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O’Mahony, Sean, Frongoch, University of Revolution, Dublin, FDR Teoranta, 1987.

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O’Rahilly, Aodogán, Winding the Clock, O’Rahilly and the 1916 Rising, Dublin, Lilliput Press, 1991.

O’Shannon, Cathal (ed.), Fifty Years of Liberty Hall, Dublin, Sign of the Three Candles, 1959.

Reeve, Carl and Ann, James Connolly and the United States, New Jersey, Humanities Press, 1978.

Robbins, Frank, Under The Starry Plough, Dublin, Academy Press, 1977.

Ryan, Desmond, James Connolly, His Life, Work and Writings, Dublin, Talbot Press, 1924.

Ryan, Desmond (ed.), Socialism and Nationalism, A Selection from the Writings of James Connolly, Dublin, Sign of the Three Candles, 1948.

Ryan, Desmond (ed.), Labour and Easter Week, A Selection from the Writings of James Connolly, With Introduction by William O’Brien, Dublin, Sign of the Three Candles, 1949.

Ryan, Desmond, The Rising, The Complete Story of Easter Week, Dublin, Golden Eagle Books, 1949.

Ryan, Desmond (ed.), The Workers’ Republic, A Selection from the Writings of James Connolly, With Introduction by William McMullen, Dublin, Sign of the Three Candles, 1951.

Ryan, WP, The Irish Labour Movement, Dublin, Talbot Press, 1919.

Sinn Féin Rebellion Handbook, Dublin, The Irish Times, 1916.

Stephens, James, The Insurrection in Dublin, Dublin, Maunsel, 1916.

The James Connolly Songbook, Cork, Cork Workers’ Club, 1972.

White, JR, Misfit, An Autobiography, London, Jonathon Cape, 1930.

Yeates, Padraig, Lockout, Dublin 1913, Dublin, Gill & Macmillan, 2000.

Yeates, Padraig, A City in Wartime, Dublin 1914–18, Dublin, Gill and Macmillan, 2011.

The Military Archives in Cathal Brugha Barracks have a collection of 1,773 Witness Statements (WS) covering the period 1913–1921, collected and recorded between 1947 and 1957, sealed and stored by the government and only opened in 2003. They are also available for viewing in the National Archives on Bishop Street. Any Witness Statements used for this book have been referenced by their name and number, eg Ina Connolly Heron, WS 919.


The National Library of Ireland hold an extensive collection of material on James Connolly collected by William O’Brien and donated to the Irish State. The collection is available for viewing in the Manuscript Room but is also available on microfilm in the main library. Any material quoted from this source has been reference to the National Library of Ireland O’Brien Papers, eg NLI Ms. 13,906.


The British National Archives in Kew, Surrey released the Courts Martial files of the executed leaders and men from the Rising. They are available to the public for viewing and James Connolly’s file has been referenced in this work as: Public Records Office, Kew, England, PRO WO71/354.