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Chapter Seventeen


I wake to the sound of Susan buzzing. It's been a hot minute since I’ve even used her, I kinda miss her leading me on random goose chases. I swear she got me lost more times than she actually led me to where I needed to be. Kalen’s strong frame is wrapped around me, so I gently lift his arm and slip out from beneath him, then head over to my desk where Susan is sitting. I open the Knox Academy social page and photos from last night are plastered over it. It wasn’t even a Knox party and Kalen still made the page. I laugh at the photos of Onyx trying to catch him and murder him after he puked on his shoes. There are also photos of Kalen doing a beer bong while doing a handstand, which was the cause of him puking in the first place.

There are even photos of Elsie and Jasper with some nasty comments. Marcia leads the pack with her vile words. I type a reply under the image. #Jealousyisacurse, #Dontknowwhatyougotuntilitsgone and a winky face. I watch as more comments go up and see Adrianne has started.

TheRealB*tchOG: Take this down or your ass is mine.

MaRcIa01: Bring it, new girl.

This is where I need someone on my side to remove unwanted crap online. Getting that Mackenzie girl on board would be perfect. I put Susan back on my desk and make a note to call Monty to send him to retrieve the girl and get her enrolled at Knox Academy. She’s currently sitting in a cell somewhere labelled a danger to society, but surely he has some pull. He managed to get me here from a different damn country after all.

The smell of urine still lingers in the air and I decide to shower before Kalen wakes up. I glance over at him as he stirs, his hair’s grown back enough that it falls across his face.

leaving the bathroom door ajar, I run the water as hot as I can handle it, before stripping off and stepping in. I groan at the feeling of the water hitting my skin. The hangover today is real, and I can already feel a stress headache forming over that damn picture of Elsie and Jasper. It’s not a bad picture, but there was a witch hunt before over Elsie being a lesbian, and now she isn’t I can only imagine what people will have to say about that. Not one of them even stopped to think that maybe what she has with Jasper has nothing to do with gender and everything to do with him as a person. Damn narrow minded people putting everyone in a box.

“Good morning, beautiful,” Kalen says from the doorway, stretching his arms above his head. He’s fully naked, and damn, a naked Kalen is a glorious sight. He swings his dick and chuckles.

I shake my head at him and gesture for him to get in. “Like what you see?” he asks, opening the shower door and stepping in.

“Always,” I reply, squirting some shower gel into my hand and running it down Kalen’s body. His dick instantly goes hard and I focus my attention on making sure it’s nice and clean. He leans his back against the tiles and closes his eyes as I make sure all the bubbles have been washed off before I slide to my knees and take his shaft in my right hand. I lean in to take his monster into my mouth with care. Head jobs are not something one can do with Kalen very often unless they want a dislocated jaw. I slide my mouth down as far as I can go before I gag and come back up.

His hand tangles into my wet curls and he pulls me to my feet and presses his lips against mine. “I don’t have the patience to wait.”

In one swift move he has me pressed up against the same tiles he was leaning against and my legs wrap around his waist. He lines himself up against my core, thrusting in and letting me adjust to his size. While I do, he buries his head between my breasts and sucks the skin into his mouth, nipping and biting, causing me to arch my back in pleasure.

He grabs my arm and brings it up above my head and I add my other one, willingly. Kalen uses one arm to pin my hands to the wall and the other to hold me up. Our kiss is frantic as he thrusts into me with everything he has, and my body moves in momentum with his as an orgasm quickly builds and explodes throughout my body.

Kalen releases my arms and withdraws, taking a step back. He takes his cock in his hand and pumps it a few times before stepping forward and coming down my stomach, which surprises me. It’s hot, but I don’t think he’s ever done that before. He sags into me once he is done and I can feel his smile against my skin.

“Why did you pull out?” I ask him once I’ve caught my breath. We exit the shower and wrap ourselves in towels to dry off.

“We weren’t using a condom,” he replies.

“Kalen, we never use condoms. I’m on birth control.” I actually want to ask him if he can get condoms that big, but his ego doesn’t need anymore inflating.

“I know, but I’m still freaked out about the whole pregnancy test thing,” he admits.

“That was Elsie, not me. I promise.”

“I know. But I’m still shaken up.”


“My grand—Harold wanted me to knock you up.”

“What the actual fuck?” My eyes bug out in shock. I can’t believe what he’s just said. “Why? Did you agree to it?”

“I told him I would, but only to get him off our backs. There’s a stupid bylaw within The Order which states that if we had a kid, the heir would render the father temporarily in charge, rather than you. He wanted to do that so that he could then force the board to vote against you taking over.”

“Why didn’t he just kill me and be done with it?”

“Again, because a loophole would see the power within The Order shift to another family if you died before passing initiation. The Deverauxs or something. I don’t fully understand it. But you don’t need to worry about that.”

“Like hell I don’t, Kalen! The school nurse issues my birth control. Your grandfather has people everywhere in his pocket. It could have been tampered with. Fuck!”

“Chill out, Amelie. Surely you did a pregnancy test when Elsie did? Cap said you all took enough of them.”

“No I bloody didn’t! I haven’t had sex in weeks,” I cry and Kalen preens. “Until now.”

“So you’re probably fine, which means your birth control is fine.”

“How can you be so calm about this when a moment ago you were literally so freaked out about my friend possibly being pregnant that you couldn’t come inside of me!”

“Well I figured one of us had to be calm right now and we could just take it in turns! Here, let me distract you.”

He takes my hand and drags me towards my bed, yanking my towel away in the process.

“Damn I’m glad we didn’t have sex last night,” he announces.


“Yeah. I would hate to think I was too drunk to fully appreciate you.” His gaze roams over my body. I watch as he walks to my bed and lies back down, he props himself up by his elbows and smirks at me.

“Come sit on my face and own me. Claim squatters’ rights, my queen.”

He doesn’t wait for my reply, just lies flat. As corny as that was, who am I to refuse his offer?


We’re late to breakfast and I didn’t have time to dry my hair, but honestly, I’m too damn sated to care.

Jasper gets my breakfast and coffee as soon as he sees me, and we take our seats at the table with the others.

I’m just thinking it’s odd that Adrianne or Elsie aren’t here yet when the doors fly open with a bang and she storms in looking madder than I’ve ever seen anyone look before. She marches over to our table, hands curled into fists, arms bent at the elbow ready for a fight.

What the hell?

“Kalen Knox! I hate you, you fucking shit head!”

Whoa. Everyone’s eyes spin to Kalen and I expect to see him looking as confused as the rest of us, but he’s actually laughing.

“What did you do?” I ask warily.

“I’ll tell you what he fucking did! He switched our drinks!” I stare blankly at her. “He made sure I drank the one that was spiked! I spent the entire night in the bathroom!”

“But you pissed yourself,” I state, turning to Kalen in confusion.

“Had to make it believable, didn’t I?” He smirks. I smack him round the back of the head. “Ow! What was that for?”

“You’re cleaning my room! And you can damn well replace all the carpets in the hallway, you sick fuck!”

“I don’t even care,” he declares. “It was worth it.”

“I’m going to fucking kill you!” Adrianne shouts. I one hundred percent believe her too. But Kalen just laughs even harder.

“Careful, I hear the effects can take up to forty-eight hours to wear off. If you strain too hard you’ll piss yourself again and you’ll never live that down.”

She storms off, swearing loudly and the boys all smirk and laugh.

“You can’t prank a prankster,” Kalen brags.

“Oh, you mean like I did with the dogs?” I quip.

“That was different,” he scoffs.

“How was it?”

“You used your boobs to distract me. Adrianne didn’t. It’s where she went wrong.”

“If she puts her boobs anywhere near you, I’ll gut her,” I threaten and Kalen grins. “And if you look at her boobs, I’ll take your eyes out with Baxter’s knife.”

“Fuck,” he groans, readjusting himself under the table. “Either I’ve been spending too much time with Branson and he’s been rubbing off on me, or we just found my kink.”

In the midst of our banter, Elsie takes a seat and I look over at her; whispers have started around the room. I reach over and take her hand.

“Don’t listen to what they have to say, we love you and that’s all that matters.”

“But everyone is whispering about me.”

“Everyone will forget all about it by the end of the day. Kalen will do something and all eyes will be on him.”

“I can piss my pants again if you want me to, I’ll even let you record it,” Kalen offers and Elsie laughs.

“Thanks for the offer, but I plan to hide in my room all day and sulk.”

“What if I do you a solid and give Jasper the day off?” Kalen offers, and the twins who have been awfully quiet both snap to attention.

“No,” Onyx barks, leaning back in his chair, his arms folded behind his head. His shirt rides up slightly and I have to rein in the primal urge to jump over the table and have my way with him in front of everyone. Slate clears his throat, and I blink out of my fantasy. Onyx smirks. He knew exactly what he was doing.

“What he means is, you can’t leave Amelie unprotected,” Slate adds.

“No shit, Sherlock. I actually thought we could all head over to Dad’s. I happen to know that he and Laura are at some charity shit until late tonight and the pool is calling me.”

“I could swim,” I say sitting forward in my chair. “We could stop and pick up Momo and make a day of it. I haven’t spent much time with you all sober, and with everything we have coming up, a proper day off just for us would be nice.”

I look at Onyx, knowing that if I can get him to agree, everyone will be on board. “Please?” I beg, batting my lashes at him.

“Fine…but Jasper can follow us to Dad’s and then come back here. I’ll get Frost to send some guys to the house,” Onyx begrudgingly agrees, while Kalen jumps up and whoops.

My phone starts buzzing and I see my father’s name on the screen.

“Hey, Dad,” I say with a smile.

“Hey, pumpkin. I wanted to tell you that I got your invite and I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I just booked my ticket. I guess I should probably stop calling you pumpkin though.” He chuckles, but it’s a sad sound.

“That’s awesome! I can pick you up from the airport.”

“My flight gets in really late, I’ll only just make it. I’ll have to get a driver to bring me in and meet you there.”

“I’ll send someone to pick you up. I’m excited that you can come. I’m just sorry that the others can’t.”

“They’ll understand.”

“I hope so. I hate keeping secrets from them.”

“It’s all part of the life. At least you have your guys to confide in. I have to go, Chelsea is taking me to some 90’s movie night at the community centre.”

“Love you, Dad. And you can still call me whatever you want…so long as no one is around.”

“Love you too, kiddo.”

We hang up and the guys look at me expectantly, even though they just heard my side of the conversation. I nod and they all give me massive smiles, pleased for me.

“I’ll collect him from the airport,” Jasper offers. “Just tell me when.”

“I wanted to.”

“I know but we can’t have you being late to your own party.”

I agree because I know that he’s right. It also reminds me that I need Adrianne to set up a meeting with the three musketeers for me. I send her a quick message to arrange it and then stow my phone away.

“Ready to go? I’ll grab my things and we can meet downstairs in ten?”

“I’ll race you!” Kalen crows, jumping to his feet and launching himself across the room.

Does he ever run out of energy?