Stefano Casadei BSc, PT
Physiotherapist and Fascial Manipulation Teacher
Cesena, Italy
Kelly Clancy OTR/L, CHT, LMP, RBI
Senior Instructor
Northwest School of Structural Therapy
Seattle, Washington, USA
Julie A. Day PT
Certified teacher of Fascial Manipulation® – Stecco® Method
Founding member of Fascial Manipulation Association
Vicenza, Italy
John Dixon PhD, BSc (Hons)
Professor of Applied Physiology and Rehabilitation, School of Health and Social Care
Teesside University, Middlesbrough, UK
César Fernández-de-las-Peñas PT, DO, PhD, DMSc
Head of Department, Department of Physical Therapy,
Occupational Therapy, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Alcorcón, Madrid, Spain;
Centre for Sensory-Motor Interaction (SMI), Department of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark
Willem Fourie PT, MSc
Roodepoort, South Africa
Sandy Fritz BS, MS, NCBTMB
Founder, Owner, Director, and Head Instructor
Health Enrichment Center
School of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork
Lapeer, MI, USA
Fernando Galán del Río PhD, BSc Physiotherapy
Spanish National Football Federation, Physiotherapy Team
Tensegrity Center Physiotherapy & Osteopathy
Madrid, Spain
Emiliano Grossi PhT, BSc
Global Postural Re-education Specialist (GPR)
Teaching staff of Italian GPR/RPG Post-University degree, responsible for the development of GPR Souchard method in English;
Director of Physical Therapy Division of FisioClinic (Rome)
Rome, Italy
Elizabeth A. Holey MA, Grad Dip Phys, MCSP, Dip TP, FHEA
Professor Emeritus, Teesside University, Middlesbrough, UK
Freelance International Consultant
Previously: Pro Vice-Chancellor,
Deputy Dean of Health and Social Care
Physiotherapy Subject Leader
Teesside University, Middlesbrough, UK
Jonathan Martine BA, CAR, CMT
Certified Advanced Rolfer™
Boulder, CO, USA
Raúl Martínez Rodríguez BSc Physiotherapy
Spanish National Football Federation, Physiotherapy Team
Tensegrity Center Physiotherapy & Osteopathy
Madrid, Spain
Divo Gitta Müller HP
Continuum Movement Teacher, Lic. Naturopath
Director, Somatics Academy GbR, Munich, Germany
Thomas W. Myers
Director: Anatomy Trains
Walpole, Maine, USA
Arya Nielsen PhD
Assistant Clinical Professor
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Director, Acupuncture Fellowship for Inpatient Care
New York, NY, USA
Alessandro Pedrelli
Doctor of physical therapy, BA
Certificate teacher of Fascial Manipulation® (Stecco Method)
Cesena, Italy
Andrzej Pilat, PT
Director, ‘Tupimek’ School of Myofascial Therapy;
Lecturer, University School of Physical Therapy ONCE, Universidad Autónoma
Madrid, Spain
Dr. biol. hum. Robert Schleip
Director, Fascia Research Project
Surgical Clinic Guenzburg, Ulm University, Germany
Research Director, European Rolfing Association e.V.
Carla Stecco MD
Professor, Neuroscience Department
University of Padova, Italy
Antonio Stecco MD PhD
Specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Assistant Professor, New York University School of Medicine
Paolo Tozzi MSc Ost, DO, PT
School of Osteopathy CROMON
Rome, Italy