An Anonymous Muwashshaah from Spain


man ’awda‘a l-’ajfān * awārima l-hindī

wa-’anbata r-rayan * fī afati l-khaddī

qaā ‘alā l-haymān * bid-dam‘i was-suhdī

’annā wa-lil-kitmān

lil-hā’imi l-mughram * bi-dam‘in namm * ’idhā yasjum * bimā yaktum

mina s-sirrī * fīāilin ālī * gharīrin sāī * ‘alayya bid-du‘jī234

Structure: abababa RRRR STUV cdcdcdc RRRR STUV efefefe RRRR STUV ghghghg RRRR STUV ijijiji RRRR STUV; meter (non-classical): XXSL LL (8 times) SLLL (4 times) XLSL LL SLLLL XXSL LL.

This poem has been chosen partly because of the complex nature of its prosodic structure. Its kharjah is in vernacular Arabic. Dār al-irāz (The House of Embroidery)235 is a work by the Egyptian poet Ibn Sanā’ alMulk (d. 608/1211) in which he discusses the muwashsha genre, especially its formal aspects, and illustrates it by incorporating a number of Andalusian examples, from among which this one is taken, followed by his own compositions. The editor thinks the poet may be Ibn al-Labbānah (d. 507/1113),236 because his poetry shows some parallels in diction and, like in the present poem, a certain Amad is mentioned in his poetry.

He who loads his eyes

with cutting Indian swords

and grows sweet basil on

the surface of his cheeks237

condemns the one who loves him madly

to tears and sleeplessness.

How could he hide it,

the witless lover?

His tears reveal

when they flow

what he hides

in his breast

for a pretty one not in need of ornaments,

inexperienced, yet overpowering

me with his black eyes.

How dear to me, this big-eyed boy,

like a full moon on the fullest night,

revealing pearls

sweet to kiss,

while his radiant cheek

bleeds from mere fancy:238

how can I be excused,

now that a speckled snake has crept

over the brazilwood239

so that it can’t be kissed,

and he has empowered

with his magic,

to kill heroes,

with the Nabataeans,

an army of Negroes.240

I prostrate myself before the fire

like the Man of Mount Sinai.241

He’s like a full moon in the dark

with his body like a reed,

he’s like a rod of crystal

set on a hillock of camphor.242

With the soul of an abandoned one243

I ransom him though he makes me an orphan

In the sealed place

of the teeth of his mouth,

a string

of pearls,

is my wine and my fresh water;

teeth in rows

with fragrant gaps.

Beauty inalienably

is yours, mad,

command is turned over to you,

slender one,

your slave madly in love

with you, enslaved.

Will you rebuke me,

or will you pity me,

stop the wasting away

of a lover

when he ails?

Woe unto me! Imprisoned in

my sea of fears

with far-off shore

I cling to waves.

A pretty girl appears,

just like a rising moon,

swaying with the weight of her breasts244

on a laurel branch,

its leaves a mantle

flowering with roses.

At night she sings:

Sweet love, make up your mind!

Come on, attack!

And kiss my mouth

and come and press yourself

against my breast

and raise my anklets

to my earrings.245

My husband is at work!