1. Worsley, Lucy, Courtiers: The Secret History of Kensington Palace (Faber & Faber, London, 2010), p.102
2. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., Some materials towards memoirs of the reign of George II, by John, Lord Hervey, 3 vols (London, 1931), Vol. 1, p.69
3. See Royal Collection, RCIN 31317, Caroline, Consort of George II, by John Michael Rysbrack, c. 1739
4. Rosenthal, Norman, ed., The Misfortunate Margravine: The Early Memoirs of Wilhelmina, Margravine of Bayreuth (Macmillan, London, 1970), p.160
5. See Voltaire, François-Marie Arouet, Letters on the English (London, 1733), Letter XI
6. Rosenthal, op. cit., p.84; Thomson, Mrs, ed., Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon (Henry Colburn, London, 1847), Vol. 2, p.52
7. See Jones, Huw, ed., Diddanwch Teuluaidd (London, 1763), pp.261–5
8. Prescott, Sarah, Eighteenth-Century Writing from Wales: Bards and Britons (University of Wales Press, Cardiff, 2008), pp.42–3
9. Sophie Charlotte of Prussia to Hans Caspar von Bothmer, 9 September 1704, see Doebner, Richard, ed., Briefe der Königin Sophie Charlotte von Preussen und der Kurfürstin Sophie von Hannover an hannoversche Diplomaten (G. Hirzel, Leipzig, 1905), p.57
10. Sedgwick, op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 1, p.179
11. The Spectator, 11 January 1902
12. West, Richard, A Monody on the Death of Queen Caroline, in A Collection of Poems in Six Volumes by Several Hands, ed. Robert Dodsley (London, 1765), Vol. 2, pp.331–7
13. Harris, Frances, A Passion for Government: The Life of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1991), p.204
14. See Stephen Duck, ‘Royal Benevolence’, 2 October 1730 (W. Harris, London, 1730)
15. Clarke, Alured, An Essay towards the Character of Her late Majesty Caroline, Queen-Consort of Great Britain (London, 1738), p.3
16. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 1, p.386
17. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Henrietta Louisa, Countess of Pomfret, 26 July 1738, see Halsband, Robert, ed., The Complete Letters of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, 3 vols (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1965), Vol. 2, p.119
18. See Black, Jeremy, George II (University of Exeter Press, Exeter, 2007); Thompson, Andrew C., George II (Yale University Press, New Haven & London, 2011)
19. Rosenthal, op. cit., p.84
20. Clarke, Alured, op. cit., pp.44–5
1. Smollett, Tobias, Humphrey Clinker, p.117
2. Fielding, Sarah, The Adventures of David Simple, p.77
3. Swift, Jonathan, ‘A Description of a City Shower’
4. Anonymous, ‘An Excellent New Ballad’, Bodleian Library broadsheet ballads collection, MS. Rawl. poet. 207 (136, 137)
5. Walpole, Horace, Reminiscences, written in 1788, for the amusement of Miss Mary and Miss Agnes B***y (Oxford, 1924), p.60; see Borman, Tracy, King’s Mistress, Queen’s Servant: The Life and Times of Henrietta Howard (Pimlico paperback, London, 2008), p.99; Sedgwick, op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 1, p.41
6. See Black, Jeremy, A Subject for Taste: Culture in Eighteenth-Century England (Hambledon & London, London, 2005), p.26
7. ‘The Happy Marriage and The Unhappy Marriage’, print, published by John King, c. 1690, see British Museum, collection number 1906,0823.4
8. Anonymous, ‘An Elegy upon the Young Prince’, Bodleian Library broadsheet ballads collection, MS. Rawl. poet. 207 (151–153)
9. Anonymous, ‘An Excellent New Ballad’, Bodleian Library broadsheet ballads collection, MS. Rawl. poet. 207 (136, 137)
10. Lord Hervey to Henry Fox, 1 September 1734, see Ilchester, Earl of, ed., Lord Hervey and his Friends (John Murray, London, 1950), p.205
11. White, Jerry, London in the Eighteenth Century: A Great and Monstrous Thing (Vintage, London, 2012), p.10
12. Worsley, op. cit., p.358, note 42
13. Sheppard, Edgar, Memorial of St James’s Palace (Longmans, Green & Co., London, 1894), p.48
14. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Raugravine Luise von Degenfeld, 23 December 1717, see Kroll, Maria, Letters from Liselotte (McCall Publishing, New York, 1971), p.191
15. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), p.29
16. Quennell, Peter, Caroline of England (Collins, London, 1939), p.72
17. Worsley, op. cit., pp.38–9
18. See Ilchester, Earl of, ed., op. cit., p.ix
19. Anonymous, ‘An Elegy upon the Young Prince’, Bodleian Library broadsheet ballads collection, MS. Rawl. poet. 207 (151–153)
20. Melville, Lewis, Maids of Honour (Hutchinson & Co., London, 1927), p.26
21. George Augustus, Prince of Wales to George I, undated, Royal Archives RA GEO/MAIN/54046
22. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Raugravine Luise von Degenfeld, 23 December 1717, see Kroll, op. cit., p.191
23. Arkell, R.L., Caroline of Ansbach: George the Second’s Queen (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1939), p.103
Chapter I: Princess of Ansbach
1. See British Museum, Wenceslaus Hollar, Ansbach, from the Town Atlases, etching c. 1630s, collection number 1852,0612.136
2. See British Museum: Cooper, collection number 1888,0515.51; Bowles, collection number 1902,1011.1274
3. For information about Ansbach’s ruling family and court life, I am grateful to Dr Wolfgang F. Reddig, Leiter des Margrafensmuseums und Stadtarchivs, Ansbach
4. See Yorke-Long, Alan, George II and Handel, History Today, 10 October 1951
5. Sharp, Tony, Pleasures and Ambition: The Life, Loves and Wars of Augustus the Strong (I.B. Tauris, London, 2001), p.22
6. Blesendorff, see Royal Collection, RCIN607275; Wissing, see National Portrait Gallery, NPG/D20409
7. Gufer, see Royal Collection, RCIN607270 and RCIN607271&2
8. Worsley, op. cit., p.355, note 7
9. Hatton, Ragnhild, George I (Thames & Hudson, London, 1978), p.15
10. Clarke, Alured, op. cit., p.5
11. Sharp, op. cit., p.22
12. Adamson, John, The Princely Courts of Europe 1500–1750 (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1999), p.190
13. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Raugravine Luise von Degenfeld, 27 August 1719, see Kroll, op. cit., p.214
14. ‘like a cat’, RA GEO/ADD/28/52, Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, 1 March 1719; ‘Lady Bomfrit’, RA GEO/ADD/28/61, Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, 18 October 1725; ‘Claiton’ and ‘Klethen’ also occur in letters from Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, RA GEO/ADD/28/74 and RA GEO/ADD/28/76 respectively
15. George Smalridge, Bishop of Bristol; quoted by Leibniz in a letter to Caroline, Princess of Wales, 4 March 1715, G.W. Leibniz Bibliothek, Hanover, shelfmark LH 4, 4, 1 Bl.7–8
16. Marschner, Joanna, Queen Caroline: Cultural Politics at the Early Eighteenth-Century Court (Yale University Press, New Haven & London, 2014), pp.3–4
17. Sharp, op. cit., p.22
18. See National Archives, SP105/85/44, elegy by George Stepney, dedicated to the Electress of Saxony, 1694, and SP105/82/48, James Vernon to George Stepney, June 1692
19. Sharp, op. cit., p.22
20. Ibid., p.23
21. Ibid., p.21
22. See National Archives, SP 105/58/91v, George Stepney to William Blathwayt, 28 March 1693
23. Marschner, op. cit., p.3
24. See National Archives, SP105/60/104v, George Stepney to William Blathwayt, 26 September 1693
25. Sharp, op. cit., p.22
26. See Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Codex 1221, doc 2
27. Sharp, op. cit., p.24
28. See Massie, Robert, Peter the Great: His Life and World (Head of Zeus, London, 2012); Marschner, op. cit., p.155
29. See National Archives, SP105/60/43v, George Stepney to John Trenchard, 31 October 1693
30. See National Archives, SP105/60/100, Philip Plantamour to Leibniz, 29 December 1693
31. Sharp, op. cit., p.49
32. See National Archives, SP105/60/173, George Stepney to James Cresset, January 1694
33. See National Archives, SP105/54/68, George Stepney to William Blathwayt, August 1694
34. See Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Codex 1221, doc 1
35. See Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Codex 1221, doc 6
36. See National Archives, SP105/58/91v, George Stepney to William Blathwayt, 28 March 1693
37. See National Archives, SP105/60/97v, George Stepney to William Blathwayt and James Vernon, 8 January 1694
38. Sharp, op. cit., pp.55–6
39. See National Archives, SP105/84/100, Sir William Dutton Colt to George Stepney, 23 January 1693
40. Sharp, op. cit., p.73
41. See National Archives, SP105/60/247/2, George Stepney to Charles Talbot, Duke of Shrewsbury, undated 1694
42. See National Archives, SP105/60/100v, George Stepney to ‘Mr Polier’ [unidentified], 8 January 1694
43. Ibid.
44. See National Archives, SP105/60/136v, George Stepney to Caspar Florentin Consbruch, April 1694
45. See National Archives, SP105/85/38/2, Frederick Augustus of Saxony to William III, 28 April 1694
46. See Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Codex 1221, doc 8
47. See National Archives, SP105/85/37/1 and SP105/85/45/1, George Stepney papers, undated 1694
48. See National Archives, SP105/85/44, elegy by George Stepney, dedicated to the Electress of Saxony, 1694
49. See National Archives, SP105/54/68 (‘revels and dances’) and SP105/54/75v (‘frolicks and debauches’), George Stepney to William Blathwayt, August 1694
50. See Staatsarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA GR, Rep.41, Nr.1065
51. See National Archives, SP105/54/68, George Stepney to William Blathwayt, 24 August 1694
52. Sharp, op. cit., p.114
53. Ibid., p.278
54. Arkell, op. cit., (Caroline of Ansbach), p.7; note, p.307
55. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Raugravine Amalie Elisabeth von Degenfeld, 29 July 1706, see Kroll, op. cit., p.124; Adamson, op. cit., p.220
56. Zedler, Beatrice H., The Three Princesses, Hypatia, Vol. 4, no 1 (spring 1989), p.53
57. Wilkins, W.H., Caroline the Illustrious, 2 vols (Longmans, Green & Co., London, 1901), Vol. 1, p.16
58. Look, Brandon C., ed., Bloomsbury Companion to Leibniz (Bloomsbury, London, 2014), p.11
59. Brown, Michael, A Political Biography of John Toland (Routledge, London, 2016), p.73
60. Arkell, op. cit., p.64
61. See Scharmann, Rudolf G., Charlottenburg Palace: Royal Prussia in Berlin (Prestel, Munich, 2007), p.10
62. See ibid., p.4
63. Caroline to Leibniz, 28 December 1704, see Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.31
64. Marschner, op. cit., p25; Kroll, Maria, Sophie, Electress of Hanover: A Personal Portrait (Victor Gollancz, London, 1973), p.207
65. Theatricals, see, Doebner, Richard, ed., op. cit., p.32, Sophie Charlotte to Hans Caspar von Bothmer, 19 June 1703
66. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Sophie of Hanover, 24 July 1699, Kroll, op. cit., p.88
67. See National Archives, SP90/1/257, Philip Plantamour to Sir Charles Hedges, 30 September 1702
68. Brown, Michael, op. cit., p.74
69. See National Archives, SP90/1/37, George Stepney to James Vernon, 2 August 1698
70. Roinila, Markku, Leibniz and the Amour Pur Controversy, Journal of Early Modern Studies, Vol. 2 (fall 2013), p.46; Zedler, op. cit., p.57; Brown, Gregory, Leibniz’s Endgame and the Ladies of the Courts, Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 65, no 1 (2004), p.80
71. Brown, Michael, op. cit., p.79
72. Kroll, op. cit. (Sophie), p.191; Look, ed., op. cit., p.11
73. Ibid., p.11
74. See Thornton, Peter, Authentic Decor: The Domestic Interior 1620–1920 (Weidenfeld & Nicolson paperback, London, 1993), p.68
75. Jay, Emma, Queen Caroline’s Library and its European Contents, Book History, Vol. 9 (2006), p.33
76. Marschner, op. cit, p.93
77. Adamson, op. cit., p.223
78. Walpole, Horace, Memoirs of the Last Ten Years of the Reign of George II (London, 1822), pp.158–9
79. See Smith, Hannah, Georgian Monarchy: Politics and Culture, 1714–1760 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2006), p.45
80. Adamson, op. cit. p.219
81. Smith, op. cit., p.87; Brown, op. cit., p.63
82. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Sophie of Hanover, 30 July 1705, Kroll, op. cit., p.120
83. See National Archives, SP105/85/58/2, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz to Aurora von Königsmark, undated 1695
84. Kemble, John Mitchell, ed., State papers and correspondence illustrative of the social and political state of Europe from the revolution to the accession of the House of Hanover (J.W. Parker, London, 1857), p.322
85. Arkell, op. cit., p.8
86. Ibid., p.10; Somerset, Anne, Queen Anne: The Politics of Passion (HarperPress, London, 2012), p.166
87. Somerset, op. cit., p.263
88. Leibniz, see Wilkins, op. cit, Vol. 1, p.27
89. Arkell, op. cit, p.10
90. Sophie Charlotte to Hans Caspar von Bothmer, 1 October 1703, see Doebner, Richard, ed., op. cit., p.37
91. See National Archives, SP89/18/42, Paul Methuen to Sir Charles Hedges, 12 March 1704
92. Gerhard Wolter Molanus, Abbé of Loccum, to Leibniz, 4 June 1700, in Strickland, Lloyd, The Philosophy of Sophie, Electress of Hanover, Hypatia, Vol. 24 no 2 (spring 2009), p.195
93. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.34
94. Arkell, op. cit., p.11
95. Ibid., p.12
96. Ibid.
97. Ibid.
98. See National Archives, SP105/85/42v, Frederick III of Brandenburg to Thomas Ernest von Danckelmann, 6 December 1692
99. Arkell, op. cit., pp.11–12
100. Ibid., p.13 and p.307, note
101. Ibid., p.13
102. Ibid., pp.29–30
103. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.31
104. Ibid., p.27
105. Arkell, op. cit., p.29
106. Brown, Gregory, op. cit., p.83
107. Arkell, op. cit., p.29
108. Sophie Charlotte to Hans Caspar von Bothmer, 1 November 1704, see Doebner, Richard, ed., op. cit., p.59
109. A Character of her Highness the Princess ***, attempted by Richard Hollings, MD, in Private Correspondence of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, 2 vols (Henry Colburn, London, 1838), Vol. 2, p.207
110. See National Archives, SP105/60/9/2, George Stepney to James Vernon, 12 August 1693
111. Sophie Charlotte of Prussia to Hans Caspar von Bothmer, 21 June and 11 October 1704, see Doebner, Richard, ed., op. cit., p.50 and p.57
112. Ibid., Sophie Charlotte of Prussia to Hans Caspar von Bothmer, 9 September 1704, p.57
113. Hanham, Andrew, ‘Caroline of Brandenburg-Ansbach and the “Anglicisation” of the House of Hanover’, in Campbell Orr, Clarissa, ed., Queenship in Europe 1660–1815: The Role of the Consort (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004)
114. Wilkins, op. cit., p.29
115. See Marschner, op. cit., p.188, note 11
116. See National Archives, SP90/3/90, Thomas Wentworth, Lord Raby to Robert Harley, 4 November 1704
117. See National Archives, SP90/3/99, Thomas Wentworth, Lord Raby to Robert Harley, 11 November 1704
118. Sophie Charlotte to Hans Caspar von Bothmer, 2 December 1704, see Doebner, Richard, ed., op. cit., p.61
119. Brown, Gregory, op. cit., p.84
120. Wilkins, op. cit., p.30
121. Sophie of Hanover to Hans Caspar von Bothmer, 14 November 1704, see Doebner, Richard, ed., op. cit., p.231
122. Thompson, op. cit., p.29
123. Brown, Gregory, op. cit., p.84
124. Wilkins, op. cit., p.31
125. Sophie Charlotte to Hans Caspar von Bothmer, 6 November 1703, see Doebner, Richard, ed., op. cit., p.38
126. Ibid., Sophie of Hanover to Baron von Schütz, 28 June 1705, p.196
127. Rosenthal, op. cit., p.32
128. See National Archives, SP90/3/242, Thomas Wentworth, Lord Raby to Robert Harley, 14 March 1705, and SP90/3/280, Thomas Wentworth, Lord Raby to Robert Harley, 14 April 1705
129. Wilkins, op. cit., p.50
130. See National Archives, SP90/3/202, Thomas Wentworth, Lord Raby to Robert Harley, 14 February 1705
131. Ingrao, Charles W., and Thomas, Andrew L., ‘Imperial Consorts, Piety and Power’, in Campbell Orr, ed., op. cit. (Queenship in Europe), p.113
132. Ibid., p.112
133. See Lambeth Palace Library, Miscellaneous Papers, MS 935, no 20
134. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Lady Rich, 1 December 1716, see Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 1, p.288
135. Clarke, Alured, op. cit., p.14
136. Smith, Hannah, op. cit., p.34
137. Jones, Thomas, The Rise and Progress of the Most Honourable and Loyal Society of Antient Britons (W. Wilkins, London, 1717), p.61
138. Cowper, Hon C.S., ed., Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper, Lady of the Bedchamber to the Princess of Wales, 1714–1720 (John Murray, London, 1864), p.41
139. Addison, Joseph, ‘To Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, With the Tragedy of Cato. Nov. 1714’
140. Bertoloni Meli, Domenico, Caroline, Leibniz and Clarke, Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 60, no 3 (1999), p.473
Chapter II: Electoral Princess
1. Van der Kiste, John, King George II and Queen Caroline (Sutton Publishing, Stroud, 1997), p.9
2. See Black, Jeremy, op. cit. (George II), p.72; Chenevix Trench, Charles, George II (Allen Lane, London, 1973), p.7
3. Sophie Charlotte to Hans Caspar von Bothmer, 9 December 1702, see Doebner, Richard, ed., op. cit., p.28
4. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Lady Rich, 1 December 1716, see Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 1, p.288
5. See National Archives, SP90/3/242, Thomas Wentworth, Lord Raby, to Robert Harley, 14 March 1705
6. Wilkins, op. cit., p.42
7. Ibid.
8. Clarke, Alured, op. cit., p.5
9. Arkell, op. cit., p.19
10. Clarke, Alured, op. cit., p.5; Plumb, J.H., England in the Eighteenth Century (Pelican, London, 1960), p.42
11. Arkell, op. cit., p.23
12. Wilkins, op. cit., pp.47–8
13. See Shropshire Archives, MI5444/18, Thomas Wentworth, Lord Raby, to George Stepney, 7 July 1705
14. Worsley, op. cit., p.10
15. Wilkins, op. cit., p.52
16. See Arkell, op. cit., p.22; copy of Caroline’s will, Devonshire Collections, Chatsworth House
17. Thompson, op. cit., p.30
18. See National Archives, SP90/3/352 and SP90/3/358, Thomas Wentworth, Lord Raby to Robert Harley, 25 July 1705 and 1 August 1705
19. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.30 and p.56
20. Kroll, op. cit. (Sophie), p.215
21. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Raugravine Amalie Elisabeth von Degenfeld, 20 August 1705, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), p.121
22. Van der Kiste, op. cit., p.35
23. Clarke, Alured, op. cit., p.17
24. Somerset, Anne, op. cit., p.163
25. Kroll, op. cit. (Sophie), p.203
26. Ibid., p.217
27. See Glowienka, Edward W., review of Leibniz and the Two Sophies: The Philosophical Correspondence, ed. Lloyd Strickland, Journal of the History of Philosophy, Vol. 50, no 4, October 2012, pp.617–18
28. Brown, Gregory, op. cit., p.77
29. Hatton, op. cit., p.47
30. See Lambeth Palace Library, Miscellaneous Papers, MS 930/16
31. See Lambeth Palace Library, Miscellaneous Papers, MS 930/186–9
32. See Lambeth Palace Library, Miscellaneous Papers, MS 930/216
33. British Library, Stowe MS 222, Hanover Papers Vol. 1 (ff525)
34. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), pp.149–50
35. Ibid., p.149
36. Brown, Gregory, op. cit., p.86
37. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, pp.49–50
38. Arkell, op. cit., p.24
39. See British Museum, collection number 1982,U.536
40. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Sophie of Hanover, 11 January 1711, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), p.145
41. Vivian, Frances, A Life of Frederick, Prince of Wales, 1707–1751: A Connoisseur of the Arts (The Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, 2006), p.61
42. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Lady Bristol, 25 November 1716, and Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Lady Mar, 17 December 1716, see Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 1, pp.286, 290
43. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Lady Mar, 17 December 1716, see Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 1, p.290
44. Thompson, op. cit., p.20
45. See National Archives, SP105/84/23, J. Schweinfurt to George Stepney, 18 January 1692
46. Chenevix Trench, op. cit., p.5, and p.302, note 12; Borman, op. cit., p.41
47. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Sophie, Electress of Hanover, 21 April 1704, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), pp.114–15; Hatton, op. cit., p.98
48. Hatton, op. cit., p.97
49. Greenwood, Alice Drayton, Lives of the Hanoverian Queens of England (George Bell & Sons, London, 1909), p.154
50. Borman, op. cit., p.42
51. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.57
52. Hatton, op. cit., p.91
53. Kroll, op. cit. (Sophie), p.216; Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.65
54. Kroll, op. cit. (Sophie), p.216
55. Moore, Lucy, Amphibious Thing: The Life of Lord Hervey (Viking, London, 2000), p.163
56. Kroll, op. cit. (Sophie), p.187
57. See Hatton, op. cit., p.62
58. See Smith, Hannah, op. cit., p.6
59. Marlow, Joyce, The Life and Times of George I (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1973), p.21
60. Van der Kiste, John, The Georgian Princesses (Sutton Publishing, Stroud, 2000)
61. Black, Jeremy, The Hanoverians: The History of a Dynasty (Hambledon & London, London, 2004), p.57
62. Somerset, Anne, op. cit., pp.36–7
63. Ibid.
64. Hatton, op. cit., p.41
65. Coxe, William, Memoirs of the Life and Administration of Sir Robert Walpole, Earl of Orford, 4 vols (London, 1816), Vol. 1, p.151
66. Kroll, op. cit. (Sophie), p.87
67. Thackeray, William Makepeace, The Four Georges (London, 1860), p.45; Sinclair-Stevenson, Christopher, Blood Royal: The Illustrious House of Hanover (Jonathan Cape, London, 1979), p.25
68. See National Archives, SP105/84/24, J. Schweinfurt to George Stepney, 3 February 1692
69. Van der Kiste, op. cit. (Georgian Princesses)
70. Sinclair-Stevenson, op. cit., p.25
71. See National Archives, SP105/54/40v, George Stepney to William Blathwayt, 20 July 1694
72. Gold, Claudia, The King’s Mistress: The True and Scandalous Story of the Woman who Stole the Heart of George I (Quercus, London, 2012), p.60
73. See National Archives, SP105/54/52, George Stepney to William Blathwayt, 3 August 1694
74. See National Archives, SP105/54/28v, George Stepney to Thomas Wentworth, 19 June 1694
75. Greenwood, op. cit., p.115
76. Ibid., p.117
77. Ibid.
78. Van der Kiste, op. cit. (Georgian Princesses)
79. Hatton, op. cit., p.333, note 14
80. Greenwood, op. cit., p.122
81. Van der Kiste, op. cit. (Georgian Princesses), p.34
82. Hatton, op. cit., p.69
83. See National Archives, SP105/54/40v, George Stepney to William Blathwayt, 20 July 1694
84. Greenwood, op. cit., p.101
85. Gold, op. cit., p.61
86. Clarke, Alured, op. cit., p.9
87. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, pp.65–6
88. Greenwood, op. cit., p.150
89. Gold, op. cit., p.77
90. Vivian, op. cit., p.14
91. Worsley, op. cit., p.135; Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to his son, 11 February 1751, in Mahon, Lord, The Letters of Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, 4 vols (Richard Bentley, London, 1845), Vol. 2, p.98
92. See National Archives, SP87/3/5, John, Duke of Marlborough to Henry Boyle, 27 April 1708
93. Hibbert, Christopher, The Marlboroughs: John and Sarah Churchill 1650–1744 (Viking, London, 2001), p.160 and p.183
94. See National Archives, SP81/161/434, Edmund Poley papers, undated
95. Arkell, op. cit., p.44
96. Ibid., p.34
97. Thompson, op. cit., p.22
98. Greenwood, op. cit., p.151
99. Royal Collection RCIN 406073, Sir Godfrey Kneller, George II when Prince of Wales, 1716
100. Rosenthal, op. cit., p.40
101. Arkell, op. cit., p.46
102. Greenwood, op. cit., p.166
103. Thompson, op. cit., p.22
104. Sophie of Hanover to Baron von Schütz, 30 October 1705, see Doebner, Richard, ed., op. cit., p.199
105. Robbins Landon, H.C., Handel and his World (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1984), p.83
106. Yorke-Long, op. cit.
107. Sophie of Hanover to Baron von Schütz, 8 December 1705, see Doebner, Richard, ed., op. cit., p.200
108. Arkell, op. cit., p.31
109. ‘distemper’, see Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.89; Arkell, op. cit., p.33
110. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Lady Bristol, 25 November 1716, see Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 1, p.286
111. Sophie of Hanover to Hans Caspar von Bothmer, 5 April 1707, see Doebner, Richard, ed., op. cit., p.246
112. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.90
113. Somerset, Anne, op. cit., p.210
114. Murray, General the Right Hon Sir George, Letters and Dispatches of John Churchill, First Duke of Marlborough, from 1702 to 1712 (John Murray, London, 1845), Vol. 3, p.309
115. Somerset, Anne, op. cit., p.293
116. Van der Kiste, op. cit. (George II and Queen Caroline), p.21
117. Addison, Joseph, op. cit.
118. Batey, Mavis, The Pleasures of the Imagination: Joseph Addison’s Influences on Early Landscape Gardens, Garden History, Vol. 33, no 2 (2005), p.205
119. Sophie of Hanover to Hans Caspar von Bothmer, 11 January 1707, see Doebner, Richard, ed., op. cit., p.242
120. Seward, Desmond, Renishaw Hall: The Story of the Sitwells (Elliott & Thompson, London, 2015), p.21
121. Conduitt, John, ‘To The Queen’, in The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended, Isaac Newton (London, 1728), p.x
122. See Sundt Urstad, Tone, Sir Robert Walpole’s Poets: The Use of Literature as Pro-Government Propaganda, 1721–1742 (Associated University Presses, London & Newark, 1999), pp.164–5
123. Leibniz to John Toland, 6 October 1707, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek, Hanover, LBr933Bl.12r
124. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.14; Clarke, Alured, op. cit., p.9
125. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 2, p.287
126. See letter, George Augustus to Caroline, undated, qu Arkell, op. cit., p.46
127. Vivian, op. cit., pp.15–16
128. Clarke, Alured, op. cit., pp.21–2
129. Kroll, op. cit. (Sophie), p.233
130. Arkell, op. cit., p.46
131. Ibid.
132. Sophie of Hanover to Hans Caspar von Bothmer, 9 November 1709, see Doebner, Richard, ed., op. cit., p.288
133. Arkell, op. cit., p.46; Baker-Smith, Veronica, A Life of Anne of Hanover, Princess Royal (Brill, 1995), p.6
134. Van der Kiste, op. cit. (Georgian Princesses), p.36
135. Thompson, op. cit., p.26
136. Somerset, Anne, op. cit., p.293
137. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Sophie of Hanover, 14 April 1712, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), p.158
138. Brooks, William, Nostalgia in the letters of Elisabeth Charlotte, the second Madame, Cahiers du 17e siècle, 10 (2006), p.7; Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Raugravine Luise von Degenfeld, 16 September 1714, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), p.167
139. Mademoiselle Schutz to Mary, Countess Cowper, 11 September 1710, Hertfordshire Records Collection, DE/P/F204
140. Thompson, op. cit., p.41
141. Worsley, op. cit., p.10; Sophie of Hanover to Hans Caspar von Bothmer, 29 April 1712, see Doebner, Richard, ed., op. cit., p.320
142. Clarke, Alured, op. cit., p.5
143. Hatton, op. cit., p.132, note 66
144. John Gay to Charles Ford, 7 August 1714, in Burgess, C.F., ed., The Letters of John Gay (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1966), p.12
145. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, pp.83–4
146. Murray, ed., op. cit., Vol. 5, p.415
147. Borman, op. cit., p.39
148. Black, op. cit. (Hanoverians), p.39
149. Borman, op. cit., p.30; Sedgwick, Romney, ed., Lord Hervey’s Memoirs (William Kimber, London, 1952), p.75
150. Worsley, op. cit., p.10
151. See Royal Collection RCIN420182
152. Quennell, op. cit., p.37; Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 2, p.52
153. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), p.74
154. The Flying Post, 12 October 1714
155. ‘low cunning’, Grundy, Isobel, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Comet of the Enlightenment (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1999); Clarke, Alured, op. cit., p.8
156. Borman, op. cit., p.38
157. Arkell, op. cit., p.65
158. The Flying Post, 12 October 1714
159. Campbell Orr, ed., op. cit. (Queenship in Europe), p.284
160. Borman, op. cit., p.102
161. Melville, op. cit., p.64
162. Ibid., p.61
163. Worsley, op. cit., p.370, note 20
164. Ibid., p.139; Bryant, Julius, Mrs Howard: A Woman of Reason (1688–1767) (English Heritage, London, 1988), p.7
165. Melville, op. cit., p.61
166. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.97
167. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Caroline, Princess of Wales, 19 March 1716, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), p.182
168. See Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.102
169. Ibid.
170. Ibid., Vol. 1, pp.103–4
171. Ibid.
172. Marlow, op. cit., p.63
173. Anderson Winn, James, Queen Anne: Patroness of Arts (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2014), p.631
174. Van der Kiste, op. cit. (King George II and Queen Caroline), p.23
175. Somerset, Anne, op. cit., p.505
176. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.109
177. See British Library, Stowe MS 242, Vol. II, ff218.12
178. Arkell, op. cit., p.56
179. Ibid.
180. Kroll, op. cit. (Sophie), p.246
181. John Arbuthnot to Jonathan Swift, 12 August 1714, in Dean Swift’s Works, 19 vols (London, 1801), Vol. 11
182. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Edward Wortley Montagu, 3 August 1714, see Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 1, p.213
183. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Herr von Harling, 5 April 1716, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), p.183
184. See William Adolphus Ward, Dictionary of National Biography, entry Caroline of Ansbach
185. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.258
186. ‘A Ceremonial for the Reception of His Most Sacred Majesty, George, By the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, etc, Upon His Arrival from Holland to his Kingdom of Great Britain’, 6 September 1714, Royal Archives RA GEO/ADD/1/17
187. Beattie, John M., The English Court in the Reign of George I (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1967), pp.258–9; Tillyard, Stella, A Royal Affair: George III and his Troublesome Siblings (Chatto & Windus, London, 2006), p.12
188. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.196
189. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Sophie of Hanover, 7 January 1714, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), p.162
190. Sackville-West, V., Knole and the Sackvilles (Ernest Benn, London, 1922), p.151
191. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), pp.23–4
192. Ibid., p.2
193. Ibid.
194. Campbell Orr, Clarissa, ed., Queenship in Britain 1660–1837: Royal Patronage, Court Culture and Dynastic Politics (Manchester University Press, Manchester, 2002), p.160
Chapter I: Princess of Wales
1. Hatton, Edward, A New View of London, 1708, quoted in White, Jerry, London in the Eighteenth Century: A Great and Monstrous Thing (Vintage, London, 2012), p.1
2. The Private Diary of William, First Earl Cowper (E. Williams, Eton, 1833), 21 September 1714
3. Defoe, Daniel, see The Review, 25 June 1709
4. Addison, Joseph, op. cit.
5. Seward, op. cit., pp.21–2; Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.104
6. The Daily Courant, 12 October 1714
7. British Museum, collection number 1888,0515.51
8. ‘Wilhelmina Charlotta, Princessin von Wallis’, anonymous print, c. 1705–27, British Museum, collection number Bb,8.272
9. Gay, John, Poems on Several Occasions (London, 1752), pp.4–6
10. Worsley, Lucy and Souden, David, Hampton Court Palace: The Official Illustrated History (Merrell, London, 2005), p.82
11. Addison, Joseph, op. cit.
12. Campbell Orr, op. cit. (Queenship in Europe), p.285
13. Arkell, op. cit., p.80
14. Campbell Orr, op. cit. (Queenship in Europe), p.286
15. Jones, Thomas, The Rise and Progress of the Most Honourable and Loyal Society of Antient Britons (W. Wilkins, London, 1717), p.56
16. Jones, Mary, Miscellanies in Prose and Verse (Oxford, 1750), pp.367–8
17. Thompson, op. cit., p.40
18. See British Museum, collection number 1877,1013.1178
19. Brett, Cécile, Revealing Thornhill’s mythological scene at Hampton Court, British Art Journal, Vol. 13, no 3 (winter 2012/13), p.4
20. See Royal Collection RCIN603771 and National Portrait Gallery NPG/D33029
21. Jones, Thomas, op. cit., p.25
22. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.150
23. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.38
24. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 1, p.287; Baker-Smith, op. cit., p.8
25. See Robbins Landon, op. cit., p.74
26. Defoe, Daniel, A Tour Thro the Whole Island of Great Britain, 3 vols (London, 1724–27), Vol. 1, p.12
27. The British Museum owns a set of Pierce Tempest’s edition of 1688 of Laroon’s The Cryes of the City of London Drawne after the Life, including, for example, ‘Buy a fine singing Bird’, collection number 1972,U.370.10
28. Van Muyden, Madame, trans. and ed., A Foreign View of England in the Reigns of George I and George II: The Letters of Monsieur César de Saussure to his Family (John Murray, London, 1902), p.177
29. Dobrée, Bonamy, The Early Eighteenth Century 1700–1740: Swift, Defoe, and Pope (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1959), p.6
30. Black, Jeremy, Politics and Foreign Policy in the Age of George I, 1714–27 (Ashgate, Farnham, 2014), p.43
31. Van Muyden, op. cit., p.193
32. Worsley, op. cit., p.20
33. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.151; Hughes, Helen, ed., The Gentle Hertford: Her Life and Letters (Macmillan, London, 1940), p.209
4. See Smith, Hannah, op. cit., p.118
35. Jones, Thomas, op. cit., p.24
36. Wright, Gillian, Producing Women’s Poetry, 1600–1730: Text and Paratext, Manuscript and Print (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2013), p.216
37. Gay, John, Poems on Several Occasions, op. cit., p.6
38. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon) Vol. 1, p.66
39. Smith, Hannah, op. cit., p.35
40. See White, Jerry, op. cit., p.139
41. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.41
42. The Daily Courant, 31 January 1733, quoted in Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 2, p.226
43. Black, Jeremy, op. cit. (Hanoverians), p.51
44. Field, Ophelia, The Favourite: Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 2002), p.340
45. See Marschner, op. cit., p.12
46. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 1, p.104
47. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.102
48. Peter Wentworth papers, p.431, quoted in Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 2, p.69; Clarke, Alured, op. cit., p.14
49. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.102
50. Black, Jeremy, op. cit. (George II), p.47
51. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.187; Smith, Hannah, op. cit., p.118
52. Marco Ricci, ‘View of the Mall in St James’s Park, after 1709–10’, National Art Gallery, Washington, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Collection 1970.17.132: see Einberg, Elizabeth, et al., Manners and Morals: Hogarth and British Painting 1700–1760 (Tate Gallery Publications, London, 1987), p.37; Hughes, Helen, ed., op. cit., p.65
53. John Gay to Charles Ford, 30 December 1714, in Burgess, C.F., ed., op. cit., p.16
54. Marschner, Joanna, and Bindman, David, Enlightened Princesses: Caroline, Augusta, Charlotte and the Shaping of the Modern World (Yale University Press, New Haven & London, 2017), p.208
55. Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), p.189, note 13; Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.162
56. Dudley Ryder, quoted in Worsley, op. cit., p.169
57. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.201
58. Strong, Roy, Coronation: A History of Kingship and the British Monarchy (HarperCollins, London, 2005), p.372
59. Black, Jeremy, op. cit. (A Subject for Taste), p.29
60. Robbins Landon, op. cit., p78
61. Christian Friedrich Zincke, Caroline of Ansbach, c. 1716–20, Royal Collection RCIN 421942
62. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.4
63. Marlow, op. cit., p.80
64. Monod, Paul Kleber, Jacobitism and the English People, 1688–1788 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1993), p.175
65. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.5; see National Archives, SP55/3/10, the Duke of Montrose to the Earl of Kinnoull, 9 October 1714
66. Campbell Orr, ed., op. cit. (Queenship in Britain), p.146
67. Hatton, op. cit., p.352, note 65
68. Gay, John, Poems on Several Occasions, op. cit., p.10
69. Bryant, op. cit., p.8
70. Marschner and Bindman, op. cit., p.204
71. Campbell Orr, ed., op. cit. (Queenship in Britain), p.168
72. Thompson, op. cit., p.40
73. Beattie, op. cit., p.264; Black, op. cit. (A Subject for Taste), p.32
74. Arkell, op. cit., p.79
75. Sheppard, Edgar, Memorial of St James’s Palace, 2 vols (Longmans, Green & Co., London, 1894), pp.8–10
76. See ibid., p.11
77. See ibid., p.10
78. Souden, David, Royal Palaces of London (Merrell, London, 2008), p.149
79. Beattie, op. cit., note, p.9; Thompson, op. cit., pp.45, 62
80. Hatton, op. cit., p.143
81. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), pp.8–9; Beattie, op. cit., p.265
82. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Edward Wortley Montagu, 23 October 1714, see Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 1, p.233
83. Ibid.
84. Quoted in Moore, op. cit., p.19
85. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.14
86. ‘worst sollicitor’, Beattie, op. cit., p.162. See Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Edward Wortley Montagu, 24 September 1714: ‘I don’t say ’tis impossible for an Impudent Man not to rise in the World, but a Moderate Merit with a large share of Impudence is more probable to be advanc’d than the greatest Qualifications without it.’ In Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 1, pp.226–7
87. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.26
88. Clarke, Alured, op. cit., p.6
89. Gold, op. cit., p.166
90. Somerset, Anne, Ladies in Waiting: From the Tudors to the Present Day (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1984), p.201
91. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.7
92. Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, 1718, Royal Archives RA GEO/ADD/28/40
93. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.10
94. see Harris, Frances, A Passion for Government: The Life of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1991), pp.204–5; Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, 8 December 1719, Royal Archives RA GEO/ADD/28/56
95. Smith, Hannah, The Court in England, 1714–1760: A Declining Political Institution?, History, Vol. 90, no 1 (January 2005), p.37
96. Grundy, Isobel, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu and the Theatrical Eclogue, Lumen, 17 (1998), note 14
97. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), p.66
98. Greenwood, op. cit., p.189
99. Worsley, Lucy and Souden, David, op. cit., p.81
100. Beattie, op. cit., p.262
101. Quoted in Melville, op. cit., p.50
102. Burchard, Wolf, St James’s Palace: George II’s and Queen Caroline’s Principal London Residence, Court Historian, 2011, p.182
103. Smith, Hannah, op. cit. (Georgian Monarchy), p.206
104. Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield to G. Bubb Dodington, 20 August 1716, in Mahon, Lord, The Letters of Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, 4 vols (Richard Bentley, London, 1845), Vol. 1, p.12
105. Quoted in Greenwood, op. cit., p.184
106. See Liselotte’s letter to Caroline of 15 December 1719: ‘When the princesses du sang or other ladies ate with the King, they were not served by gentilhommes servants but by officers of the King’s household, who used to wait from behind the chairs like pages.’ See Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), p.218
107. Princess Anne, daughter of George II and Caroline, on Caroline’s behalf, to Charlotte Clayton, undated [1730?], Royal Archives RA GEO/ADD/28/69
108. Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, both undated, Royal Archives RA GEO/ADD/28/29 and RA GEO/ADD/28/26
109. ‘Merry pranks’, see Worsley, op. cit., p.105
110. Campbell Orr, ed., op. cit. (Queenship in Britain), p.147; Jones, Mary, op. cit., p.361
111. Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, undated [March?] 1719, Royal Archives RA GEO/ADD/28/50
112. Marschner, op. cit., p.12
113. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 1, p.122
114. Quoted in Melville, op. cit., pp.102–3
115. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.19
116. Cumming, Valerie, Royal Dress: The Image and the Reality 1580 to the Present Day (Batsford, London, 1989), p.48; Hatton, op. cit., p.143
117. Worsley, op. cit., p.363, note 91; Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), p.12
118. Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), pp.152–3
119. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Raugravine Luise von Degenfeld, 10 May 1715, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), pp.172–3
120. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.79
121. Ibid., p.21, p.89
122. Brett, Cécile, op. cit., p.8, note 6
123. Sinclair-Stevenson, op. cit., p.60
124. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Raugravine Luise von Degenfeld, 23 April 1715, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), p.171
125. Chenevix Trench, op. cit., p.39
126. Pricy Council, see Black, Jeremy, op. cit. (George II), p.43; Civil List, see Hatton, op. cit., pp.144–5; Thompson, op. cit., p.63
127. See Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.104
128. Quoted in Smith, Hannah, op. cit. (Georgian Monarchy), p.207
129. Unsigned memorandum, 22 November 1722, Royal Archives RA GEO/MAIN/52715–6
130. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Edward Wortley Montagu, 3 August 1714, see Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 1, p.213
131. Anonymous, ‘A Sacred Ode to King George’, Bodleian Library broadsheet ballads collection, BOD20209, Roud number V7971
132. Anonymous, ‘An Excellent New Ballad’, Bodleian Library broadsheet ballads collection, MS. Rawl. poet. 207 (136, 137)
133. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Raugravine Luise von Degenfeld, 23 April 1715, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), p.172
134. Dickson, Patricia, Red John of the Battles (Sidgwick & Jackson, London, 1973), p.179
135. Ibid., p.188
136. Ibid., p.189
137. Quoted in Smith, Hannah, op. cit. (Georgian Monarchy), p.215; ‘A Poem on Her Majesty’s Birthday, 1731–2’, in The Poetical Works of Richard Savage, 2 vols (Apollo Press, Edinburgh, 1780)
138. Baker-Smith, Veronica, Royal Discord: The Family of George II (Athena Press, London, 2008), p.26
139. Quoted in Beattie, op. cit., p.262
140. Clarke, Alured, op. cit., p.9
141. Dobrée, op. cit., p.381
142. Marschner, op. cit., p.102
143. See Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.72
144. Marsden, Jean I, Sex, Politics, and She-Tragedy: Reconfiguring Lady Jane Grey, Studies in English Literature, 1500–1900, Vol. 42, no 3 (2002), p.502, p.514
145. John Gay and Alexander Pope to John Caryll, April 1715, in Burgess, C.F., ed., op. cit., p.23
146. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.99
147. Ibid.
148. Campbell Orr, op. cit. (Queenship in Britain), p.147
149. Van Muyden, Madame, op. cit., p.177
150. Prescott, Sarah, op. cit., p.2
151. Jones, Thomas, op. cit., p.28
152. Ibid., p.55
153. Quoted in Smith, Hannah, op. cit. (Georgian Monarchy), p.199
154. Morgan-Guy, John, and Gibson, William, Religion and Society in the Diocese of St Davids 1485–2011 (Routledge, 2015), p.126
155. Jones, Thomas, op. cit., p.44
156. The Musical Times, 1878 volume, p.484
157. Jones, Thomas, op. cit., p.45
158. Walpole, Horace, Reminiscences, written in 1788, for the amusement of Miss Mary and Miss Agnes B***y (London, 1818), p.27
159. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.284
160. Quoted in Worsley, op. cit., p.102
161. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.28
162. Ibid., p.79
163. Hatton, op. cit., p.196
164. Black, Jeremy, op. cit. (George II), p.45
165. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.109
166. Ibid., p.115
167. Royal Collection RCIN/405313
168. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.105
169. Arkell, op. cit., p.93
170. Baker-Smith, op. cit. (Anne), p.12
171. Royal Collection RCIN404986
172. Quoted in Worsley, op. cit., p.195
173. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Lady Bristol, 25 November 1716, see Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 1, p.286
174. Campbell Orr, op. cit. (Queenship in Britain), p.147; Mahaffey, Kathleen, Pope’s ‘Artemisia’ and ‘Phryne’ as Personal Satire, The Review of English Studies, Vol. 21, no 84 (1970), p.466; Rosenthal, ed., op. cit., p.85; Impey, Edward, Kensington Palace: The Official Illustrated History (Merrell, London, 2003), p.70
175. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Raugravine Luise von Degenfeld, 4 January 1715, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), p.169
176. Thomas Tickell, ‘Kensington Gardens’, 1722
177. ‘A proportion of table linen to serve Their Royall Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales and Family for Fourteen days as ye service was at Hampton Court’, 15 October 1715, Royal Archives RA GEO/ADD/1/28
178. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.121; Borman, op. cit., p.75
179. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.125; Greenwood, op. cit., p.208; Smith, Hannah, op. cit. (Georgian Monarchy), p.101
180. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.117
181. Quoted in Chenevix Trench, op. cit., p.67
182. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.125
183. Ibid., pp.93–5
184. Clarke, Alured, op. cit., p.19
185. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 1, p.334
186. Matthews, William, ed., The Diary of Dudley Ryder 1715–1716 (Methuen & Co., London, 1939), p.298
187. Campbell Orr, ed., op. cit., p.148
188. Borman, op. cit., p.71
189. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.121
190. Borman, op. cit., p.75
191. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.114
192. Ibid., p.123
193. Ibid.
194. Ibid., pp.123–4
195. Scott, Walter, The Heart of Midlothian (Archibald Constable & Co., Edinburgh, 1818), see Chapter 36
196. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 1, p.334
197. See Thompson, op. cit., p.47
198. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.117
199. Hatton, op. cit., p.199
200. Baroness von Gemmingen, to Mary, Countess Cowper, 9 October 1716, Hertfordshire Record Office, DE/P/F203
201. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Raugravine Luise von Degenfeld, 19 November 1716, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), p.185
202. Quoted in Worsley, op. cit., p.233
203. Dr White Kennett to Mr Blackwell, in Ellis, Henry, ed., Original Letters Illustrative of English History, 4 vols (Harding and Lepard, London, 1827), Vol. 4, p.299
204. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.126
205. Ibid., p.127
206. Ibid.; Ellis, Henry, ed., op. cit., Vol. 4, p.299
207. Smith, Hannah, op. cit. (Georgian Monarchy), p.233
208. Ibid., p.208
209. Quoted in Worsley, op. cit., p.31
210. Quoted in Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.275
211. Anonymous, ‘An Elegy upon the Young Prince’, Bodleian Library broadsheet ballads collection, MS. Rawl. poet. 207 (151–153)
212. Quoted in Chenevix Trench, op. cit., p.117
213. Black, Jeremy, op. cit. (George II), p.46
214. Borman, op. cit., p.79
215. Melville, op. cit., p.25
216. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Raugravine Luise von Degenfeld, 9 December 1717, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), p.191
217. Hatton, op. cit., p.200
218. Worsley, op. cit., p.35
219. Robbins Landon, op. cit., p.91
220. Sinclair-Stevenson, op. cit., p.60
221. Hatton, op. cit., p.215, note
222. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.284
223. ‘Message from the late King to Prince of Wales, with the Answers’, undated, Royal Archives RA GEO/MAIN/54046
224. Ibid.
225. Clarke, Alured, p.22
226. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.284
Chapter II: Leicester House
1. Cowie, Leonard W, Leicester House, History Today, Vol. 23 (1973)
2. British Museum, collection number BM1880,1113.2999
3. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Raugravine Luise von Degenfeld, 27 August 1719, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), pp.213–14
4. Thompson, op. cit., p.63; Connor, T.P., Colen Campbell as Architect to the Prince of Wales, Architectural History, Vol. 22 (1979), p.70, note 6
5. Baker-Smith, op. cit. (Royal Discord), p.30
6. Tillyard, op. cit., p.21
7. See White, Christopher, The Dutch Pictures in the Collection of Her Majesty the Queen (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1982)
8. See van der Kiste, op. cit. (King George II and Queen Caroline), p.67
9. Anonymous, ‘An Elegy upon the Young Prince’, Bodleian Library broadsheet ballads collection, MS. Rawl. poet. 207 (151–153)
10. Campbell Orr, ed., op. cit. (Queenship in Britain), p.151
11. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Raugravine Luise von Degenfeld, 24 February 1718, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), pp.192–3
12. See Borman, op. cit., p.85
13. See Stephen Taylor, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, entry William Wake
14. Hatton, op. cit., pp.353–4, note; Somerset, Anne, op. cit. (Ladies in Waiting), p.212
15. To Lady Cowper, undated, Hertfordshire Record Office, DE/P/D203
16. Somerset, Anne, op. cit. (Ladies in Waiting), p.214
17. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 1, p.332
18. Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, 30 July 1719, Royal Archives RA GEO/ADD/28/53
19. Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, 8 May 1716, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/28/36
20. Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, undated [late 1717 to early 1718], Royal Archives GEO/ADD/28/38
21. Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, 1 March 1719, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/28/52
22. Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, undated [after January 1718], Royal Archives GEO/ADD/28/46
23. Baroness von Gemmingen to Mary, Countess Cowper, 12 July 1718, Hertfordshire Record Office, DE/P/203
24. Clarke, Alured, op. cit., p.13
25. See Melville, op. cit., pp.180–1
26. Greenwood, op. cit., p.243
27. Cowie, op. cit.
28. Greenwood, op. cit. p.244
29. British Library, BL Add MS.22627, fol.13
30. Melville, op. cit., p.202
31. Quoted in Borman, op. cit., p.111
32. Arkell, op. cit., p.132
33. Melville, op. cit., p.239; Bryant, op. cit., p.9
34. See Connor, T.P., op. cit., p.68
35. Melville, op. cit., p.202
36. Walpole, Horace, op. cit. (Memoirs of the Last Ten Years), p.512
37. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 1, p.41
38. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Caroline, Princess of Wales, 11 June 1717, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), pp.187–8
39. Arkell, op. cit., p.132
40. Hughes, ed., op. cit., p.45
41. Beattie, op. cit., p.274
42. Ibid., p.275
43. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 1, p.78
44. Tite, Catherine, ‘The Choice of Paris’: Representing Frederick, Prince of Wales: a brief reconsideration, British Art Journal, Vol. 9, no 2 (2008), p.26
45. Lord Chancellor Cowper to Lord Chief Justice Parker, 20 January 1718, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/53017
46. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.131
47. Hatton, op. cit., pp.213–14
48. See Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/28/14, GEO/ADD/28/7 and GEO/ADD/28/20, all undated (textual evidence suggests 1726–7 for RA GEO/ADD/28/7)
49. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.317
50. Quoted in Baker-Smith, op. cit. (Anne), p.14
51. Princess Anne to Caroline, undated, Royal Archives GEO/MAIN/52700
52. Arkell, op. cit., p.314, note 49
53. Ibid., p.110
54. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., Some materials towards memoirs of the reign of George II, op. cit., Vol. 2, p.406
55. Groom, Susanne, and Prosser, Lee, Kew Palace: The Official Illustrated History (Merrell, London, 2006), pp.29–30
56. Ibid., p.27
57. Anderson Winn, James, A Window in the Bosom: The Letters of Alexander Pope (Archon Books, Connecticut, 1977), p.70
58. Quoted in Groom and Prosser, op. cit., pp.30–1
59. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.313
60. Groom and Prosser, op. cit., p.29
61. Marschner, Joanna, Baths and Bathing at the Early Georgian Court, Furniture History Society, Vol. 31 (1995), p.24
62. ‘some sort of pleasure’: Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Lady Mar, June 1723, see Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 2, p.25
63. Batey, op. cit., p.205
64. Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), p.34
65. Groom and Prosser, op. cit., p.30
66. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.312
67. Quoted in Chenevix Trench, op. cit., p.124
68. Invoice for household expenses, undated, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/1/41
69. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.319
70. Ibid., p.326
71. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Raugravine Luise von Degenfeld, 31 March 1718, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), p.194
72. Quoted in Borman, op. cit., p.120
73. Black, Jeremy, op. cit. (Hanoverians), p.68
74. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, pp.292–3
75. Gold, op. cit., p.204
76. Instructions to the Dowager Countess of Portland as royal governess, 4 May 1719, Royal Archives GEO/MAIN/53038
77. Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, undated 1719, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/28/51a
78. Clarke, Alured, op. cit., pp.5–6
79. Worsley, op. cit., p.47
80. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 2, pp.162–3
81. Arkell, op. cit., p.137
82. Jonathan Swift, in Johnson, Samuel, The Works of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland; with Prefaces Biographical and Critical (Andrew Miller, London, 1800), Vol. 5, p.421
83. Jonathan Swift, ‘On Poetry, A Rapsody [sic]’
84. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.291
85. See Alexander Pope, Sober Advice from Horace, to the Young Gentleman about Town (London, 1735)
86. Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), p.139
87. Ibid., p.128
88. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 2, p.158
89. John Conduitt, ‘To The Queen’, in Newton, Isaac, op. cit., p.xi
90. Quoted in Worsley, op. cit., p.37
91. Smith, Hannah, op. cit. (Georgian Monarchy), p.201
92. Schaich, Michael, ed., Monarchy and Religion: The Transformation of Royal Culture in Eighteenth-Century Europe (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2007), p.148
93. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.13
94. Ibid., p.14
95. See John Gascoigne, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, entry Samuel Clarke
96. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.17
97. Quoted in Smith, Hannah, op. cit. (Georgian Monarchy), p.91; Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.74
98. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), pp.90–2
99. Greenwood, op. cit., p.284
100. Jay, Emma, op. cit., p.35
101. Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, date 1718, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/28/27
102. Campbell Orr, ed., op. cit. (Queenship in Britain), p.162
103. ‘Detached Anecdotes’, Belfast Monthly Magazine, 31 March 1809
104. Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), p.150
105. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), p.75
106. See Taylor, Stephen, ‘Queen Caroline and the Church of England’, in Taylor, Stephen, Connors, Richard, and Jones, Clyve, eds, Hanoverian Britain and Empire: Essays in Memory of Philip Lawson (The Boydell Press, Woodbridge, 1987)
107. Quoted in Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), p.145; Lord Hervey to Stephen Fox, 30 December 1731, in Ilchester, op. cit., p.131
108. See Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), p.18; Taylor, Stephen, op. cit.
109. Ibid. (Marschner), p.122
110. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.137
111. Quoted in Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.319
112. Ibid., p.320
113. Ibid., p.322
114. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.134
115. See Black, Jeremy, op. cit. (George II), pp.50–1
116. Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, ? March 1719, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/28/51
117. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.134
118. Ibid., p.135
119. Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, 1 March 1719, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/28/52
120. Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, undated, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/28/55
121. Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, 8 December 1719, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/28/17/56
122. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Lady Mar, March 1725, see Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 2, p.50
123. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.128
124. Ibid., p.131
125. Ibid.
126. Ibid.
127. Ibid., p.132
128. Ibid.
129. Ibid., pp.136, 142
130. Ibid., p.164
131. Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, 22 April 1720, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/28/59
132. Van der Kiste, op. cit. (King George II and Queen Caroline), p.73
133. Sloane, Hans, and Birch, Thomas, An Account of Inoculation by Sir Hans Sloane, Bart. Given to Mr Ranby, to be Published, Anno 1736. Communicated by Thomas Birch, DD, Secret RS, Philosophical Transactions (1683–1775), Vol. 49, published by the Royal Society, p.517
134. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.140
135. Ibid., p.141
136. Ibid., p.150
137. Ibid.
138. Ibid., p.163
139. Arkell, R.L., George I’s Letters to His Daughter, The English Historical Review, Vol. 52, no 207 (July 1937), p.497
140. Thompson, op. cit., p.58
141. Robbins Landon, op. cit., pp.99–100
142. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), pp.151–2
143. Arkell, op. cit. (George I’s Letters), p.497
144. Moore, op. cit., p.163
145. Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, 2 July 1720, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/28/60
146. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 1, p.341
147. Ibid., p.333
148. Arkell, op. cit. (George I’s Letters), p.497
149. Quoted in Worsley, op. cit., p.47
150. Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), p.15
151. Baker-Smith, op. cit. (Royal Discord), p.33
152. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 1, p.123
153. Arkell, op. cit. (George I’s Letters), p.499
154. Ibid., p.127
155. Vivian, op. cit., p.64
156. See Worsley, op. cit., p.123
157. Campbell Orr, op. cit. (Queenship in Britain), p.151
158. Jenkin Thomas Philipps (letters in Latin, translated by Prince William Augustus and Princess Mary), Royal Archives GEO/ADD/1/9, letter 34
159. Sloane, Hans, op. cit., p.518
160. Conduitt, John, ‘To The Queen’, in Newton, Isaac, op. cit., p.v
161. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 2, p.152
162. Quoted in Chenevix Trench, op. cit., p.126
163. Waller, Maureen, 1700: Scenes from London Life (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 2000), p.64
164. Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), p.189, note 32
165. Martin Maingaud, Princesses Anne, Amelia and Caroline, 1721, Royal Collection, RCIN 404985
166. Arkell, op. cit., p.110
167. Borman, op. cit., p.130
168. Princess Mary, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/1/9, letter 49
169. Princess Mary, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/1/9, letter 26
170. Princess Mary, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/1/9, letter 37
171. Princess Mary, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/1/9, letter 9
172. Princess Mary, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/1/9, letter 8
173. Grundy, op. cit., p.209; Sloane, op. cit., p.518
174. Grundy, op. cit., p.210
175. Ibid., p.211
176. Ibid., p.213
177. Smith, Hannah, op. cit. (Georgian Monarchy), p.93
178. Quoted in Arkell, op. cit., pp.134–5
179. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Lady Mar, June 1723, see Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 2, p.26
180. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Raugravine Luise von Degenfeld, 11 June 1722, see Kroll, op. cit., pp.240–1
181. Black, op. cit. (Hanoverians), p.79
182. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Raugravine Luise von Degenfeld, 11 June 1722, see Kroll, op. cit., p.241
183. Voltaire, François-Marie Arouet, Letters on the English (London, 1733), letter XI
184. Smith, Hannah, op. cit. (Georgian Monarchy), p.94
185. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), pp.161, 174
186. Ibid., p.175
187. Quoted in Smith, Hannah, op. cit. (Georgian Monarchy), p.222
188. Quoted in Borman, op. cit., p.123
189. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.158
190. Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, end 1719, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/28/57
191. Hervey, MD, p.34
192. Quoted in Curteis, Captain Henry, A Forgotten Prince of Wales (Everett & Co., London, 1912), p.63
193. ‘Account of George I’s South Sea stock, by Sir Charles Vernon’, Royal Archives GEO/MAIN/52847
194. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Lady Mar, August 1725, see Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 2, p.54
195. Groom and Prosser, op. cit., p.31
196. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 1, p.121
197. Quoted in Curteis, op. cit., p.61
198. Hughes, op. cit., p.86
199. Ibid., p.65
200. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Lady Mar, 31 October 1723, see Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 2, p.31
201. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.370
202. Ibid.
203. Yorke-Long, op. cit.
204. Ibid.
205. Robbins Landon, op. cit., p.108
206. Quoted in Worsley, op. cit., p.88
207. Ibid., p.110
208. Ibid., p.10
209. Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, 18 October 1725, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/28/61
210. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.21
211. Somerset, Anne, op. cit. (Ladies in Waiting), p.215
212. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.168
213. Hughes, op. cit., p.127
214. Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, 13 July 1726, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/28/62
215. Borman, op. cit., p.127
216. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 1, p.278; Baker-Smith, op. cit. (Anne), p.21
217. Walpole, Horace, op. cit., p.447
218. Borman, op. cit., p.129
219. Lane Furdell, Elizabeth, James Welwood: Physician to the Glorious Revolution (Combined Publishing, Pennsylvania, 1998), p.221
220. Ibid.
221. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 2, p.474
222. Quoted in Worsley, op. cit., p.173
223. Furdell, op. cit., p.261, note 31
224. Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield to Henrietta Howard, 21 October 1728, in Mahon, Lord, ed., op. cit., Vol. 1, p.356
225. Ibid.
226. Quoted in Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), p.133
227. Quoted in Hammond, Eugene, Jonathan Swift: Irish Blow-in (University of Delaware Press, 2016), p.387
228. Ibid., p.393
229. Ibid.
230. Van der Kiste, op. cit. (Georgian Princesses), p.94
231. Marlow, op. cit., p.212
232. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 1, p.28
233. Quoted in Black, Jeremy, op. cit. (George II), p.55
Chapter III: Queen
1. See Smith, Hannah, op. cit. (Georgian Monarchy), p.118
2. Hibbert, Christopher, The Marlboroughs: John and Sarah Churchill 1650–1744 (Viking, London, 2001), p.334
3. Robbins Landon, op. cit., p.115
4. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 2, p.34
5. Verses on the Coronation of their late Majesties King George II and Queen Caroline, October 11, MDCCXXVII (W. Bowyer, London, 1761), p.xv
6. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 1, p.66
7. Quoted in Moore, op. cit., pp.31–2
8. Van Muyden, op. cit., p.205
9. ‘To the Queen’, in Verses on the Coronation, op. cit., p.xv
10. Campbell Orr, ed., op. cit. (Queenship in Europe), p.292
11. Ibid.
12. Strong, op. cit., p.372; Thompson, op. cit., p.73
13. Verses on the Coronation, op. cit., p.xxv
14. Quennell, op. cit., p.124
15. Greenwood, op. cit., p.298
16. Swift, Jonathan, Gulliver’s Travels (Penguin Classics reprint, London, 2003), pp.31–2
17. Quoted in Smith, Hannah, op. cit. (Georgian Monarchy), p.100
18. Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, May 1719, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/28/53
19. Quoted in Hammond, op. cit., p.551
20. Sophie of Hanover to Hans Caspar von Bothmer, 29 September 1708, see Doebner, Richard, ed., op. cit., p.265
21. Hughes, op. cit., p.268
22. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), p.88
23. Arkell, op. cit., p.242
24. Queen Caroline’s jointure, 10 August 1727, Royal Archives GEO/MAIN 52760-6
25. See Urstad, op. cit., p.262, note 19
26. Prescott, op. cit., p.42; Poem XLIII, in Verses on the Coronation, op. cit., p.21
27. Royal Collection RCIN443222
28. Conduitt, John, ‘To The Queen’, in Newton, Isaac, op. cit., p.xii
29. See Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 2, p.151
30. See Yorke-Long, op. cit.
31. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), pp.44–5
32. See Taylor, Stephen, ‘Queen Caroline and the Church of England’, in Taylor, Stephen, Connors, Richard, and Jones, Clyve, eds, op. cit.
33. British Museum, collection number Cc,3.173
34. Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, undated, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/28/18
35. Black, op. cit. (George II), p.89; Richard Savage, The Bastard (1728)
36. Arkell, op. cit., p.153; Black, op. cit. (George II), p.93
37. ‘To the Queen’, in Verses on the Coronation, op. cit., p.xvi
38. Black, Jeremy, Walpole in Power (Sutton Publishing, Stroud, 2001), p.30
39. Ibid.
40. Van Muyden, op. cit., p.227
41. Black, op. cit. (Walpole in Power), p.31
42. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 2, p.44
43. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), p.44
44. Ibid., p.39
45. Quoted in Arkell, op. cit., p.207
46. Black, op. cit. (George II), p.81
47. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), p.39
48. Black, op. cit. (George II), p.87
49. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), p.61
50. Ibid., p.103
51. Ibid., p.106
52. Black, op. cit. (Walpole in Power), p.62
53. Worsley, op. cit., p.150; Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 2, p.42
54. Walpole, Horace, Reminiscences, written in 1788, for the amusement of Miss Mary and Miss Agnes B***y (London, 1818), p.71
55. Ibid., pp.253–4
56. Vivian, op. cit., p.86
57. Ibid., p.87
58. Verses on the Coronation, op. cit., p.xvi
59. Arkell, op. cit., p.158
60. Poem VXLIX, in Verses on the Coronation, op. cit., p.24
61. Jay, Emma, op. cit., p.35
62. Baker-Smith, op. cit. (Anne), p.20; van der Kiste, op. cit. (King George II and Queen Caroline), p.109
63. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Lady Mar, October 1727, see Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 2, p.85
64. Quoted in Smith, Hannah, op. cit. (Georgian Monarchy), p.206
65. Impey, op. cit., p.56
66. Quoted in Greenwood, op. cit., p.347
67. ‘epidemical distempers’, see Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), p.45
68. Thomas Tickell, ‘Kensington Gardens’, 1722
69. White, Christopher, op. cit., 68
70. HMC Manuscripts of the Earl of Egmont, 3 vols (London, 1920–23), Vol. 2, p.445, Vol. 2, p.138
71. See Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), pp.37–40
72. ‘On the Queen’s Mount at Kensington’, anonymous, St James’ Evening Post, 29 March 1733
73. Worsley, op. cit., p.157
74. Lord Hervey to Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, 7 November 1727, see Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 2, p.87
75. Schaich, op. cit., p.148
76. Moore, op. cit., p.83
77. Borman, op. cit., p.177; Sinclair-Stevenson, op. cit., p.65
78. Worsley, op. cit., p.270
79. Quoted in Borman, op. cit., p.164
80. Quoted in Worsley, op. cit., p.152
81. Ibid., p.153
82. Borman, op. cit., p.163
83. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Lady Mar, October 1727, see Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 2, p.86
84. Walpole, Horace, op. cit., p.514
85. See Einberg, Elizabeth, et al., op. cit., pp.88–91
86. Jonathan Swift, A Poem to His Majesty King George II on the present state of affairs in England: with remarks on the alterations expected at court, after the rise of Parliament (Dublin, 1727)
87. Black, op. cit. (George II), pp.118–19
88. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 2, pp.39–40
89. John Gay to Brigadier James Dormer, 22 November 1726, in Burgess, C.F., ed., op. cit., p.63
90. John Gay, Fables, Vol. 1 (1727), Fable 1
91. John Gay to Alexander Pope, October 1727, in Burgess, C.F., ed., op. cit., p.65
92. John Gay and Alexander Pope to Jonathan Swift, 22 October 1727, ibid., pp.68–9
93. Quoted in Robbins Landon, op. cit., p.109
94. Richard Savage, The Bastard
95. HMC Manuscripts of the Earl of Egmont, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.16
96. George II to William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, 9 August 1757, Royal Archives GEO/MAIN 52970
97. Oates, Jonathan, Sweet William or The Butcher? The Duke of Cumberland and the ’45 (Pen & Sword, 2008), p.33
98. Jenkin Thomas Philipps to Prince William Augustus, December 1727, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/1/9, letter 7; quoted in Oates, op. cit., p.33
99. Arkell, op. cit., p.165
100. See Royal Archives GEO/MAIN/53040 (undated)
101. Quoted in Sinclair-Stevenson, op. cit., p.62
102. Ibid.
103. Tillyard, op. cit., pp.12–13
104. Vivian, op. cit., p.64
105. See Royal Archives GEO/ADD/1/6
106. George Tilson to Prince Frederick, 15 July 1726, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/1/5
107. Townshend to Prince Frederick, 16 August 1726, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/1/8
108. Quoted in Sinclair-Stevenson, op. cit., p.62
109. The Daily Post, 8 December 1728
110. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 3, p.814; Baker-Smith, op. cit. (Anne), p.29
111. Vivian, op. cit., p.94
112. Quoted in Sinclair-Stevenson, op. cit., p.63
113. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 2, p.92
114. Greenwood, op. cit., p.304
115. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 2, p.128
116. See Royal Collection RCIN421802
117. Quoted in Moore, op. cit., p.162
118. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Lord Hervey, 30 October 1734, see Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 2, p.99
119. Worsley, op. cit., p.163
120. Quoted in Moore, op. cit., p.174
121. Campbell Orr, ed., op. cit., p.169
122. Baker-Smith, op. cit. (Anne), p.23; van der Kiste, op. cit. (Georgian Princesses), p.65
123. Bushell, T.L., Princess Amelia and the Politics of Georgian England, The Centennial Review, Vol. 17, no 4 (1973), p.360, note 10
124. Quoted in Greenwood, op. cit., p.368
125. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 2, p.288
126. Sedgwick, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), p.82
127. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 1, p.277
128. Ibid., Vol. 1, p.26
129. Campbell Orr, ed., op. cit. (Queenship in Britain), p.166
130. Vivian, op. cit., p.116
131. Groom and Prosser, op. cit., p.33
132. Woodward, John, Amigoni as Portrait Painter in England, The Burlington Magazine, Vol. 99, no 646 (1957), p.22
133. Van Muyden, op. cit., p.205
134. Quoted in Moore, op. cit., p.81
135. Campbell Orr, ed., op. cit. (Queenship in Europe), p.294
136. Quoted in Worsley, op. cit., p.160
137. Smith, Hannah, op. cit., p.101
138. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 2, p.64
139. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 1, pp.167–8
140. Quoted in Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 2, p.120
141. See Smith, Hannah, op. cit., p.201
142. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 2, p.609
143. Hughes, ed., op. cit., p.86
144. Lady Lansdowne to Henrietta Howard, 20 August 1727, in Letters to and from Henrietta, Countess of Suffolk, and her second husband, the Hon George Berkeley; from 1712 to 1767 (John Murray, London, 1824), Vol. 1, p.269
145. Quoted in Greenwood, op. cit., p.303
146. Quoted in Worsley, op. cit., p.133
147. Hughes, ed., op. cit., p.209
148. Egmont diaries, quoted in Marschner, Joanna, op. cit. (Baths and Bathing), p.27
149. Quoted in Smith, Hannah, op. cit. (Georgian Monarchy), p.220
150. See Black, Jeremy, ‘George II and All That Stuff’: On the Value of the Neglected, Albion: A Quarterly Journal Concerned with British Studies, Vol. 36, no 4 (2004), p.605
151. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 2, p.495
152. Quoted in Moore, op. cit., p.86
153. Smith, Hannah, op. cit. (Georgian Monarchy), p.208
154. Vivian, op. cit., p.101
155. Greenwood, op. cit., p.303
156. Vivian, op. cit., p.115
157. Gentleman’s Magazine, April 1736
158. Lord Hervey to Stephen Fox, 30 May 1727, in Ilchester, Earl of, ed., op. cit., pp.16–17
159. Jenkin Thomas Philipps to Princess Mary, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/1/9, letter 153; Craftsman, 16 August 1727; quoted in Robbins Landon, op. cit., p.134
160. Jay, Emma, op. cit., p.37
161. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 3, p.751
162. Ibid., Vol. 1, p.102
163. Worsley, op. cit., p.166
164. Ibid., p.240
165. Quoted in Curteis, op. cit., pp.65–6
166. Worsley, op. cit., p.154
167. Ibid., p.155
168. Thomson, Mrs A.T., Memoirs of Sarah Duchess of Marlborough and of the Court of Queen Anne, 2 vols (Henry Colburn, London, 1839), Vol. 1, p.279
169. ‘To the Queen’, in Verses on the Coronation, op. cit., p.xii
170. Verses on the Coronation, op. cit., Verse XXIV, p.17
171. Campbell Orr, ed., op. cit. (Queenship in Europe), p.292
172. Schwoerer, Lois G., Images of Queen Mary II, 1689–95, Renaissance Quarterly, Vol. 42, no 4 (1989), pp.735–6
173. Arkell, op. cit., p.168
174. Black, Jeremy, op. cit. (‘George II and All That Stuff’), p.599
175. Verses on the Coronation, op. cit., Verse XLIX, p.24
176. St James’s Evening Post, 6 September 1729
177. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 2, p.125
178. Ibid., p.124
179. Thompson, op. cit., p.90
180. Ibid., p.92
181. Jones, Thomas, op. cit., p.45
182. Van der Kiste, op. cit. (King George II and Queen Caroline), p.119
183. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 2, p.115
184. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 1, p.173
185. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.114
186. Black, Jeremy, op. cit. (George II), p.103
187. Townshend letter, 28 November 1737, BM.Add.Mss.28058, fo.152, see Hanson, L.W., Townshend on the Death of Queen Caroline, The English Historical Review, Vol. 46, no 184 (1931)
188. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 2, pp.134–5
189. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 2, p.241
190. Jay, Emma, op. cit., p.37
191. Marschner and Bindman, op. cit., p.333
192. Colton, Judith, Merlin’s Cave and Queen Caroline: Garden Art as Political Propaganda, Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol. 10, no 1 (1976), p.3
193. Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), p.154
194. Paget Toynbee, Mrs, ed., The Letters of Horace Walpole, Fourth Earl of Orford, 16 vols (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1903–05), Vol. 16, p.322
195. Voltaire, François-Marie Arouet, op. cit., Letter XI
196. HMC Manuscripts of the Earl of Egmont, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.311
197. Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), p.196, note 3
198. Ibid., p.94
199. Van Muyden, op. cit., p.205
200. Swift, Jonathan, Gulliver’s Travels (Penguin Classics reprint, London, 2003), p.110
201. Marschner, op. cit. (Baths and Bathing), pp.25–6
202. Ibid., pp.24–6
203. The Poetical Works of Richard Savage, 2 vols (Apollo Press, Edinburgh, 1780), Vol. 2, p.180
204. Arkell, op. cit., p.229
205. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 1, p.107
206. Quoted in Borman, op. cit., p.101
207. Walpole, op. cit. (Reminiscences), (London, 1818), p.89
208. Worsley, op. cit., p.236
209. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 1, p.147
210. Quoted in Rushton, Alan R., Royal Maladies: Inherited Diseases in the Ruling Houses of Europe (Trafford Publishing, 2008), p.51
211. Hervey, MD, p.110
212. Quoted in Arkell, op. cit., p.223
213. Thompson, op. cit., p.100
214. Arkell, op. cit., p.230
215. Worsley, op. cit., p.211; Sedgwick, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), p.164
216. See Taylor, Stephen and Smith, Hannah, Hephaestion and Alexander: Lord Hervey, Frederick, Prince of Wales, and the Royal Favourite in England in the 1730s, The English Historical Review, Vol. 124, no 507 (2009); Thompson, op. cit., p.99
217. Verses Addressed to the Imitator of the 1st Satire on the 2nd Book of Horace. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu’s verse may have been co-written by Hervey
218. Worsley, op. cit., p.252
219. Hughes, op. cit., p.288; Sedgwick, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), p.80; Moore, op. cit., p.175
220. Alexander Pope, ‘Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot’
221. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 2, p.496; Worsley, op. cit., pp.168, 196
222. Moore, op. cit., p.239
223. See Batt, Jennifer, From the Field to the Coffeehouse: Changing Representations of Stephen Duck, Criticism, Vol. 47 no 4 (2005), pp.451–2
224. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 1, p.187
225. Stephen Duck, ‘Royal Benevolence’ (W. Harris, London, 1730)
226. Batt, op. cit., p.460; Christmas, William J., The Lab’ring Muses: Work, Writing and the Social Order in English Plebeian Poetry, 1730–1830 (University of Delaware Press, Newark, 2001), p.187
227. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 2, p.182
228. Batt, op. cit., p.459
229. Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), p.59
230. Ibid., p.136
231. Duck, Stephen, Poems on Several Occasions (John Osborn, London, 1738), p.166
232. Ibid., p.58
233. Colton, op. cit., p.190
234. Groom and Prosser, op. cit., p.35
235. Stephen Duck, dedication to Poems on Several Occasions, p.vii
236. Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), p.76
237. Groom and Prosser, op. cit., p.37
238. William Mason, ‘An Heroic Epistle to Sir William Chambers’, 1773
239. Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), p.84
240. Marschner, Joanna, and Bindman, David, op. cit., p.334
241. Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), p.79
242. Quoted in Colton, op. cit., p.11
243. Stephen Duck, dedication to Poems on Several Occasions,
244. Duck, Poems on Several Occasions, p.96
245. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 2, p.221
246. Ibid., p.222
247. Black, Jeremy, op. cit. (George II), p.99
248. Rosenthal, ed., op. cit., p.85
249. Black, Jeremy, op. cit. (George II), p.98
250. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 1, p.194
251. Quoted in Moore, op. cit., p.174; Wakefield, Geoffrey, The Princesses Royal (Robert Hale, London, 1973), p.85
252. Wakefield, op. cit., p.85
253. Sedgwick, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), p.59
254. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 2, p.288
255. Baker-Smith, op. cit. (Anne), p.44
256. Document detailing ceremonial for Princess Anne’s marriage, 14 March 1734, Royal Archives GEO/MAIN 52790
257. Hughes, op. cit., p.110
258. Baker-Smith, op. cit. (Anne), pp.46–7; Arkell, op. cit., p.238
259. Baker-Smith, op. cit. (Anne), p.47
260. Sedgwick, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), p.77
261. Quoted in Arkell, op. cit., p.212
262. Baker-Smith, op. cit. (Anne), p.59
263. Sedgwick, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), p.84
264. Ibid., p.60
265. Ibid., p.78
266. Black, op. cit. (Walpole in Power), p.38
267. Quoted in Arkell, op. cit., p.203
268. Thompson, op. cit., p.102
269. Quoted in Greenwood, op. cit., p.329
270. Sedgwick, ed., op. cit., pp.150–1
271. See Hervey, ‘The Death of Lord Hervey; or, a morning at court, a drama’
272. Borman, op. cit., p.180
273. Ibid., p.182
274. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 1, p.43
275. Lady Hervey to Henrietta Howard, 30 August 1729, in Letters to and from Henrietta, Countess of Suffolk, and her second husband, the Hon George Berkeley; from 1712 to 1767, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.360
276. Quoted in Borman, op. cit., p.166
277. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 1, p.243
278. Borman, op. cit., p.187
279. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 1, p.243
280. Sedgwick, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), p.115
281. Ibid., pp.110–11
282. Ibid., p.113
283. Lord Bathurst to Henrietta Howard, 26 November 1734, in Letters to and from Henrietta, Countess of Suffolk, and her second husband, the Hon George Berkeley; from 1712 to 1767, op. cit., Vol. 2, pp.122–6
284. Sedgwick, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), p.135
285. Worsley, op. cit., p.178
286. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 1, p.248
287. Arkell, op. cit., p.227
288. Stephen Duck, ‘To His Royal Highness The Duke of Cumberland, on his Birth-Day’, Poems on Several Occasions, p.97
289. Tillyard, op. cit., p.15
290. Vivian, op. cit., p.145
291. Sir Lambert Blackwell, ‘To the Princess of Wales’, in The English Poems Collected from the Oxford and Cambridge Verses on the Death of His Royal Highness Frederick Prince of Wales (Hamilton Bruce, Edinburgh, 1751), p.18
292. See Moore, op. cit., p.181
293. Sedgwick, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), p.90
294. Quoted in Vivian, op. cit., p.200
295. Caroline to Augusta, Princess of Wales, undated [1737], Royal Archives GEO/MAIN 52823
296. Tillyard, op. cit., p.16
297. Gentleman’s Magazine, April 1736
298. Arkell, op. cit., p.270
299. Campbell Orr, ed., op. cit. (Queenship in Britain), p.153
300. ‘By the Right Honourable David Lord Viscount Stormont, B. A. Student of Ch. Ch’, in The English Poems, op. cit., p.6
301. See Moore, op. cit., p.236
302. Van der Kiste, op. cit. (King George II and Queen Caroline), p.142
303. Paulson, Ronald, Hogarth: High Art and Low, 1732–50 (James Clarke & Co., 1992), p.155
304. Worsley, op. cit., p.261
305. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 2, p.457
306. Somerset, Anne, op. cit. (Ladies in Waiting), p.221
307. Moore, op. cit., p.214
308. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 1, p.528
309. Van der Kiste, op. cit. (King George II and Queen Caroline), p.142
310. Ibid.
311. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 1, p.491
312. See National Archives SP36/20/321, to Lord Tankerville, 12 October 1730
313. Thompson, op. cit., p.116
314. Arkell, op. cit., p.260
315. Moore, op. cit., p.237
316. HMC Manuscripts of the Earl of Egmont, op. cit., Vol. 2, p.445
317. Jesse, John Heneage, Memoirs of the Court of England During the Reign of the Stuarts, 3 vols (Henry G. Bohn, London, 1857), p.100
318. Jay, Emma, op. cit., p.38
319. Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), p.85
320. Van der Kiste, op. cit. (King George II and Queen Caroline), p.151
321. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 2, p.323
322. Black, op. cit. (George II), p.159
323. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), p.257
324. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 3, p.681
325. Ibid., Vol. 3, p.757
326. Frederick, Prince of Wales to King George II and Queen Caroline, 5 July 1737, Royal Archives GEO/MAIN 52809
327. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), p.275
328. Ibid.
329. Ibid., p.280
330. Caroline to Augusta, Princess of Wales, undated [1737], Royal Archives GEO/MAIN 52823
331. Jones, Mary, op. cit., p.362
332. Dr Joseph Smith, ‘Monody’, in Jesse, John Heneage, op. cit., p.84
333. Hughes, ed., op. cit., p.111
334. Sedgwick, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 3, p.905
335. Van der Kiste, op. cit. (King George II and Queen Caroline), p.165
336. Bland, Olivia, The Royal Way of Death (Constable, London, 1986), p.95
337. George II to Sophia Dorothea, Queen of Prussia, 30 November 1737, Royal Archives RA GEO/MAIN/52697
338. Quoted in Smith, Hannah, op. cit. (Georgian Monarchy), p.101