Paleo Is Like T




Paleo is in my mind much like the letter T because the Paleo diet has some toppings that add flavor by the bunch.

How about a t-bone steak topped with another t-bone there for lunch or how about a t-bone steak for sunday brunch?

Don't you agree that Paleo is quite a munchy crunch?

Remember the best way to enjoy a Paleo steak is to eat it in great silence because eating steak the Paleo way depends on things like

compliance and reliance.

You do not need to study a lot of science to understand that this alliance between you and your steak is what makes Paleo great!


Let me tell you this. If you stick to it, you will never get sick!


The 14th Dalai Lama can also speek to this because he knows his technique:


"Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer." ~Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama


Just make sure to stick to it!