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Chapter Thirty-Three


I ended up staying the night at the hotel and sharing a room with Bex. It wasn’t anywhere near as awkward as I expected it to be, and I chickened out and called Sawyer to tell him to let the others know. I’ll no doubt face Onyx’s wrath later. I told them all I was having too much fun to leave – which is true – but I have an ulterior motive too. Bex texted Camilla and arranged for me to meet with her this morning.

Which is where I’m heading now, actually grateful for Elsie’s chronic insistence on overpacking for every event. I have clean clothes, a full face of makeup and my hair neatly styled. I feel like I’m going into battle; my grandmother is a formidable woman, and until I know her agenda at least, I’ll be meeting her as Amelie, head of the most powerful organisation in the world, and not Amelie, an eighteen-year-old girl desperate for a decent family at long last.

I take the lift down to the lobby where I’m escorted by Frost to the small private dining room my grandmother has booked out for the meeting. She’s seated in the large bay window overlooking the gardens outside, an extravagant afternoon tea for two set up on the table.

She looks my way and a beaming smile splits across her face. She gets to her feet and holds her arms open wide.

“Mia nipote.”

I step in and give her a brief hug before stepping back and taking my seat, giving her a pointed look.

“You ran away very fast, and I never got a chance to explain,” she says, also taking her seat.

“I don’t know what you expected, dropping a huge bomb like that. You’re an intelligent woman and know what I’ve been going through. That situation could have been handled better.”

“You’re right, but I would like a chance to talk to you and explain.”

I find myself nodding at her words. She waves over the wait staff and orders a jug of water. She asks if I want anything different, and I shake my head. Once the waiter is gone she turns back to me.

“What do you want to know first?” she asks.

“What are your intentions with me? I’ve been thinking about it over and over and I know your basic history with your twin brother, so I guess I want to know if you’re using me to try and get revenge.”

“I won’t lie and say the thought hadn’t crossed my mind, but hear me out. Before my brother died, he kept a journal. I read about his issues with one of his friends after he died. He thought that he was conspiring against him and they forced him into treatment for paranoia, but I had to know who was doing this and all the journal gave me was more questions. They were trying to remove family lines.”

“Harold,” I mutter and she nods.

“It took me years to figure it out. I tried to join but women were not allowed, so I did what any scorned woman would do: created an empire that could compare to theirs. I had to do some questionable things to get there, but I don’t regret it. So when I said I won’t use you, I mean it, but I can’t promise that I’m not actively looking for an excuse to take him out.”

“So you do want to join The Order?”

“Pah, I’m far too old, but what about opening your doors in Australia?”

“I thought you wouldn’t allow The Order to set foot in your country because you were bitter about not being let in.”

“No, my dear girl. The Order were terrified of my power and stayed away to avoid my wrath. I love what The Order is capable of – even more so with you at the helm and the changes you’re making – and I want those opportunities to be available to my people too.”

“That isn’t a decision I would make on my own. Something like that would need to be run past my board. As for the Harold issue, it’s being taken care of.”

“Don’t be naïve, that man is a snake and has so many people in his pocket,” she snaps, though I think it’s aimed more at him than me. “I want to kill him, and make him suffer while I’m doing it.”

“Don’t we all. What about your relationship with my dad and his brothers?”

“Marco’s father was English, I had a fling with a man from within The Order but gave him my unmarried surname. With my brother dying it was the only way to ensure the Rossi line lived on anyway. I didn’t want my child associated with Order life, but he started asking questions when he was a teenager. I blew them off until I found out that Samuel – his father – had landed in Australia. He managed to get Marco’s invitation to join The Order to him before my men took him out.”

I gasp just as the server returns with our water. I wait until he leaves before continuing.

“You killed his father?”

“Don’t act surprised. He had orders to give Marco his invitation and to take me out. It isn’t the first time that someone from The Order has tried to kill me. Though your father didn’t see it that way. He packed his bags and got on a plane for the UK. He always hated what I did, yet his anger fuelled him enough to join just to spite me.”

“That’s what I don’t understand. How did he come to leave and live to tell the tale, and if he hated it so much, why aren’t the two of you on better terms now?”

“You’d have to ask him all of those things, though I imagine there’s a fair old streak of Rossi pride in your veins, so you shouldn’t be too surprised to know your father is the same.”

“And my uncles?”

“Even though they technically have Rossi blood, The Order didn’t care if they joined or not. Both decided to work for me instead. They live in Westview Heights. Your uncle Jarva is a very feared man.” She smiles when she says that, like it makes her proud. “And Ellis, he has a family. Milo, Bristol and a step-son named Carter. We’re on rocky ground, but that’s a story for another time.”

“And I take it my dad has an issue with their lifestyle too.”

“A little. That and, once he left, he didn’t keep in contact with them. The Order kept him busy. That brotherly bond just wasn’t there, and life just got in the way once he had you kids.”

“What’s your involvement with Debbie?” I blurt out because if I don’t say it now I will keep it all bottled up until I explode.

“She came to Australia many years ago, and when she walked off the plane my men brought her to me. No one associated with a founding family comes to Australia without me knowing about it. Most of them are shot on sight, but she had a child with her, and my men are not animals. She explained why she fled, that Harold is an evil man, but it’s her story to tell you if she wants. With the danger she was in, she was hoping that your father would take Bex in and raise her, but Laura was a bitch. We got to know each other well. My maid, Saide, had always wanted children but couldn’t have her own. I have a lot of connections and helped her with an adoption. I didn’t realise at the time Debbie had visited your father, wanting closure before she vanished.”

“And that’s when she got pregnant with me?”

“She did, and she later told your father, stupid woman. I could have had you adopted with Bex but he wouldn’t allow that. I don’t know how he got that spiteful woman to agree to take you in, but when you were born she handed you over to him. I wanted to tell you about Bex when you were old enough, but it wasn’t my place. Marco didn’t know about Bex, Debbie didn’t tell him and Saide didn’t know about Debbie or you.”

“Sounds like a huge cluster fuck.”

“That it is indeed. But I’m glad you both know now. Bex is an amazing girl and you’re strong willed like I am. You will need each other.”

“So why did Debbie resurface now?”

“She still has connections in The Order and she found out that Harold is no longer the one pulling strings, and that you are. Her daughter. As that old saying goes, keep your friends close and your enemies closer, but from what I can gather she just wants to stop running. To be able to lead a normal life. She’s lived in fear for so long and she saw me as a way to contact you.”

“You know that I’ll need to know what she’s done before I can allow that. There are rules even I have to follow. If it is just some stupid beef with Harold, that’s one thing. If she broke an Order law, my hands are tied.”

“I respect that. And when you’re ready, she would like to talk to you.”

“When I’m ready,” I scoff. “She’s better off going back to Australia with you and I’ll be in contact.”

“With your blessing we would like to stick around and have a holiday. Maybe see my granddaughter graduate from school,” she adds proudly.

“You’re free to stay, as long as you don’t cause any issues. If you happen to come across Harold, then I would like to talk to him before you kill him.”

“Done, but he won’t be here. He’ll have informants, someone close to you all. It’s what I would do. So be careful with who you trust.”

I nod. “And Debbie needs to keep a low profile. I don’t know enough to ensure her safety. And I’m guessing that even with the Bex revelation at the airport, my father doesn’t know or realise that she’s alive. I want to keep it that way for now. She isn’t ruining my time with my family. ”

“Sounds fair, now enough of all this business talk. Parla con me. How about you tell me about those fidanzati of yours. How are they treating you?”

“They’re just my boyfriends!” I blurt out in horror. Why is everyone talking about marriage all of a sudden? My grandmother smirks knowingly at me but thankfully changes the subject.

“And how’s that interesting ragazzo , Baxter? You know I tried to poach him but he cares for you too deeply.”

I snort. “Don’t tell him that, he’s allergic to feelings and friendships.”

We talk about my guys and life in England, and she tells me a lot about her empire which surprises me. I never expected her to open up, especially considering she runs a rival criminal operation to what we have over here. She says she’s getting too old to keep running things and that, while she loves her sons, she doesn’t think one person, cough cough a man should have that much power. A relationship with her doesn’t sound so bad, and to be able to move a chapter to Australia in the future would be awesome too.

All too soon the incessant buzzing of my phone becomes impossible to ignore and I sigh. I’ve been having a good time and don’t really want it to end.

“I should go,” I say sadly. My grandmother smiles knowingly.

“They’ve been very patient.”

“Pah, it’s only been a few hours,” I tell her. Her grin widens.

“And all of last night. No doubt they’re pining for you.”

I snort a laugh.

We both stand from our seats and she moves around for a hug. “I can’t wait to get to know you, Amelie.”