This book is dedicated to my parents, Harry and Lucie Jacobs, for lighting and fanning the flame to read, study, and then play. It is also dedicated to Megan Meier, age 13; Rachael Neblett, age 17; Jeffrey Scott Johnston, age 15; Sam Leeson, age 13; Jessica Logan, age 18; Ryan Patrick Halligan, age 13; Holly Grogan, age 15; Megan Gillan, age 15; Hope Witsell, age 13; and all victims of cyberbullying and cyberharassment—especially those who ended their lives out of fear, frustration, and loneliness. The echo of their voices has been my inspiration.
“A fear so deep and so real she felt her only way out was to end her life.”
—Mark Neblett, from A Tribute to Rachael Neblett (