About the Author
Craig Romano was raised in New Hampshire where he fell in love with the natural world. He has traveled extensively, from Alaska to Argentina and Sicily to South Korea, seeking wild and beautiful places. He ranks Washington State, his home since 1989, among the most beautiful places in the world and he has thoroughly hiked it from Cape Flattery to Puffer Butte, Cape Disappointment to the Salmo-Priest. But he still misses the East Coast, especially when it comes to getting a decent Italian meal.
Craig holds a BA in history, a master’s degree in education, and an AA in Forestry. He works part time as a hiking guide for Mountain Hiking Holidays (www.mountainhikingholidays.com).
An avid hiker, runner, kayaker, and cyclist, Craig has written about his passions for over two dozen publications and websites. His articles can be found regularly in Northwest Runner, Northwest Travel, Seattle Met, Outdoors NW, and Adventures Northwest. Co-creator of Hikeoftheweek.com, Craig is the author of Best Hikes with Dogs: Inland Northwest, Columbia Highlands: Exploring Washington’s Last Frontier, Day Hiking North Cascades, Day Hiking Central Cascades, Day Hiking Columbia River Gorge, and Backpacking Washington, all published by The Mountaineers Books. He lives with his wife, Heather, and cat Giusseppe, in Skagit County, Washington. Visit him at http://craigromano.com.