Let's cover an example of multi-texturing in action:
- Open the ch07_05_multi-texture.html file with your editor.
- At the top of the script block, add another texture variable:
let texture2;
- At the bottom of the configure function, add the code to load the second texture. We're using a class to make this process easier, so the new code is as follows:
texture2 = new Texture();
- The texture we're using is a white radial gradient that simulates a spot light:
- In the render function, directly below the code that binds the first texture, add the following to expose the new texture to the shader:
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture2.tex);
gl.uniform1i(program.uSampler2, 1);
- We need to add the new sampler uniform to the fragment shader:
uniform sampler2D uSampler2;
- Don't forget to add the corresponding string to the uniforms list in the configure function.
- We add the code to sample the new texture value and blend it with the first texture. Since we want the second texture to simulate a light, we multiply the two values together as we did with the per-vertex lighting in the first texture example:
fragColor = texture(uSampler2, vTextureCoords) * texture(uSampler, vTextureCoords);
- Note that we're re-using the same texture coordinate for both textures. This is more convenient but, if needed, a second texture coordinate attribute could be provided or we could calculate a new texture coordinate from the vertex position or some other criteria.
- You should see a scene that looks like this when you open the file in your browser:
- You can see the completed example in ch07_06_multi-texture-final.html.
What just happened?
We've added a second texture to the render call and blended it with the first to create a new effect, which, in this case, simulates a simple static spotlight.
It's important to realize that the colors sampled from a texture are treated like any other color in the shader—that is, as a generic 4-dimensional vector. As a result, we can combine textures just as we would combine vertex and light colors, or any other color manipulation.