Rodeo Clowns


Waylon and Big Ed were rodeo clowns.

Big Ed was a short fella with a short temper. On accounts of being so little and all, I reckon Big Ed felt he had to be tougher n’ meaner than everyone else.

One day he decides for no good reason that he didn’t like Waylon. Waylon was a good-natured, gangly cowpoke who towered about two feet over the top of Big Ed’s head. But that didn’t matter.

“What you lookin’ at, big dumb clown?” Big Ed says to Waylon one day.

I don’t think Waylon was even looking at him. But that didn’t matter. From that moment on, he went after Waylon. At first it was just name callin’ and such.

But one day, Big Ed went too far.

Right before the rodeo was set to start, he put something in Waylon’s milk. He thought it would be funny to see Waylon stagger around like he was drunk. Especially since Waylon didn’t drink.

When Waylon got out there, he was a real mess, wobbly as a newborn calf and trippin’ all over hisself.

The crowd was really into it, thinkin’ it was part of his act. But some of the older clowns knew it was dangerous. One of them even tried to go out and bring Waylon in, but Big Ed held him back.

“Get back, old timer,” Big Ed said. “Don’t try to spoil my fun now.”

Next thing we know, a bull is charging Waylon.

He never had a chance.

There’s nothing sadder ‘n a clown funeral. I tell you what. ‘Cept maybe a clown funeral in the rain.

The authorities never found any real evidence that Big Ed had done nothing wrong, so Waylon’s death went into the books as an accident.

I don’t think Big Ed ever felt guilty about it neithers. Wasn’t made that way. But he did begin acting kind of peculiar. Started talking to hisself. He would look up and say things like, “Now I know you’re not real, so just git!” like he was talkin’ to someone.

Then one day about a year after, it was, it’s Big Ed’s turn to go distract the bull and suddenly his eyes ‘bout pop out of his head and he starts pointin’ and screamin’, “No, Waylon, No! No, Waylon, No!”

There was no one there. But Big Ed saw something just the same. And the bull saw and smelled something too. Fear. He grunted and charged.

Big Ed never even tried to get out of the way. He just stood there looking up and screaming.

“No, Waylon, No! No, Waylon, No!”

The bull’s left horn ripped into Big Ed’s chest. He lifted him high up in the air. Big Ed didn’t even seem to care. He just kept screaming, “No, Waylon, No!”

Big Ed died long before reachin’ the hospital.

Things got even stranger when it was discovered that some vandals had desecrated Waylon’s grave that night. The soil was all turned over. And then the cemetery caretaker noticed that down in the hole the coffin was all splintered to pieces and the body was gone. What those no good varmints would want the body of a dead clown for I could not say.

All I can tell you is that Waylon was never seen again.

Of course, some of the folks who were there at the rodeo that night think that isn’t exactly true.

Some even say you can still hear Big Ed’s screams if you listen carefully on nights when the moon is full and the crickets are all chirped out and the midnight train has rolled over them thar hills and the—AAAAAH!!!




Hold the Pepperoni:

The Prequel, Part Two


“Are you pigs lost?” the shepherd said looking down. “Don’t you have a house to buil—”

He suddenly felt something strange blow through him. He was rocked again a second time. And a third.

The three pigs, their eyes now bulging with confusion and terror, ran snorting and grunting and oinking in great distress toward the rest of the herd.

Inside the shepherd an argument broke out.

“What in Hades are you two doing in here?” the first demon said.

“I’m tired of you always acting like you’re the boss of me,” the second said.

“Yeah,” the third said. “Anyway, like you said, this could be some ‘serious fun’ times three.”

“I suppose,” the first one said.

“Darn right,” said the second. “You make this guy dance while I have him speak in a language he doesn’t know.”

“What should I do?” the third one said.

“How ‘bout you make his eyes spin and go all white?” the first demon said. “That’s always a crowd pleaser.”