A British soldier on guard in Zululand (W.W. Lloyd, On Active Service)
The position of the Zulu left horn as they attacked Isandlwana (Author's collection)
Isandlwana before the battle (AZWHS)
Isandlwana after the battle (AZWHS)
‘Well seasoned material’, from Lloyd's 1879 paintings (Author's collection)
A Zulu chief in 1879 (Author's collection)
Zulu warriors in 1879 (Author's collection)
A visit to Isandlwana in May 1879 (Ian Knight)
The position of Cavaye and Mostyn on the spur above Isandlwana as the Zulus attacked (Author's collection)
The north side of Isandlwana – Capt. Shepstone's grave and his men's cairns (Author's collection)
Ngwebeni Valley where Zulus assembled, five miles from Isandlwana (Author's collection)
Durnford's donga – where Durnford held the Zulu left horn until overwhelmed (Author's collection)
The South Africa campaign medal of Lt. Henry Curling RA. A rare Isandlwana survivor's medal (Author's collection)
The 24th Regimental Memorial at Isandlwana (Author's collection)
Lt. Charlie Raw (right) and Lt. Vause after the war. Raw died at Pietermaritzburg aged thirty-two (Author's collection)
The memorial at Fugitives' Drift to Lts. Coghill and Melvill (Author's collection)
A message from Col. Pulleine during the Zulu attack (Author's collection)
‘Report just come in that the Zulus are advancing in force from left front of camp.’
A second message from Pulleine during the attack (Author's collection)
‘Zulus are advancing on your right in force. Retire on camp in order. E Coy will support your right. NNC on your left.’
Artefacts collected after the battle (Author's collection)
The Zulu memorial at Isandlwana (Author's collection)
Mangeni Falls, where Chelmsford learned fate of Isandlwana. Members of the AZWHS in the background (Author's collection)
The author presenting David Rattray with the campaign medal to Trooper Pollard – top of the memorial list (Author's collection)
Isandlwana and the memorial to the Natal Carbineers (Author's collection)
Papers recovered after Isandlwana by Nurse Janet Wells (Author's collection)
Sgt. Cooper's medal and memorial card (Author's collection)
A prize cheque for seizing Zulu cattle, issued to Corporal Pato on 6 June 1879 (Author's collection)
The Buffalo River at Fugitives' Drift – the border between Zululand and British Natal (Author's collection)