My dear Mama,
Now things have quieted down again a little, I can tell you more about what has happened. I trust you had no false report: I saw the first man who went into Pietermaritzburg with the news and I hope you may have had no anxiety.
On the morning of the fight, the main body left at 3.30 in the morning, a little before daylight, leaving us with two guns and about 70 men. About 7.30 we were turned out as about 1000 Zulus were seen in some hills about 2 miles from the camp. We did not think anything of it and I was congratulating myself on having an independent command. I had out with my guns only 20 men, the remainder 50 in number stayed in the camp. We remained formed up in front of the camp (it was about 1/2 mile long) until 11 o'clock, when the enemy disappeared behind some hills on our left, we returned to camp. We none of us had the least idea that the Zulus contemplated attacking the camp and, having in the last war often seen equally large bodies of the enemy, never dreamed they would come on. Besides, we had about 600 troops (regulars), two guns, about 100 other white men and at least 1000 armed natives.
About 12, as the men were getting their dinner, the alarm was again given and we turned out at once. Maj. Smith came back from the General's force at this time and took command. This of course relieved me of all responsibility as to the movement of the guns. We, being mounted, moved off before the infantry and took up a position to the left front of the camp where we were able to throw shells into a huge mass of the enemy that remained almost stationary. The 24th Regt. came up and formed in skirmishing order on both our flanks. The Zulus soon split up into a large mass of skirmishers that extended as far round the camp as we would see.
We could form no idea of numbers but the hills were black with them. They advanced steadily in the face of the infantry and our guns but I believe the whole of the natives who defended the rear of the camp soon bolted and left only our side of the camp defended. Very soon bullets began to whistle about our heads and the men to fall.
The Zulus still continued to advance and we began to fire case but the order was given to retire after firing a round or two.
At this time, out of my small detachment, one man had been killed, shot through the head, another wounded, shot through the side and another through the wrist. Maj. Smith was also shot through the arm but was able to do his duty. Of course, no wounded man was attended to, there was no time or men to spare. When we got the order to retire, we limbered up at once but were hardly in time as the Zulus were on us at once and one man was killed (stabbed) as he was mounting in a seat on the gun carriage. Most of the gunners were on foot as there was not time to mount them on the guns.
We trotted off to the camp thinking to take up another position but found it was in possession of the enemy who were killing the men as they ran out of their tents. We went right through them and out the other side, losing nearly all our gunners in doing so and one of the two sergeants. The road to Rorke's Drift that we hoped to retreat by was full of the enemy so, no way being open, we followed a crowd of natives and camp followers who were running down a ravine. The Zulus were all among them, stabbing men as they ran.
The ravine got steeper and steeper and finally the guns stuck and could get no further. In a moment the Zulus closed in and the drivers, who now alone remained, were pulled off their horses and killed. I did not see Maj. Smith at this moment but was with him a minute before.
The guns could not be spiked, there was no time to think of anything and we hoped to save the guns up to the last moment.
As soon as the guns were taken, I galloped off and made off with the crowd. How any of us escaped, I don't know; the Zulus were all around us and I saw men falling all round. We rode for about 5 miles, hotly pursued by the Zulus, when we came to a cliff overhanging the river. We had to climb down the face of the cliff and not more than half those who started from the top got to the bottom. Many fell right down, among others, Maj. Smith and the Zulus caught us here and shot us as we climbed down. I got down safety and came to the river which was very deep and swift. Numbers were swept away as they tried to cross and others shot from above.
My horse, fortunately, swam straight across, though I had three or four men hanging on his tail, stirrup leathers, etc. After crossing the river, we were in comparative safety, though many were killed afterwards who were on foot and unable to keep up. It seems to me like a dream, I cannot realise it at all. The whole affair did not last an hour from beginning to end. Many got away from the camp but were killed in the retreat. No officers or men of the 24th Regt. could escape: they were all on foot and on the other side of the camp. I saw two of them, who were not with their men, near the river but their bodies were found afterwards on our side of the river.
Of the 50 men we left in camp, 8 managed to escape on spare horses we had left in camp. One sergeant only, of my detachment, got away. Altogether, we lost 62 men and 24 horses, just half the battery.
Those who have escaped have not a rag left as they came away in their shirtsleeves. We always sleep at night in the fort or laager, as it is called, and in the open air. It is very unpleasant as it rains nearly every night and is very cold.
We none of us have more than one blanket each, so you can see we are having a rough time. The first few days I was utterly done up but have pulled round all right now.
What is going to happen, no one knows. We have made a strong entrenchment and are pretty safe even should we be attacked. The only thing we are afraid of is sickness. There are 50 sick and wounded already who are all jammed up at night in the fort. The smell is terrible, 800 men cooped up in so small a place. Food, fortunately, is plentiful and we have at least a three months supply. All spys [sic] taken now are shot: we have disposed of three or four already.
Formerly, they were allowed anywhere and our disaster is to a great extent due to their accurate information of the General's movements. What excitement this will cause in England and what indignation.
The troops, of course, were badly placed and the arrangements for defending the camp indifferent but there should have been enough troops and the risk of leaving a small force to be attacked by 10 to 15 times its number should not have been allowed. As you have heard, there were no wounded, all the wounded were killed in a most horrible way. I saw several wounded men during the retreat, all crying out for help, as they knew the terrible fate in store for them. Smith-Dorrien, a young fellow in the 95 Regt., I saw dismount and try to help one. His horse was killed in a minute by a shot and he had to run for his life only escaping by a miracle. You will see all sorts of accounts in the papers and no end of lies. Most of those who escaped were volunteers and native contingent officers who tell any number of lies. We hear the General has telegraphed for 6 Regiments and a cavalry Brigade. Even with these troops, it will take a long time to finish the war. It takes months to accustom troops to the country and in fact they are quite unfit for fighting in the Field as they require such enormous baggage trains. The colonial troops move without anything and always sleep in the open. We shall get no assistance from natives now as they do not believe in us anymore.
Your letters still arrive pretty regularly and are a great treat. I am very sorry to hear about Emmy but trust it is only a mild attack. It is unfortunate, as it will delay your journey very much.
I am very glad Papa continues pretty well. It will be rather a risk crossing the channel and travelling through France if the weather continues so severe. I think I must be promoted by now: I do hope I may get a good fall. It will be depressing indeed if I get out of this safely to be sent to some out of the way part of the world.
All those who escaped have sent in reports, by order, which will probably be published, so you will hear eventually the truth about this sad disaster. The General, poor fellow, seemed quite off his head and so nothing is being done, nor it would seem, has he recovered himself yet.
Give my love to all at home and believe me,
Your most affect.
Son H T Curling