    Fourteenth Amendment and, Equal Protection Clause of, 174–175

    mandatory reporting laws and, 169

    religiously motivated medical neglect as, 169–170, 173–174, 175–176

    from 1870s to the present, 163–169

    states with religious exemption from, 172

    US Congress and, 167–169

    See also Infanticide, child sacrifice, and child abuse; Infanticide and child abuse

Child abuse laws

    in Pennsylvania, 189–192

    religious exemptions from, 185–187

    religious exemptions from, advocacy groups and states opposing, 183

Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), 168, 170–172, 192

    religious exemption from, and Christian Science, 171–172

“Child Fatalities from Religion-Motivated Medical Neglect” (R. Swan and S. Asser), 180–182

Child sacrifice. See Infanticide, child sacrifice, and child abuse

Child sexual abuse, 187–188

Childbirth complications, 95, 148


    abandonment stories about, 125–126

    child labor law and, 154–155

    diseases of, as test of faith, 101, 128

    infanticide, child sacrifice, and child abuse in ancient times and time of Jesus and, 120–123, 125–128

    infanticide and child abuse in poems, songs, games, folk tales, nursery rhymes of today and, 123–125

    Jesus’s message of love for, 126–128

    suffering of, in name of Jesus, 120

    unimmunized, and measles, 93–98, 101, 105, 112

    See also Child abuse; Child abuse laws; Child sexual abuse

Children’s Healthcare Is a Legal Duty (CHILD), 180

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, xiv, 92, 99–100, 103

China, 119, 121

Chinnock, Robert, 44, 57

Christ Assembly, 32

Christ Miracle Healing Center, 32

Christian Broadcasting Network, 139, 140

Christian Catholic Church, 148

Christian faith healers. See Faith healers

Christian Science, 1–2, 3–4, 6–18, 41, 181

    bible of (see Science and Health with a Key to the Scriptures)

    compulsory vaccination laws and, 106–107

    doctors’ false thinking as contaminator of thinking, 10

    doctrine over existence and, 32

    doctrine over experience and, 31

    fear of doctors and, 35

    growth rate of, 4

    language and, 31

    man as spiritual image of God belief and, 1–2, 4, 9

    personality disorders and, 57

    prayer treatment and, 1–2

    refusal to embrace medical advances and, 5

    as religious cult, 21, 28

    religious exemption from Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act and, 171–172

    religious motivated medical neglect as child abuse and, 169–170

    requirement to report contagious diseases and, 13

    success of, compared with early medicine, 4–5

    See also Eddy, Mary Baker

Christian Science Church

    efforts to obtain religious exemption from medical health care mandate, 192–193

    efforts to stop repeal of religious exemptions from child abuse laws, 185–187

    faith healing success story of, 177–178

    Swan’s public denunciation of, 177–180

Christian Science Monitor, 178

Christian Science practitioners, 10–12, 12–15, 16–17, 19–20, 58

    insurance companies’ reimbursement to, 20

    See also Faith healers

Christian Scientists

    Ehrlichman, John, 170–171, 172

    Haldeman, H. R. “Bob,” 170–171, 172

Christianity, 4, 63–64


    hospitals and, 119

    influence of healing and ministry of Jesus on early, 118–120

    number of, 28

1 Chronicles 21:1–14, 114

2 Chronicles 28:3; 33:6, 122

The Church and Abortion: A Catholic Dissent (O’Brien), 87

Church of England, 137

Church of God, 32

Church of God of the Union Assembly, 32

Church of Jesus Christ Christian, 151

Church of Latter-day Saints, 155–156

Church of the Firstborn, 32, 181

Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye, 151

Circumcision, metzitzah and, xi, 66–73

Cirillo, Vincent A., 110–111

Cohen, Romi, 67, 70

College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University, 166

Conestoga Wood Specialties, 160–161

Confession for imagined sins, religious cults and, 30

Connolly, Mary and Francis, 163, 165

Constantine, 127

Contraception, requirement of corporations to provide health coverage including, 160–161

Control of information, religious cults and, 29

Cooper, Maura, 100

Cooper, Pat, 61

Copeland, Kenneth, xi, 58

1 Corinthians 13:13, xiii, 57

Corporations, requirement to provide minimum essential health coverage, including contraception and, 160–161

Cottrell, Terrance, Jr., x, 61–63, 65, 66

Courts, failure to protect against child abuse and, 171, 172–173. See also United States Supreme Court

Crawford, Jim, 109

Cults. See Religious cults

Cunningham, Holland, 185

Curley, Timothy, 188

David (king), 114

Davies, Arthur, 18

Dawkins, Richard, xiii

Delphi, Greece, 122

DeMause, Lloyd, 126

Denmark, 121

Denton County, TX, xi

Department of Health and Education, 169

Department of Health and Human Services, 169, 171

Dependent personality disorder, 54–55

Detroit Free Press, 178

Devil, 95, 101, 114–116. See also Lucifer

Diabetes, 43–49, 171–172, 185

Diets, 2

DiMotto, Jean, 66

Diocletian (emperor of Rome), 121

Diphtheria, 147

Disease, 117–118

    of children, as test of faith, 101, 128

    as God’s punishment for sin, 114

    See also specific diseases

Doctors/physicians, 10, 35, 97–100, 102

    Jesus’s support of, 118, 128

    modern concept of disease by, 117–118

Doctrine over existence, religious cults and, 31

Doctrine over experience, religious cults and, 31

Donohue, Phil, 179

Douglas, William O., 150

Dove World Outreach Center (Florida), 108

Dowie, John Alexander, 148

Downs, John Robert, 146, 147

Drug laws, religious ritual in violation of, 156–157

Duarte, Jorge, 153

The Dybbuk (play), 63

Eagle Mountain International Church (Texas), xi

Earnest, Josh, 161

Ectopic pregnancy, 80

Eddy, Mary Baker, 2–5, 10, 21, 30, 31, 41

    bible of Christian Science and, 3–4 (see also Science and Health with a Key to the Scriptures)

    birth of Christian Science and, 3

    as chosen by God, 29

    empowerment of women and, 5

    as founder of Christian Science mother church in Boston, 4

    materia medica and, 12

    pain medicine and, 8

    power of suggestion/healing ministry of Jesus and, 3

    See also Christian Science

Egypt (ancient), 114

Ehrlichman, John, 170–171, 172, 176, 177

Eichmann, Adolf, trial of, 39–40

Eichmann in Jerusalem (Arendt), 40

Electricity, curative power of, 3

Elizabeth (mother of John the Baptist), 75–76

Elsah, Illinois, 6–7

Emotions, physical illness and, 3

Employers’ right to practice their faith, 149–150, 154

The End of Faith (Harris), xiii

End Time Ministries, 32, 181

England, 85, 145–147, 148

Entertainment Weekly, 64

Escape From Freedom (Fromm), 197

European kings, Christian healing by, 134–135

Evans, Nancy, 100

Excommunication, abortion and, 79, 86–87

Existence, doctrine over, 31

Exodus 1:15–22; 2:1–10, 122

Exodus 8:12–13; 9:2–6; 9:8–10; 12:29, 114

Exodus 20:10, 149

Exorcism, x, 61–66

The Exorcism of Anneliese Michel (film), 65

The Exorcism of Emily Rose (film), 65

The Exorcist (Blatty), 64

The Exorcist (film), 64

Experience, doctrine over, 31

Faith Assembly Church, 21–22, 23, 32, 41, 113, 181

Faith healers

    Bakker, Jim, 140–141

    Popoff, Peter, 139

    Roberts, Oral, 138

    Robertson, Pat, 139–140

    Swaggart, Jimmy Lee, 141

    See also Christian Science practitioners; other specific healers

Faith healing, 131–144

    by apostles, 131–132

    Bernadette of Lourdes and, 135–137

    the Catholic Church and, 132–134

    condemnation of churches and, 137–138

    endorphins and, 142–143

    by European kings, 134–135

    expectation and, 143

    grounded in science, 132

    grounded in supernatural acts of mortal men, 132

    Jesus and, 113 (see also under Jesus)

    Martin Luther and, 135

    missionaries and, 119–120

    monasteries and, 119

    in New Testament, 131–132

    placebo response and, 144

    by priests and relics, 133

    reasons for popularity of, 141–144

    reasons it might work, 142–143

    relics and, 133–134

    relics attributed to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph and, 133–134

    by saints, 133

    sense of magic and wonder and, 141–142

    support of Catholic Church and, 138

    See also Faith healers; Medical neglect, religious reasons for; specific family cases regarding; specific faith-healing denominations

Faith Tabernacle Congregation (Philadelphia), 32, 91, 92, 181

    compulsory vaccination law and, 107–108

    court order for doctors’ visits to families of, 97–100, 102

    court order to hospitalize boy infected with measles and, 102–103, 104

    measles epidemic and, 94–112

    public opinion against, 101

    religious exemption to vaccination overturned and, 110–111

    threat of prosecution to families and, 98

    See also Reinert, Rev. Charles

Faith Temple Church of Apostolic Faith (Milwaukee), x, 61–63

Faith Temple Doctoral Church of Christ in God, 32

Family Worship Center (Baton Rouge), 141

FDA. See Food and Drug Administration

Female infanticide, 121–122

First Assembly of God Church (California), 44

First-Century Gospel Church (Philadelphia), ix, 32, 100, 105, 112, 189

    compulsory vaccination law and, 107–108

First Gospel Delivery Church, 32

Fischer, Rabbi Yitzchok, 69

Fisichella, Salvatore (archbishop), 86–87, 89

Flato, Charles, 165

Followers of Christ Church (Oregon), 22–23, 32, 41, 182, 185, 186, 187

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 144

Fost, Norman, 20

Fourteenth Amendment, Equal Protection Clause of, 174–175

Franklin, Ben, 5

Frazier, Tom, 52, 53

Free speech, 108–109

Freeman, Hobard, 21–22, 41

Freud, Sigmund, 183

Fromm, Erich, 197

Full Metal Jacket (film), 26

Gabriel (archangel), 122

Galileo, 60

Gallagher, Eugene, 26

Garcia, Rosemary, 141

Genesis 1:27, 197

Genesis 1:28, 66

Genesis 17:10–11, 66

Genesis 22:1–2, 9–12, 34

Genesis 22:11–12, 122

Georgia, 64

Germantown, Maryland, 66

Germany, 65–66, 121

Gilmore, Dustin, 181

Gilstrop, Hazel, 97

Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 160–161

Glendale, California, 66

God, 129

    dependence on, 55–56

    punishment for disobedience by, 34–35

    story of Job and, 114–116

The God Delusion (Dawkins), xiii

God Is Not Great (Hitchens), xiii

Goode, Wilson, 99–100, 107

Gorman, Marvin, 141

Gorman, Randi, 141

Gravity’s Rainbow (Pynchon), 176

Great Britain, 184

Greece (ancient), 114, 123, 125

Gustafson, Terry, 185

Gwinnett County, Georgia, 64

Hahn, Jessica, 140–141

Halappanavar, Praveen and Savita, 82–85

Haldeman, H. R. “Bob,” 170–171, 172, 176, 177

Hale-Bopp comet, 27

Hall, Gary and Margaret, 113

Hall, Joel (son), 113

Hamburger Hill (film), 26

Harlan, Marshall John, 106

Harris, Sam, xiii

Harvard Medical School, 143

Hawkins, Jean, 17

Healing. See Faith Healers; Faith Healing

Healing in Early Christianity (Porterfield), 119

Heaven’s Gate (UFO-based religion; San Diego, CA), 26–27, 27–28, 41

Heilman, Dean and Susan, 91–92

Heilman, Michael (son), 91–92

Hell, concept of, 122

Hemophilia, 91–92

Hemphill, David, 61–63

    trial of, 62–63

Hemphill, Ray, x, 61–63, 65

    guilty verdict of felony child abuse and, 63

    prison sentence of, 66

    trial of, 62–63

Heritage USA (Fort Mill, South Carolina), 140

Hermanson, Amy (daughter), 171–172

Hermanson, Christine, felony child abuse and murder conviction overturned and, 171–172

Heron (king of Judea Province), 126

Herpes virus infections, xi, 68–69, 72

Hershberger, Andy and Anna, 173–174, 175–176

Hershberger, Sarah (daughter), 173–174

Hess, Michael, 88

Hialeah, Florida, 151, 152

Hindus, 83, 84

Hippocrates, 60, 123, 125

    modern concept of disease by, 117–118

Hippocratic Oath, 123

Hitchens, Christopher, xiii

Hitler, Adolf, 35, 65

HIV. See Human immunodeficiency virus

Hobby Lobby decision, 160–161

Hoffner, Rich, 98

Home schooling, 150, 154

Homeopathy, 2

Homosexuality, 108–109


    Catholic, abortions at (see St. Joseph’s Medical Center, abortion at)

    Christians and, 119

    See also specific hospitals

How to Be Pentecostal Without Speaking in Tongues (Campolo), 142

Howell, Vernon (a.k.a. David Koresh), 25–26, 41

    belief in apocalypse by, 25–26

    belief in self as the Messiah, 25

    as chosen by God, 29

    sexual relations with group members (including adolescent girls) by, 25

    standoff at Mount Carmel and, 26

    stockpiling of weapons by, 26

Hucksterism, 5

Hughes, Rev. Edward, 64

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 66–67

Human papillomavirus, 67

Hunt, Linda, 79–80

Hydropathy, 2

Hypnosis (mesmerism), 2, 3

Idaho, 185, 187

India, 84–85, 121

Infanticide, child sacrifice, and child abuse, in ancient times and time of Jesus, 120–123, 125–128. See also Child abuse

Infanticide, female, 121–122. See also Child abuse

Infanticide and child abuse, in poems, songs, games, folk tales, nursery rhymes of today, 123–125. See also Child abuse

Inflexibility of doctrines, religious cults and, 30–31

Inherit the Wind (play and film), 148

Innocent III, 134

Insurance companies, reimbursement to Christian Science practitioners by, 20

International Association of Exorcists, 64

International Hotel (Portland, Maine), 3


    abortion in, 82–85, 87–89

    Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act, 85

Irish Times, 85

Isaac, 34, 35, 122

Israel, 120–121

Italy, exorcism in, 64

Jacobson, Henning, 105–106, 107

Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 106

James 5:14–15, ix

James Randi Educational Foundation, 139

Japan, 121

Jayaraman, Mythri, 190

Jefferson, Thomas, 155

Jeffrey, Rev. George Johnstone, 138

Jehovah’s Witnesses, x, 60–61, 154–155, 158–160

Jeremiah 1:4, 75

Jeremiah 7:32, 122

Jesus, xiii, 20

    allowing children to suffer in name of, 120

    belief that disease was arbitrary and, 117

    faith healing by relics attributed to, 133–134

    healing, with love and compassion and, 117–118

    healing and ministry of, 3, 113, 114–120, 129–131

    as infant, sparing of, 126

    infanticide, child sacrifice, child abuse in ancient times and time of, 120–123, 125–128

    love of children by, 126–128

    modern concept of disease by, 117

    resurrection of Lazarus by, 129–131

    story of Job and, 114–116

    support of physicians by, 118, 128

    in the womb, 75–76

Jesus Through Jon and Judy, 32

Job, story of, 114–116

Job 10:8, 75

Jochebed (mother of Moses), 122

Joffe, Mark, 100

John 5:7, 59

John 9:3, 117

John 11:1, 17, 39–44, 130

John 11:39, 130

John 14:12, 132

John Paul II, 77, 81

John the Baptist, 76

Johnson, Monica (daughter), 96, 100

Johnson, Tina Louise (daughter), 100–101

Johnson, Wayne (father), 96

Jolly K, 168–169

Jones, James, 23–25, 41, 110–111

    belief in self as the Messiah, 24

    as chosen by God, 29

    claims of abuse and starvation from congregants against, 24

    delusions of grandeur and paranoia of, 24

    in Jonestown (Guyana), 24

    mass suicide of congregants and, 24–25

    sexual relations with group members, including adolescent girls, by, 25

Jones, Jesse E., 159

Jones, Michelle, 25

Jones, Rachel, 25

Jones, Serenity Sea, 25

Jonestown (Guyana), 24

Joseph (husband of Mary), faith healing by relics attributed to, 133, 134

Joshua 6:26, 121

Journal of the American Medical Association, 167

Judaism, xiii, 63, 116

    belief that disease is God’s punishment for sin and, 114

    circumcision and metzitzah and, xi, 66–73

    mohel (person who performs ritual circumcision) and, xi, 67, 69–70, 71, 73

Judas Iscariot, 65

Judd, Emma, 148

Kaptchuk, Ted, 143

Kelly, Rev. Charles, 95

Kelsey, Morton, 118

Kempe, Henry, 167–168

Kennedy, Anthony, 153

Kenny, Edna, 85

Kessler, Karl, 45–47

Khan, Saeed, 108

1 Kings 16:34, 121

Kirn, Daniel, 102

Knepfler, Sharon, 15–16

Korea, 66

Koresh, David. See Howell, Vernon

Korn, Gordon, 95

Labrenz, Cheryl Linn, 158

Lacy, Shawn, 110

Laitner, Jeanne, 10–12, 19, 20

Lambertini, Prospero, 138

Language, religious cults and, 31

The Last Strawberry (R. Swan), 183

Lazarus, 129–131

Leadership, 21, 29, 32. See also Faith healers; specific leaders

Lecky, William, 123

Lee, Philomena, 87–89

Lerner, Benjamin, 190–191

Levenson, Robert, 105, 111–112

Leviticus 7:26, x

Leviticus 21:5, 72

Levy, Deborah, 109

Lewis, Jerry Lee, 141

Life, 167

Lifton, Robert, 28–32, 40

Lille, Charisse, 102

Lincoln, Abraham, 33

Lohn, John, 173–174, 175

L’Osservatore Romano (Vatican newspaper), 86

Louis XIV (king of France), 134

Lucifer (a.k.a. Satan), 34, 35, 52, 56, 58, 64, 65. See also Devil

Luke 1:39–42, 75–76

Luke 5:31, 118

Luke 7:11–15, 129

Luke 8:41–55, 129

Luke 9:6, 131

Luke 10:35, 120

Luke 13:2–5, 117

Luther, Martin, 135

Lymphoma, 173–174

MacAlistar, Stewart, 120

Magi (Zoroastrian priests), 126

Magnets, curative power of, 3

Mannheim, Robbie, 63–64

Manno, Catherine, 92

Mark 1:25–26, x

Mark 2:17, 118

Mark 9:37, 126

Mark 10:16, 126

Mark 11:24, 59

Mary (mother of Jesus)

    faith healing by relics attributed to, 133, 134

    pregnancy of, 75–76

Mass suicide, of cult members, 24–25, 26–27

Massage therapy, 3

Matthew 2:16, 126

Matthew 9:12, 118

Matthew 10:1, 131

Matthew 10:8, 131

Matthew 12:27–28, 117

Matthew 18:19, 59

Matthew 19:14, 126

Matthew 25:40, xiii

Matthew 27:51–52, 129

Mayo Clinic, 161

McBride, Sister Margaret Mary, xii, 79–80, 81, 82

McCormick, Mary Ellen, 163–165

McCormick, Thomas, 163

McQueary, Mike, 188

Measles, xi–xii

Measles Elimination Program, 93

Measles epidemic (Philadelphia, 1989 to 1991), 92–112

    Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and, 99–100, 103

    court order for doctors’ visits to families and, 97–100, 102

    court order to hospitalize boy infected with measles and, 102–103, 104

    end of, 111–112

    financial toll of, 105

    reasons for death of children during, 101

    religious exemption from vaccination overturned and, 110

    St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children and, 99–103

    statistics on, 112

    threat of prosecution to families and, 98

    unimmunized children and, 93–98, 101, 105, 112

Mechanical asphyxiation due to external chest compression, x, 62

Medical health care/Affordable Care Act, Christian Science Church’s efforts to obtain religious exemption from mandate regarding, 192–193

Medical neglect, religiously motivated

    as child abuse, 169–170, 173–174, 175–176

    and the courts (see United States Supreme Court)

    effectiveness of punishment for, 184–187

    the law and, mid-1800s to early 1900s, 145–149

    reasons for, 59–61

    reasons public tolerates, 193

    sects accounting for most deaths from, 181, 182

    states that protect, 171

    Swan’s (Rita) efforts to end, 177–184, 197–198

    See also Faith healing: reasons for popularity of; specific cases

Medical/scientific advances, reasons for rejection of, 59–60


    fear of, 35

    psychology of choosing religion over, 41

    in the 1800s and early 1900s, 4–5

    scientific advances in, 5

Melitus (Turkey), 121–122

Meningococcus, 182

Mesmerism. See Hypnosis

Mexico, 121

Michel, Anneliese, 65, 66

Milgram, Stanley, 35–39, 40–41

Miller, Wallace, 150

Mills, Dick, 51

Milnes, Linette, 98, 100

Miskimens, Seth, 175

Missionaries, 119–120

Mitzvahs (commandments), xiii, 66

Mohel (person who performs ritual circumcision), xi, 67, 69–70, 71, 73

Molla, Gianna Beretta, 81

Monasteries, 119

Mondale, Walter, 23, 168, 171

Morby, Abraham (son), 146

Morby, John and Rachel, 146, 147

Morill Anti-Bigamy Act, 155

Mormons. See Church of Latter-day Saints

Mortob, Isaac, 70

Moscone, George, 23

Moses, 122

MOVE bombing (Philadelphia), 99–100

Mudd, Natali Joy, 22, 35

Murphree, Debra, 141

Muslim Association of North Central Florida, 108

Mysteries of the World (Pick), 133

Narcissistic personality disorder, 55–56

Nash, Gary, 44, 47, 48, 50, 51–52, 54, 55

National Institutes of Health, 161

National Multiple Sclerosis Society, 20

National Socialist Party of America, 109

Native American Church, 157

The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide (Lifton), 40

Nazi Germany, 35–36, 39–40

Nero (emperor), 65, 123

New Hampshire, 2

New Testament, xiii, 60, 126–128

    concept of Hell in, 122

    healing in, 131–132

    healing powers of Jesus and, 116 (see also under Jesus)

    Jesus’s love of children in, 126–128

New York City, xi, 66, 68–70, 72, 165

New York Post, 89

New York State, 107

New Zealand, 66, 121

Newsweek, 167

Nichols, Nichelle, 27

Nichols, Thomas, 27

Niederman, Rabbi David, 70

Nixon, Richard, 169, 170

“No Name” Fellowship, 32

No Spin Faith: Rejecting Spin Doctors (Larry Parker), 57–58

Northeast Kingdom Community Church, 32

Numbers 12:10, 114

Numbers 15:32, 35, 36, 71

Nuremberg trials, 40

Obama, Barack, 160, 161, 192, 194

Obedience to authority experiment, 35–39, 40–41

Obedience to Authority (Milgram), 35–36

O’Brien, George, 87

Oedipus, 125

Ogden, Utah, 1–2

Ohio, 150–151

Old Testament, xiii, 34, 66

    belief that disease is God’s punishment for sin and, 114

    child sacrifice in, 122

Olmsted, Thomas J. (bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Phoenix), xii, 79–80

O’Malley, Sean, 85

One Mind Ministries, 32

The Onion (online news source), 109

Oral Roberts Evangelistic Association, 138

Oregon, 156–157, 184–187

Organized religions, members’ faith in leadership of, 32

Otterman, Sharon, 67

“Parents Who Beat Children: A Tragic Increase in Cases of Child Abuse Is Prompting a Hunt for Ways to Select Sick Adults Who Commit Such Crimes,” 167

Parker, Larry and Lucky, 43–58

    conviction reduction and sentence of, 53–54

    daughters of (Pam and Tricia), 48

    felony child abuse and felony manslaughter charges reduced and, 49

    No Spin Faith: Rejecting Spin Doctors, 57–58

    psychological disorder as rationale for behavior of, 54–58

    son Wesley and, illness and death of, 43–49

    We Let Our Son Die: A Parents’ Search for Truth, 41, 44, 52

Parker, Wesley (son), 43–49

Paterno, Joe, 188

Paul the Apostle, 50, 55

Paul VI, 64

Payne, Gregory Henry, 127

Peculiar people, 145–147, 155

Pediatrics, 180

Pennsylvania, x, 107, 187–189

    child abuse laws in, 189–192

    Swan’s (Rita) efforts to repeal religious exemption in, 191–192

Pennsylvania Children and Youth Administration, 191

Pennsylvania Hospital (Philadelphia), 120

Pennsylvania State University, 187–188

Pentecostalism, 28, 142

People’s Temple of Full Gospel Church, 23–25, 27–28, 41

Perricone, Joseph, 158

Persia (ancient), 114

1 Peter 2:9, 145

Peter Popoff Evangelical Association, 139

Peyote, 157

Phelps-Roper, Shirley, 108–109

The Phil Donohue Show (television talk show), 178–180

Philadelphia Inquirer, 92, 93

Philbin, Regis, 48

Phillip the Fair (king of France), 134

Philomena (film), 87–89

Physical illness, emotions and, 3

Physicians. See Doctors

Pichardo, Ernesto, 151–153

Pick, Christopher, 133

Pierson, Luther, 148–149

Pittsburg, Kansas, 6

Plato, 123

Platoon (film), 26

Pneumonia, 113, 145–146, 147, 148, 189

Poland, 66

Polio, 106–107

Polycarp (bishop of Smyrna), 119

Polygamy, 155–156

Pontifical Academy for Life, 86

Pontifical academy (Rome), x, 64–65

Poor Law Amendment Act, 146

Popoff, Peter, 139

Porterfield, Amanda, 119

The Possession (film), 63

Power-of-suggestion therapy, 3

President’s Certificate for Outstanding Service, 195–196

Prince, Sarah, 154–155, 159

Prisoners’ right to practice their faith, 150–151, 154

Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act (Ireland), 85

Provonsha, Jack, 118

Psalm 91, 63

Psalm 139:13, 75

Psychological disorders, 54–58

Psychosis/delusion, 56–57

PTL Club (Christian television program), 140

Pulmonary hypertension, xii

Purity, religious cults and, 30

Purkiss, Henry and Louisa, 147

Purkiss, Norman (son), 147, 155

Pynchon, Thomas, 176

Pyrrhus (king), 135

Quimby, Phineas Parkhurst, 3, 4

Randi, James, 139

Reagan, Ronald, 88

Redwood Valley, California, 23

Reinert, Rev. Charles, 91, 92, 95, 104–105

    children’s diseases as test of faith and, 101

    compulsory vaccination law and, 108, 109

    interpretation of the end of measles epidemic and, 112

    See also Faith Tabernacle Congregation (Philadelphia)

Reiss, Dorit, 161

Relics, faith healing and, 133–134


    acts of love and kindness and, xiii

    as compared to science, 129

    over medicine, choice of, 41

    promise of eternal life and, 33

    punishment for disobedience and, 34–35

    true believers and fear of doctors/medicine and, 35

    unconscionable acts and, xiv

Religious cult(s), 21–32

    characteristics of, 27–32

    control of information by, 29

    definition of, 28–32

    demand for confession for imagined sins and, 30

    demand for purity by, 30

    doctrine over existence and, 31–32

    doctrine over experience and, 31

    inflexibility of doctrines by, 30–31

    as insular groups, 23

    language, 31

    leadership of, 21, 28, 29, 32

    number of, 32

    See also specific cults

Religious exemption

    from child abuse, 171–172

    from child abuse laws, 183, 185–187

    from vaccination, 110

Religious persecution, 49, 50, 108

Resurrection, 48–49, 57

Reynolds, George, 155–156

“Rights of Children” (Senate Subcommittee on Children and Youth), 168

Riis, Jacob, 164

Roberts, Oral, 57, 138

Robertson, Pat, 139–140

“The Roentgen [X-Ray] Manifestations of Unrecognized Skeletal Trauma” (Silverman), 166–167

Roman empire, 123

Romans 8:11, 135

Rome (ancient), 125

Romero, Rev. Daniel, 44–45, 52

Roseburg, Oregon, 156–157

Ross, Robert, 94, 95–96, 97–99, 102–104, 107, 110, 111

Rothert, Anthony, 109

Rutledge, Wiley B., 154–155

Ryan, Leo, Jr., 24

Saints, faith healing by, 133

Salvation for Sale (Straub), 140

Sandusky, Jerry, 187–188

Santeria, 151–154

Satan. See Lucifer

The Saturday Evening Post, 165, 167

Sayville, New York, 66

Scarlet fever, 146

Scarnecchia, Brian, 78

Schaffner, William, 70

Schaible, Brandon and Kent (sons), 189–191

Schaible, Herbert and Catherine, ix, 189–191

Scheeres, Julia, 23, 24

Schimer, Maria, 173, 175

Schofield, Amelia Jane, 155

Schreiber, Moses, 68

Schultz, Gary, 188

Schweitzer, Albert, 119


    as compared to religion, 129

    faith healing grounded in, 132

Science and Health with a Key to the Scriptures (Eddy), 3–4, 10, 13, 29, 30

Scopes, John, 148

Sean Ross Abbey (Roscrea, Ireland), 87–89

Sedgwick, Kyra, 63

Semmelweis, Ignaz, 67

Seneca (Roman statesman), 123

Senior, Amos and Tansley (sons), 147

Senior, George, 147

The 700 Club (Christian television program), 139

Seventh-day Adventist Church, 25, 28, 149–150

Sharrar, Robert, 94, 95–96

Sherbert, Adell, 149–150

Sheridan, Dorothy, 169–170

Sheridan, Lisa, 169–170

Shymalan, M. Night, 196

Silverman, Fred, 166–167

Simmons, Betty, 154–155

Simmons, Leroy, 57

Sisters of Mercy, 79

Sixsmith, Martin, 88

Skokie, Illinois, 109

Skolnik, Rabbi Gerald, 71

Sloan, Richard, 132

Smallpox, 146

Smallpox epidemic (Cambridge, Massachusetts), 105–106

Smith, Alfred, 156–157

Smith, Joseph, 155

Smith, Kyle, 89

Snow, C. P., 36

Sobrinho, Cardoso (archbishop of Recife, Brazil), 86

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 164

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 165

Somalia, 194

Soto, Jason, 158

Soto, Rebecca, 158

The Source, 32

Spanier, Graham, 188

Spellman, Eugene, 152–153

St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children (Philadelphia), 99–103

St. Joseph’s Medical Center (Phoenix), abortion at, xii, 78–82

Stangle, Josef (bishop of West Germany), 65

Starr, Bruce, 185–186


    with laws that protect religiously motivated medical neglect, 171

    opposing religious exemptions from child abuse laws, 183

    with religious exemptions from child abuse, 172

Still, Caryn, 94–95, 100

Still, Debra, 95

Straub, Gerry, 140

Suicide, 72

Summers, Edward, 102, 110, 111

Supernatural acts of mortal men, faith healing grounded in, 132

Swaggart, Jimmy Lee, 141

Swan, Matthew (son), death of, 7, 178, 183. See also under Swan, Rita and Doug

Swan, Rita

    efforts to end religiously motivated medical neglect by, 177–184, 197–198

    efforts to repeal religious exemption from child abuse laws, 185–187

    efforts to repeal religious exemption in Pennsylvania by, 191–192

    founding of child advocacy organization by, 180

    President’s Certificate for Outstanding Service awarded to, 195–196

    public denunciation of Christian Science Church by, 177–180

    report on child death and permanent disability from medical neglect by, 180–182

    story of son’s death by, 183

Swan, Rita and Doug, 1–2, 6–21, 29, 30, 31, 35

    birth of daughter (Catherine) and, 7

    birth of son (Matthew) and, 8

    death of son (Matthew) and, 17

    diagnosis of bacterial meningitis of son (Matthew) and, 16

    ignorance regarding medicine by, 72–73

    illness of son (Matthew) and, 10–18

    malpractice lawsuit against Christian Science practitioners by, 19–20 (see also practitioners Ahearn, June; Laitner, Jeanne)

    medical treatment for son (Matthew) and, 15–17

    practitioners for son (Matthew) and, 10–12, 12–15, 16–17, 19–20

    practitioner’s reasons for prayers/healing powers not working for son (Matthew) and, 12, 13, 16

Swanson, Eva, 181

Switzerland, 66

Syphilis, 68

Tabor, James, 26

Talbot, Norman, 20

Talmud, 63, 67

Tanner, Don, 44

Tarrant County, Texas, xi

Tarte, Alden, 152

Tattoos, 72

The Telegraph, 77

Temin, Carolyn Engle, 189–190

Tendler, Rabbi Moshe, 71

Teresa, Mother, 33

Tertullian, 77

Test of faith, children’s diseases as, 101, 128

The Believers Fellowship, 32

Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism (Lifton), 28

A Thousand Lives (Scheeres), 23

Time, 167

Times of India, 84–85

Tipperary, Ireland, 87–89

Tolefree, Tamara, 61

Tonight Show with Johnny Carson (television talk show), 139

Topeka, Kansas, 108–109

Torah, 66

Trilling, Lionel, 31

Tuberculosis, 68

Tuddenham, Mary Ann, 155

Twelve Tribes, 32

Twitchell, David, 184

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, 193–194

Unimmunized children, 93–98, 101, 105, 112

United Church Mission Hospitals, 119

United Church of Canada, 137–138

United Church of Christ, 17

United Jewish Organization (Brooklyn), 70

United States

    exorcism in, 64–65

    influence of Jesus’s teachings in, 120

    refusal to ratify UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and, 193–194

United States Congress, child abuse and, 167–169

United States Lutheran Church Committee, 137

United States Supreme Court

    compulsory vaccination laws and, 105–111

    polygamy and, 155–156

    religious freedom and, 149–162

    religious ritual in violation of state drugs laws and, 156–157

    requirement of all corporations to provide minimum essential health coverage, including contraception and, 160–161

    right of employers to practice their faith and, 149–150, 154

    right of prisoners to practice their faith and, 150–151, 154

    right to distribute religious pamphlets, and child-labor law and, 154–155

    right to home school children and, 150, 154

    right to practice animal sacrifice and, 151–154

University Hospital (Galway, Ireland), 82

University of California Hastings School of Law, 161

University of Notre Dame, 65

Utah, 155

Vaccination, xi–xii, xiv, 72, 93, 182

    compulsory, 105–111

    mandatory, 107

Vail Hydropathic Institute (Hill, New Hampshire), 3

Vanderbilt University, 70

Varma, Jay, 70

Vass, Arpad, 131

Vigilantius of Talouse, 134

The Village (film), 196

Viral meningitis, 177–178

Visiting Nurses Association of Philadelphia, 105

Von Sydow, Max, 64

Vonderscher, Mary, 138

Wagstaffe, Lois (daughter), 145–146

Wagstaffe, Thomas and Mary Ann, 145–146, 148

Waite, Morrison, 156

Watergate scandal, 170

Wayne State University Medical Library, 177–178, 197

We Let Our Son Die: A Parents’ Search for Truth (Larry Parker), 41, 44, 52

West Germany, 65

Westboro Baptist Church, 108–109

Wheeler, Etta Angell, 163–165

White, Walter, 22, 41

Why Waco? (Tabor and Gallagher), 26

Williams, J. Steven, 53, 54

Williams, Mark, 62–63

Women, as spiritual healers, 5

Woods, Judith, 77

World Health Organization, 67

Wray, Nelda, 143

Wright, J. Skelley, 159

Yoder, Jonas, 150

Young, Brigham, 155

Young, J. Addison, 149

Yutzy, Adin, 150

Zamora, Rigoberto, 153–154

Zucht, Rosalyn, 106, 107