Quick Sweet Pickles Recipe


  8 pounds 3 to 4-inch pickling cucumbers

  1/3 cup canning or pickling salt

  4 1/2 cups sugar

  3 1/2 cups vinegar

  2 teaspoons celery seed

  1 tablespoon whole allspice

  2 tablespoons mustard seed

  1 cup pickling lime



Wash cucumbers and cut 1/16 inch off the blossom end and discard. Leave 1/4 inch of stem attached. Slice or cut into strips if wanted.

Place cucumbers in a bowl and sprinkle with 1/3 cup salt. Cover with 2 inches of crushed or cubed ice. Refrigerate three to four hours, adding more ice as needed. Drain well.

Combine sugar, vinegar, celery seed, allspice and mustard seed in a 6-quart kettle and heat to boiling.

For a hot pack - Add cucumbers and heat slowly until solution returns to a boil. Stir occasionally to heat evenly. Fill jars, leaving 1/2 inch headspace.

For a raw pack - Fill jars with cucumber and leave 1/2 inch headspace. Add hot pickling syrup and leave 1/2 inch headspace. Seal and process with the low-temperature pasteurization method or according to the table below.

Pack Style

Jar Size

0-1,000 ft. Altitude

1,001-6,000 ft. Altitude

Above 6,000 ft. Altitude


Pints or Quarts

5 minutes

10 minutes

15 minutes



10 minutes

15 minutes

20 minutes



15 minutes

20 minutes

25 minutes