Lake Powell Chile Relleno Bake

Vanda takes this on trips to Lake Powell—it reheats wonderfully! Great served on top of toasted bagels.

x2 x4 x6
½ lb. breakfast sausage, browned and crumbled (turkey, beef, or pork,)* 1 lb 2 lbs 3 lbs
2 cups cheddar cheese, grated** 4c 8c 12c
2 cups Monterey jack cheese, grated** 4c 8c 12c
8 oz. chopped green chiles, canned and drained or fresh (approx. 1 c.) 16oz 32oz 48oz
4 eggs, divided into egg whites and yolks 8 16 24
cup milk 1c 2c 4c
1 T. flour 2T ¼c ¼c + 2T
t. pepper ¼t ½t ¾t
½ t. salt 1t 2t 1T
disposable foil pans for baking
*This is especially good made with beef sausage links broken into pieces. Beef sausage links are usually found in the frozen meat section of your grocery store, packaged in boxes and fully cooked—just brown and crumble.
**Obviously, this is not a low calorie dish and was created as a breakfast/brunch indulgence. This can be made with lower fat cheese; however, fat-free cheese does not freeze well.

Original Recipe Yield

4–6 servings

Cooking Day

In a large bowl, beat egg whites until stiff peaks form. In a small mixing bowl, combine egg yolks, milk, flour, salt, and pepper. Fold this mixture into the egg whites. Gently add green chiles, cheese, and sausage to the egg mixture, mixing just enough to incorporate all ingredients. Do not over-mix. Pour into a greased 7 x 11 casserole dish or disposable foil pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until top is light-golden.

Cool completely. Cover surface with plastic wrap, then wrap entire dish in foil. Individual portions of this dish can be frozen by dividing into serving sizes, wrapping in plastic wrap, and placing single portions inside a freezer bag.

Serving Day

Thaw egg dish slightly. Unwrap and bake in a 350 degree oven until heated through, or microwave on a medium power setting, checking every minute or so, until warm. This is great served on toasted bagels—like a breakfast sandwich. Serve with salsa for dipping.