Writing a book is always a journey, and while it can feel solitary at times, it’s never a journey traveled alone. This particular novel took me on a different path than any of my others, and as such, has blessed me with quite a few people to thank.
Our Lord has a way of taking our plans and turning them in a new—His!—direction. Just when I thought I had it all figured out, Eternity Between Us managed to upend everything. And I’ll admit, it became exceedingly frustrating at times when nothing seemed to go the way I thought it would. But God had a new plan and used the year-long journey to teach me a few things. I’m thankful for a Heavenly Father who leads His children by the hand on new adventures.
During the ups and downs of this story, I’m thankful for the friends who supported me along the way. Becky, I’m forever grateful for your encouragement. You listened and prayed with me each time things got difficult, and you were the first person to see this tale unfold. To my agent, Jim, thank you for your confidence in this story and your enthusiasm for my work. Your faith in me is a huge blessing.
I’m humbled by the incredible authors who took time to read the early version of this book and bless it with their endorsements. It’s exciting to see the names of writers I have long admired grace a page in one of my own tales. Jocelyn, Dawn, Patricia, Pam, Misty, Andrea, and Sharlene, I cannot thank you enough.
Thank you Momma for reading all of my stories, even though at times it’s difficult. Your support means the world to me. Thank you Jason for always supporting my writing dream, and to my two little monkeys, whose excitement over Momma “making a new book” always fills me with joy.
And finally, to my wonderful readers. Where would I be without you? My amazing team of Faithful Readers are dear to my heart. Thank you for your encouragement, enthusiasm, and willingness to review and share about my books. You help more than you know. To every reader who picked up this novel, thank you. We are a team, you and I. For a story is never truly complete without you to bring it to life. You have my forever thanks.
So now we draw the curtain closed, and open the page for a new story to begin and a new adventure to unfold. And I pray the Lord brings us together again for another exciting journey.