17 Final Tips For The Paleo Lifestyle

17 Tips For The Paleo Lifestyle:


1. Get body composition tested or retested to make quantifiable enhancements.


2. Get twenty minutes of full-on sunlight each day when practical.


3. Only eat two meals on a busy schedule or from cafes per week.


4. Commit to only buying grass-fed protein when practicable.


5. Try random fasting to work out if it's perfect for you.


6. Start bolstering with Vitamin D and Fish Oil.


7. Toss out any item in the cupboard containing sugar.


8. Write down your food consumption for one week ( or even more ) to help realize where you can make changes.


9. Take some time to rest and enjoy life.


10. Get off the treadmill and take your exercise sessions and running outside, or to a functional fitness gymnasium. Rather than a "cheat day", add a little indulgence like dark chocolate every day.


11. If you can include yoga and meditation into your life.


12. Get blood work tested, or retested so that you can make quantifiable changes and enhancements.


13. Eat three bigger meals each day and cut out nibbling to discover how you're feeling.


14. Try an entire thirty day Challenge to set yourself on track with the Paleo lifestyle.


15. Read a whole book about the paleo diet to teach yourself how to do it properly.


16. Check out the Resources Section in this book to educate yourself about the Paleo way of thinking and the Paleo Lifestyle


17. We recommend book like The Paleo Recipe Book that you can find by clicking here