Paleo Is Like U




Paleo is also quite like the letter U because Paleo reminds me of Ugnspannkaka.

Ugnspannkaka is also quite nice with every ingredient that is raw because it follows the Paleo organic law.

This pancake that can also be enjoyed the Paleo way is also referred to as Ugnspannkaka by the Swedish petit bourgeois.

There are other things like Fläskpannkaka and Saffranspannkaka, but the important thing to remember they are all employing the law of raw!

If you think that this Paleo thing is getting out of line, let me tell you this.

Question the Paleo diet and with you, an expert will have a grand ol' time!


And as always, never, never forget this.


If you stick to it, you will never get sick!


Umberto Ungerer can really speek to this:


"The only exercise some people get is jumping to conclusions, running down their friends, side-stepping their responsibilities, and pushing their luck!" -Umberto Ungerer


So, please make sure to stick to it!