Literary Index



Abundance 174176

Adam & Eve 165, 179, 181182

Admiral Robert Penn Warren and the Snows of Winter 184185

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn xiii, 3, 1015, 1820, 167, 193

Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The 11

Aeschylus 72

Agee, James 21, 23, 99

Ahab’s Wife 165, 166, 168, 169170, 171, 179

Alabama Afternoons: Profiles and Conversations 197

Albert Murray and the Aesthetic Imagination of a Nation 194

Alcott, Louisa May 166, 176

All Creatures Great and Small 9497

Allen, C. Richard 195

Allman Brothers 102

All Over but the Shoutin’ 157

All the King's Men xiii, 111112, 114, 118120, 121, 126, 185

Ancient Law, The 106

Anne Frank Remembered: The Story of the Woman Who Helped Hide the Frank Family 195

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl 76, 8283, 8485, 195

Armageddon in Retrospect 195

Armies of the Night, The 65

At Play in the Fields of the Lord 111, 122, 124125

Autobiography of Malcolm X, The 149150

Ava’s Man 147, 155, 158159

Avenue, Clayton City, The 153, 197

Awakening, The 107


Baldwin, James 40, 4647, 4851, 51, 57, 122, 194

Balzac, Honoré de 43

Bayou Folk 107

Beach Music 162

Benchley, Peter 165, 171

Best and the Brightest, The xiii, 68, 74

“Big Boy Leaves Home” 44

Big Russ and Me 159

Billy Graham: A Parable of American Righteousness 196

Birth of a Nation, The 98, 196

Black Boy 4144, 194

“Black Pneumonia” 130

Bledsoe, Jerry 198

Blount, Roy, Jr. 3, 16, 194

“Blues for Huckleberry” 193

Book of Genesis 182

Book of Prefaces, A 43

Boone 186

Bragg, Rick 37, 147, 155, 156159, 197

Branch, Taylor 194

Breslin, Jimmy 58, 65, 195

“Briar Patch, The" 114

“Bright and Morning Star” 4445

Brinkley, Alan 196

Brokaw, Tom 85, 191

Brokeback Mountain 184, 189190

Brontë, Charlotte 166

Brooks, Cleanth 120

Brooks, Geraldine 165, 176179, 198

Brother to a Dragonfly 121

Brown, Dee 129, 142145, 197

Brown, Larry 107

Buckdancer’s Choice 100

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee 129, 141145, 197


Caldwell, Erskine vii

Campbell, Will 120121

Camus, Albert xii, 46

Capote, Truman 29, 66

Carry Me Home 172, 198

Carter, Dan T. 194

Carver, George Washington 53

Catch-22 86

Chase, Owen 169

Chaucer, Geoffrey 191

Childhood, A: The Biography of a Place 156

Childress, Mark 198

Chopin, Kate 94, 106

Clansman, The 98

Cleaver, Eldridge 40

Clemens, Samuel. See Twain, Mark

Clover 94, 108109, 109, 196

Cold Mountain 186

Color Purple, The 109

Confessions of Nat Turner, The 52, 65

Conroy, Pat 37, 147, 157, 160164, 197

Covington, Dennis 184, 186188

Covington, Vicki 198

Cradle of Freedom: Alabama and the Movement That Changed America 198

Crane, Stephen 43

Crews, Harry 147, 156

Crowther, Hal 198

Cured by Fire 156

Curtain of Green, A 21, 3233, 103

Custer Died for Your Sins 145


Davidson, Donald 112

Dead Sea Scrolls 181

“Death of Santini, The” 163164, 197

Defoe, Daniel 13

Deliverance 99, 100

Deloria, Vine, Jr. 129, 145

DeMott, Robert 136, 196

Descendant, The 106

“Desiree’s Baby” 107

Dickens, Charles xi, 166, 175

Dickey, James 94, 99100

Dillard, Annie 107

Dirty Work 107

Dixon, Thomas 98

Dostoevsky, Fyodor xiii, 43

Douglass, Frederick 52

DuBois, W.E.B. 52


Edgerton, Clyde 94, 102106, 108, 110, 196

Edwards, Harry Stillwell 10

Ehle, John 197

Eliot, T.S. 43, 55, 112

Ellen Foster 107

Ellison, Ralph 3, 1415, 15, 40, 53, 57, 193

Eneas Africanus 10, 14

Evans, Walker 23


Factories in the Field 138139

Fair and Tender Ladies 107

Farewell to Arms, A 102

Father Coughlin and the Great Depression 196

Faulkner, William vii, xii, 31, 40, 5455, 55, 60, 64, 112, 121, 160

Fire Next Time, The 40, 50

Flynt, Wayne 23, 138, 197

Foote, Shelby 56

Forbes, Esther 3, 58, 9, 20

Ford, John 139, 141

Forrest Gump 159

Four Spirits 171, 174

Frady, Marshall 65, 76, 93, 195

Frank, Anne 76, 81, 8285, 195

Franklin, Tom 198

Frazier, Charles 184, 186


Gap Creek 186

Gates, Henry Louis 40, 54, 194

“Ghost of Tom Joad, The” 141, 197

Gibbons, Kaye 107

Gies, Miep 76, 84, 195

Giovanni, Nikki 40

Gipson, Fred 10, 96

Glasgow, Ellen 94, 106

Gold, Alison Leslie 195

Gone With the Wind 98

Grapes of Wrath, The xiii, 129, 131, 134, 136138, 139141, 141, 197

Greatest Generation, The 85

Great Santini, The 147, 160, 161162

Grey, Zane 10

Grisham, John 184, 185

Groom, Winston 147, 159

Guterson, David 111, 122, 125128

Guthman, Edwin O. 195

Guthrie, Woody 129130, 134, 140, 141


Haggard, Merle 129, 131, 196

Halberstam, David xiii, 58, 65, 6872, 74, 75, 191, 195

Haley, Alex 147, 148153, 154155, 155, 197

Hamlet 166

“Hard Kind of Courage, The” 194

Hardy, Thomas 165, 179

Harvest Gypsies, The: On the Road to the Grapes of Wrath 196

“Harvest Gypsies, The” 132133

Hawthorne, Nathaniel 165, 167168, 197

Heart Is a Lonely Hunter, The 21, 3132, 194

Heller, Joseph 85

Help, The 186

Hemingway, Ernest xiii, 14, 31, 55, 102, 122, 191, 193

“Here Comes That Rainbow Again" 140

Herriot, James 9497, 110

Hersey, John 76, 8889, 93

Heschel, Abraham 76, 91

“Hester Prynne: Sinner, Victim, Object, Winner” 197

Het Achterhuis. See Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

Hillenbrand, Laura 184, 190191

Hiroshima 76, 89

Ho 6970

Hoffman, Roy 197, 198

Hohoff, Tay 28

Home Fires Burning 100

Homer 191

Huey Long 196

Hughes, Langston 57

Humphreys, Josephine 197

"Hungry Eyes" 131, 196

Hurston, Zora Neale 44, 57, 160


I'll Take My Stand 112114, 196

In a Yellow Room 198

In Cold Blood 66

Inman, Robert 94, 100

In Search of Willie Morris 195

Invisible Man 53


Jackson, Dot 184, 186

Jane Eyre 166

Jaws 171

Johnny Tremain 3, 58, 9, 20

Julius Caesar 166


Killers of the Dream xiii, 21, 33, 3435, 3637, 99

Kincaid, Nanci 198

King, Cassandra 198

Kingdom of God Is Within You, The 188

King, Larry L. xiii, 5863, 65, 69, 7475, 195

Kingsbury, Paul 196

Kingsolver, Barbara xiii

Knight, Michael 198

Kristofferson, Kris 129, 140


Lamar, Jay xii, 57, 198

Lange, Dorothea 134135, 196

Lanterns on the Levee 5556

Last Girls, The 107

Lee, Harper 2122, 23, 24, 26, 2731, 3839, 138, 186, 194

Leopard's Spots, The 98

Let Us Now Praise Famous Men 23, 99

Lewis, Sinclair 43

Lie Down in Darkness 185

Lincoln, C. Eric 147, 153154, 197

Linder, Douglas O. 194

Little Women 166, 176

Lonesome Dove 189

Longest War, The xiii, 76, 91

Love in the Ruins xi

Lynard Skynard 102

Lytle, Andrew 112


Macbeth 166

Mailer, Norman 65, 136

Making of the President, 1960, The 71

Mann, Thomas xiii

March 176

Marie Antoinette: The Portrait of an Average Woman 174175

Mark Twain: A Life 1617, 194

“Mark Twain: Our Original Superstar” 15, 194

Marx, Karl 32, 130

Matthiessen, Peter 111, 122, 124125, 128

“Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers” 6667. See also Radical Chic & Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers

McCorkle, Jill 108

McCullers, Carson 21, 3132, 38

McLaurin, Tim 147, 156

McMurtry, Larry 184, 189

McWhorter, Diane 171, 198

McWilliams, Carey 129, 138139, 145

Melville, Herman 165, 166, 167, 168, 169

Mencken, H.L. 40, 43, 113

Merton, Thomas 184, 188

Messages from My Father 159

“Migrant Mother, The” 135, 196

Mitchell, Margaret 98

Moby Dick 166, 167, 168, 169, 171

Mockingbird 28, 194

Morehead, Maureen 179, 198

Morgan, Robert 184, 186

Morrison, Toni 3, 13, 18, 57, 193

Morris, Willie 37, 58, 61, 63, 6365, 68, 70, 7475, 75, 93, 96, 195

Moviegoer, The 55

Murray, Albert 40, 5257, 75, 112, 120, 194

My Dog Skip 96


Narrative of the Most Extraordinary and Distressing Shipwreck of the Whale-Ship Essex 169

Naslund, Sena Jeter 165171, 171, 174176, 179, 180182, 197

Newbury, Mickey 74, 75

New Journalism, The 195

New York Days 195

Night 76, 8081

Nin, Anais vii

North Toward Home 64

Notes of a Native Son 47, 194

Novello: Ten Years of Great American Writing 197

Nowhere Else on Earth 197

Now Is the Time 37


O’Connor, Flannery 21, 38, 55, 99, 102, 106

Old Man and Lesser Mortals, The xiii, 58, 6263, 195

“Old Man, The” 5962, 195

Old Yeller 10, 96

O’Meally, Robert 15, 193

One Foot in Eden 186

Oral History 107


Parting the Waters: America in the King Years 1954–63 194

Peacock, Tom 184, 190, 198

Percy, Walker xi, 40, 5556, 121

Percy, William Alexander 5556

Pilgrim at Tinker’s Creek 107

Plague, The xii

Poor But Proud 197

Portrait of an Average Woman. See Marie Antoinette: The Portrait of an Average Woman

Powers, Ron 3, 1617, 17, 18, 194

Prejudices 43

“Pride and Prejudice” 196

Prince of Tides, The 162

Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number 76, 7879, 195

Prophet from Plains: Jimmy Carter and His Legacy 195, 196

Prophets, The 91

Proulx, Annie 184, 189190

Proust, Marcel 192


Radical Chic & Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers 58

Rage for Order, A 194, 196

Raney 103

Ransom, John Crowe 112

Rash, Ron 184, 186

Refuge 186

Return of the Native, The 179

RFK: Collected Speeches 195

Right Stuff, The 66

Robinson Crusoe 13

Roots 147, 148149, 151152, 153, 155, 197

Rubin, Louis 94, 106, 107108, 108

Run with the Horsemen 97

Russert, Tim 147, 159


Salvation on Sand Mountain 184, 186188

Sams, Ferrol 94, 97, 100

Sanders, Dori 94, 108110, 196

Sartre, Jean Paul 46

Scarlet Letter, The 167168, 197

Schlesinger, Arthur 72, 117, 196

Schrag, Peter 65

Scottsboro: A Tragedy of the American South 194

Seabiscuit 190

Seabrook, Andrea 198

Secret Annexe, The. See Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

Shakespeare, William xii, 160, 165, 166

Shields, Charles J. 21, 27, 28, 194

Sinclair, Upton 43

Singleton, George 198

Skloot, Rebecca 184, 191

Slaughterhouse-Five 76, 8688, 126

Sledge, E.B. 86

Smith, Lee 94, 107

Smith, Lillian xiii, 21, 3335, 3637, 38, 99, 162, 194

Snow Falling on Cedars 111, 122, 125128

Snow Leopard, The 122

South to a Very Old Place 40, 5456, 120

Springsteen, Bruce 129, 141, 197

Steinbeck, John 129, 131134, 135138, 139, 139141, 142, 145, 146, 196

Stockett, Kathryn 184, 186

“Stonewall Jackson’s Waterloo” 195

Stowe, Harriet Beecher 14

Strange Fruit 33

Styron, William 52, 64, 184185


Tale of Two Cities, A xi, 175

Talese, Gay 66

Tate, Allen 112

“This Land Is Your Land” 131

Thompson, Hunter S. 67

Timerman, Jacobo xiii, 7679, 80, 9091, 92, 195

To Kill a Mockingbird xiii, 2122, 23, 2730, 3839, 194

Tolstoy, Leo 43, 166, 184, 188

“Tom Joad” 140

Trail of Tears 197

“Trials of ‘The Scottsboro Boys,’ The” 194

Trillin, Calvin 147, 159

Twain, Mark 3, 1020, 102, 112, 193


Unbroken 184, 190191

Uncle Tom's Cabin 14

Uncle Tom’s Children 40, 4445, 46

Understanding Fiction 120

Understanding Poetry 120

Unfinished Odyssey of Robert Kennedy, The xiii, 58, 7172

Updike, John 168, 197


Van Gogh, Vincent 135

“Very Expensive Education of McGeorge Bundy, The” 68

Voices of Protest: Huey Long 196

Vonnegut, Kurt 76, 8688, 89, 126, 195


Walker, Alice 94, 109, 160

Walking Across Egypt 94, 103106, 196

War and Peace 166

Warlick, Ashley 198

Warmth of Other Suns, The 186

Warren, Robert Penn 37, 55, 99, 111112, 114, 116, 118120, 121, 126, 128, 162, 184185

Washington, Booker T. 5253, 109

Water Is Wide, The 160161

Weller, George 88

Welty, Eudora 21, 3233, 37, 38, 103, 105

“Whatever Happened to Brother Dave?” 195

White, Theodore 71

“Why I Live at the P.O.” 103

Wiesel, Elie 76, 8081

Wight, James Alfred. See Herriot, James

Wilder, Laura Ingalls 165, 166

Wilkerson, Isabel 184, 186

Williamson, Joel 40, 46, 194, 196

Williams, T. Harry 117, 118, 196

With Music and Justice for All 194, 197

With the Old Breed 86

Wolfe, Thomas 106

Wolfe, Tom 58, 65, 66, 6668, 195

Wollenberg, Charles 196

Woman Within, The 106

Working Days 197

“Worn Path, A” 3233

Wright, Richard 31, 32, 40, 4045, 46, 50, 51, 57, 64, 194


X, Malcolm 50, 149150, 153


Year of Wonders 165, 176178, 179, 198


Zweig, Stefan 174175