The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
- A&P
- Adams, Abigail
- Adams, Charles Francis, Jr.
- Adams, Henry
- Adams, John
- Adams, Samuel
- Agricultural Adjustment Act (1933)
- A.L.A. Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States
- Amar, Akhil Reed
- Amazon
- American Enterprise Institute
- American Revolution
- American System of Liberty
- collapse of
- and independence
- legacy and influence of
- and Northwest Ordinance
- origins and creation of
- and predatory pricing
- and racial equality
- and Reagan administration
- role of citizen in
- and Roosevelt (Franklin) administration
- Angwin, Julia
- Anthony, Susan
- antitrust
- and Bork, Robert
- Clayton Antitrust Act
- and Democratic Party
- and Eisner, Allen
- and Galbraith, John Kenneth
- and Johnson (Lyndon) administration
- Marshall, Thurgood, on
- and “Merger Guidelines”
- and Nader, Ralph
- and Reich, Robert
- Robinson-Patman Antitrust Act
- Sherman Antitrust Act
- and Thurow, Lester
- and Turner, Donald
- and Wilson administration
- Antitrust Division (Justice Department)
- Antitrust Paradox, The (Bork)
- Areopagitica (Milton)
- autocracy
- Bagehot, Walter
- Bank War
- banking and finance
- Baxter, William
- Beard, Charles
- Benchmark Capital
- Benton, Thomas Hart
- Berk, Gerald
- Bezos, Jeff
- Biddle, Nicholas
- Birkenstock (company)
- Blodget, Samuel, Jr.
- Bork, Robert
- The Antitrust Paradox
- Supreme Court nomination and hearings
- Brandeis, Louis
- and American System of Liberty
- appointment to Supreme Court
- on banking
- and the business corporation
- chief economic adviser for Woodrow Wilson
- on consumers
- on democracy
- on efficiency
- and freedom of association
- and National Industrial Recovery Act
- and New Freedom model
- and Roosevelt, Franklin
- on scientific economics
- and steel industry
- structuralist approach to antitrust
- Bretton Woods
- Breyer, Stephen
- Bright, John
- bright-line antimonopoly rules
- Brown, John
- Bryan, William Jennings
- Burgin, Angus
- Burke, Edmund
- Burleson, Albert
- Bush, George H. W.
- Bush, George W.
- Canadian Civil Liberties Association
- Capper-Volstead Act
- Carnegie, Andrew
- Carnegie Steel
- Carter, Jimmy
- Carter, Landon
- Cato Institute
- Chamberlin, Edward
- checks and balances.
- citizenship
- Civil Aeronautics Act (1938)
- civil rights movement
- Civil Works Administration
- Civilian Conservation Corps
- Cleveland, Grover
- Clinton, Bill
- and communication monopolies
- and defense contractors
- and neoliberalism
- presidential election of 1992
- pro-monopoly and trade policies of
- and Reich, Robert
- Clinton, Hillary
- Coca-Cola
- Coke, Edward
- Cold War
- Comcast
- Commodities Futures Modernization Act (2000)
- Commodity Exchange Act (1936)
- common carrier law
- common law
- communism
- competition
- Consumer Goods Pricing Act (1975)
- consumer theory of competition
- and Amazon
- Bork, Robert, on
- Brandeis, Louis, on
- conceptual history of
- Consumer Goods Pricing Act (1975)
- consumer welfare
- consumerism
- individual as
- Lippmann, Walter, on
- Nader, Ralph
- Continental Congress
- Cooke, Jay
- cooperatives
- coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic
- corporations
- Cox, Archibald
- Craigslist
- Croly, Herbert
- Cullom, Shelby
- Darwin, Charles
- Davis, Jefferson
- Dayen, David
- Declaration of Independence
- Delrahim, Makan
- Deneen, Patrick
- determinism
- DiMicco, Dan
- Director, Aaron
- Douglass, Frederick
- Dreher, Rod
- Drummond, David
- Du Bois, W. E. B.
- Black Reconstruction in America
- and Wilson, Woodrow
- East India Company
- economics, scientific
- efficiency, economic
- Eisenhower, Dwight
- Eisner, Marc Allen
- Engels, Friedrich
- English Revolution
- Enron
- European Coal and Steel Community
- Exxon
- Ezrachi, Ariel
- Facebook
- fair trade laws
- Farm Tenant Act
- Federal Farm Loan Act (1916)
- Federal Grain Inspection Service
- Federal Reserve Act
- Federal Steel Company
- Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
- Federal Trade Commission Act
- Federalist Papers
- Federalist Party
- Feldman, Brian
- Field, Stephen Johnson
- Financial Services Modernization Act (1999)
- First World War
- Fishman, Charles
- Fisk, Jim
- Fitzhugh, George
- Foer, Franklin
- Ford, Gerald
- Foroohar, Rana
- Frank, Thomas
- Franken, Al
- Franklin, Ben
- freedom of the press
- and how Facebook and Google threaten
- freedom of thought
- Friedman, Milton
- Galbraith, John Kenneth
- Galston, William
- Garrison, William Lloyd
- Gary, Elbert
- Gates, Bill
- General Motors
- General Trades Union
- Glass-Steagall Act (1933)
- Goldman Sachs
- Goldwater, Barry
- Gompers, Samuel
- Google
- Gordon-Reed, Annette
- Gould, Jay
- Grant, Ulysses S.
- Great Depression
- Great Recession
- Green New Deal
- Greenspan, Alan
- Hachette
- Hadley, Arthur
- Hamilton, Alexander
- Harriman, E. H.
- Harrington, James
- Harris, Leslie
- Hart, Phil
- Hatch, Nathan
- Hayek, Friedrich
- Heritage Foundation
- Hoar, George Frisbie
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell
- Homestead Act (1862)
- Hume, David
- Icahn, Carl
- ideology. See also neoliberalism
- independent business
- International Trade Organization (ITO)
- Internet of Things
- Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act (1994)
- Interstate Commerce Act
- Jefferson, Thomas
- and American System of Liberty
- and Declaration of Independence
- and Democratic-Republican Party
- and Hamilton, Alexander
- on inequality
- on “interchangeable parts”
- and liberty
- and Madison, James
- and Northwest Ordinance
- and property
- and race
- on The Wealth of Nations
- jeremiad
- Jim Crow
- John, Richard
- Johnson, Andrew
- Johnson, Boris
- Johnson, Lyndon
- Johnson, Simon
- Jones, George
- Jones, Jesse
- JP Morgan Chase
- justice
- Kahn, Alfred
- Kendi, Ibram
- Kennedy, John
- Kennedy, Robert
- Kennedy, Teddy
- Ketcham, Ralph
- Keynes, John Maynard
- Keynesian economics
- Khan, Lina
- Kim Jong-un
- King, Martin Luther, Jr.
- Knox, Henry
- Koch Industries
- Kozlowski, Dennis
- Krugman, Paul
- La Follette, Robert
- Lehman Brothers
- Lepore, Jill
- Levin, Yuval
- Lincoln, Abraham
- assassination of
- and Civil War
- and Douglass, Frederick
- and Johnson, Andrew
- La Follette, Robert, on
- on liberty
- and Northwest Ordinance
- presidential election of 1860
- and Republican Party
- and Roosevelt, Theodore
- Lippmann, Walter
- Livingston, Robert
- Locke, John
- Long, Huey
- Longman, Phillip
- Lyft
- MacLean, Nancy
- Macmillan
- Madison, James. 82
- Bill of Rights
- and Democratic-Republican Party
- Federalist Papers
- and Hamilton, Alexander
- and Jefferson, Thomas
- on libertarians
- and Northwest Ordinance
- on property
- on public and individual
- and Virginia Declaration of Rights
- Mann-Elkins Act (1910)
- markets
- Marshall, Alfred
- Marshall, Thurgood
- Marshall Plan
- Marx, Karl
- Marxism
- Mason, George
- Mason, Gilbert R.
- Mason, Paul
- McAdoo, William
- McDonnell Douglas
- McFadden Act (1927)
- McGrath, J. Paul
- McNamee, Roger
- Medicare for All
- Mellon, Andrew
- Melville House
- Metzenbaum, Howard
- Microsoft
- Miller-Tydings Act
- Milton, John
- Mitchell, Stacy
- Monsanto
- Montesquieu
- Moore, Ely
- Morgan, Edmund
- Morgan, J. P.
- Morris, Gouverneur
- Morris, Robert
- Motor Carrier Act (1935)
- Mounk, Yascha
- Munn v. Illinois
- Murdoch, Rupert
- Nader, Ralph
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
- National Bank Act (1863)
- National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)
- National Labor Relations Act (1935)
- neoliberalism. See also ideology
- New America. See also Open Markets Institute
- New Deal
- Agricultural Adjustment Act (1933)
- Civil Works Administration
- Civilian Conservation Corps
- and distribution of power
- Farm Tenant Act
- Glass-Steagall Act (1933)
- and Keynesian economics
- Motor Carrier Act (1935)
- National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)
- Rural Electrification Act (1936)
- Securities Act (1933)
- Securities Exchange Act (1934)
- New Freedom
- and Brandeis, Louis
- and Wilson, Woodrow
- New Right
- News Corp
- Nixon, Richard
- non-discrimination rules and policy
- North American Free Trade Agreement
- Northwest Ordinance
- Obama, Barack
- Occupy Wall Street
- O’Neil, Cathy
- Onuf, Peter
- Open Markets Institute
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
- Otis Elevator
- Pacific Telegraph Act (1860)
- Packers and Stockyards Administration
- Pai, Ajit
- Paine, Thomas
- Panic of 1837
- Pareto, Vilfredo
- Pasquale, Frank
- Patman, Wright. See also Robinson-Patman Antitrust Ac
- Penn, William
- Perry, William
- Philippon, Thomas
- Phillips-Fein, Kim
- Pickens, T. Boone
- Piketty, Thomas
- Pilgrim’s Pride
- Pinker, Steven
- plutocracy
- Posner, Eric
- Posner, Richard
- Potsdam Declaration
- Powderly, Terence
- Preemption Acts (1830, 1841)
- price discrimination and predation
- price predation
- Procter & Gamble
- property rights
- public, the
- public education
- Public Utility Holding Company Act (1935)
- Putin, Vladimir
- Radio Corporation of America (RCA)
- Raleigh, Walter
- Rana, Aziz
- Rand, Ayn
- Reagan, Ronald
- and agriculture industry
- air traffic controllers strike
- and American System of Liberty
- deregulation and pro-monopoly policies of
- nomination of Robert Bork to Supreme Court
- presidential election of 1980
- Reason (magazine)
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)
- Reich, Robert
- resale price maintenance (RPM)
- Robinson, Joan
- Robinson, Joseph T.
- Robinson-Patman Antitrust Act
- Robson, Leland Stanford
- Rockefeller, John D.
- Romney, Mitt
- Roosevelt, Franklin
- antimonopoly principles of
- and Brandeis, Louis
- and Bretton Woods
- early years and career
- on economists
- and Lippmann, Walter
- and New Deal
- and New Freedom model
- presidential election of 1932
- See also New Deal
- Roosevelt, Theodore
- Bull Moose Progressive campaign
- campaign of 1912
- and determinism
- and economy
- New Nationalism
- Osawatomie speech
- monopolistic policies
- and race
- and Republic Party
- statist philosophy of
- Rotenberg, Marc
- Rothkopf, David
- Rubin, Robert
- rule of law
- Rural Electrification Act (1936)
- Sanders, Bernie
- Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr.
- Schmidt, Eric
- Schneier, Bruce
- Schröder, Gerhard
- Schumpeter, Joseph
- Second Bank of the United States
- Second Great Awakening
- Second World War
- Securities Act (1933)
- Securities Exchange Act (1934)
- Shaw, Lemuel
- Sherman, John
- Sherman, William Tecumseh
- Sherman Antitrust Act
- Sidney, Algernon
- Sitaraman, Ganesh
- Slobodian, Quinn
- Smith, Adam
- Smithfield
- Social Darwinism
- socialism
- SoftBank
- Solow, Robert
- Southern Homestead Act (1866)
- Specter, Arlen
- Speed, Daniel
- Spencer, Herbert
- Stage One (of monopolization)
- Stalin, Joseph
- Standard Oil Company
- Stanford, Leland
- Staples, Inc.
- state, the
- Stephens, Alexander H.
- Stevens, Thaddeus
- Stigler, George
- Stoller, Matt
- Stucke, Maurice
- Summers, Larry
- Sumner, Charles
- surveillance capitalism
- Sweezy, Paul
- Taft, William Howard
- Taplin, Jonathan
- Taylor, Frederick
- Tea Party (1773)
- Tea Party movement
- Teachout, Zephyr
- Telecommunications Act (1996)
- Tepper, Jonathan
- Thatcher, Margaret
- Thompson, Nick
- Thorelli, Hans
- Thurow, Lester
- Tocqueville, Alexis de
- Tournament System
- trade associations
- Travelers
- Trotter, William Monroe
- Truman, Harry
- Trump, Donald
- Tugwell, Rexford
- Turner, Donald
- Tyson
- Uber
- unions
- U.S. Postal Service
- U.S. Steel
- Van Buren, Martin
- Vanderbilt, Cornelius
- Varian, Hal
- Veblen, Thorstein
- Vietnam War
- Vilsack, Tom
- Virginia Declaration of Rights
- Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom
- Voting Rights Act (1965)
- Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific Railway Co. v. Illinois
- Waite, Morrison
- Wall, Joseph Frazier
- Walmart
- Walpole, Robert
- Walras, Léon
- Walton, Sam
- War Industries Board
- Warren, Elizabeth
- Washington, George
- Watson, Elkanah
- Webster, Daniel
- Welch, Jack
- Wells Fargo
- Weyl, Glen
- Weyl, Walter
- White, Richard
- Whitman, Walt
- Wilentz, Sean
- Williams, Roger
- Wilson, Woodrow
- antitrust policy and enforcement
- appointment of Woodrow Wilson to Supreme Court
- and banking
- and Brandeis, Louis
- Clayton Antitrust Act
- and Du Bois, W. E. B.
- Federal Reserve Act
- Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Act
- First World War
- and freedom of association
- and New Freedom
- and populist movement
- presidential election of 1912
- and race
- and segregation
- unions, cooperatives, and associations
- Wood, Fernando
- Wood, Gordon
- Woolworth’s
- World Trade Organization
- Wu, Tim
- zero-sum game
- Zuboff, Shoshana
- Zuckerberg, Mark