I’m honored to be among the estimable authors who have published timely books in the Open Media Series of City Lights Publishers. I thank the founder and editor of the Open Media Series, Greg Ruggiero, for seeing potential for a different kind of book on the much debated Second Amendment. Thanks also to the wonderful City Lights Publishing and Marketing Director Stacey Lewis, and City Lights Publisher Elaine Katzenberger. I’m forever grateful to Lawrence Ferlinghetti for founding City Lights Bookstore and Publishing and keeping it going for more than six decades, thriving now more than ever.
This book would not have been possible without the rich literature on the Second Amendment, mass shootings, gun rights, and gun control that has been produced already in the 21st century. Although my interpretation of the history of the Second Amendment and the distinctive U.S. American culture that finds itself unique among countries in private gun ownership with minimal laws controlling ownership and use, differs considerably from previous works, I appreciate the dedicated research and writing that has gone into the many books and articles that I cite in this text.
Some of the historical material and interpretations in Loaded are drawn from my book An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States, published by Beacon Press in 2014. I want to acknowledge my remarkable editors there, Gayatri Patnaik and Rachael Marks.
I also want to thank Johanna Fernández for her close reading and suggestions, as well as Steve Hiatt, who read an early draft chapter on Missouri Confederate guerrillas, offering supportive comments and encouragement.
Finally, I wish to thank many friends and relatives who tolerated my incessant talk about guns in United States history these past two years.