As always, I’d like to thank my team at Dragonsteel Entertainment for their work and talent.
Peter Ahlstrom, Kara Stewart, Adam Horne, and our COO and queen, Emily Sanderson. I appreciate all you do.
Special thank-yous to Isaac Stewart, our art director, and Charlie Bowater, the Sunreach cover artist, for their beautiful work. Special thanks are also due to Karen Ahlstrom for her continuity edit and Kristina Kugler for her work on the line and copy edits.
Additionally, special thanks to Max and the team at Mainframe, as always, for the great job they did in putting the audiobook together.
For this Delacorte edition, my thanks go to Krista Marino, Beverly Horowitz, Lydia Gregovic, and the ebook production folks, Tom Marquet, Jeff Griggs, and Andrew Wheatley. My agents at JABberwocky, Eddie Schneider and Joshua Bilmes, deserve great applause for making this happen.
Finally, thank you to all of you, the fans of this series. I hope you’ve enjoyed Sunreach.
I am so grateful to the fantastic teams at Dragonsteel and Mainframe for helping make this book a reality, and to the team at JABberwocky for being such consistent supporters of me and my work.
Thanks also to Cortana Olds (callsign: Halo) for stealing my copies of Skyward and Starsight because she heard her mom was eager to talk to her about a book. Cori was my outline sounding board and my first reader on my first draft, so she saw the book in a worse state than anyone else and loved it anyway. (And she wasn’t afraid to point out my terrible metaphors.)
Thanks to Megan Walker, who listened to a lot of whining about the state of various drafts and still brought me motivation cookies, and also read an early draft. Thanks to James Goldberg for his early notes, and to the Dragonsteel beta team: Darci Cole (callsign: Blue), Liliana Klein (callsign: Slip), Alice Arneson (callsign: Wetlander), Paige Phillips (callsign: Artisan), Jayden King (callsign: Tripod), and Linnea Lindstrom (callsign: Pixie). Special thanks to Jayden for his flying expertise and to Darci for helping me refine FM’s romantic arc.
Thank you to my husband, Drew, for his infinite patience with me and my work, and for always believing I can do it, even when I lose faith.
Thanks most of all to Brandon, who has believed in my work longer than almost anybody. Thank you for trusting me with your characters (and giving me a hand up out of my own deep plot holes.) It’s an honor and a privilege to tell these stories with you.
Thank you to Brandon and Janci for such a fantastic story. It was a true pleasure to work with both of you on this. And, of course, a special thank you to our amazing narrator Suzy Jackson. Thanks also to Joshua Bilmes and everyone at Jabberwocky Literary Agency as well as Samara and the team at Brickshop audio. And, of course, thank you to everyone at Mainframe involved in this project; especially Juliana Fernandes, Julian Mann, Will Newell, and Craig Shields.
A huge shout-out to this book’s gamma reader team: Brian T. Hill (callsign: El Guapo), Chris McGrath (callsign: Gunner), Kalyani Poluri (callsign: Henna), Sean VanBuskirk (callsign: Vanguard), Kellyn Neumann (callsign: Treble), Joy Allen (callsign: Joyspren), Philip Vorwaller (callsign: Vanadium), Sam Baskin (callsign: Turtle), Evgeni Kirilov (callsign: Argent), Kendra Wilson, Joshua Harkey (callsign: Jofwu), Ian McNatt (callsign: Weiry), Jayden King (callsign: Tripod), Mark Lindberg (callsign: Megalodon), Jessica Ashcraft (callsign: Gesh), Glen Vogelaar (callsign: Ways), Gary Singer (callsign: DVE), Ted Herman (callsign: Cavalry), Rob West (callsign: Larkspur), Megan Kanne (callsign: Sparrow), Jessie Lake (callsign: Lady), Dr. Kathleen Holland (callsign: shockwave), Jennifer Neal (callsign: Vibes), Eric Lake, Brady Ray (callsign: Flanders), Eliyahu Berelowitz Levin, and Aaron Ford (callsign: Widget).