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Chapter Twenty-Eight


After the meeting, I really don’t think I’ll be in the mood to party, but the guys – Kalen specifically – are a great distraction.

We’re sitting at the top table, which is a little too wedding breakfast for my liking, and Kalen on my right is regaling me with all the hilarious anecdotes and dirty little secrets of The Order’s members. The two musketeers are nowhere to be seen, so they obviously took my advice to leave early.

“See that guy there? He’s an absolute demon with a chainsaw. He can slice flesh so thin it makes tissue paper look thick,” Kalen tells me with awe, pointing to a short, bald, glasses-wearing geek in his sixties. “But on weekends he likes to wear women’s clothes and call himself Candace.”

I laugh. “Is he married?”

“Oh yes, has grown up children, too. They don’t know, of course. But you’ll soon learn that being in The Order isn’t the dirtiest secret anyone in this room is keeping.”

“What’s your dirty secret then Kalen?” I tease.

“I sucked dick once and really liked it.”

My jaw hits the table, and I choke on my drink. I didn’t think he was capable of shocking me anymore. But colour me surprised.

He laughs. “Honestly, you should see your face! It’s no big deal. What’s your secret, Amelie?”

Where to start? I like it when he calls me sis? I loved the time we were all together after the pool at Monty’s, but it left me longing for more? I’m terrified to fuck this up and let people down, that the guys will leave, that Debbie didn’t want me because she saw the same thing in me that Laura did, which is why I was abandoned and beaten? That I deserve everything that’s happened to me and worse?

“Oh, I think you know all of my secrets by now, Kalen.” I force myself to sound glib and laugh it away. Taking a large mouthful of my water, I scan the room and then turn to Sawyer on my left. Anything to stop Kalen probing further.

“Are we going to eat first or do speeches? I’m starving.”

“I’m not sure. Monty and Dirk are running things tonight. If you have a preference though I can speak to them.”

Hmm, which to choose? I’m hungry, but nervous. If we do the welcome and speeches and things after dinner, I may be too nervous to actually eat, but if we do it now, my dad will miss it. He’s still not here. I keep checking the room and every pass my eyes make of his empty seat fills me with disappointment.

I make a decision. “Let’s do it quickly. I want to eat and then try to relax so I can enjoy myself a little.” Besides, my dad will still be here after and staying for a while, so who cares if he misses a speech and an awkward round of applause.

“Good shout. We have an early morning meeting with both boards. Old first, then new.”


“Yeah. Someone needs firing.”

“Oh goodie,” I drone sarcastically. I may not trust the old board, and want them out as quickly as possible, but I don’t relish the idea of firing them. I guess being the boss comes with downsides as well as perks.

Sawyer excuses himself to speak to Monty, and Onyx wastes no time slipping into his seat, his hand going to my thigh once more.

“You look stunning, but knowing you’re wearing that knife right now is just about the sexiest damn thing I ever saw.”

I chuckle and shake my head. “You sound like Baxter.”

“He better not have seen your thighs,” he growls.

“Easy tiger, I just meant you seem to have similar…um tastes to him.”

“I like weapons and beautiful women. The two combined? Heaven.”

“I guess it’s just a little darker than I was expecting.” It’s obviously the wrong thing to say because Onyx’s eyes darken to black and he glowers at me.

“Amelie, you have no idea. I’m still haunted by our histories.”

“What do you mean?"

“Slate. His injuries, his scars. What he had to endure because of me. For me.” He shakes his head, looking anguished. “Then there’s what happened to you. Laura, the gang, the bullies at school. What Slate and I did… I’m still learning to be someone new around you.”

“I don’t want someone new. I want you to be yourself.”

“I don’t think you can handle how deep my darkness goes.”

“I’m friends with Baxter aren’t I?”

“Ninety percent of what he does is just business. I’ll do it for pleasure.”

“I’m not scared of you, Onyx. And I don’t want you holding back on me.”

“Why do you think I always share with Slate? He stops me from going too far. And maybe in the past I wouldn’t have cared that much about hurting the girl I’m with, but with you it’s different.” He hesitates. “You’re everything to me. To them too. Which is why I can’t fuck it up. They’d hate me if we lost you because of what I am.”

“You’re not going to fuck anything up. I trust you.”

“I don’t trust myself.”

“I have enough faith for the both of us then. Let me in, I can handle it. I promise I won’t run. But if this is a forever kind of lo—thing between us, you have to share the real you.”

“We’ll see,” he mutters darkly.

We’re interrupted by Sawyer returning and Monty getting to his feet. He taps the side of his crystal flute with a teaspoon like they seem to do in movies. I snort. If I tried that I’d probably break it and shower everyone close to me in glass.

“Gentlemen…and ladies, welcome. It gives me great delight and pleasure to gather here with you tonight to celebrate and officially welcome Miss Rossi to the head of our organisation—”

Whatever Monty was due to say next dies on his lips as the ballroom doors open and my father enters.

“Dad!” I call out, getting to my feet and rounding the table to greet him. Murmurs break out but I ignore them, crossing the room to greet him. He meets me halfway, throwing his arms around me and giving me a massive hug. When he pulls away he looks me up and down, whistles, and shakes his head.

“I’m not sure I should let you out in public dressed like that, pumpkin.” I laugh.

“I’m not sure you get any say in it. I missed you, Dad.”

“I missed you too, kiddo. Sorry I’m late, but our flight was delayed.”

Our ?”

“Hey Milly,” a familiar voice rings out. My dad steps to one side and that’s when I notice Aadi and…Bex standing behind him.

“Oh my god! What are you doing here?!” I squeal, launching myself into his arms. He spins me and puts me back on my feet, hugging me hard.

“It’s good to see you, sis.”

“I didn’t expect to see you! Where’s Smalls? There’s no way he stayed home without you.” I laugh.

“It’s an Order only event, Milly,” Aadi points out.

“Then why are you here…oh.” Realisation dawns on me. “You’re taking the Rossi seat aren’t you? Dad said you didn’t want anything to do with it.”

“Yeah, well, that teacher of yours is very convincing.”

“Yeah, about that...” I twist my fingers nervously.

“Oh, calm down, Milly, I know.” He shakes his head. “We can talk about that later. First, I need to introduce you to—”

“Yeah, Bex. We’ve met, remember?”

“Yes, Milly, I remember. Bex is here to take the Kessler seat on the new board.” He states this in a low voice, aware that all eyes are on us.

“But that would mean you’re…the sister Sawyer mentioned,” I whisper, staring at her in disbelief.

“Half sister,” Bex clarifies quietly. She’s unusually quiet actually, the usually larger than life girl looking nervous and unsure of herself for the first time.

“Right.” I want to comfort or reassure her but my head is spinning.

“Look kiddo, shall we take our seats? We’re holding up proceedings, and this conversation is probably best saved for the morning and somewhere more private.”

“Of course.” I nod, gesturing to a nearby waiter who immediately steps forward. “Can you show my guests to their seats please?”

“Certainly, ma’am.”

He ushers them away, but not before Aadi looks back to see how I’m doing. I give him a tight-lipped smile and a small wave. He nods once and turns away, slipping his hand into Bex’s. I feel a stab of jealousy and I can’t comprehend why.

I return to my seat, apologising to Monty as I pass. He gives me a reassuring smile and waves away my apologies.

“You didn’t think to mention that?” I whisper to Sawyer once I’m seated and Monty continues his speech like he wasn’t just put on pause for five minutes.

“I’m sorry, Amelie,” he whispers back to me, sounding genuine. “Things aren’t that simple and I will explain later, but I did mislead you into thinking you’d take one of the seats. I also discovered that Harold already stacked laws in his favour, which actually works in our favour now.”

“I think you’re right, let’s discuss this later.” I turn away from him, essentially cutting him off, though I don’t mean to be a bitch about it. I just need a moment to process. I’m not mad about the seats, but keeping my brother and Bex’s attendance from me? That’s big.

Not to mention he knew she’s my sister and didn’t say anything. Why? What can be so complicated that he’s still keeping secrets from me?

I sigh, my heart suddenly heavy.

“You okay?” Kalen asks, concern etched on his face.

“Yeah.” I force a small smile. “It was just a surprise is all. I’m glad they’re here.”

“Good. God, I hope Dad wraps it up soon, I’m so nervous.”

“Why are you nervous?”

“I have to welcome the females. It’s part of my delegated role, so yeah, thanks for that, boss lady.”

“Never struck you as the nervous around the opposite sex type,” I tease.

Kalen winks at me. “Good point.” And just like that he’s fine again. I laugh and the room breaks out into applause and all eyes turn to me.

I give a tight smile and a pretty lame wave. I have no idea what Monty just said, I’m definitely distracted. Understandably, but still, this is work. I have to conceal my emotions. I don’t need to share them with a room full of employees.

As the applause dies down, Kalen gets to his feet and gives a heartfelt speech about The Order moving into the twenty-first century and how things can only get better now that we have women amongst us. I’m pretty sure he quoted a few songs and movies, but it’s the thought that counts.

I join the room in clapping for our female members, who all get to their feet for a bow. Then once again, all eyes are on me.

“I know I’m meant to give a rousing, inspirational speech, but I’m hungry. Can we eat?” There’s laughter. “Thank you all for joining us here tonight to celebrate. I hope the food’s good and you won’t be disappointed.”

More laughter but when I sit back down and they realise I’m not going to say anything else, a smattering of fractured applause breaks out and eventually everyone joins in. I nod at Monty and a second later the ballroom doors open and waiters flood in with the appetisers.

“Thank fuck,” I groan as soon as the pan seared scallops are placed in front of me. Kalen chuckles.

“Perks of being the boss, you get fed first.”

I dig in. No way am I waiting for a hundred plus people to have their meals in front of them. Mine’ll be cold by then if I do.

It tastes amazing, the scallops virtually melting in my mouth and full of buttery, salty goodness from the dressing. They’re delicious, but far too soon they’re gone. Kalen takes pity on me and gives me his last one. I kiss his cheek.

“I knew there was a reason why you’re my favourite,” I joke.

“Cupboard love, but I’ll take it,” he replies with a laugh.

“I’m teasing, Kalen. I love you,” I tell him seriously. A gorgeous grin lights up his entire face and he leans in to kiss me. “I should have said it sooner.”

“You have,” he protests.

“Not like this. I love you, am crazy in love with you, and I think it’s the forever kind of love.”

“It is.”

“Your mum said I’m going to be her daughter-in-law soon, and it freaked me out.”

“Don’t freak out. You’re the boss. We work to your timeline.”

“I’m the boss of The Order, not our relationship. We’re equals in that, and I realised how serious you were being when you told me you loved me in Australia. You put your heart on the line for me, and I didn’t say it back, even though I already felt it. I’m sorry. I don’t want to waste any more time. I love you.”

I can’t help but return his beautiful boyish grin as he tells me, “I love you too, Amelie.” Then he leans in and kisses me, with more tongue than is appropriate for our setting, but I don’t stop him.

We finish our meal and the plates get cleared away, and thankfully, a disco starts up. Kalen drags me onto the dance floor and pretty soon he has most of the room up dancing. Even some of the old crusties. I try to have a good time, mostly for their sake, but I’m anxious.

“You could smile, you know,” Baxter murmurs when I break away from Kalen for a drink.

“My feet are killing me,” I lie.

“Bullshit. You’re worried. Why?”

“It’s fine.”

“I thought this friendship thing was about confiding and shit,” he presses. I sigh and give him the side eye.

“I have a sister.”

“Half sister,” he corrects.

“You knew?” I blink at him in surprise

“I know a lot of things.” He shrugs.

“And you didn’t think to say anything?”

“You didn’t ask.”

“From now on you don’t keep anything from me. I mean that from an Order point of view, and a friendship one. And we have to talk about your file at some point.”

“I won’t keep anything from you, but we are not discussing that. Ever.”

He turns and walks away, leaving me to wonder if he’s even going to turn up tomorrow for the board meeting. I sigh and chastise myself for fucking that up.

“Hey, sis. Why so glum? Who was that, another boyfriend?” Aadi grins at me.

“Just a friend. Are you having a good time?”

“Yeah. I guess.”


“Well, Kalen seems even more…Kalen than when he visited.”

“Yeah. He was mostly on his best behaviour in Aus.”

“Christ. Slate seems okay and I’ve spoken to that teacher guy quite a bit over the last few weeks. Apologised for Smalls and I hitting him. But that other guy? He just keeps eyeballing me like he wants to gut me. Why?”

“That’s Onyx. And he’s super protective. Don’t take it personally, if anyone is going to gut you it’s the guy who just left.”

“And you think my friends are bad news,” he mutters.

“So…Bex, eh?”

“We’re not…she’s not…I don’t…”

“Jeez chill out, I just meant…we have a sister, huh?”

“She’s not my sister,” he insists vehemently and way too quickly for someone who’s ‘not’ anything with my friend.

“I guess not. I have a sister then. Did you know?”

“Not until I demanded she explain what the hell she was doing at the airport with us. That was a fun conversation.”

“Aadi, if you like her, this doesn’t have to change anything—”

“I don’t.” Ah, another too quick answer, meaning he so does. I bite back a grin. “God, I want a proper drink. What the fuck is all this bubbly shit?“

“Carbonated piss. It’s very posh, don’t you know.” We laugh. “Let’s go to the bar and demand they serve us something stronger.”

“Wow, Milly, don’t let all that power go to your head,” he quips.

I laugh as I lead the way. “Whatever. As of tomorrow morning you’re basically my bitch.”