almonds: orange, cardamom and polenta cake 252-3
plum and ginger fool 231
anchovies 18
spaghetti puttanesca 64
apples: eggy brioche with berry compote 34
spiced apple crumble 243
apricot, date and pistachio flapjacks 247
artichokes: tomato salad with chargrilled chorizo 89
Asian-style griddled squid salad 96
Asian-style glazed chicken thighs 71
asparagus: broccoli and quinoa salad 116
crab mayo on griddled sourdough 54
smoked salmon and scrambled egg muffins with asparagus 47
aubergines: North African style nut roast 215
avocados: chicken and bacon ranch burger 201
crab mayo on griddled sourdough 54
quick chocolate mousse 223
Tom’s BLT 40
bacon: chicken and bacon ranch burger 201
crab mayo on griddled sourdough 54
pimp my porridge 30
Tom’s BLT 40
bananas: banana and berry nice cream 226
banana choc ices 260
coconut and raspberry loaf cake 250
nutty wholemeal pancakes 33
quick chocolate mousse 223
bangers and mash 86
barley see pearl barley
beans 16
Mexican beans 37
minestrone 132
sausage and bean casserole 176
smoky chicken quesadillas 66
beansprouts: miso ramen 131
prawn and broccoli rice noodles 56
beef: beef and stout stew 175
beef biryani 172-3
crispy beef and pak choi noodles 77
pre-roasting mince 20
rib-eye with broccoli and salsa verde 78
slow-cooked beef brisket 206
spicy beef lettuce cups 109
Swedish meatballs 208
beetroot: beetroot risotto with goat’s cheese 135
charred trout with beetroot and orange salad 106
chocolate beetroot cake 256
berries 19
banana and berry nice cream 226
eggy brioche with berry compote 34
see also raspberries, strawberries etc
biryani, beef 172-3
biscuits: chocolate chip cookies 248
ginger nut biscuits 228
blowtorch, cook’s 21
BLT 40
blueberries: lemon and blueberry loaf cake 255
bolognaise, veggie 148
Bombay aloo 80
borlotti beans: minestrone 132
bread: garlic ciabatta 64
gremolata fish 102
naan 138-9
portobello mushroom tray bake 142
Tom’s BLT 40
see also brioche; toast
brioche: eggy brioche with berry compote 34
broccoli: broccoli and quinoa salad 116
brown butter salmon en papillote 105
chorizo and broccoli stalk pasta 84
prawn and broccoli rice noodles 56
rib-eye with broccoli and salsa verde 78
veggie shepherd’s pie 180
warm crispy salmon salad 99
brown butter salmon en papillote 105
brownies, chocolate and peanut butter 244
Brussels sprouts: roasted winter sprout curry 156
bulgur wheat: North African style nut roast 215
burger, chicken and bacon ranch 201
butterbeans: sausage and bean casserole 176
butternut squash: butternut squash and chickpea curry 167
creamy butternut squash pasta bake 154-5
North African style nut roast 215
cabbage: chicken and coleslaw tray bake 113
coleslaw 206
green slaw 72
cakes: chocolate and peanut butter brownies 244
chocolate beetroot cake 256
coconut and raspberry loaf cake 250
crêpe Suzette cake 236-7
Earl Grey fruit loaf 258
lemon and blueberry loaf cake 255
orange, cardamom and polenta cake 252-3
capers 18
posh tartare sauce 102
caramel: orange caramel 236-7
sticky date pudding with coconut caramel 240
white chocolate crack and raspberries 234
caramelising onions 20
Caribbean rum pineapple 228-9
carrots: baked sardines with carrot salad 100
Italian turkey meatballs 171
pork, lentil and veg sausage rolls 114-15
roasted Moroccan carrots with lentils 120
casseroles see stews
cauliflower: chicken with roasted cauliflower 198-9
romanesco, corn and coconut curry 141
spiced sea bass with roasted cauliflower purée and lentils 212-13
cavolo nero: feta and greens filo triangles 128
cheese: beetroot risotto with goat’s cheese 135
broccoli and quinoa salad 116
cheese sauce 182-7
creamy butternut squash pasta bake 154-5
easy homemade pizzas 150-1
feta and greens filo triangles 128
fried paneer 141
Greek salad 194-5
Italian turkey meatballs 171
mushroom and truffle mac ’n’ cheese 186-7
new potato, spinach and goat’s cheese frittata 147
portobello mushroom tray bake 142
roasted Moroccan carrots with lentils 120
roasted winter sprout curry 156
rocket pesto 126
smoky chicken quesadillas 66
chicken: Asian-style glazed chicken thighs 71
chicken and bacon ranch burger 201
chicken and coleslaw tray bake 113
chicken and new potato curry 166
chicken and pearl barley soup 164
chicken, ham and leek pie 203-4
chicken with roasted cauliflower 198-9
Moroccan chicken with preserved lemons 162
peanut chicken stir-fry noodles 68
smoky chicken quesadillas 66
tamarind chicken skewers 110
chickpeas 16
butternut squash and chickpea curry 167
curried vegetable patties 138-9
North African style nut roast 215
chillies: coleslaw 206
green mango salad 110
Indian-style scrambled eggs 44
roasted winter sprout curry 156
salsa verde 78
tomato chilli sauce 128
chocolate: banana choc ices 260
chocolate and peanut butter brownies 244
chocolate beetroot cake 256
chocolate chip cookies 248
chocolate pastry 232
chocolate truffle tart 232-3
quick chocolate mousse 223
white chocolate crack and raspberries 234
chorizo: chorizo and broccoli stalk pasta 84
sausage and bean casserole 176
tomato salad with chargrilled chorizo 89
ciabatta, garlic 64
citrus fruit, zesting 20
coconut and raspberry loaf cake 250
coconut milk 16
pumpkin and spinach dhal 136
romanesco, corn and coconut curry 141
sticky date pudding with coconut caramel 240
Thai red curry mussels 59
cod: salt cod and saffron fish cakes 178-9
coleslaw 206
chicken and coleslaw tray bake 113
cookies, chocolate chip 248
corn cakes with Mexican beans 37
cornichons: posh tartare sauce 102
courgettes: Italian turkey meatballs 171
pork, lentil and veg sausage rolls 114-15
Thai red curry mussels 59
couscous: Moroccan chicken 162
crab mayo on griddled sourdough 54
cream: plum and ginger fool 231
strawberry Eton mess 224-5
yoghurt pannacotta 220
crêpe Suzette cake 236-7
crumble, spiced apple 243
crumbs, toasted 100
cucumber: cucumber pickle 71
Greek salad 194-5
Middle Eastern slow-cooked lamb 192
raita 172-3
curry: beef biryani 172-3
Bombay aloo 80
butternut squash and chickpea curry 167
chicken and new potato curry 166
curried vegetable patties 138-9
Indian-style scrambled eggs 44
pumpkin and spinach dhal 136
roasted winter sprout curry 156
romanesco, corn and coconut curry 141
spiced lentils 212-13
Thai red curry mussels 59
veggie shepherd’s pie 180
custard: crêpe Suzette cake 236-7
dhal, pumpkin and spinach 136
dates: apricot, date and pistachio flapjacks 247
spiced apple crumble 243
sticky date pudding with coconut caramel 240
dried fruit: Earl Grey fruit loaf 258
homemade granola 28
duck: five-spiced duck salad 74
Earl Grey fruit loaf 258
eggs 18
eggy brioche with berry compote 34
ham and potato hash with poached eggs 43
Indian-style scrambled eggs 44
new potato, spinach and goat’s cheese frittata 147
pimp my porridge 30
smoked haddock and spinach egg pots 38
smoked salmon and scrambled egg muffins with asparagus 47
Eton mess, strawberry 224-5
fennel: chicken and coleslaw tray bake 113
Italian sausage, fennel and kale pasta 90
Italian-style tuna and fennel wraps 63
smoked salmon and peppercorn pasta 60
Spanish hake bake 210
warm crispy salmon salad 99
feta and greens filo triangles 128
filo triangles, feta and greens 128
fish 19
see also cod, salmon etc
fish cakes, salt cod and saffron 178-9
five-spiced duck salad 74
flapjacks: apricot, date and pistachio 247
fool, plum and ginger 231
frittata: new potato, spinach and goat’s cheese 147
fruit see apples, dried fruit etc
fruit loaf, Earl Grey 258
garlic ciabatta 64
ginger 17
crispy beef and pak choi noodles 77
ginger nut biscuits 228
plum and ginger fool 231
granola, homemade 28
gravy 86
Greek salad 194-5
Greek-style roast lamb and potatoes 194-5
green beans: Indian-style scrambled eggs 44
warm crispy salmon salad 99
green slaw 72
gremolata fish 102
haddock see smoked haddock
hake: Spanish hake bake 210
ham: chicken, ham and leek pie 203-4
ham and potato hash with poached eggs 43
harissa yoghurt 215
honey 17
hot water crust pastry 203-4
ice cream: banana and berry nice cream 226
banana choc ices 260
Indian-style scrambled eggs 44
ingredients 16–19
Italian sausage, fennel and kale pasta 90
Italian slow-cooked lamb ragu 197
Italian-style tuna and fennel wraps 63
Italian turkey meatballs 171
julienning vegetables 20
kale: green slaw 72
Italian sausage, fennel and kale pasta 90
kidney beans: Mexican beans 37
smoky chicken quesadillas 66
lamb: Greek-style roast lamb and potatoes 194-5
Italian slow-cooked lamb ragu 197
Middle Eastern slow-cooked lamb 192
spiced lamb cutlets with Bombay aloo 80
lasagne, seven vegetable 182-4
leeks: chicken, ham and leek pie 203-4
lemon 19
lemon and blueberry loaf cake 255
Moroccan chicken with preserved lemons 162
lentils 16
pork, lentil and veg sausage rolls 114-15
portobello mushroom tray bake 142
pumpkin and spinach dhal 136
roasted Moroccan carrots with lentils 120
spiced sea bass with roasted cauliflower purée and lentils 212-13
veggie shepherd’s pie 180
lettuce: chicken and bacon ranch burger 201
five-spiced duck salad 74
spicy beef lettuce cups 109
macaroni: creamy butternut squash pasta bake 154-5
mushroom and truffle mac ’n’ cheese 186-7
mangoes: green mango salad 110
mango and lime mayo 138
maple syrup 17
mascarpone: crêpe Suzette cake 236-7
mayonnaise: coleslaw 206
crab mayo on griddled sourdough 54
mango and lime mayo 138
posh tartare sauce 102
ranch dressing 201
meat 18
see also beef, lamb etc
meatballs: Italian turkey meatballs 171
Swedish meatballs 208
meringues: strawberry Eton mess 224-5
Middle Eastern slow-cooked lamb 192
mince, pre-roasting 20
minestrone 132
mint: mint sugar 224-5
minted yoghurt 80
miso ramen 131
Moroccan chicken with preserved lemons 162
mousse, quick chocolate 223
muffins: smoked salmon and scrambled egg muffins with asparagus 47
mushrooms: beef and stout stew 175
mushroom and truffle mac ’n’ cheese 186-7
portobello mushroom tray bake 142
scrambled tofu 48
veggie bolognaise 148
mussels, Thai red curry 59
mustard 18
naan 138-9
noodles 16
crispy beef and pak choi noodles 77
miso ramen 131
North African style nut roast 215
peanut chicken stir-fry noodles 68
prawn and broccoli rice noodles 56
spicy beef lettuce cups 109
North African style nut roast 215
nuts 17
homemade granola 28
nutty wholemeal pancakes 33
spiced apple crumble 243
toasting 20
see also almonds, pecans etc
oats: apricot, date and pistachio flapjacks 247
homemade granola 28
pimp my porridge 30
spiced apple crumble 243
olive oil 17
olives 18
Greek salad 194-5
Moroccan chicken with preserved lemons 162
spaghetti puttanesca 64
onions 17
caramelising 20
gravy 86
Middle Eastern slow-cooked lamb 192
oranges 19
charred trout with beetroot and orange salad 106
orange caramel 236-7
orange, cardamom and polenta cake 252-3
ovens 22
pak choi: crispy beef and pak choi noodles 77
miso ramen 131
pancakes, nutty wholemeal 33
paneer: fried paneer 141
roasted winter sprout curry 156
pannacotta, yoghurt 220
chorizo and broccoli stalk pasta 84
creamy butternut squash pasta bake 154-5
Italian sausage, fennel and kale pasta 90
Italian slow-cooked lamb ragu 197
minestrone 132
mushroom and truffle mac ’n’ cheese 186-7
penne with roasted red pepper sauce 144
seven vegetable lasagne 182-4
smoked salmon and peppercorn pasta 60
spaghetti puttanesca 64
veggie bolognaise 148
pastries: feta and greens filo triangles 128
pork, lentil and veg sausage rolls 114-15
pastry: chocolate pastry 232
hot water crust pastry 203-4
peanut butter: chocolate and peanut butter brownies 244
peanut chicken stir-fry noodles 68
peanuts: chocolate and peanut butter brownies 244
nutty wholemeal pancakes 33
peanut chicken stir-fry noodles 68
pearl barley: chicken and pearl barley soup 164
pears: pimp my porridge 30
peas 19
veggie shepherd’s pie 180
pecans: chocolate chip cookies 248
nutty wholemeal pancakes 33
penne with roasted red pepper sauce 144
peppercorns 16
smoked salmon and peppercorn pasta 60
peppers: Greek salad 194-5
ham and potato hash with poached eggs 43
Indian-style scrambled eggs 44
penne with roasted red pepper sauce 144
pork chops with peperonata 83
salt cod and saffron fish cakes 178-9
sausage and bean casserole 176
scrambled tofu 48
pesto, rocket 126
pickles: cucumber pickle 71
pie: chicken, ham and leek 203-4
pine nuts: rocket pesto 126
pineapple, Caribbean rum 228-9
pistachios: apricot, date and pistachio flapjacks 247
pizzas, easy homemade 150-1
plaice: gremolata fish with posh tartare sauce 102
plum and ginger fool 231
polenta: orange, cardamom and polenta cake 252-3
pomegranate: Middle Eastern slow-cooked lamb 192
pork: pork chops with peperonata 83
see also sausages
porridge 30
portobello mushroom tray bake 142
potatoes: baked potato wedges 102
Bombay aloo 80
brown butter salmon en papillote 105
chicken and new potato curry 166
Greek-style roast lamb and potatoes 194-5
ham and potato hash with poached eggs 43
Moroccan chicken with preserved lemons 162
new potato, spinach and goat’s cheese frittata 147
rib-eye with broccoli and salsa verde 78
salt cod and saffron fish cakes 178-9
Spanish hake bake 210
Swedish meatballs 208
prawns 19
prawn and broccoli rice noodles 56
pumpkin and spinach dhal 136
quesadillas, smoky chicken 66
quinoa 16
broccoli and quinoa salad 116
ragu, Italian slow-cooked lamb 197
raita 172-3
ranch dressing 201
raspberries: coconut and raspberry loaf cake 250
pimp my porridge 30
white chocolate crack and raspberries 234
red cabbage: coleslaw 206
rhubarb, poached 220
rib-eye with broccoli and salsa verde 78
rice 16
beef biryani 172-3
beetroot risotto with goat’s cheese 135
rocket pesto 126
romanesco, corn and coconut curry 141
rum: Caribbean rum pineapple 228-9
sticky date pudding 240
Russian roasted veg salad 118
salads: Asian-style griddled squid salad 96
baked sardines with carrot salad 100
broccoli and quinoa salad 116
charred trout with beetroot and orange salad 106
coleslaw 206
five-spiced duck salad 74
Greek salad 194-5
green mango salad 110
green slaw 72
Russian roasted veg salad 118
tomato salad with chargrilled chorizo 89
warm crispy salmon salad 99
salmon: brown butter salmon en papillote 105
warm crispy salmon salad 99
see also smoked salmon
salsa verde 78
salt 16
salt cod and saffron fish cakes 178-9
sardines: baked sardines with carrot salad 100
sausages: bangers and mash 86
Italian sausage, fennel and kale pasta 90
pork, lentil and veg sausage rolls 114-15
sausage and bean casserole 176
see also chorizo
sea bass with roasted cauliflower purée and lentils 212-13
seeds 17
homemade granola 28
toasting 20
seven vegetable lasagne 182-5
shepherd’s pie, veggie 180
skewers, tamarind chicken 110
smoked haddock and spinach egg pots 38
smoked salmon: smoked salmon and peppercorn pasta 60
smoked salmon and scrambled egg muffins with asparagus 47
smoky chicken quesadillas 66
soups: chicken and pearl barley soup 164
minestrone 132
soya protein mince: veggie bolognaise 148
spaghetti: spaghetti puttanesca 64
veggie bolognaise 148
Spanish hake bake 210
spices 16
spinach: feta and greens filo triangles 128
new potato, spinach and goat’s cheese frittata 147
pumpkin and spinach dhal 136
smoked haddock and spinach egg pots 38
spiced lentils 212-13
sprouts see Brussels sprouts
squash see butternut squash
squid: Asian-style griddled squid salad 96
stews: beef and stout stew 175
Italian slow-cooked lamb ragu 197
sausage and bean casserole176
sticky date pudding 240
stir-fries: crispy beef and pak choi noodles 77
peanut chicken stir-fry noodles 68
spicy beef lettuce cups 109
stock 19
strawberry Eton mess 224-5
suet (vegetable): sticky date pudding with coconut caramel 240
sugar, mint 224-5
swede: bangers and mash 86
veggie shepherd’s pie 180
Swedish meatballs 208
sweet potatoes: bangers and mash 86
veggie shepherd’s pie 180
sweetcorn 16
corn cakes with Mexican beans 37
miso ramen 131
romanesco, corn and coconut curry 141
tahini yoghurt 192
tamarind chicken skewers 110
tart, chocolate truffle 232-3
tartare sauce 102
techniques 20–1
Thai red curry mussels 59
toast: crab mayo on griddled sourdough 54
eggy brioche with berry compote 34
toasted sourdough 198-9
toasting nuts and seeds 20
tofu: miso ramen 131
scrambled tofu 48
Bombay aloo 80
chicken and new potato curry 166
Greek salad 194-5
Italian sausage, fennel and kale pasta 90
Italian slow-cooked lamb ragu 197
Italian turkey meatballs 171
Mexican beans 37
sausage and bean casserole 176
smoked salmon and peppercorn pasta 60
spaghetti puttanesca 64
Spanish hake bake 210
tomato chilli sauce 128
tomato salad with chargrilled chorizo 89
Tom’s BLT 40
veggie bolognaise 148
veggie shepherd’s pie 180
Tom’s BLT 40
tortillas: Italian-style tuna and fennel wraps 63
smoky chicken quesadillas 66
trout: charred trout with beetroot and orange salad 106
truffle: mushroom and truffle mac ’n’ cheese 186-7
tuna 16
Italian-style tuna and fennel wraps 63
turkey: Italian turkey meatballs 171
turkey schnitzel with green slaw 72
vanilla 17
vegetables: beef biryani 172-3
chicken and pearl barley soup 164
curried vegetable patties 138-9
julienning 20
minestrone 132
roasted vegetables and rocket pesto 126
seven vegetable lasagne 182-5
spicy beef lettuce cups 109
veggie bolognaise 148
veggie shepherd’s pie 180
see also peppers, salads, tomatoes etc
vinegar 17
watercress: five-spiced duck salad 74
white chocolate crack and raspberries 234
wraps, Italian-style tuna and fennel 63
yoghurt 18–19
banana choc ices 260
harissa yoghurt 215
minted yoghurt 80
plum and ginger fool 231
raita 172-3
strawberry Eton mess 224-5
tahini yoghurt 192
white chocolate crack and raspberries 234
yoghurt pannacotta with poached rhubarb 220
zesting citrus fruit 20